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leaning her back against one of the many stone walls in the quad, idalia's baby blue eyes scanned the quad as she searched for her best friend, a cherry lollipop resting between her lips that seemed to form a natural frown. spotting the head of white hair walking towards her through the corner of her eye, the young witch also noticed the familiar black cat in his arms, it's green eyes staring right at her.

"why do you have robin?" idalia questioned once cassius stopped beside her, kicking one leg on the wall as he rested his back against it.

"he found me in the halls" cassius shrugged as he scratched the head of his friends familiar.

"did you seriously leave the dorms again? you little rascal"

"hey" cassius warned teasingly, giving the cat a soft kiss on the head. "she didn't mean it"

idalia couldn't help but scoff. disbelief filled her blue orbs as she watched her familiar sink in the blissful feeling of being rubbed by cassius. she flipped her long brown hair over her shoulder, locking gazes with enid; who happened to be showing the new student around. idalia smirked at the sight of wednesday addams, sporting a black and dark gray uniform with her signature pigtail braids.

"looks like her mother finally got her to come"

cassius raised his head, his eyes following idalia's to the tan— yet oddly pale — young addams. cassius noted that wednesday still had the same gloomy and "spooky" — as wednesday preferred — aesthetic about her as she did when they first met at the mere age of nine. cassius was always amused at wednesday's dislike for color, he wondered if the girl would survive living in a dorm with enid. enid, the most colorful person at nevermore, was wednesday's complete opposite. surely, that pair would lead to disaster, cassius had no doubt about it.

"how much you wanna bet she's gonna find a way to escape?"

"she can try, weems is never gonna let her out of sight" cassius chuckled out. "$150 and a week of buying my coffee"

"deal" idalia held her hand out, the two of them shaking on it with identical smirks.

"hey guys!" enid greeted.

"hey baby wolf" idalia smiled in satisfaction once enid blushed at her words, causing cassius to roll his eyes.

"wassup enid. wednesday, glad to see you're still spooky"

wednesday gave the boy a questionable look, while still maintaining her deadpan expression, her eyebrows moving downward in the slightest bit.

"have we met before?"

"yeah, me, you and xavier used to play hide n seek together" cassius chuckled out. "i helped you decapitate your dolls by using my telekinesis"

"i remember, i thought it was brilliant how you were so eminent with your abilities at such a young age, i almost started to idolize you"

"was that sarcasm or a compliment?"

"up to you"

cassius chuckled and smiled down at wednesday.

"glad your here, you might add some amusement to this boring ass school" cassius noted.

"what part of the tour are you at?" idalia questioned enid.

"i'm introducing wednesday to the groups... oh! cassius is one of the only psychics here besides xavier and rowan and like two others, but idalia here is our one and only witch" enid introduced her roommate to the duo. "they tend to stay together since the numbers are low"

"and partially cause' we don't like half the people here, but ya know" idalia shrugged out. wednesday letting a small smirk of amusement rest on her features, cassius and idalia had to be the only interesting people she had met so far.

"are you gonna join us?" enid asked cassius and idalia.

"sure, why not" cassius shrugged, kicking off the wall as they continued walking around the quad.

"great! okay, so back to what i was saying—"

"i'm assuming 'scales' are sirens" wednesday stated as she stared at the group by the fountain.

"you catch on quick, that girl, bianca barclay, is the closest thing nevermore has to royalty" idalia lets out a small cough, enid sending her an apologetic smile in return. "although, her crowns been slipping lately, she used to date our resident tortured artist, xavier thorpe"

as if he magically heard them, xavier had turned his upper body around slightly, accidentally meeting cassius' gaze. he looked the boy up and down, an unfamiliar emotion swirled in his blue eyes, before turning back to his mural on the quad wall. wednesday being the only one to notice the longing gazes sent between the two boys, connecting the dots in her head before letting her gaze fall back on bianca as enid continued.

"but they broke up at the beginning of the semester, reason? unknown"


"i know right! my blog is the number one source for nevermore gossip"

"agreed" cassius hummed.

"yo! wassup cassius, ladies" ajax greeted as he walked up to the group, shaking hands with his roommate before meeting enid's eyes. "yo, enid, you're not gonna believe the dirt i heard on your new roommate"

"oh? do tell" idalia smirked.

"she eats human flesh ! totally chowed down on that kid she murdered, you better watch your back"

cassius and enid met each other's eyes, taking a step to the side as they revealed wednesday behind their backs. the black haired girl sending ajax a neat glare.

"quite the contrary, i actually fillet the bodies of my victims and feed them to my menagerie of pets"

"ooh, can you bring robin some next time?" idalia asked as she gestured to the black cat in cassius' arms, wednesday letting her gaze drop the black fur-ball before meeting idalia's gaze.

"why not"

idalia silently pumped her fist in the air at wednesday's answer. she was getting tired and grossed out of finding rats for robin to eat and snack on, the cat barely liked tuna so there really wasn't another option.

"ajax, this is my new roommate, wednesdsy"

"woah, you're in black and white. like a living instagram filter"

"oh my god" cassius muttered.

"ignore him! gorgons spend way too much time getting stoned. he's cute but clueless" enid pushed the gorgon away before he spat out more nonsense. "it's a small school, there wasn't much online about you-oh! you know you should really get in insta, snapchat and tiktok"

"tiktok is a blessed curse on our generation" idalia sighed out.

"you're always on tiktok" cassius pointed out.

"i know"

"i find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation" wednesday spoke before sharply turning on her heels and walking away.

"well... that's one way to put it" cassius shrugged out. "anyone got any snacks?"

"sorry" enid shook her head.

"i think i got starburst in my snack drawer" idalia offered.

"to idalia's room we go"

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