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It's the next day and it's bright and sunny. Samantha opened the door, Jeremiah, and Conrad recently came back from swimming at the beach. She noticed Skye and Aunt Julia were there.

Samantha sighed "Great." Conrad turned to Jeremiah "You didn't tell me she was coming." Skye then said "It's they, not she god I guess it has been a decade since we met" Skye asked "How are you guys doing? Since your mom...." Jeremiah then said "It's been rough"

Conrad spoke, "Well now it's gonna be more rough since our aunt is stealing our house." Aunt Julia turned to them, "Well whether or not I got to choose what happens to this house. You guys should leave and go back to Boston"

Samantha crossed her arms "Yeah not a chance we're staying for the open house." Aunt Julia then said "Yeah no no I'm not having a bunch of teenagers chasing everybody away. Call your father because this is an Aunt Julia problem" Conrad interrupted her "Expect it is. Because you are the problem." Aunt Julia then said, "I don't have time for this." She walked away Belly turned to Conrad.

"Conrad... she's still your family," Belly stated. Conrad looked at Belly "Then why is she doing this?" Skye sat down "It's been hard for her too." Conrad looked at Skye "Really? Seems like she's doing this pretty fucking easily." He walked away and went back to his room. Alex came down "Uh what's going on?" Samantha turned "Nothing it's just the open house is today... and everyone's just mad including me. Uh, I'm gonna go shower."

Samantha went upstairs to her room and took a shower she changed into some clothes and did her hair. She left her room to go to Belly's and saw Steven. He was wearing some funny little kid pajamas. Samantha laughed softly as Steven was on the phone with his mom.

Samantha spoke, "What are you wearing right now?" Steven whispered, "I forgot them these are the only ones I have and they're very comfy!" Steven talked to his mom "Yeah Samantha is still here.. she's staying over for a change of scenery I mean between you and me she doesn't look so good and she hasn't showered.."

Samantha hit him softly as he laughed. He hung up finally and Samantha looked at him "You're a terrible lair... and I don't even smell bad" Samantha walked over to Belly's room as Steven smiled at her walking away. Alex went back upstairs and saw Taylor "Oh hey Taylor" Taylor turned to him "Hey Alex! Good sleep? The guest bedroom is amazing"

Alex nodded "Yeah it was very comfortable! Best sleep I ever had probably" Taylor smiled "See you later I'm gonna go see Belly.." Alex nodded and walked away from her as she went to Belly's room. Samantha was in there.

Taylor saw Belly had a muffin "Ooh give me some" Belly smiled and handed her a piece. Taylor asked "So why are you guys hiding up here? Are you avoiding that aunt?? Or Belly are you avoiding Conrad??"

Belly ripped a piece of her muffin "I'm just having breakfast!" Samantha then said "Yeah and I know the open house is today and if someone accepts the offer then it's game over! And I don't understand why she's in such a rush to sell the house!?" Taylor sighed "I'm sure she had her reasons, Sam how about her go play some Volleyball at the beach!" Belly then said, "I haven't touched a Volleyball in months."

Samantha sighed "Yeah same.. I quit Volleyball after you know what." Taylor looked at her "It's okay I know you're still good!! Are there more muffins downstairs...?" Belly laughed "It was hard enough for me to get this one first." Samantha and Taylor laughed together with Belly. Taylor and Samantha went to the kitchen with the others while Belly opened the door because someone was there.

Samantha sighed "What are we gonna do?? I mean we can't have the open house today! And it's so hot in here for what reason?!" Belly walked into the kitchen with Conrad. Aunt Julia walked in "The open house is cancelled actually... I need the ac guy to come."

Samantha then said, "You know what he should all do something today." Alex agreed "Yes, please! It's like so hot we need to get out of here" Belly then said, "What about the boardwalk?" Jeremiah agreed and so did everyone else. Samantha had an idea "Hey Skye.. you should come with us!"

Skye then said, "Uhhh you know what sure why not!" They all cheered and they left the house to go to the boardwalk. Alex went with Conrad and Steven in his car While Jeremiah drove his car with the others. They finally made it to the boardwalk and Samantha was kinda excited "Okay this is gonna be exciting! I mean it's hot out but we can all spend time together"

Alex sighed "Yeah but let's get some ice cream it's hot as fuck out here." They laughed softly as they went to get some ice cream. They all got their ice creams and just walked around eating and talking.

Alex was talking with Taylor while Steven and Samantha were talking. Skye then said, "Susannah used to force my mom to come here she never liked it but Susannah did.." Conrad looked at Skye "You know what else my mom loved.. the beach house"

Skye sighed "My mom isn't evil Conrad.. and your mom wasn't a saint.." they stopped and stood at a stand. Samantha had an idea "Guys we should play that big challenge we do! And the winners make the losers buy them candy." Belly agreed "Oh my god yes!"

Everyone agreed Skye then said, "I should get going actually." Samantha looked at them "No you should stay... and it's too late 'cause you're already on our team." Skye sighed and then agreed. Steven then said, "Okay but let's go to the arcade first!"

Everyone agreed they finished their ice cream and ran to the arcade laughing. They went into the laser tag and put their gears on.Β  Samantha then said, "Okay we're gonna kick their ass!" Taylor cheered "Hell yeah we are!!"

They started yelling at the others booing them as they yelled back. Belly then sighed "Alright everyone best out of five rounds! First and last round everyone plays middle round is 1 on 1 competition so chose your best player!!" Jeremiah then said "You losers ready?? 3 2 1 go!" Everyone ran in and started to play.

Samantha saw Alex she snuck up behind him and shot him he turned and sighed "Damn it!" Samantha smiled "Oops" Samantha ran around hiding making sure she doesn't be seen but just then someone snuck up and shot her it was Steven "No!" Steven laughed at her as she laughed softly.

They went back in forth Conrad's team won and it was time for round two. Samantha was with Taylor and they heard Stevens's voice "Where are you, Sam?" Samantha and Taylor looked at each other and then nodded Samantha snuck up behind Steven and shot him he realized and turned around to see Samantha.

Samantha looked at him and smiled "Your out.." soon after it was a tie and it was time for the final round. I mean they did good but Conrad's team ended up winning they cheered but the others didn't. They walked out of the laser tag.

Belly then said, "Don't worry we will beat them next time!" Taylor went to go take a bathroom break with Jeremiah, Conrad and Samantha stood in line for Capture the Flag. Skye walked up to them "Hey can I ask you guys a question?" Samantha nodded Skye then said, "Do you guys even remember the last time we saw each other?"

Jeremiah spoke, "I remember you being smaller!" Skye told them about the last time they saw each other. It was finally their turn Steven was gonna go "So who's gonna take on the champ?" Samantha smiled "I will!"

Belly and Taylor cheered "Go Sam!!" Steven was gonna climb but someone came "You can't do this without a harness!" They looked at it, Cam. Belly saw "Cam??" Cam saw them and smiled but Jeremiah then said "Are we in trouble?" Cam shook his head "No all good here just put the harnesses on."

They put on the harness and Samantha looked at Steven "Ready to get your ass kicked?" Steven rolled his eyes "Yeah you wish!" Cam then spoke, "On your marks... get set go!" Samantha and Steven started to race up the rock climbing seeing who can grab the flag first Alex and the others were cheering for Steven.

Steven ended up winning "Wait what was that Sam?? You're gonna kick my ass cause it seems like I just kicked yours" Samantha laughed "Shut up.." She went down and took off her harness as Steven did the same. Cam then asked, "Where to next?" Belly looked at Conrad "It's their choice." Conrad then said, "Well I think it's time for you to shoot your shot.." Belly nodded "Oh your on!"

They walked but Samantha smile and tried grabbing the flag from Steven he laughed softly but she didn't end up getting the flag she rolled her eyes smiling and they went with the others. They left the arcade and they went to shoot your shot which is a basketball game. It was Belly versus Conrad. Cam spoke, "On your marks get set.. go!"

They started going and Belly ended up yelling. Samantha cheered with Taylor "Yeah!!" They went to hug her as she hugged them back laughing.

Cam smiled "And Belly's team wins!!" It was time for the next game which was a water gun game. Conrad then said, "You know maybe you should take this Alex." Alex sighed "You know what I will and I'm sorry if I lose!" Taylor then said, "I'll go against him." Samantha patted Taylor's back "Yes.. you got this Taylor!!"

Taylor smiled at him "I'm gonna kick your ass!" Alex smiled "We'll see about that." They started playing and it was a tough game but Taylor ended up winning "Yes! And I get a prize" Taylor picked your prize and went up to the others. Belly smiled "Yay!! Good job!" Taylor laughed "Thank you!!"

Alex rolled his eyes "Whatever at least it's a tie now." Conrad nodded "Yeah good job tho you did good!" They played more and it was time for the final game. It was car racing. They all got ready.

Taylor was with Skye and Belly was with Samantha. As Conrad was with Alex and Jeremiah was with Steven.Β  Cam then yelled again "Ready set go!!" They started racing and Belly with Samantha "It's okay we got this!!" They were in the lead but then Conrad and Alex caught up with them and won. Belly was mad she sighed. They got out of the race cars and Conrad's team cheered.

Conrad then said "Yes!! We won all thanks to my buddy Alex right here!!" Jeremiah and Steven cheered for them. Belly sighed "It's okay we still did good." Conrad then said, "Well let's go pick our candy boys!" They went to the candy store in the carnival and they picked out their candy. They picked their candy Samantha deiced to pay for them.

But the loser also had to ride this drop ride. It was very scary Belly was the one who had to go on it. They made it to the ride and Jeremiah decided to go with her on the ride so she's not alone. They went on together. Belly and Taylor noticed them holding hands. Taylor whispered to Samantha "You sure your not team jelly now..."

Samantha looked up at them "Maybe..." and the dropper dropped them to the ground. Turns out Belly or Jeremiah didn't scream. They got off Taylor went up to Belly "Interesting." Belly looked at her "What?" Taylor smiled "Nothing it's just.. interesting" It was now dark and they were leaving the carnival Belly asked Cam to come with them and he agreed they got into the car. Skye went with Alex and the others so they can fit Cam in the car.

Alex was in the back sitting with Skye. Steven then said "I can't believe I'm saying this but today was kinda fun. Conrad, I feel like you and Belly were kind of close... today." Alex laughed softly "Oh yeah I agree! Also you and You and Samantha Steven. You guys were all up on each other."

Conrad then said "Exactly!" They started laughing then Skye said, "What about you and Taylor?" Steven spoke "Yeah what about you and Taylor Alex? You seemed cute together.. but she has that boyfriend who can't even sing!" Alex liked hearing those words "It's nothing honestly! We're just becoming good friends"

They made it back to the house and Samantha opened the door and what she saw made her heart drop "What the fuck?!" The others walked in and noticed. Everything was gone all the furniture was gone.

Samantha looked all over the place "It's all gone..." Conrad and Jeremiah couldn't believe it either everything that was left of there memories gone.


so screw you julia we are opps ! your added to the opp list w steven but this chapter was very cute.

anyways thank you guys for reading this a comment + a vote would rlly help but you obv don't have to but i love you all sm β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή


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