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A SMALL SMILE PLAYED ON Iris' lips as she watched Suho begin to unwrap the birthday gift she'd gotten him. After the incident with Han Seojun, Iris had gotten another cake for Suho before making way to his house to wish him. When she'd arrived, she had to wait a while for him to answer the door and when he did, it seemed like he'd just returned from outside and as though he'd met someone. But Iris didn't question it, despite how curious she was and instead wished him.

The two then enjoyed the newer cake Iris had gotten for him and engulfed in some conversation. Before Iris knew it, her curfew came around and she had to call it a day. Suho ofcourse had the decency to drop the girl back home and not let her wander around this late at night. Although it was the bare minimum, the thought still made Iris' heart flutter.

Just like now as Iris watched the boy before her begin to analyze the comic book she'd spent so much time searching for. "So, do you like it?"

She asked but Suho had a blank expression making it somewhat hard for her to read him.

"I-" he said as he put the comic book back in the gift bag and glanced at Iris, "It's definitely something." he said and Iris frowned.

This wasn't the reaction she had expected. It's not like Iris had expected Suho to jump in down and giddy as he thanked her for the amazing gift she had spent weeks searching for, but she had expected him to break out into a smile, or atleast an expression that wasn't blank like the one right now.

"You don't like it?" she asked. She was sure that he would've been happy to have this as a gift, after all, it was his favourite - the cursed mask.

He'd been wanting it for as long as Iris could remember so she was sure getting him the first edition, not to mention signed from the author would make him happy. Yet here he was, looking anything, but happy.

"But I thought it was your favourite comic." she said as her frown grew, "You've been wanting it for as long as I can remember."

"No-" Suho quickly dismissed upon noticing the saddened look on his friends face, "Iris I love it." he responded trying to assure her, but it seemed that he was trying to assure himself that. "It's great really. Thank you." he said and with that their conversation quickly died down.

Suho wasn't sure what to say to the brunette. He was grateful over the trouble she'd seemed to go through to get ahold of this book for him, and if she'd given him the gift sooner, he might have given her the reaction she'd been hoping to get.

But this was after he'd met with the mysterious girl, Im Jubal, at the comic book shop - who'd also promised to lend him her copy of the cursed mask, which by the way was also signed and the first edition.

Just as Suho was about to open his mouth and say something, a motorcycle suddenly sped their way.

Using his reflexes, he grabbed Iris' waist, pulling her closer to him and out of harms way before muttering a quick "Careful."

Iris was taken aback by what had happened and eyed the figure on the motorcycle as deja vu suddenly hit her, "Han Seojun?" she questioned with an annoyed look.

Looks like he really was back for good this time.

Iris frowned as she tore her gaze from the figure and followed behind Suho towards the front of the school. Looks like she'd just have to make due with this new arrangement.

As the two were about to enter through the doors, the same annoying figure she'd been trying to ignore appeared before them, with the same annoyed look that Iris had on.

Han Seojun began carelessly walking to his former school, unbothered by all the eyes and attention, however he stopped when he saw the two familiar faces he had hoped to not see, at least on his first day back. As he glanced between his former best friend and his former best friends, friend, he couldn't help but roll his eyes in annoyance.

It seemed that some things never changed.

"How annoying." he said out loud, making sure to not mask his annoyance before walking past them, making sure to shove Iris with his shoulder while he was at it, which ofcourse made her stumble a few feet back, and even almost to the ground had it not been for Suho to catch and stop her from doing so.

Iris was offended by Seojuns actions and had to fight the urge to throw her shoe at him, despite how much he really deserved it at that moment. If all eyes weren't on them now, they definitely would have if Iris went through with her plans. But she had a reputation she needed to withhold after all, so with a reluctant sigh, she composed herself as she continued through the front doors, making sure she was kept in line.


"Seojun is finally back everyone." Mr. Han happily announced to the class as the tall boy stood before his familiar classmates with an unbothered look, trying to avoid eye contact with two particular people. "Aren't we glad?"

Iris rolled her eyes, fighting the urge to respond with something rude and began doodling as she tuned out the rest of Mr. Hans speech. Her mind began wandering back and forth, she was thinking about her plans for the day and what she'd need to complete, as well as her plans for the rest of the week. However, her mind soon wandered back to this morning and she recalled the weird encounter she had with Suho about this gift.

She wanted to know why he had acted the way he did. She was sure he would've loved her gift as she had put so much thought and effort into it. Besides, it was the one thing that Suho had been talking about wanting for as long as she could remember. It's why she'd gotten him that gift, but once she had gotten it for him, he couldn't seem any less thrilled. Iris wanted to know what the cause behind that reaction was and she wanted to ponder some more on that topic, however she was snapped out of her thoughts when she suddenly heard an agitated voice.

"You." Seojun said now infront of Jugyeongs desk, instead of the front of the class like he originally was, and kicked Jugyeongs chair, "Move." he commanded at a startled Jugyeong and Iris furrowed her brows at his behaviour.

It was only his first day back and he was already being a douche for no reason.

As Seojun ganged up on Jugyeong to give up her spot - which was also his old spot, so he wouldn't have to sit next to Suho, Mr. Han decided to resolve the issue before it got out of hand and turned to Iris' deskmate with a hopeful look.

"Taehoon?" he asked and although he'd simply said his name and nothing else, Iris began to realize what he was asking for.

"God. Please no." she muttered to herself as she shook her head in disbelief. There was no way she could handle sitting next to Han Seojun for the entire year.

"Me?" Taehoon asked unsure of who Mr. Han was speaking to and when Mr. Han sent him a nod, he stood up with a excited look. A look Iris often saw kids have when they got to eat their favourite candies.

Before Taehoon could make it far though and switch spots with Seojun, Iris clung onto his arm like a desperate kid, "Taehoon, don't." she pleaded.

"Please. I can't sit next to him for the rest of the year." she said not bothering to mask her disgust towards the Han boy, who seemed to have to same feelings about her.

Taehoon however sighed at her, "Sorry Iris, you know I love you and all, well not as much as I love Sua. But-" he said as he glanced towards his new seatmate who was looking at the commotion the two were causing.

"I can't give up a chance to sit next to Lee Suho." he muttered as he gently brushed her hand off him, before walking away to his new spot, causing Iris to stare at him with a betrayed look.

As Taehoon walked away from his old seat and to his new one, Seojun too walked towards his new seat and settled down not before sending Iris a teasing grin, "Hey partner."

Although he wasn't that thrilled to sit next to Iris either, he knew he would sit next to her any day, over having to sit next to Suho. Plus, he knew he could have some fun with this.

That comment on its own seemed to have set Iris off because as soon as those words left the boys mouth, she turned to him with a glare, "Let's get one thing straight with this 'little arrangement' happening and all." she began.

"You better not talk to me, look at me or even think about me unless you need to because so help me god, if I have to deal with your annoying ass for the rest of the school year I'll-" she threatened him but before she could finish her sentence, Seojun caught her off.

"What?" he said giving her a challenging look, "You'll cry or better yet. You'll tell daddy on me?" he mocked once again and Iris' hands suddenly curled up into fists.

"Don't test me Han Seojun." she muttered.

Seojun however smirked as he rested his head on the table, turning away from the brunettes heated gaze, "Wasn't planning on it." he said nonchalantly.

That seemed to piss Iris off even more and she was about to lose it on him infront of the whole class, when she caught sight of Suho who had been staring at their interaction the whole time. He gave her an assuring look as he knew how the brunette felt and although it wasn't much, that look was simply enough for Iris to calm herself down and be back in control.

For the rest of the lesson, Iris didn't say anything else to the Han boy and she muttered the same words to herself which were - just a few more minutes. just a few more minutes.

( note: any spelling errors or mistakes indicate that this chapter has not been edited yet )

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