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In a sports bra, Jordan puts ice in a bag, and presses it against the giant bruise Phillips made on the bottom of her chest.

"I swear to god, I'm gonna kill him."

The blonde to see Benny, who was pasting in her living room, punch his hand, trying to contain his anger.

"Don't bother, I'm pretty sure I fucked him up good," Jordan says, making her way toward him.

The Rodriguez boy turns his head and blushed madly at seeing her.

Of course, he had seen her in a bathing suit, but it didn't matter.
He would still look at her as if it was his first time.

"You okay, Benjamin?" She asked, in oblivion to known what he was doing.

"Uh—I—You," He stampers, "Y-You're just... you know."

"What? You don't like my body or something?"

"No, no, no, no! That's not it—"

"I'm kidding. I know you like what you see," She jokes.

As the blonde sits down on the couch, Benny follows her and laying beside her.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I feel like my rib cage exploded."

The two chuckled, before a knock some from the Watts' front door.
Benny gets up and opened it to see Smalls, with an exciting smile, holding onto a piece of paper.

"Did you hear that the carnival hit town? I saw it as I was going to the drug store, it's happening tonight!"

"Tonight?" Jordan peeled up, making her way to the door, putting her bag of ice on the coffee table.

Scotty handed Benny the flyer, as he turned red from seeing Jordan.

"Hey, we should go. Celebrate our victory, you know?" The girl suggested.

"That's what I was thinking."

"All right, call everyone. We all meet at the park at 8. I'll see you there," Benny tells the kid, who nodded his head before making his way to his house.

As Benny closes the door, Jordan said, "Badass, I'm gonna change."

Before she could even do so, the latino boy grabs onto her wrist, stopping her in place.

"Shouldn't we talk about it?"

That moment the girl knew what he meant - their kiss.

She of course had been wanted to avoid it but also talk about it, not knowing what to say.
A million irrational questions came popping in her head, just as Benny was going to speak.

"Jordan, I... I really like you,"
He confesses.

"You do?" The blonde raises an eyebrow, surprised that he even liked her.

"Yes! Why do you think I kissed you then?"

"I... I don't know! I never really thought that you liked me."

"What do you mean? I thought it was obvious."

They both were, they were just to blind to see it.

"Benny, you are the most popular guy in school. You have about 100 perfect girls that you can choose from, but you really want to stick with me?"

"Amada," The latino speaks, in honesty, "if it were to come down to the perfect image of my dream girl, she wouldn't even compare to you."

Her heart glowed when hearing what he said, but decided to bring up the nickname that he calls her time to time.

"What does 'amada' mean?"

The boy smiles, "It means beloved."

"So you've been calling me beloved this entire time? That was being 'obvious.'"
"Yes, basically."

The blonde chuckled from how clouded she was from the Rodriguez boy.
He made her feel special, he made her feel like she was worth more then the entire galaxy.

"Do you think we can..."
"Be a couple?"
"Hell yeah."

Jordan kissed him right there on the spot.
His hands quick to cup her face, as her hands ran threw his hair.

She pulled away from him. "I like you too, Benny. I really like you."

"I'm glad to here that."

The kiss continued, it even deepened when Jordan's back was to her kitchen counter.

Benny's hands slowly came down to her waist, until Angela entered the room. 

Jordan stopped immediately, when hearing footsteps coming through, and Benny turned around to see her older sister, dumbfounded.

The brunette girl stares at the two, blankly, she didn't know what to do herself.

"Um... hi," Jordan greets.

The two teenager obviously didn't know that Angela was there at the house, or else they wouldn't be kissing so freely.

"I'm not gonna ask," The older Watts says, "I'm not gonna question shit. All I'm saying is, I told you so."

The girl glares to her sister as they older girl turns back around to go to her room, shutting her bedroom door.

"What was that?" Benny asked, a bit embarrassed from getting caught.

It was obvious that she didn't want to explain to her boyfriend, how her sister has been betting on their relationship for the past few months or so.

"Don't ask."

"We were all walking on air that night. It had been a solid victory.
In fact, we beat the crap out of those guys - bonus point to Jordan.

So we all went to celebrate.
And we did the stupidest thing... any of us had ever done.
And it all ended with Jordan and Benny giving the final laugh."

The sandlot kids all huddled to the concession stand for the ticket, until Benny decided to be the hero of it all.

"Hey, guys, it's all on me tonight," The hispanic boy says, making everyone thank him, grateful as he gets the tickets.

"Aw, crap!" Bertram shouts, "I almost forgot?"

"What?" The kids crowd around him.

The tall glassed boy bring out a thick pack. "Chaw! I was saving it for a good time."

"What is it?" Smalls asked.

"Big Chief." Bertram takes a big sniffle of the bag. "The best!"

"Jeez, Smalls," Ham speaks, "I suppose you don't know who the Babe is either."

All the kids laughed, as Jordan and Benny roll their eyes with small smiles.

Ham answers, "It's plug. Wad. Chewing tobacco."

"'Baccy, man," Bertram adds.

"What do you do with it?" Scotty asked, still oblivious to everything.

"You're killing me, Smalls!" Ham takes the pack and stuffs a hand full of tobacco. "Chew it, of course."

"You do?"

"Yeah, sure, man. All the pros do it," DeNunez persuades.

"Yeah yeah. Give you tons of energy," Yeah-Yeah says.

"Let's dip. Let's dip," Squints cheers.

As the boys go to grab some and put it in their mouth, Jordan was lucky to stop Benny from doing so.

"You're gonna regret it," She advices.

"Come on, babe. It's just a little," He insists.

"Come on, Shorty. Everyone's doing it!" Squints encourages.

"Hell no, I'm not putting that shot in my mouth," The girl chuckled, then turning to her boyfriend. "All right, I'll remember that."

Benny was then hesitant in grabbing some.
His girlfriend was acting cocky, as if knowing something was going to happen.

"What do you know?" He questions her, in a joking matter.

It didn't matter, because Bertram already put the bag away, leaving Benny empty handed.

"Let's ride!" Ham hollers, as they all go onto the first rollercoaster in sight - the Tranbant.

Jordan was glad to lead the boy to sit them down on a bench right by the rollercoaster to see what was up.

The ride started and it was all fun and games, laughs and cheerful hollers... that was until the ride started to speed up.

At that moment, Benny was glad to have a smart girl by his side, because they both saw all their friend beginning to puke out the tobacco during the ride.

"Holy shit," Jordan comments, laughing with Benny.

Girl in the ride screams as vomit hits their clothes or hairs, screaming to get off the ride.

Benny and Jordan got up when seeing the ride stop, seeing the disgusting damaged that was done.

The two older sandlot kids gaged when people from the ride scream with vomit on them, and the rest of their friends getting off with puke all over them, waddling down the steps slowly and sick.

"We'll meet you guys at the sandlot tomorrow," Benny shouts, quick to pull Jordan to go and enjoy the carnaval together as their sick friends were left behind.

"Y-You think they're hiding something?" Scotty asked his friends.

"Most definitely," DeNunez nodded, as everyone agreed with them.

"You think it's good to leave them behind?" The blonde asked, holding onto Benny's hand.

"Yeah, totally," He replies, "Besides, I have a few extra tickets for us."

As Benny pulls them out, Jordan was shocked to see that he had quite a few.

"What the hell?! How did you do this?"

"When I went to my house, Marcel actually was working at a food truck here. He managed to snagged me a few."

Jordan smiles, as she kisses the boy's cheek. "You are a saint, Benny."

Shyly and humbly, the Rodriguez boy moves on. "Okay, okay, choose your pick."

Unlike most girls, they would choose the ferris wheel or carousel, but Jordan wasn't like most girls, at all.

She didn't want Benny to win any stuff animal at the bogus games, she wanted to have a badass experience with the intense rollercoasters.

They first rode the Hammer, where they were in a in a capsule and swung all the way up - upside down - and to the other way.

It was same to say, Jordan had a just love with that kind of stuff.
Benny was as well, but not as much as Jordan, by a long shot.

When riding a few more rides, it came for a point where he was getting a bit of a headache from the rides, he even was thinking about sitting the last round out.
He waited in line with Jordan for her way to ride the Zipper, as they both discuss.

"You can sit this one out, Ben. I don't mind going on this alone," Jordan assures.

"Yeah, but that makes me feel bad. And I don't want you to be by yourself."

"I'm a big girl. If I can beat the fuck out of Phillips, I'm sure I can handle a ride on my own. Besides, I don't want you get a concussion or something."

It was soon Jordan's turn and the older boy in front of them seemed to be listening to them talk.

"Hey, man," He calls outs, "she can ride with me."

Benny and Jordan turned their heads to see a much older guy, most likely Angela's age stare at the blonde like a piece of chicken.

"No, we're good I'm riding with her," Benny replies, snaking his arm around her waist and pulling her close.

"You're sure, man? I can hold onto her real tight for you."

Jordan felt uncomfortable automatically.
She felt that man's eyes on hers, eyeing every bit of her body.

"Hey, back off!" Benny roars, making Jordan hold onto his hand to stop him.

"Excuse me," The staff talks to the couple, "if you're not gonna ride, you gotta get out of the line. You're holding it up."

"Yes, fine, we're leaving," Jordan answers, pulling Benny out of line so that people could get into the rollercoaster.

"Jordan, what are you doing? You wanted to get on."

"Look, that guy ruined the mood. And I just wanna have a nice time with you." Jordan held out her final ticket. "You wanna see who could win a stuff animal the fastest?"

The two quickly ran to the baseball one, where you have to knock over the tower of bottles with a baseball three times in a row.

It was safe to say that Benny won that game, with Jordan putting up a good fight to win.

At the end of the night, as the fireworks signal the end of the carnaval, Jordan and Benny kissed under the colorful lights, as their hearts beat as one.

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