iii. the night

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A couple days later

   Samantha woke up and realized what today was it was her belly's birthday!! She had so many gifts for her she had like seven meanwhile her family had one gift she wants her best friend to have the best sixteenth birthday! Samantha got dressed and ran downstairs with all her gifts
and she set them down on the couch.

  Susannah looked from the kitchen "Wow you really went all out" Conrad said. Samantha made sure she had all of them "She's like a sister to me!! I need to make sure she has a good sixteen!" Samantha went to the kitchen and saw Steven, Laurel, Jeremiah, and Conrad. Samantha ran up to Steven and kissed him he smiled at her "Oh hey how was your sleep?" Samantha looked at him "It was good! And yours?" He was getting belly's gift ready "It was good."

   Jeremiah looked at them confused especially after what he just saw "What did I miss?? Are you two like dating or something?? Cause if so then finally cause you guys have been flirting!" Samantha turned to him "Shut up! We just.. kissed not so long ago" Jeremiah laughed and then yelled "Oh my gosh! Guys you know they kissed last night!!"

Samantha rolled her eyes "Jere..!" Laurel looked at Steven "Well congrats Stevens been talking about you all the time" Steven looked at his mom "Mom stop."Susannah smiled "Well I'm happy for both of you!" Samantha saw Belly and ran to her hugging her "Happy Birthday to my actual sister!!"

Belly smiled and hugged her back thanking her and everyone else said happy birthday expect for Conrad. Laurel was making pancakes but Belly said she wasn't really hungry. Susannah spoke "Uh shall we open gifts?" Belly nodded and Samantha spoke "Your gonna love my gifts." They all went to the living room Belly sat down and started opening gifts, she opened her mom's first and it was book she thanked her and then she opened Susannah's.

    Belly looked surprised it was a pearl necklace. Susannah walked to her and helped her put it on Jeremiah went up to Belly "Mine next!" Belly opened it and it was a goodluck charm Belly smiled "Thank you!!" Steven yelled and threw her gift "Think fast!" Belly caught it and rolled her eyes and opened it and it was a Princeton sweater Belly smiled "Wow Steven I cant believe you spend money on me!" Steven spoke "Relax I just don't want you to steal mine when I get in.." Laurel turned to him "I didn't know you were still considering Princeton."

   Steven looked at him mom "uh I'll see if I get in maybe just a few more college applications." Samantha spoke "Oh Princeton sounds nice! I've always wanted to go to!" Laurel then said "Are you guys still wanting to go together?"

  Samantha didn't have an answer for that "Uh we don't know yet, but anyways.. belly open my gifts!" She handed her all the gifts Belly looked "Oh my god wow!" She opened them all and it was things she's been wanting, Belly smiled "Thank you so much Sam!"

   Samantha hugged her "Or course.. Conrad what about you?" Conrad spoke he didn't want anyone to know what he got her he thought it was to simple. "uh sorry I forgot" it then got quiet real quiet. Belly put on a fake smile "Uh.. that's okay I wasn't really expecting anything so.."

  Conrad got up "I have to go I promised Cleveland I showed him so knots today... uh happy birthday belly" he got up and left. Belly's smile faded. Jeremiah spoke "Uh hey wanna go for a test drive and go pick up Taylor!" Belly looked at him then smiled "Sure!"

   Samantha looked "See you later birthday girl maybe when you come back we can go for a swim!" Belly nodded as her and Jeremiah left. Samantha looked at Steven "Hey wanna go grab a bite or something?" Steven smiled at her "Yeah sure!" Samantha and Steven made it to a small restaurant in town they order food and drinks and just started talking.

   Samantha said "So do you really wanna go to college together?" Steven took a bite of his food and then told her "Yeah I really do I just I don't think my mom really wants me to go to Princeton." Samantha looked at him as he looked down "Hey I'm sure your mom would love for you to go to any college you want but either way you should just go to a college that you want to!"

  Steven smiled "Thank you." Samantha pulled out her phone "Oh I found this really nice outfit you can wear to the deb ball!" She showed up and he clicked it on he saw it and was really expensive he couldn't afford that "Oh uh yeah I mean it looks great!" Samantha saw him he looked nervous it as if he maybe didn't wanna go with her he handed the phone back. Samantha then spoke "You know if you don't wanna go with me that's fine I'm sorry if I'm pressuring you!"

Steven interrupted her "No no no I really wanna go with you I mean honestly your the best dressed person I know.." Samantha smiled "Thank you.. got it from social media" Steven laughed as she did to. Steven put his hand on the table "I just really wanna look good next to you!"

Samantha put her phone down and held his hand "You will... I mean you already do. I love you Steven." Steven smiled at her "I love you too."

They made it home just in time Shelly, Jeremiah and Taylor came out of the car. Samantha saw "Taylor!??" Taylor saw and ran to her as they both hugged each other, Taylor pulled away "Long time no see! Hey Steven..." Steven saw "Oh hey Taylor!!" Samantha grabbed Taylor's arm

"Let's go change in our bathing suits!! Come on Belly" Belly smiled and they all got changed in their bathing suits. They got into the pool and Taylor went on one side with Belly while Samantha went with Steven. Taylor then said "let's play chicken!" Samantha looked at Steven "I'm in!" She swam to them and Taylor then said "I'll be with Sam!"

Steven spoke "Ew that's so unfair! I don't wanna be with Belly" Taylor rolled her eyes "fine me and you and Sam and Belly!" Samantha sighed and went with Belly. Samantha went underwater as Belly got on her shoulders she got up and held Belly as Taylor got on Steven "Ugh Steven why are your legs so slippery!" Steven wiped the water off his eyes "Maybe it's all that oil you put on your legs!" Taylor then looked at Belly "Maybe if you had to some hair on your chest I wouldn't be sliding all over the place!"

Everyone laughed just then Jeremiah came and got in the water "Og were playing chicken okay!! I'll be the judge.. ready and go!" They started to fight and the Belly ended up pushing Taylor as Steven and her fell. Samantha and Belly cheered "Whooo!!" Samantha put her hands out "Give me some!" Belly high-fives her with a laugh

Nicole then came with Conrad "Hey guys! Happy birthday Belly" Belly said hi and Nicole looked at them like they were weird "Are you guys playing chicken?" Belly then said "Yeah it was Taylor's idea!" Taylor introduced herself. It got quiet and then Belly told them "Hey let's play a real game! Boys vs Girls??" They all agreed and Belly got off Samantha's shoulder. They started to play volleyball in the pool, Steven missed and hit the net.

Samantha laughed at him "I thought you said you could beat me at this game?? You're slipping" Steven laughed at her "Oh yeah?" Samantha nodded and he stood back "Now it's on!" They continued playing. Taylor was getting ready to serve she did and when she did let's say she hit Nicole in the face Taylor held laughed as Belly looked at her Taylor stopped smiling "It was just an accident." Conrad helped her up and took her inside as they were walking.

Taylor spoke "Come on Belly let's go inside and look at ourselves in the mirror more." Conrad turned to them "Yeah have fun with that." He left and went inside with Nicole. Samantha spoke to get rid of the awkwardness "Uh I'm gonna go get ready! my mom's getting the big lobster dinner ready for Belly!" Everyone got out and Belly went to go take a walk at the beach with Taylor to catch up more.

It was night time and everyone was at the dinner table eating Cameron was also there. They were talking and Jeremiah was saying how Cameron lets Belly kiss him with her lips cause Cameron is vegetarian.

Belly eats meat Cameron said he doesn't mind Steven was laughed too Samantha kicked Jeremiah from under the table. Cameron spoke "I don't mind seriously.... In fact" he kissed Belly and it got silent Steven and Jeremiah made throw up nosies. Steven then spoke "I'm sorry but who would wanna date someone who once shat in the bathtub!"

Belly spoke "I was like two years old!" Jeremiah then laughed "More like six!" Belly yelled "shut up Steven!" Susannah then spoke "I remember that it felt like so long ago" Samantha turned to Belly and had an idea to say "I remember last summer when Conrad and Jeremiah dared Steven! To piss in the fireplace and it stunk up the house for days do you remember that?"

Everyone laughed as Steven looked at her he was kinda annoyed by it, Susannah spoke "I blamed the neighbors cat!" Samantha smiled "Sorry Steven.." Belly then spoke "You know maybe we should go to Nicole's party!" Samantha cheered "Yes!" Everyone finished and went to get ready for Nicole's party Susannah and Laurel let them go.

Samantha was upstairs with Taylor and Belly in her room they were putting makeup Belly was struggling to put the mascara. Samantha laughed "Here let me help!" Belly smiled as she helped her, Belly then whispered to Samantha ":0 are you and Steven a thing now?" Samantha replied to her "I hope so I mean we hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet!"

Belly smiled "Well I'm sure he will soon you're an amazing person!" Samantha had a smile on her face flattered. Taylor grabbed the flower crowns "We should wear these to the party! It would be so hot!" They both agree and put them on. Taylor turned to the mirror with Samantha and Belly "We're hot ass bitches!" They made it to the party they took a ride with Cameron since Jeremiah and everyone else left already.

They walked into the house and Nicole came to Belly hugging her and complained her "Hey I have something for you!" Belly nodded and asked if anyone wanted to come Cameron said no and Taylor went to find a drink but
Samantha came with her.

Nicole lighted up candles on a cake for Belly. Nichole smiled as the other girls where there "Make a wish!" She blew the candles and they all cheered as Samantha hugged her from the side.

Gigi then spoke "So Samantha.. where's Jeremiah?" Samantha looked over "Oh I think he's by the drinks table!" The other girls started talking and after sometime Belly and Samantha sat on the couch with Cameron.

Jeremiah then turned on the microphone "This one's for belly happy birthday!" Belly smiled and Jeremiah turned on the music it started playing "Summer nights from the movie Grease" Belly put her head down laughing.

Samantha laughed and grabbed the microphone and sang with him. Cameron then got up and grabbed the other microphone and joined in and they all started singing having a good time.

Belly then walked away and tried to look for Taylor she went upstairs and looked in a room she cracked the door and saw Taylor's flower crown she opened the door all the way and saw Taylor and Steven kissing she couldn't believe it didn't Steven just get with Samantha?

Belly walked in "Oh my god?!" They both pulled away and Steven ran out as Taylor got off the desk. Belly was very mad at her how could do someone do this to Samantha. "You're hooking up with brother?!" Taylor felt regret "Ot just happened!" Belly was confused and mad "You got bored!? He's dating Samantha! He actually likes her!"

Taylor then spoke "So you're saying he can't like someone like me?" Belly sighed "That's not what I'm saying this could get really bad he's taking her to the deb ball?"

Taylor rolled her eyes "Oh my god I'm sick of hearing of this fucking deb ball! I don't even know who you are anymore!" Belly then yelled back at her "Why because I'm not going with what you want!? How could you do this to Samantha??"  Taylor sighed "Oh my god who gives a fuck about Samantha! Maybe you prefer her over me?!" Belly was getting more upset "What has gotten into you!? I never said that and I care about Samantha your both my friends!"

Taylor rolled her eyes "You know you act so innocent belly! Like your the victim. I think your the self absorbed one how do you not know I had a crush on Steven for years! If you weren't so obsessed with Conrad-" Belly wasn't expecting her to say that "shh people are going to hear!" Taylor yelled "Who cares!!?? You only care when your the main character!"

Belly sighed "I cant do this right now.." she left the room. Samantha saw Steven running downstairs "Hey! I was looking for you where did you go?"

Steven looked at her "Uh.. just upstairs to use the bathroom!" Samantha smiled and kissed him "Oh okay! Come on let's gets a drink!" Steven knew he messed up and didn't know how to tell her.

It's now the next day in the after noon Belly went to drop off Taylor at the bus stop to go home. Samantha came with them. They made it to the bus stop and it was silent Samantha kinda laughed "Uh what's going on you guys been silent a lot?" Belly turned to her "Just a small argument." Samantha confused "About??" Taylor spoke "Uh it's nothing" Belly said bye. Samantha hugged Taylor and Taylor felt horrible for what she did Samantha's been nothing but nice to her.

Taylor left on the bus, Belly looked at Samantha "We need to talk... a lot!" Samantha sighed she was confused what could it be about "Uh okay?" She said.

They walked back into Laurel's car cause she took them there.. They made it home and Belly explained everything to her on the car ride. Samantha couldn't believe it she liked Steven for so long I mean he told her that he loved her.

Samantha went inside and tried to find Steven then she saw him in the backyard and Belly followed so did Laurel cause she wanted to know what was happening.

Samantha saw Steven sitting down "Are you fucking kidding me Steven?!" He got up and realized Belly must have told her, Samantha felt tears coming "I- how could you do this!? I mean we literally just kissed??" Jeremiah and Conrad came out herring the commotion Jeremiah asked Belly "What's happening?"

Belly looked at him the back at Samantha "Steven kissed Taylor at the party last night." Steven felt hurt and he hated himself for this "Belly did you tell her?" Samantha felt tears coming but she was also so mad.

Conrad then jumped in "No don't yell at Belly she had every right to tell her I mean you didn't thinking you were getting away with this did you??" Susannah came out and heard all the yelling "What's going on???" Jeremiah then said "Steven here kissed Taylor last night when he was basically with Samantha!"

Samantha yelled "I mean Steven I've liked you for so long and I thought we would finally be together but no you just kissed another girl." Steven sighed "Look Sam I'm so sorry I feel horrible I swear I liked you for a long time and I love you I still do-"

Samantha interrupted him "Someone who loves me.. wouldn't do that!"She left and went to go upstairs, Belly followed "Sam wait up!" Susannah sighed so much just happened.

Laurel walked to Steven "Steven you are in so much trouble! I'm gonna go check on Sam this conversation isn't over" Conrad went inside and Steven sat back down and Jeremiah then said "What the fuck is wrong with you dude? I thought you liked sam?"

Steven sat back down and felt guilty "Don't you think I already feel bad Jere ? I do like her I really do kissing Taylor was an accident I will never forgive myself for this!"Samantha was upstairs in her room crying Belly was with her comforting her "It's okay" Samantha got up "I just don't get why he would do that??"

Susannah then walked in so she could talk to her daughter. Belly saw and left "I'll be right back." She left and Susannah sat on her bed "You okay?" Samantha sighed "No?? I really liked him andI thought he liked me back??" Susannah pulled her in for a hug.


HEHE i hoped you guys liked this third chapter steven?!?! how could you were ops now belly and samantha UGH maybe they should kiss instead.. ( LMAO )

conrad ate defending sam but anyways thank you guys for reading this a comment + a vote would rlly help but you obv don't have to but i love you all sm ❤️‍🩹


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