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Before Jordan knew it, she was fully dressed in a rush and out the door with Benny, to go tell their team.

That was the plan until Jordan's parents ran outside from seeing their daughter.

Her parents screech at her.

"Fuck me," The girl cussed.

Benny saw the two adults and knew this wasn't going to be good. "I'll meet you at the sandlot with the others. Good luck, mi amor."

Despite the uneducation of what he spoke, she playfully ignored it. "Thanks, Benjamin."

The Watts girl rolls her eyes as she jogged to her parents, who were quite pissed.

"Where the hell were you last night?" Her step-mother questioned.

"I was spending the night at Benny's."

"You spent the night——"

"Jordan, this is completely unacceptable! You are staying inside the house, right now," Her father scolds.

"W-what, no! I have to play with the boys, they-they need me——"

"Oh, hell no. You had enough play-time with Benny," sneers Anne, grabbing onto her wrist.

This made Jordan triggered, as she quickly ripped her hand away from her wrist and ran away from the two adults as they scream for her to come back.

Though that didn't matter, because now she had to deal with a more important problem — Benny v.s the beast.

"Only one kid in history had ever attempted, what Benny was about to... and he got eaten.

So we were worried... real worried... even when Benny brought out a secret weapon: shoes guaranteed to make a kid run faster and jump higher — P.F. Flyers."

Jordan bit her nails off, seeing her boyfriend out in the black high tops shoes she got him for his birthday last year; he would say that he would save them for something important this must be the day.

Everyone around the Rodriguez boy was baffled over what their friend was willing to do, over a stupid dream.

Benny began walking to go and jump over the fence until a boy came out of the crowd.

"Benny, wait," Smalls spoke up, "It's okay. It was my fault. You don't have to do this."

"Yeah. Come on, Benny, man. You don't have to do it. Forget about it. It's like committing suicide, Benny. Don't do it," Squints exclaimed.

"Yeah, don't do it."
"Yeah. Don't do it."
Timmy and Tommy add on, "It's suicide."

"Yeah, I do, Smalls. I have to do this," The kid replies.

Before he could even move, Jordan spoke, making the team have a sparkle of hope, knowing that she might get some sense into the boy's head.

The girl looked at Benny.
His brown eyes held determination, yet fear.
She knew that no matter what she could say, he would follow through with his plan; it didn't matter if she stops him or the team.

"You promise to come back, right? You're not gonna get your ass chewed by a fuckin' dog," The Watts grumbles loudly.

Benny gave a small smile to his girl. "Of course I will. I'll be right back here."

The entire sandlot team groaned for what Jordan said.
They assumed that since he was gonna face the beast, a massive animal that almost ripped her leg, she would be too scared to let him go, but they were wrong.

Of course, Jordan was scared shitless over Benny.
Her legs felt like glass and her eyes seemed to go in and out of focus. She didn't want him to go over, but she also had faith that he would come back — he promised.

Benny jumped on an old car, that was right beside the fence, standing on top of the hood, looking down at Scotty and Jordan, with the wise words of Babe Ruth calling to him.

'Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart, kid, and you'll never go wrong.'

Benny bravely hopped himself over the fence, landing in the beast territory.

He searched where he stood, looking for the small valuable baseball, in the nasty junkyard, only to be met with the grimy beast, with slobber and growling in his teeth, including the ball, which it dropped to the dirt, almost in a way of mock.

Meanwhile, all the kids waited anxiously for their friend to return, alive, they hoped.

"You think he's dead yet?" Bertram asked everyone.

Watts wasn't in the time for jokes, which made her punch the boy's shoulder, hard, making him wince as he cradles his boney bruised shoulder.

At the same time, Benny stood watching if the dog were to run after him, but he didn't, once he stepped toward him, however, the dog barked aggressively, making Benny take back a step.

The latino boy had to think for a second.
How fast could he be to grab the ball, jump over the fence, without getting his bottom half molded?

His mind was racing until he realized a key to winning: impulse will get him out of here.

No matter how smart he could be, the beat would most likely be two steps ahead, but the beast couldn't outmatch impulsivity.

Suddenly, without hesitation, Benny made a break for it.

With all his might, he rushed to the ball, sliding to grab it, and running away to the fence.
The beast was quick to chase after him, barking madly that he took the ball away.

With the baseball in hand, Benny had to quickly pull himself up from the fence, dropping himself to the ground, face first.

That didn't matter, the sandlot cheered for his safety, running to him with happy smiles and hollers.

Jordan was the first one to help the boy off the ground, now having the ball in her hand, wiping the droll somewhat nice, as Benny got a moment to finally catch a breath.

What they didn't realize what that the chain the beast was on snapped, releasing him out, which was why it was no shock that he came after the kids.

"Oh shit!" Jordan and Benny screamed.

The beast managed to jump over the tall fence, aiming right toward the two kids with the baseball.

Jordan and Benny did not hesitate to run away, with the big ass dog ready for murder, leaving everyone behind.

The rest of the boys were in utter shock to see that a cat and mouse chase was set right in front of their eyes.

The Rodriguez boy led him and Jordan down multiple streets, having many trash cans thrown down to stop the killer animal, that just kept on moving, no matter how much they try to slow it down, but the dog would only push it away, as if it was light work.

"Give the ball to me!" Benny shouts to her.

Jordan couldn't hear him because the only thing she could hear was her heart beating out of her chest and the barks the beast was roaring too.

She decided to come up with a better plan to by them distance, seeing a building that was coming up to them.

"Follow me!" She instructs.

The two kids ran into the side of a theater, locking the door and running away to find another exit to escape, only to hear glass shattering behind them, with barks echoing.

"What the fuck?!"

Benny took instinct and ripped the ball out of Jordan's hands, as he grabbed her other hand, to speed through the theater room and out to the front entrance.

"You think that stopped him?" The boy asked.

The blonde turned her head around, to see that the damn demon of a dog still charging toward them, having people run out of the theater, giving him full opportunity to escape.

"Son of a bitch!" He groans loudly.

That was when they had to run to the park, where a massive picnic was held, with heavy crowds and tons of tables and chairs that stuck out.

The kids were split up, with Jordan being smart and running around the festival, while Benny had to run onto tables, to give him and the dog some distance, with the beast being right on his heel.

As the boy reached the end of the park, Jordan was there, ready to have it handed off to her.

"Benny!" She calls.

He threw the chewed ball to her, roughly, seeing the distance between them.
Still on the run and the beast after, Jordan had to run through the pool, that was lucky enough to be near the area.

The blonde ran through the wet cement and people, with a miracle to not slip, but leaving an unbothered sister, along with her confused friend.

"Was that Jordan getting chased by that giant dog?" Wendy Peffercorn asked.

"At this point, I'm not even gonna question this shit," Angela remarks, taking a sip of her lemonade, watching the pool.

Where there was no luck of any chance of slowing down, there was only Benny to receive the ball again, and having to yell at the sandlot boys to met them at the sandlot.

Both kids were dripped in sweat, legs and feet were numb to the point where no pain was felt, their lungs were scorching and they were losing speed.

That didn't matter because adrenaline and fear kept them from becoming dog food.

When they reached the sandlot and saw the team watching for them, Jordan turned herself around to see Benny, losing his adrenaline, having the beast right behind him.

Her eyes had widened hearing Benny's yelp of pain, she grabs the ball, making the beast run straight to her and not him.

The Rodriguez boy was done for, having his thigh have a small bite, with his body failing him, as he fell to the ground, having to watch the blonde outrun her great fear.

Watts pushed herself off the limit, having to make her way to the fence and make herself jump to the junkyard, in hopes of finally losing the beast.

She jumped off the fence having her land directly on her back, before the girl could tar a second of rest, the beast roars through the border, forcing himself through, making the blonde to scatter herself away from it, no hesitating to find a pipe near her, ready to swing at it.

Before the beast could run at her for the ball, the old busted up fence, finally had its last blow, completely falling right on top of the beast, with the dust of dirt making a giant booming sensation.

"Jordan!" Benny shouts.

He pushed himself to get up and run to where the scene was, like the rest of the kids had their jaws dropped, seeing the hurt beast beaten and tired, with the heavy metal fence holding it down.

The girl opened her eyes at the scene, still not willing to let go of her only protection.

Benny and Smalls were the only two willing to go over the fence, as the sandlot team whisper of the destroyed backyard fence.

"Jordan, Jordan!"

Rodriguez didn't speak again, when he saw the girl kneeling to the ground, with the metal pipe in the air, tears in her eyes.

The latino boy kneeled to the shaken girl, helping her out down the metal pipe, and holding her tightly in his arms.

They both didn't care about their gross state of dirt and sweat.
All that they could do was just embrace each other, holding onto one another, as if it was the last time.

Jordan couldn't help herself but release one or two tears.
The fact of her being chased down by the vicious animal, seeing her boyfriend get bitten, only just added onto the nightmare that she had to survive and successfully lived through.

Her body only crashed, aching from soreness and fatigue, having her entire body lay to Benny, who had to wrap around over what he and Jordan had experienced.

Finally, for the first time in sandlot history, two people outran the beast and could live to tell the tale.

But, Scotty Smalls could only think about the situation differently...

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