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"You're a witch." Natasha told her, making Emilia look at her offended, thinking of it like an insult. "Gee thanks." Sarcasm dripped from her words.

Natasha widened her eyes. "No, no, no, no, no. I didn't mean it like that," she tried taking back her words. "I mean that you are literally a witch." Emilia looked at her like she was crazy.

"Haha very funny. Now really tell what the hell is going on!" Her eyes darted from person to person, getting more nervous and panicked as she saw how many there were before finally landing on Natasha, the person she trusts the most.

"We are. Why won't you believe us?" Natasha's voice was mocking, trying to make her angry because when a witch is overcome by emotions, they tend to lash out with their powers. 

"Because you're crazy! All of you are!"

"Don't fight with me on this." Natasha said in a sing-song voice knowing it would lower Emilia's patience.

"Of course I'm going to fight with you on this because witchs aren't real!"

"Yes they are. you are one!"

"I'M NOT" Emilia yelled standing up, throwing her hands up, a gold dagger lashing out of her palm and breaking a vase dangerously close to Natasha's head. Emilia screamed and covered her mouth with her hands while Paul growled at Emilia and starting to shake, glaring at Emilia. But Natasha was unfazed and not scared at all. In fact she just held a bored expression on her face.

"Calm down, Paul." Natasha appeared in front of Paul in a instant, a soft expression on her face as she looked into his eyes. She was calm as her forest green orbs looked into his softening brown eyes. He visibly calmed down. He noticed how her eyes reminded him of the forest and the green leafs of the plants he sees when he's on patrol. It was like her eyes basically was made from the color of plants.

She ignored the shocked faces of the pack, and without any more words, she spun around facing her ginger friend, a happy expression on her face like nothing happened between Paul and her just now. But really, she just wanted stare into his eyes more. But these past few days, Emilia is her main priority.

"Looks like you are a gold witch!" She beamed as Emilia was shocked, her eyes darting between her friend and the golden dagger that was definitely sharp enough to cut off a person head, which only scared her more, since it almost cut off Natasha's ear.

"A gold witch?" Her voice was uneasy but she now was starting to believe them. Natasha nodded.

"There is a witch of everything. Like I'm a witch of Animals." Natasha held out her hand, a medium sized black as night snake slithering down her arm, occasionally sticking out its thin fork-shaped tongue. All of them except the other three witchs gasped in shock and fear, while Paul was in concern. He did not want her to get hurt.

"I can control animals and feel their thoughts and emotions." Noticing Emilia's and Paul's concerned filled expressions, she decided she reassure them, "it's ok. He won't hurt me. His name is Percy." They raised their eyebrows at her choice of name for him.

"What? He is black like real Percy's hair and he has green eyes."

"They're not green, they're blue." Elise said.

"They're green. Look!" She held up Percy closely to Elise's face, making her lean back uncomfortably.

"Get him out of my face." He hissed at Elise as Natasha pulled him away. "Yeah, i don't like you either." She snapped at Percy. They have never gotten along in the past. Let's just say Elise hates sleeping bags now.

Elise sighed and turned to Emilia. "And I'm a healing witch." Her face was bored before Faye piped up. "Yeah she is. Want to see?" Her hand was reaching out for her sister before Alex grabbed it and stopped her. "No!"

"I'm a gravity witch. And Alex is a time witch, meaning she can freeze time and punch people." She joyfully explained. Elise, Alex and the pack realized that Paul and Seth are going to have to be patient lads to stand Faye's and Natasha's crazy and weird comments.

"So you don't get to fly on broom sticks and melt when there's heat or fire?" Jared spoke. They all chuckled, "No, but I wish." Natasha said. They gave her weird looks but let it go. Emilia was breathing heavily, her chocolate eyes widened.

"Wow, this is a lot to take in." She started side-walking to the door, inching as she spoke, "I'm going to go." She tried making a run for it but was stopped by Elise holding out her hand, using her powers, she slammed the door causing everyone to jump from the sudden noise.

Faye turned to her, "Don't use your powers on her! She's our friend!"

"We barely know her!!"

"She's nice!"

"Don't you raise your tone at me, Faye Isla Clarke!!"

"You're the one that's raising your tone!!"

No one could understand what they were saying because the sisters voices were  mixed together in yells, distracting them and everyone else from seeing Emilia slip out the door. Natasha was the first one to notice Emilia escaped, "Stop fighting, you idjits!" She yelled, gaining the attention of the Faye and Elise. Natasha motioned her hand to the now open door. The four of them ran after Emilia.

"They're crazy. And I think Natasha and Faye would probably be in the most wanted list"

I'm so sorry guys! *lies face down in grass* I'm a terrible human being! (I love you if you get that quote)

I have been working on school work and hasn't been able to update. And this chapter was hard to write and I'm sorry that the pack wasn't in the chapter much.
But comment on who's your favorite character please!

Lily Collins as Faye Clarke

Lucy hale as Elise Clarke

Teresa Palmer as Alex Darklace

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