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suhos pov

IT HAD BEEN TWO DAYS. Two days, 48 hours and 172800 seconds since he had seen Iris after the incident, which involved the almost-kiss with Iris, and Suho felt like he was losing his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about her, about how beautiful she was so up close, or of what could've been if Mrs. Kim hadn't interrupted them. Suho hadn't known where all these feelings were coming from or how they had even developed, they just did.

He'd come into terms with them just a couple weeks earlier, after he felt Iris begin to slip away due to his own foolish actions. He knew it was wrong to feel anything more than a friend for Iris, seeing that she was his greatest friend since childhood, but he couldn't help it, and even if he tried denying his feelings for her, he couldn't look at her the same way he did before.

"What're you so focused on?" a familiar voice asked causing Suho to be snapped out of his thoughts.

When he looked up, he met the curious eyes of Kang Soojin and came to a realization that he was still in the study group session with Soojin, Taehoon and Jugyeong, waiting for the current arrivals of Sua and Naelea.

Suho looked back down on his notebook and avoided the Kang girls gaze, feeling as though she could almost read his thoughts about Iris, "Nothing." he muttered, trying to act casual, and not as though the friend of the girl he liked was currently analyzing him like a hawk.

Soojin furrowed her brows, "Come on, it's not-" she began but was interrupted before she could finish her words.

"We're here!" Sua announced as she and her friends walked towards the group.

Suho wouldn't have been as excited as he was upon his classmates arrival if it were just her, but it wasn't. Because as she neared the table with an excited look, he almost immediately took notice of the Kim that had been constantly consuming his thoughts following right behind.

Suho wasn't the only one who took notice of Iris, or was excited by her presence, "Iris!" Taehoon exclaimed with a grin, "You made it! and you seem better." he stated.

Iris smiled at the boy as she sat herself down on the only seat available, which was also next to Suho, unbeknownst to the effect she was having on him and his speeding heart beat, "I still have a cough though." she pointed out.

Suho wanted to say something to her, anything, so she could pay attention to him. But before he had the courage to muster up some words, Jugyeong beat him to it, "It's great to have you back. You don't know how boring it's been without you."

Iris laughed at the comment, but Soojin nodded in agreement with the Lim girl, "She's not lying. It's actually been hell." she muttered, "The only form of entertainment we've had is Suas gossip, which too has only been about that boy group she's so obsessed with."

Iris felt touched by her friends words, not knowing that her presence mean this much to all of them, "Well I've missed you guys too." she assured them, and after a little more talking, the group went back to doing what they were doing before Iris' arrival. Meanwhile, Suho simply stared at the girl, wondering if she had been thinking about him as much as he had about her over the last couple of days.

Iris wasn't oblivious to the Lee boys staring, it was pretty obvious, especially since she was sitting right next to him. She had even made eye contact with him a couple of times, but each time she looked away quickly as she was unsure of what to say. What could she say anyways after what had happened between them? 

Thanks for the soup, I'm sorry our almost-kiss got interrupted? 

Iris shook her head. No way she could be the first one to say something. She would probably make things more awkward then they already were. 

Suho noticed the awkward atmosphere around them, and knew he should say something other than just staring at Iris, but he wasn't sure of what, or when with all their friends and classmates around them. 

Finally, when their friends decided to get a little break and headed out, Suho decided to make his move. "Hey, Iris." He called out, before the girl had a chance to leave, "Are you doing anything Friday?" he asked.

Iris was confused by the sudden question, but nonetheless shook her head, "Not yet." she answered, "Why?"

Suho smiled, hoping that would help calm his nerves and never ending thoughts that were beginning to take over and make him question whether or not he should ask her what he had in mind, "Do you wanna go see that new movie based on your favorite book that just came out? The Hating Game?" he asked referring to the new romcom movie based on one of her favorite novels of all time that had come out.

He knew she wanted to see it as he had overheard her talking about the movie with Naelea a couple days earlier. Though he wasn't a huge fan of romcoms, he was willing to go watch the movie, if that meant being able to spend time with Iris, and making her happy.

please say yes. please say yes. Suho thought as he watched Iris think for a moment about her answer.

"I don't know." she trailed.

Suho felt his heart begin to race, "It'll be my treat." he stated, and when Iris didn't say anything again, he wondered how he could get her to agree. "Come on." he ushered, and that's when Iris finally decided to give in.

"Alright fine." she stated, and though Suho didn't show it, he couldn't be more thrilled by the outcome of the situation. For the rest of the study session, all his mind could keep wandering to was of his and Iris' upcoming hangout the following week, and how excited he was. Even as he walked him to his apartment, he couldn't help but feel all giddy. 

Finally things were going right for him . . .  or that's what he thought, before Han Seojun, who had been waiting outside his apartment came into view, with an angry look.

"We need to talk."


"Why did you do it?" 

Seojun stared at Suho with his arms crossed. He didn't have to further explain what he was talking about in order for him to have an understanding of what he was so angry about, which was of the fact that Suho had went behind Seojuns back to anonymously pay for his mothers medical bills.

He didn't know himself why he did it, he just did, despite how clear the Han boy had made of his distaste for him.

"Because you were once my friend, even if you might not be anymore." Suho responded, and it was true. He had mainly done it because he wanted to help Seojun and his mother. He wasn't looking for anything in return.

Seoun however scoffed at his words, "Don't do that." he rolled his eyes as he stared at Suho with a blank look, "This little Mister Nice Guy act now all of a sudden to make me pity you or something." he muttered before walking closer to Suho as he spat, "We both know that you're nothing, but a murderer."

Upon hearing those words, Suho felt a pang in his chest. He knew it wasn't true, it wasn't entirely his fault what had happened to Seyeon that night, and that if he had known what he was going to do, he would've done everything in his willpower to stop what was going to happen. Why couldn't Seojun see that too?

Suho sighed, "Seojun. Listen to me-"

Seojun however shook his head, and cut Suho off before he could finish his words, "No you listen to me. All you do is hurt the people around you." he stated, "And it's only a matter of time before you hurt Iris too. It's better for you if you just stay away from her. I don't wanna see her get heartbroken thanks to you." he sneered.

Suho shook his head at his words. That wasn't true. He would never willingly hurt Iris, of all people. "You know I wouldn't-"

"Oh but you have." Seojun cut him off, "On multiple separate occasions." he stated. He knew because he had been there for most of the occasions Iris had gotten hurt by Suho, simply because he couldn't make his mind and choose whether he wanted to be with her or Jugyeong.

He had been there all those times, and hoped that wouldn't happen again. "So just stay away from her."

( note: any spelling errors or mistakes indicate that this chapter has not been edited yet )

TAGS: sheeeeesh0224callmedjango


A/N: it's been hard to stay motivated y'all but I didn't want to disappoint you guys so here's an update.

I hope you guys enjoyed and hopefully slightly changed your mind on Suho after reading from his pov :)

Alsooo guysss this story's gnna come to an end real soon, only like maybe 4 chapters to goo, saur I hope y'all r prepped!!

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