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read if you'd like, but I'd like to add that Andie doesn't posses all of the powers and traits, like most children of Apollo don't! Buttttt, if you're interested, here are all of the powers they can possess!(according to chb-fanon)


01. Vitakinesis: Children of Apollo can control the human healing factor, though, this is a rare power.

02. Disease Transfer: Children of Apollo can transfer illnesses from one person to another.
03. Pain Transfer/Absorption: Some children of Apollo can transfer pain between people with physical contact, meaning that they can take the pain away from their patients and take it on instead as long as they are touching them. If a third party is also in contact with the child of Apollo, the pain can be transferred to them, too. This is useful when it is evenly distributed between people, meaning that one person is not in critical pain.
04. Injury/Vital Sensor: Children of Apollo can touch a person and get a sense of what state their body is in (such as identifying organ damage). They can also use this to know the patient's heart rate and blood type.

05. Nosokinesis: Though it is rare, some children of Apollo are born with plague powers. They can inflict illness on others, causing them to die of all kinds of diseases such as Malaria, Yellow Fever, Ebola, Scarlet Fever, Smallpox, severe Pneumonia, and etc.
Healing Song/Voice: Children of Apollo can heal others by singing an ancient Greek song to their father.
06. Harmful Hymn: When children of Apollo join hands, they can sing songs in Ancient Greek to cause harm. Depending on the song, different things will happen (see: hymns). With more powerful hymns Apollo children often try to get children of Hecate to help, thus very much strengthening the hymn.
07. Nosokinetic Arrows: Children of Apollo can channel diseases into their arrows, causing anyone hit with these arrows to become sick for a time. Those with particularly strong disease abilities can even cause illnesses without needing to have any kind of physical contact with their victims. This is a rare power.
08. Rhyming Curse: Children of Apollo, as their dad is the God of Poetry and Music, can curse people to either speak in rhyming couplets or to constantly sing, for a limited time.

09. Musical Aptitude: Children of Apollo, as their dad is the God of Music, are natural musicians and singers. They also have perfect pitch, meaning the ability to identify any musical note by name after hearing it, without reference to other notes

10. Audiokinesis: Children of Apollo are able to manipulate music in their head to play outside of themselves, and amplify it in different places in the surrounding areas, so much so, that they create shock waves from those areas. This essentially allows them to create miniature music explosions capable of blowing people away. They have to be able to visualize the area in which they're sending the music. No one is immune to the sound so this could cause potential danger to themselves and their allies. The more they use this power, the more exhausted they become.

11. Children of Apollo can send telepathic messages since their dad is the god of music.

12. Precognition: Children of Apollo, as their dad is the God of Prophecy, are sometimes born with the power of precognition, or the power to see the future, though typically in limited forms. This is an extremely rare power.

13. Oracle's Premonition Sensor: Children of Apollo, as their dad is the God of Oracles, can sense when an oracle is about to have a premonition.

14. Prophecy Understanding: Children of Apollo, as their dad is the God of the Oracle, have the vague ability to understand what the prophecies mean, although they usually don't talk about it.
Children of Apollo are able to foresee potential future attacks, allowing them a short span of time to prepare for these attacks.

15. Poetry: Children of Apollo, as their father is the God of Poetry, are natural poets. However, they prefer not to do much poetry, because they are embarrassed by their dad's poetry.
Biokinesis: Children of Apollo are really great at science and sometimes they can control things related to science like chemicals. It is a very rare skill.

16. Heliokinesis: Some children of Apollo also have the power of Heliokinesis, or the power to absorb, redirect, and manipulate solar energy.

17. Photokinesis: Some children of Apollo can manipulate and control light. It can be used to generate heat (though not fire). Sometimes this is used in emergencies for cauterization or so that they can see their work. In times of distress, they can use this to kill and blind opponents.

18. Heat Control: Children of Apollo can create massive waves of heat and radiation that can span a large area around them. This can cause people to get heat stroke, dehydrate quicker, and if close enough to the user, cause hallucinations. The longer this power is used, the less hot it becomes, until the user simply runs out of heat and energy.
Children of Apollo have the ability to focus intense beams of light from their eyes which will burn through objects and melt through regular metals.

19. Light Identification: Children of Apollo can sense what certain light waves are, identifying infrared light, black light, and others.

20. Light Dome: Children of Apollo have the ability to create a very large protective dome of bright light and heat around them. No one can enter their dome without feeling intense dehydration, and have the ability to faint. People cannot look into the dome so the user can effectively conceal themselves in plain sight. This drains them.

21. Children of Apollo can teleport themselves by manipulating light photons. Essentially, it's them moving at the speed at which light travels, but using the light itself to help them travel and travel through objects that light can pass through. They need to be careful to not attempt to travel anywhere that has something that blocks light, because it will immediately halt their travel.

22. Children of Apollo often have the power Hypnokinesis, but not to the extent of children of Morpheus and Hypnos.
Enhanced Hearing: Children of Apollo can hear things at frequencies some can't. Dog whistles can be heard by them, for instance.

23. Ultrasonic Whistle: Some children of Apollo have piercing whistles that can stun opponents (such as Will Solace).

24. Sound Waves: Children of Apollo can use sound waves as offensive weapons.

25. Enhanced Voice/Vocal Cords: In times of great distress, some children of Apollo can scream loud enough to deafen opponents, though this is difficult to use around allies, as it could hurt them.

26. Sunburn Immunity: Children of Apollo can directly look at the sun without their eyes hurting. They cannot get a sunburn.

27. Enhanced Healing Factor: Children of Apollo heal quicker than most half-bloods.

28. Truth Sensor: Some Children of Apollo, as their father is the God of Truth, can tell when someone is telling the truth or lying.

29. Perfect Memory: Children of Apollo never forget the songs, melodies and poetries they vahe heard or hear.

30. Archery: Children of Apollo are naturally talented archers.


01. Children of Apollo are extremely skilled at anything having to do with missile projectiles, such as archery and basketball.

02. Children of Apollo have a knack for medicine.

03. Children of Apollo tend to be afraid of the dark.

04. All children of Apollo have a terrible fear of snakes, thanks to a curse.

05. Children of Apollo can see well in brightness and tend to remain unaffected by powerful lights or the sun, thanks to their father being a light god.

06. Children of Apollo can sense where the sun is shining, meaning that they know where on the planet it is day at all times.

07. Children of Apollo know the time of any location regardless of timezones due to their built-in knowledge of the sun's positioning.

08. Children of Apollo tend to be the first ones to wake up in the morning in the summer, but wake up later in the winter.

09. Children of Apollo tend to get along with children of Hermes, as Hermes was the inventor of Apollo's beloved lyre.

10. Children of Apollo's finger glow like glowsticks when cracked.

11. Children of Apollo get a new freckle whenever their father thinks about them.

12. Children of Apollo glow slightly red when they sense someone is lying.

13. Children of Apollo's hair gets gold in the sun.
14. hildren of Apollo fall in love very often.

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