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THE FIRE ROSE rapidly as the boys yelled out in excitement. Toby and Jeff were roasting some food as they were laughing. Toby looked over at Sean who was talking to Alby and Alice. He frowned. Jeff must've noticed.

"You alright man?" Jeff asked, patting his shoulder.

"Yeah. Just kind of worried about Sean." He replied, taking a bite of the steak.

"What's wrong with Sean?" Jeff asked.

"You know how the new greenie tripped and fell on him earlier?" He asked as Jeff nodded his head.

"He didn't kill him. Nor did he hurt him." Toby said. "He...gave him some of his snack."

Jeff's eyes widen as he looked over at Sean. "You serious?"

"Yeah." Toby said. "Maybe I'm just being paranoid butโ€”"

"You're not paranoid." The voice of Sarah interrupted as she sat down next to Toby. His heart skipped a beat.

"He's been acting nice around him." She said as she took a bite of her food.

"Isn't that a good thing though?" Jeff said as both Toby and Sarah looked at him. "I mean, maybe he's getting used to more people."

"He's never like that. He wasn't even like that with you or Louie. And him and Louie are best friends." Toby explained, taking a bite of his steak.

"That's true." Jeff said as all three of them took a sip of their drinks at the same time.

Sean stopped talking to Alby and Alice as he caught the new boy staring at him.

He raised a brow as the boy quickly turned back around. Sean started creeping towards him.

"If you want to stare you gotta be more secretive about it." Sean said, making the boy jump.

"My bad greenie. Didn't mean to scare you." Sean said, sitting next to him.

"Can I ask you a question?" The boy asked.

"You just did." Sean said, sarcastically. The boy sighed as he played with his fingers.

"Go ahead." Sean said, patting his knee. "Ask away."

"How come you're so nice to me?" The boy asked. "You seem sweet."

"Oh trust me. I'm not." Sean said, taking a sip of his drink. "Whatever people tell you about me are probably true."

"So, you did kill a boy name Kevin?" He said, making Sean frown.

"What?" Sean scoffed in disbelief. "Who the hell told you that?"

"Chuck." The boy said, pointing to Chuck, who was talking to Toby, Sarah, and Jeff.

"That little shit." Sean muttered under his breath.

"No, that isn't true." Sean said. "I might not have particularly liked him but I wouldn't kill him."

"So what happened to him?" The boy asked.

"He got sick and he died so I burned him." Sean explained as the boy gave him a concerned look.

"He was already dead." Sean added as the boy shook his head.

"If you're actually mean and aggressive then how come you're nice to me?" The boy asked.

Sean just shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know."

"You're probably the only person who actually likes me here." The boy said in a sad tone.

Sean's eyes softened as he patted the boy's shoulder.

"They just need to get used to you that's all." Sean said in reassurance. The boy nodded his head.

There was silence between them until Sean said something. "Jacob."

"What?" The boy said in confusion.

"Whenever new people come to the Glade I try to guess what their name is." Sean explained.

"And you think my name is Jacob?" The boy asked.

"Either that or Thomas." Sean said, taking another sip of his drink. "You look like a Jacob and a Thomas. More so a Thomas."

The boy softly smiled. "What did you think my name was?" Sean asked.

"I-I don't know." The boy stuttered as he went back to fiddling with his fingers.

Sean shook his head in understanding as they went quiet again.

"Jackson." The boy said, making Sean smirk at him.


"You look like a Jackson." The boy said, eating a berry. He gave Sean a soft smile.

Sean just smiled and turned his head. He couldn't show his newfound blush on his face.

"Hey." Newt said, sitting down on the other side of the boy.

"Had a first day greenie." Newt said as the boy shook his head.

Newt reached for a drink and handed it to the boy. "Here, put some hair on your chest."

The boy looked over at Sean. Sean had a nervous smile. Sean knew that Gally made it and it was probably disgusting.

The boy took a sip of the drink and immediately spat it out. "Oh my god! What is that?!"

Sean and Newt laughed. Sean covered his mouth to hide his laughter.

"I don't even know." Newt said as the boy started coughing. Sean patted his back. "It's Gally's recipe."

"It's a trade secret." Newt finished as they all looked at Gally. He was currently fighting another greenie.

"Yeah well he's still an asshole." The boy said as Sean snickered at his words.

"You can say that again." Sean agreed, giving the boy a smile.

"He saved your life today." Newt pointed out as Sean rolled his eyes.

"He's still an asshole." Sean said as the boy chuckled at his words.

"Trust me. The maze is a dangerous place." Newt said, taking a sip of his drink.

"We're trapped here, aren't we?" The boy asked as Sean shook his head.

"For the moment." Sean said, leaning his head back.

"But." Newt started as he turned around. "You see those guys?" He asks the boy as he and Sean turned around.

"Those are the runners." Newt said. "And the guy in the middle, that's Minho. He's the keeper of the runners."

"Yep. Every morning when those doors open they run the maze. Mapping, memorizing. They try to find a way out." Sean explained.

"How long have they been looking?" The boy asked.

"Three years." Both Sean and Newt answered in unison.

The boy looked at the entrance. "And they haven't found anything?"

"It's not easier said than done." Newt said as he pointed a finger. "Listen."

The boy listened as he heard a bunch of noises from the maze. "Yeah. It's the maze. Changing."

"Changes every night." Sean said, secretly stealing one of the boy's berry's.

"Is that even possible?" The boy asked, looking at Sean.

"Yo Sean!" Louie called out as Sean turned his head.

"I'll see you around boys." Sean said, half-jokingly. The boy slightly blushed as he walked away.

"Is that new greenie getting on your nerves yet?" Louie asked, making Sean scoff.

"No. Surprisingly he's not." Sean started. "Sure he asks a lot of questions and that could be annoying but other than that he's pretty decent."

"Well that's good." Louie said as he and Sean walked to Frypan.

"Yo Fry! Let me get some bacon." Sean called out as Frypan tossed him a bacon.

"So Fry, what's the deal with you and Alice?" Louie asked as Frypan choked on his food. Sean snickered.

"Wh-what! I-I don't know what you're talking about!" Frypan stuttered as Sean and Louie started laughing.

As Sean and Louie turned around, someone threw a chunk of mashed potatoes on Sean's head.

Everything and everyone went quiet as they saw him with mashed potatoes on his head.

Sean wiped the mashed potatoes off his face. "Who the hell did that?!"

Nobody responded. That is until a random person pointed at Zart.

Sean glared at Zart as he walked over to him. "Sean! I'm so sorry! It was an accident, I swear!!"

Sean just chuckled as he looked over at Louie. "Cover the new boy's eyes. And Chuck's."

Louie nodded his head. "Okay come here." He said as he covered their eyes and turned them around.

Sean now threw his fist at Zart. (Let's just say he beat Zart really bad).

Sean cracked his knuckle. "Anyone wanna go next?"

Nobody answered as they went back to what they were doing.

"What do you say greenie? Wanna see what you're made of?" Gally asked as the boy. He didn't say anything.

"Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!" Jeff began chanting.

"Greenie! Greenie! Greenie!" The other's chanted.

The boy finally caved in as he went towards the circle. He looked around for a specific person.

He met eyes with Sean, who was standing in between Toby and Louie. Sean nodded his head in reassurance. The boy nodded back.

Gally roughly pushed the boy, making the boy fall backwards. Gally then pushed the boy to the ground.

The boy coughed up some sand as he looked at Gally. "Come on greenie. We're not done yet."

The boy got up and brushed off some sand from his shirt. "Stop calling me greenie."

"Stop calling you that? What do you wanna be called? Shank?" Gally asked as the gladers, besides Sean and Toby laughed.

"Does he look like a shank?" Gally jokingly asked as the boy charged at him.

They started tussling around but Gally threw him on the floor.

"You know what, I think I settled with shank." Gally said as the boy got up.

Sean walked over to the boy. "Hey." He called out, making the boy look at him.

Sean leaned in and whispered to his ear. "Aim for his waist, go for his ribs."

The boy nodded his head as the gladers looked confused. Sean walked back to Toby and Louie.

"What did you tell him?" Toby asked as Sean just smirked.

The boy charged at Gally and went for the waist. Gally started pushing him back but the boy elbowed him in the ribs, making Gally fall.

The gladers 'ooo'ed in excitement as Sean just smirked at the boy.

"That's what I told him." Sean tells Toby as he just sucked his teeth and nodded his head.

Gally groaned in pain as Sean gave Thomas a proud look.

"Not bad for a greenie huh?" The boy said as Gally kicked him by the legs. The boy fell and hit his head really hard on the sand.

"Well that didn't work." Toby said, rolling his eyes.

"I didn't care if it worked or not. I wanted Gally to feel pain." He said, zoning out.

Toby's eyes slightly widen as he stepped away from Sean.

"Thomas. Thomas." The boy muttered as he got up.

"Hey. Thomas!" He said as everyone went quiet. "I remember my name! I'm Thomas!"

"Thomas!" Alby yelled out as everyone yelled in excitement.

"Welcome home Thomas." Frypan said as he handed Thomas a drink.

Thomas looked over at Sean who was smirking like an idiot.

"I guess you were right about my name." Thomas said as Sean walked over to him.

"I usually am right about names." Sean said, giving him a wink. Thomas slightly blushed.

"I thought you said his name was Jacob." Toby said, in confusion.

"I also said Thomas." Sean said as Thomas started smiling like an idiot.

All of a sudden, the sound of a griever screeched loudly, making everyone go quiet and look at the maze.

"What the hell was that?" Thomas asked.

"That my friend, is a griever." Gally explained. "Don't worry. You're safe here with us. Nothing gets through those walls."

"All right guys. Let's tuck it in for the night." Alby said, clapping. "Goodnight."

Everyone left except for Sean and Thomas.

"Goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow, Thomas." Sean said, giving him a salute.

"Goodnight Sean." Thomas said as they both went their separate ways.

End Of Chapter

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