vi. volleyball

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Couple days later Samantha woke up in her room she got out of her bed and went downstairs. Samantha saw her mom outside the back, she went out and said hi to her. Susannah smiled "Hey sweetie oh I fixed your painting what do you think? I just gotta do Belly's and Steven's"

Samantha smiled "Much better.. I love it thank you!" Susannah then spoke "So I saw you and Steven couple days ago sleeping on the couch together you guys a thing now?" Samantha nodded "Yeah we're all good we're going to the deb ball together!" Susannah smiled "Good I'm happy for you!"

Samantha hugged her mom and went back inside to get ready for the volleyball tournament today. About in hour later Belly and Samantha were ready for the tournament they were in Belly's room just putting on lotion and stuff.

The door ball rang and Belly went to get it she ran downstairs and it was Taylor. She hugged her and they went upstairs to the room with Samantha. Samantha saw Taylor "Ov hey Taylor you made it! Nice seeing you." Taylor still hasn't apologized for what she did "Look Samantha I'm really sorry for what I did kissing Steven was a huge mistake and I still feel bad I never forgave myself."

Samantha didn't really care anymore "Hey.. it's fine. I mean me and Steven are good now and me and you will always be good. I forgive you." Taylor smiled at her then turned to Belly "Okay where's my shirt?! We're gonna kick all of there asses!" Samantha laughed "Exactly what I been saying! We're like the best players I know." Belly handed Taylor her shirt.

Taylor quickly got dressed and the Belly spoke "Guys. Conrad asked me to the deb ball and I don't know what to do! I mean me and Jeremiah kissed!" Taylor did her hair and everything and was talking "Oh my god? Was he nervous or begging? Oh my god please tell me he was begging."

Samantha smiled at them while she braided her hair in the mirror to match with Taylor and Belly. Belly put more lotion on "He was kinda nervous though." Taylor smiled "This makes it more exciting because you get to tell him no!"

Belly didn't answer and Taylor turned to her "Belly you are telling him no! May I not remind you what he said last time!" Belly sighed "What do you think Sam?"

Samantha finished her hair "I mean I said I was team Conrad but if you just kissed Jeremiah what are you gonna do?" Taylor then spoke "Team Conrad? Oh please Jeremiah is so much better!" Samantha walked to them "There my brothers it's hard to chose between them, but I feel like Conrad is better with relationships. Jere is how do I put this.. Cringe! sometimes anyway let's win this tournament!!!"

Belly and Taylor cheered hearing those words. Laurel drove them there. Jeremiah, Steven and Conrad were already there so was Susannah. It was time. For them to win, everyone was cheering they were going versus many different good players.

They did there trio handshake, Samantha whispered to them "Let's kick some ass!" Taylor smiled "Hell yeah."

They got in their potions and started to play. Jeremiah was cheering for them mostly Belly. Steven then yelled "Come on Sam!!" So far so good they were winning actually there were doing good but just then as Taylor was going to get the ball she fell but on purpose.

Samantha ran to her "You okay??" Taylor spoke "No my ankle." Samantha helped her up. Taylor looked at Jeremiah "Can you sub?" Jeremiah agreed and he helped Taylor and she took off her team belly shirt and gave it to Jeremiah.

Taylor winked at him she was doing this just for him to play with Belly.. Taylor walked away pretend her ankle was hurt, Belly gave Jeremiah a high-five.

Samantha spoke "Alright let's do this lil bro" They started playing it was going good they best the first team, they all cheered Belly ran to Jeremiah hugging him and then she went to Samantha doing her hand shake.

Samantha told Jeremiah "Alright doing good!" Taylor cheered for them too. On the next round it wasn't going so great Jeremiah keeps ruining all the shots and he wasn't doing good.

Samantha was kinda annoyed "Don't watch Belly! Focus on the ball!" and like that they kept losing. Samantha yelled "Hey can we stop real quick!" Belly looked at Jeremiah "I'm sorry I have to win this! Conrad! Can you come now!"

Jeremiah took off the shirt and handed it to Conrad. Samantha told him "Let's see if you can do this. Stand there!" They started playing and they were winning! So far so good I was tuff to catch up but they managed to beat the team.

They all cheered and Belly gave Conrad a hug. Samantha smiled an let them have their moment. They beat the rest of the people and the finally team was Shayla and her friend versus them.

It was a getting hard all the needed was one more point.. Samantha yelled "Belly here" Belly hit the ball and they made it!! They won the whole game. Everyone cheered and was so happy for them Belly went to Conrad giving him a big hug. Samantha ran to them and Belly gave her a hug "Yes we did it!!" Conrad gave Samantha a high-five "Nice job sis"

Susannah yelled in the microphone "Samantha and Conrad fisher and Isabel Conklin are the winners!!!" Susannah ran to them and gave them all a hug. Laurel also ran to them and have them a hug. Samantha held up the trophy "Yeah!! What i'd say we kicked their ass!!"

Steven ran to Samantha and picked her up hugging her she laughed, Steven smiled at her "You did amazing!! I love you" Samantha gave him a kiss "I love you to!" As they were walking out, Nicole spoke "Hey belly! Um so my dads boat is here and it's really nice so how about pizza and drinks? And Sam you and Taylor could come" Samantha looked at Taylor and Belly "Uh yeah we will be there!" They all went home and changed into normal clothes and then started walking to the boat.

Samantha grabbed bracelets out her pocket "Oh wait Belly I made us friendship bracelets thought it would be cute! Uh Taylor I got you one to"

She gave it to them, and they put it on Belly smiled "Their cute! Thank you Sam!" Taylor also thanked her and then they started talking about their love life's, Taylor said she made Jelly Instagram account. She showed them the account and Samantha looked up for a second and was surprised to see the boat "Uh guys..."

They both looked up and were also shocked it was a big boat and other girls were there. Nicole saw them and yelled "Belly!!" Taylor spoke "Holy shit." A couple hours later it was now dark time and the girls were playing put a finger down in the boat outside they were playing and they just started doing sex questions which was weird.

Belly didn't put any fingers down so it was getting awkward for her Samantha saw and spoke "Put a finger down if you ever made out with my brother! Jeremiah fisher..." Belly put a finger down and all the girls gasped.

Nicole spoke "Wait Belly we want all the tea!" Belly told them what happened. They finished that and one the girls spoke "Guys.. we should go skinny dipping!"

They all agreed and went to go skinny dipping... two girls didn't go but Nicole and Gigi didn't as Gigi was taking off her shirt she spoke "Nicole! Conrad's texting you!" Nicole grabbed a towel and got out and left so did Gigi.

It was just Samantha, Belly and Taylor. They were talking about the girls saying how they got nicer. Taylor then said "oh my gosh I just came out with something hashtag team jellyfisher! That's good" Belly and Samantha laughed.

Belly spoke "Taylor's that's terrible-" as they were they were they saw lights shine on them it was a car and the girls were leaving them. Samantha spoke "Those fake ass bitches!" and swam to the deck with Belly and Taylor. Taylor then spoke "They took everything! Expect your phone Belly.. a text from Conbad." They we're still in the water arms the deck.

Taylor put the phone down "Must concentrate!" Belly laughed softly, Samantha turned to her "Belly!" Belly stopped and then spoke "Well what do we do?! I mean we can not walk home naked!" Taylor spoke "It could be worse!" Samantha said something back to her "Taylor what could be worse then this??" Belly laughed again softly and then saw a big boat cover up they all had to fit into.

They put them on and wrapped it around and started walking in the night they were close together with the cover around them. Belly said "Thus is so bad!" Taylor was still mad obviously "I knew those girls were shit" Samantha then spoke "I know... such jerks I don't know why Conrad is all up on her sometimes" Taylor then said "Exactly makes no sense! and Belly can we please call Jeremiah I don't wanna walk anymore."

Belly shook her head no and they then started talking about the whole Belly Jeremiah Conrad thing. Soon after Belly called Jeremiah and asked him to pick them up he definitely agreed and he went there. Belly and the others were stung down on the small sidewalk when they arrived 2 cars came and they knew it was Jeremiah and Conrad. Taylor rolled her eyes "What the hell is he doing here?"

Jeremiah asked if Belly if she was okay. Conrad brought the clothes that they had from Nicole. Taylor asked Conrad what he was doing here and he explained Nicole told him. Samantha grabbed the bag "I hope you told her to watch her back... it's cold out here!" Conrad and Jeremiah held up the cover for them to change. They soon after finished and Belly went with Jeremiah as Samantha and Taylor went with Conrad.

Conrad checking on his sister  "Uh Sam you okay?" Samantha was in the back seat "Yeah I'm fine just please stay away from Nicole already she's such a jerk" Conrad nodded and he drove them home. They made it and they went to do their things. Samantha went to her room and took a shower got dressed into some comfy clothes and brushed her teeth.

She went to Stevens room to check on him Steven was up surprisingly "Hey your back where were you?" Samantha sat on his bed and explained everything. Steven then said "Well I'm glad you're okay now!" he kissed Samantha and she smiled at him and they both fell asleep.


belly, samantha, and conrad ate that volleyball game samantha being team conrad is everything ( only cause i am )

anyways thank you guys for reading this a comment + a vote would rlly help but you obv don't have to but i love you all sm ❤️‍🩹


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