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Alex waited patiently by the trunk of his car for Nico and the rest of the group, while you ended up falling asleep at the back of his car. Alex glanced at you through the open door and saw you nibbling on your sleeve again. 'Feels like I'm in dรฉjร  vu.' Alex thought to himself, causing him to smile.

He heard a car pulling over, so he turned his head to see Nico leaving the vehicle with a huge smile. Alex leaned his back against his car as Nico approached him. "Well, you seem pumped." He commented. "Either you've forgiven me, or you have a secret fetish for snuff films."

"I found the backpack," Nico announced proudly. Alex's jaw fell. "Holy shit."

"And her phone," Nico added. "It was dead, but it's charging. And I prayed to the maiden, the mother, and the crone that there's something on it that leads to the truth."

"That's amazing, Nico," Alex replied. "I don't know much about maidens and crones, but I do know what it means to you to finally have your answers."

Nico scrunched her face. "No thanks to you." She remarked bitterly as she rolled her eyes.

"And she's back, Mad Nico." Alex pressed his lips together. "Got it."

Nico looked around. "Where's (Y/n)?"

Alex pointed his thumb at the back seat, so Nico glanced at you to check if you were okay. "She passed out. She was dead serious about missing a good sleep."

"She deserves a good sleep." Nico softly smiled at you and gently patted your head. "She looks like a baby from the way she's biting that sleeve of hers."

Alex chuckled and placed his laptop down beside him when he sat at his car's trunk. "Yeah, I noticed that too. You got yourself an adorable sister."

Nico walked towards Alex and raised an eyebrow. "You think my sister is adorable?"

Alex's face morphed into a shock when he realized what he had said. "N-No, I meant. Well, babies are adorable, right? And you said (Y/n) looks like a baby so..."

Nico crossed her arms and shook her head, cracking a small smile as she listened to Alex's ramble. Nico noticed his laptop, and she deeply breathed. "You watched the whole thing?"

Alex glanced down at his laptop and nodded. "(Y/n) and I did, but she couldn't watch it anymore. I scrolled through it, though."

"How bad is it?"

"It's the worst thing I've ever seen..." Alex answered. "...possibly that anyone has ever seen." He opened his laptop and placed it on his lap, but Nico shook her head. "I don't want to watch it."

Alex stared at Nico for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, you don't have to." He closed his laptop. "They all start off different, but they all end the same. Still, there's something I don't understand. Our parents."

Nico raised her eyebrows. "Tell me about it."

"No, I mean, they don't like it. It bothers them."

"Then why do they do it?"

Alex shook his head, unable to come up with an answer. "I don't know. I mean, that's the question we've been asking ourselves from the beginning, and we still have no clue."

Nico and Alex heard a car pulling over and noticed it was Gert, Karolina, and Chase. You fluttered your eyes open when you heard Alex and the others talking. When you noticed everyone talking, you rubbed your eyes and sat up. Before getting out of the car, you spotted Gert talking to someone in the back.

"Got it all right here, all the proof we need to put 'em away forever." You heard Alex say to Chase, Gert, and Karolina. "Where are we sending it first?"

"We don't," Chase replied. Alex looked at him in confusion and surprise while Chase continued talking. "There's so much that we don't understand. Too much. And now, if something happens to PRIDE, my dad will die. This video can't get out."

Karolina uncrossed her arms. "I agree." She said, glancing at Chase.

Gert rose an eyebrow. "You do? Since when?"

You rubbed your eyes tiredly and slowly got out of Alex's car and closed the door, earning everyone's attention. Karolina gave you a sidelong glance before responding to Gert's question. "Since I spoke to my dad, and I think he could help us."

"Well, if Frank Dean is our only hope, we are way more screwed than I realized." Gert scoffed.

You stood beside Nico and crossed your arms. "You two want to back out now?" You asked, not caring if your voice was slightly hoarse. "We can't trust the adults at this moment, even Frank Dean."

Karolina sighed. "You don't know that. You don't know my dad, (Y/n)."

"We've come too far," Alex stated. "If you guys don't want to go through with it, fine, the rest of us will."

"Give me the laptop!" Chase yelled, marching towards Alex.

"Not your choice, Chase." Alex hissed as he pushed Chase away.

Chase was shocked at Alex's move. "Wilder, I can't let you do this." He tried to walk closer to Alex, but Alex pushed him away again. "It's not up to you!"

You gasped when Chase tackled Alex, and the two young men started fighting, the laptop clattering on the ground. "Hey!" Gert scolded. Chase launched his head right at Alex's, causing Alex to fall on the ground. "Shit!" Nico gasped. "What's wrong with you?" You yelled.

Alex angrily tackled Chase, and you ran towards the two boys, but Karolina held you back. "Stop, guys!" Karolina yelled.

"Are you kidding me?!" Nico shouted.

Chase punched Alex's back to get him away, but Alex shoved Chase towards Gert's car. When Alex got distracted by Gert's dinosaur inside her car, you spotted Chase crawling towards Alex's laptop.

Your eyes blazed blue, and you quickly raised the laptop to a height where Chase couldn't reach it. Chase searched the area for the perpetrator until he came across you. As they stare at you, the group falls silent. Your arm was raised up, your fingers slightly moving to let Alex's laptop levitate.

"(Y/n), drop the laptop," Chase warned as he threateningly walked towards you. You flinched, and your heartbeat spiked up from anxiety.

"No, (Y/n), don't drop it!" Alex yelled.

Chase grabbed your shoulder, and Nico jolted forward, afraid that he was going to hurt you, but Karolina and Gert pulled her back. Chase squeezed your shoulders and looked at you with pleading eyes. "Let the adults save my dad first, please."

"Chase, we don't even know if they could save him." You whispered. "How could you trust them so much after finding out what they were doing all this time?"

"We know nothing!" Chase exclaimed, unknowingly scaring you. "I can't let that video spread, (Y/n)."

"This is the right choice, Stein." You replied in sadness, ignoring your heart's heavy beating. "I'm sorry."

Chase inhaled deeply before dragging your arm down and twisting it hard enough to cause you to lose focus. You cried out in pain and kicked Chase away while Alex grabbed his laptop right away. Chase returned his gaze to Alex, and the two duked it out for the laptop.

Chase eventually took the laptop and smashed it to the ground, disregarding his friends' overlapping protests. You and your friends watched Chase stomp his foot onto the laptop, crushing, breaking it, destroying the only evidence you all have against your parents.


"The hell are you doing?!" Alex cried out to Chase. Nico stood beside you, crouching down as she watched the only proof gets destroyed by her friend, while Karolina and Gert were holding back Alex. "Chase, goddamn it!" Alex yelled angrily.

"Are you kidding me!" Nico screamed at Chase. "What's wrong with you?!"

You watched as Chase finally stopped and panted heavily, looking at you and the others. "I'm sorry."

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