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ย ย  HE WENT INTO the maze. Thomas went into the maze. He broke the rules. But Sean couldn't care less about the rules. He wanted Thomas back. Sean was getting held back by his brother and Alice. That didn't last long. Sean elbowed them in their ribs.

ย ย  "Get the fuck off of me!" Sean exclaimed as Toby and Alice held onto their ribs from where Sean elbowed them.

ย ย  "Gally! We got to get them out!" Chuck exclaimed as he was shaking the older boy rapidly.

ย ย  "We can't! We have to wait until the morning." Gally said as Sean's blood boiled.

ย ย  "And maybe it's for the best that Thomas left." Gally says as Sean got even more pissed.

ย ย  Sean grabbed a sharp stick from Jeff and walked over to Gally and swung at his face.

ย ย  "Sean! Stop!" Sarah yelled out, trying to push him off of Gally.

ย ย  Sean just pushed her to the ground, getting her out of his way. Gally held his face from where Sean swung at him. His face grew a bruise on his cheek.

ย ย  "Better sleep with one eye open fuckface." Sean threatened as he threw the sharp stick on the ground and marched away.

ย ย  Toby and Jeff quickly took off after him. Sean was fumed with rage.

ย ย  "Sean! You need to calm the fuck down!" Toby exclaimed, tightly holding onto his brother's shoulders.

ย ย  "Don't tell me to calm down. Alby is literally knocked out, possibly dead, Louie was limping, and Thomas went into the fucking maze!" Sean was freaking out now.

ย ย  To be honest, Sean wasn't freaking out because he was worried about Minho. He wasn't freaking out because he was worried about Alby. He wasn't even freaking out because he was worried about Louie.

ย ย  He was worried about Thomas.

ย ย  "Nobody survives a night in the maze." Sean said quietly. He felt water in his eyes but he held it in. He wasn't a cryer.

ย ย  "Look, I know Minho and Louie. They're strong and they're fast. As for Thomas." Jeff said but paused once he said Thomas's name. "I'm not so sure about him."

ย ย  Jeff put his hand on Sean's shoulder. Sean didn't have the energy to push him off, or to do anything, so he just let him.

ย ย  "Gally deserved what you did to him." Toby said, looking back at some of the other gladers. Sarah held Gally's face where Sean hit him.

ย ย  "She's so concerned about Alby huh?" Sean said, sarcastically.

ย ย  "Do you think she'll give me a chance now that she's single?" Toby asked as both Sean and Jeff gave him a 'seriously' look.

ย ย  "What? I'm just wondering."

ย ย  Sean's leg was bouncing rapidly. It was now nighttime. He never took his eyes off the maze entrance. He hoped that this was all a dream and that Thomas and Louie were right there with him.

ย ย  Chuck and a couple of the other gladers were standing and / or lying down by the entrance.

ย ย  Sean was laying in his hammock where everyone else slept. Toby suggested that he should get some sleep and hope and pray that they could return tomorrow.

ย ย  Sean was thinking about everything but sleep right now. And he was really fucking tired.

ย ย  A couple hours have passed and the gladers from the entrance rested their eyes.

ย ย  Some of the other gladers went to sleep in the hammocks. Sean was the only one awake. He still never took his eyes off the maze entrance.

ย ย  Sean sighed, lying back in his hammock. He needed to sleep. He finally closed his eyes and slept.

ย ย  Sean didn't know how long he'd been asleep and quite frankly he didn't care. He wanted to sleep for hours and hours. But that didn't happen. He woke up to a paranoid and happy Alice.

ย ย  Sean groaned as he turned away from her. Alice huffed in annoyance as she went to the other side of him. "Sean! Wake up!"

ย ย  "5 more minutes." Sean said, waving his hand, telling her to go away.

ย ย  "They're back!" Alice said as Sean slowly opened his eyes.

ย ย  "Who?" Sean asked. He gets like this. When he's really tired he tends to forget some stuff.

ย ย  "Thomas, Minho, Louie, and Alby! They're back!" Alice said in a happy tone.

ย ย  Sean's heart skipped a beat. He looked up and she was right.

ย ย  Thomas, Minho, Louie, and Alby were back.

ย ย  Sean got off his hammock and followed Alice to them. Sean didn't know if he wanted to hug Thomas, or punch him in the face.

ย ย  What the hell was he thinking?!

ย ย  Sean and Alice made it to the others. Thomas was bent to the ground but rose once he met eyes with Sean.

ย ย  Thomas got up and walked to him. "Sean, Iโ€”"

ย ย  He got interrupted when Sean harshly shoved him. Sean then wrapped his arms around Thomas. Thomas started to blush.

ย ย  "Glad we didn't lose you Tommy." Sean said as Thomas hugged him back. Thomas put his face in the crook of Sean's neck, since Sean was slightly taller than him.

ย ย  Some of the gladers looked at them with a bunch of different expressions. Confusion, disbelief. Mainly Louie.

ย ย  Louie felt jealous seeing Sean hug Thomas. I mean, Sean doesn't even like hugs. So why is he hugging him?

ย ย  "I have something for you." Thomas said, breaking from the hug.

ย ย  Sean hummed in confusion. Thomas reached for his pocket and pulled out a necklace. He handed it to Sean.

ย ย  It was Sean's necklace.

ย ย  It still looked the same. It was like Toby's but it had Sean on it. He never thought he would see it again.

ย ย  "I almost died by trying to get it for you." Thomas said with a slight laugh in his statement.

ย ย  Sean looked at him with slight tears in his eyes. "You're such a dumbass."

ย ย  Sean laughed as when said that and that made Thomas laugh to.

ย ย  There was a counsel hall meeting. It was Gally's decision. Sean thought it was stupid. Thomas saved Alby's life. He surprisingly killed a griever. When Toby told him that, Sean was impressed.

ย ย  Sean was on his way to the counsel hall when he gets stopped by Thomas. "Hey."

ย ย  "Hey griever killer." Sean greeted, giving him a wink.

ย ย  "Is that my new nickname now?" Thomas jokingly asked as Sean rolled his eyes but had a smile on his face.

ย ย  "Can I talk to you about something?" Sean asked as he and Thomas stopped walking.

ย ย  "What's up?" Thomas asked as Sean started playing with his fingers. "Is everything okay?"

ย ย  "I don't know." Sean responded as he looked at Thomas.

ย ย  "I had a weird dream last night." Sean started as Thomas nodded his head for him to continue. "I just kept on hearing this woman say this girls name. It was on repeat. But I didn't see anything or anyone. It was just smoke." Sean explained.

ย ย  "Did you recognize the woman's voice?" Thomas asked.

ย ย  "No." Sean responded.

ย ย  "What was the girls name you kept hearing?" Thomas asked.

ย ย  "Teresa." Sean replied as his face softens. "It's probably nothing. My head was just fucking with me."

ย ย  Thomas frowned. "Yeah, maybe." Sean patted his back as they headed inside counsel hall.

ย ย  Everyone was already there. Gally pointed to where Thomas had to sit.

ย ย  Thomas slowly walked over there and sat down. Sean stood in between Newt and Frypan.

ย ย  Everyone was talking. Toby sat in between Jeff and Alice, and Sarah was standing near Louie and Minho.

ย ย  "Things are changing." Gally started, making everyone got quiet. "There's no denying that."

ย ย  "First Ben gets stung at broad daylight. Then Alby. Now our greenie here, has taken upon himself to go into the maze. Which is clear violation with our rules here." Gally said, looking behind him where Thomas was sitting.

ย ย  "Yeah, but he saved Alby's life." Frypan mentioned. "And he helped Louie walk."

ย ย  "Did he?" Gally asked Frypan as Sean scoffed.

ย ย  "Yes. He did Gally." Sean said in a stern tone.

ย ย  Gally ignored him. "For 3 years, we have coexisted with these things. And now, you've killed one of them." He looked back at Thomas.

ย ย  "Who knows what that could mean for us?" Gally asked as Sean crossed his arms.

ย ย  "What do you suggest we do?" Newt asked Gally.

ย ย  "He needs to be punished." Gally decides. The gladers started talking over each other.

ย ย  "What is up with you and the punishment Gally?" Sean asked as everyone went quiet.

ย ย  "It's a good idea." Sarah blurted out.

ย ย  "Agreed." Louie agreed as Sean looked at his best friend in disbelief.

ย ย  "He saved your ass Louie." Sean argued.

ย ย  "Thank you guys for agreeing with me." Gally thanked as Sean rolled his eyes.

ย ย  "Well, Sarah only thinks so because you say so. And Louie's too stupid to think anything at all." Sean said as some of the gladers laughed.

ย ย  "Excuse me?" Sarah said as Louie got offended. "That's not true!"

ย ย  Newt decides to change the subject so nothing bad could happen. "Minho. You were there with him, what do you think?"

ย ย  Everyone went quiet and faced Minho.

ย ย  "I think, in all of time we've been here, nobody's ever killed a griever before. When I turn tailed and ran, this dumb shank stood behind and helped Alby. Look, I don't know if he's brave, or stupid." Minho said.

ย ย  "Definitely both." Sean says as some of the gladers chuckled including Thomas.

ย ย  "But whatever it is, we need more of it." Minho continued. "I say we make him a runner."

ย ย  "A runner?!"

ย ย  Thomas lifted his head up when Minho said that. He looked over at Sean who smirked at him. He then winked at him.

ย ย  "We are not making him a runner! If anything we need to make Sean a runner." Gally said as Sean grabbed his knife and started playing with it.

ย ย  "I'm not becoming a runner." Sean said, not taking his eyes off his knife.

ย ย  "If you want to throw the newbie a parade that's fine! Go ahead! But if there's one thing that I know about the maze, it'sโ€”"

ย ย  His sentence was interrupted when the sound of the box started. Everyone ran outside.

ย ย  "Wait, I know that sound." Thomas said as Sean walked up next to him.

ย ย  "The box is coming back up." Sean said as he ran to the box.

ย ย  The box was crowded. "Newt! What do you see?"

ย ย  "It's a girl." Newt said as Sean looked at Alice and Sarah. They were the only girls in the Glade.

ย ย  Thomas came from behind Sean and stood next to him. Newt reached for the girls pocket and saw a note.

ย ย  "She's the last one ever." Newt read out loud. "What the hell does that mean?"

ย ย  Just when he said that, the girl woke up in a rush. The gladers jumped back.

ย ย  "Thomas." The girl whispered as she passed out again.

ย ย  The gladers looked at Thomas in confusion. But Thomas was just as confused.

ย ย  How did that girl know Thomas?

End Of Chapter

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