011. do you feel ashamed?

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❛ do you feel ashamed?

       ANDROMEDA HADN'T BEEN AT Camp in months. The last time she stepped foot in camp was the week of Luke Castellan's betrayal. She arrived a week earlier than most, which meant most days had been spent with her brother in the infirmary. She watched as he worked, assisting a particularly reckless child of Ares. Amelia Roan had shaggy blonde hair and bangs, and she cut herself. Her clothes were never out of style, so she went nowhere without her leather jacket.

"The hell did you do this time?" he grumbled, examining her wrist.

"Tried to shoot an arrow, but it landed on my wrist, and it cut me."

"How do you even-"

"Don't question it, heal."

Despite their bickering, Andie caught her brother smiling as he healed the war god's daughter.

Aurora spent most of her days with Silena, and the daughter of Apollo's day consisted of her daily back-and-forth emails to the son of Poseidon. She kept him up to date with pictures and gossip. It helped her remind herself that he was real, not a figment of her imagination.

He sent her pictures back like him and Tyson in Cornelia Street, or pictures he took because the things reminded him of her.

She sent him pictures of vacations she took with her family, photos of friends and the scenery in Vermont. The two sometimes even mailed each other things back and forth.

The son of Poseidon sent her little things he thought she'd like, from jewellery he found at the mall to sweets from the candy shop his mother worked at.

The blonde sent him letters in return because she wanted him to practice reading so his English class would be easier. While she wrote her last letter, she realised she might've missed him more than she let on.

﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ˖

MEANWHILE, Percy Jackson was in his social studies class, and while the others were drawing latitude/longitude maps, he reread Andie's last letter and studied the picture he kept in his notebook.

It was the one he took of her on a ski trip her family took him on. She had just finished teaching him how to stop on his skis, which took him an embarrassingly long time to learn. The boy kept bumping into her, knocking her over ever so often.

The sun was starting to set, creating a beautiful scenery with the mountains. Andromeda had been teaching him how to ski ever since they got back from lunch.

After he finally mastered it and the pair went down a couple of slopes, she handed him her digital camera, in case he wanted to take pictures.

He took pictures of the scenery, as well as silly ones like a picture of him zoomed in. Eventually, he took a photo of Andie. She looked pretty in her snowsuit, her smile bright. She had just taken her helmet off, and her two braids were covered in snow and icicles. Her cheeks were red from the cold, and she looked to be enjoying herself.

He took a couple. The first few were without her knowledge, then when she finally caught on, she put her hands on her hips and smiled at the camera.

He adored that specific one since he kept it in his notebook, as well as his wallet.

Eventually, they took a couple together. And the picture framed on his bedside table was the one Elijah took of them having a snowball fight.

He smiled; Percy missed her more than anything in the world. That was until Matt Sloan reached over and ripped the picture out of the rings.

"Hey!" he protested.

Sloan checked out the picture and his eyes got wide. "No way, Jackson. Who's that? There is no way in hell she's your-"

"Give it back!" he felt his face grow warm.

The bully handed the photograph to his buddies who snickered. "That's your girlfriend?" one of them asked.

They appeared to be visiting since they had tags from the admissions office. Weird sense of humour, too. How anyone over the age of eleven found 'Skull Eater', 'Hugh Janice', and 'Ben Dover' funny was beyond him.

"No! She isn't my girlfriend."

"Good," the other grinned, examining the picture. He could tell he was looking Andie up and down, checking her out. "She's much too pretty for you, Jackson. Is she single?"

"None of your business!"

"Do you have her number?" the other chimed in, ripping up the photograph to make spit wads.

Gods, he wished he said that she was his girlfriend. Maybe they would've shut up and wouldn't talk about her that way.

Before Percy could answer though, Sloan spoke up. "These guys are moving here next year," he bragged. "I bet they can pay tuition too, unlike your stupid friend."

"He's not stupid, jerkface."

"You're such a loser, Jackson," he started, before turning to his friends. "Do you guys think his girlfriend is as dorky as him?"

"Even worse," one of them replied.

"Nah, she seems too pretty for that," the other said.

"Jackson and his pretty girl," the third one mocked.

"Don't talk about her!" Percy finally exclaimed.

The bell rang, and as he and Tyson were walking to class, his friend spoke up. "Percy?"


"Why'd you get mad at the mean boy? He said the girl in the picture was pretty. Pretty is good."

"He didn't mean it."

"Oh. Why?"

He shrugged. "Cause he's a jerk. And he clearly has no idea. I mean, Andie isn't just pretty. She's beautiful. Anyone with eyes can see that. Hell, I'm pretty sure a blind man would know-" he stopped mid-rant, flushing, realising what he was saying.

"She is pretty. I wish someone called me pretty like that," Tyson mumbled, before looking down at the demigod. "You like her?"

"She's my friend."

"Like you and me?"

"Uh, not in that way," his voice trailed off.

﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ˖

ONCE ANDIE STEPPED OUT OF the infirmary she saw Annabeth talking to the other children of Athena. The girl ran to her, wrapping her up in a long hug from behind. "Hey, Ands."

The daughter of Athena was used to her hugs by now, never surprised by them.

"Is he here?"

"Yes. He brought-"

The blonde didn't let her finish. She hugged her one last time before running to the Poseidon cabin.

"Love you, talk to you later!" she yelled, as she ran.

She opened the door, not bothering to knock. "Seadork," she grinned, wrapping her arms around the boy.

"Hey Sunny," he mumbled against her shoulder. She had grown, but you wouldn't know if she stood next to him. Percy was still taller than her. But then again, both of them were no match to the gentle giant who had been watching the interaction from afar.

"And stranger," she looked at the Cyclops. "Why is it here?" she whispered to Percy. "Umm. Ask." He didn't want to admit it. He was too ashamed to.

"Hi.. big guy," she started. "Why are you here?"

"Percy is my brother," he giggled.

"He's your-"

"You are pretty."


"Percy was right. You are pretty," he spoke again.

"Tyson!" the son of Poseidon went red.

"Pretty, huh?" the daughter of Apollo looked at him, smiling.

"Percy is my brother," the Cyclops said again.

The boy cringed. It was embarrassing. He was ashamed to call him his brother. And it was even more embarrassing to see Andie treat Tyson like he was a toddler.

ANNABETH TRIED TO make him feel better. She and Andie were originally teamed up together for the chariot, but she offered to team up with one of her half-siblings so the two would be together. They all hated Tantalus and were worried sick about the safety of camp but Annabeth didn't have a plan yet. And racing is better than doing nothing after all.

One morning, he and Andie were sitting by the canoe lake, sketching ideas for their chariot, when some idiots from the Aphrodite cabin walked by and offered him some eyeliner for his 'eye' . . . "Oh sorry, eyes."

Once they left Andie looked at him. "Ignore them. They're just jealous they're vain and boring just like their mother."

"Easy for you to say," he mumbled, playing around with his pencil.

"It's not your fault you have a monster for a brother."

"He is not my brother!" he snapped. "And he isn't a monster."

"He technically is."

"They let him into camp, Andie."

"Annabeth said that-"

"Oh, screw what she said. He saved my life. Therefore, he isn't a monster. But he isn't my brother either."

The girl sighed. "This is why I work with Annabeth."

"Well, go to her then!"

"Maybe I will," she picked up her notebook. "She knows more about this stuff anyway."

"Andie, wait," he lay on the deck, realising how pathetic he sounded. He looked miserable.

"Perce, c'mon," she sighed.

"It's just-"


"It's a joke. Being his son feels like a joke. I mean, I'm supposed to be this great thing, a hero! But I don't feel like one, because I have a Cyclops for a brother. Not even someone cool like your brother."

"Don't say that. I think Tyson's cool."


"If it makes you feel any better, you got the good genes in the family?" she offered.

"Gee, thanks. I feel amazing," he muttered sarcastically.

He stared at the sky. The trees blocked the sun, and meanwhile, Andie was sketching a design for the chariot, colouring away with her pencils. Annabeth helped her with the outline and the mechanics, she was doing the design. Usually, he would've offered some ideas or a sarcastic comment.

But right now he felt like he was slowly dying, just like Thalia's tree.

🌅 blue speaks!

very short, sorry. i just couldn't. handle. writing. the. chariot. scene. sigh.


ummm thank you to polaroidbbyy
cause she made the cutsie title but i changed the emoji


highschool. my first day. is in. 2 days. monday. help me.

yes things are getting sad again for my mfs ofc they are
ummm idk guys that's all i have to say sorry this is lowkey short and boring but um

guess who created Amelia... (hint; backcbiter )

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