*๏ผŠโœฟโ€๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ€โ€โœฟChapter 33

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Just let me love you.

Your father had tears in his eyes, and that made your heart race.

"Hello, Dad." The words were choked out by your voice.

This is the moment you have spent endless years envisioning. Imagine what it would be like to finally meet your absent father and his glamorous wife, who replaced your mother fourteen years ago. Your dad drew you into a tight embrace because he was so overcome. His trembling arms wrapped around your body. He found it unbelievable that you decided to see him, much less spend at his residence. You only want to feel joy once more and release yourself from this burden of unforgiveness. When your dad hugged you, there was an unsaid excitement in his voice. He has been attempting to gain the favour of his oldest child for years, but you have always turned him down.

He had no idea how his actions affected his favourite child. He left his first family behind to be with his true mate because he knew he had hurt you so deeply.

He has regretted the suffering he caused his family throughout the years. He felt it in his heart like a hot iron. Knowing he had ruined Shelly and his three children did not make him very happy. However, he was lucky that Shelly had forgiven him ten years ago and forced him to move on. She never moved on, but still.

Shelly informed him of his children's accomplishments and significant life events during those long, empty years without them. Together with Amelia, he immigrated to New Zealand to start again. His main regret was not being present when Becky became such a lovely, adorable young child. When she was a few months old, he left.ย 

Over the years, he would visit his kids in Sydney, but Ruby would constantly be preoccupied with school sports in a different area or spending time with Samantha. He never really met her, and he would make demands on Shelly, who kept her oldest daughter at a distance until Ruby snapped at the age of fourteen, declaring that she didn't want to talk, see, or hear about him. When she was nine years old, her father died the day he left that door.

ย He knew his daughter no longer loved, respected, or looked up to him. They went on several dates and had a great time together; he was her unfailing hero. Whenever she had a sporting event, he was there. They made the best team. She was always and forever a daddy's girl. He met with Bryant and Becky multiple times, and they both forgave him.

"Oh, Rubina, thank you for coming." His speech was filled with passion as he showed you around his magnificent hotel suite, which was spacious and quite opulent.ย 

Your gaze darted around, wondering about his soulmate, and your dad grinned nervously in your eyes. "Amelia and the children left for a little while so that we could spend time together alone. Would you like me to place a food order for you?" Hopefully, he asked.

"Nah, I'm right for now; maybe just a soft drink would be sweet," you responded, shaking your head. You didn't want to disappoint him by turning down his hospitality, so he led you to settle on the couch.ย 

The fear bit deep inside you as you entwined your fingers, wondering how your dad was. You haven't communicated with him in years. Your heart was irreparably damaged.

Your father approached you with a look of intense regret and longing in his eyes as he grabbed a cold berry soda from the tiny refrigerator.ย 

His voice cracked, "Ruby, love," he said. "I know I've mucked up, but I want to fix things. I'm not getting any younger, and I want your forgiveness. I'll never stop loving you and your siblings. Please give me a shot at being your dad. Don't shut me out... I want to be in your life, darling."

You furrowed your brow and bit your lip, feeling mixed emotions. But you could only see his sincerity when you looked at your dad's hazel-green eyes.

With a heavy heart, you nodded, knowing that forgiving him was the first step to healing the rift between you. "You hurt me, Dad. You just woke up and left without a word or a clue at night. Becky was still a baby. You married mum and had kids but forgot about us when you met your soulmate. I felt like I wasn't good enough for you to love me. I'm sorry for being rude and keeping my distance, but it was my way of protecting myself. I've held onto a lot of anger for years. I never answer your calls, open your birthday gifts, or use your money. You became a stranger to me. I just couldn't get why you didn't fight for us. Even the Wallace family ignored us as your first family. Grandma and Granddad only sent the odd gift but never cared about our lives."

Tears streamed down your flushed face as you thought about the struggles your family went through. Your mum's pain was having to sell the house and move into a tiny flat until she could afford a new home.

Your dad looked at you deeply regretfully, saying, "I'm so sorry, Ruby. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness. Back when your mum and I married as Tarnished, we promised if we met our soulmates, we'd divorce and be with them if they were blue-stringed. We didn't get our late whisperer marks in our twenties, and it was a shock when I got mine in my thirties. Blue is the most protective and jealous string. Like red-gold, we can't live without each other. You've got to be with that person, especially as a late whisperer. When I met Amelia at 33, already having had my mark for a year, it was like we'd found each other after ages. She thought she'd never meet me. It was love at first sight, Ruby. I know your mum was heartbroken; she couldn't handle that I'd met the woman I was destined for. I didn't tell her straight away when I met Amelia. I loved and cared for your mum, but Amelia was my true love. I fell head over heels for her. We had a secret affair for a year; she got pregnant, and I had to come clean to your mum. Being with the blue-stringed person, it's like you can't help but fall. Amelia became my whole world. Your mum was devastated, asked me to leave, and filed for divorce. We haven't spoken in a year since then. She got custody, and we had to divide everything."

His eyes were brimming with emotion as he wiped his face, and you could see him begging you to understand.

"But you were already married, Dad. Why didn't Amelia just let you go? She was meant to let you live your life. You were happy with us. She's the one who broke us up. Didn't you want to stay?" You glared at him, baffled by how clueless men can be.

Your dad nodded. "We had a big blow-up about it, Ruby. Your mum's a proud woman. She wasn't going to share her husband. It was the hardest choice I had to makeโ€”my soulmate, a new baby, or my family. I guess your mum chose for me. She couldn't bear the thought of being with a man whose heart was divided. Amelia would always be part of our lives, and your mum wasn't ready to fight for destiny if she knew I'd fallen for someone else. I understood where your mum was coming from because I just couldn't stay away from Amelia. Amelia even left me to think about what I was doing for a month, but our love just grew stronger."

You took a deep breath as the reality sank in. If Jimin finds his soulmate, what happens then? He might love you now, but when fate catches up, he might have to choose between staying with you or loving the woman fate has chosen for him. Despite this, you chose to be a fool for love. You'll keep loving Jimin until he decides he wants to be with his true love. You won't stand in his way. You'll love him and hold onto your memories, even if it tears you apart, to let him go.

But until Dr Hyun arrived, your mum couldn't get past her pain; she wasn't that strong. You knew how the system worked. Your parents knew marriage was a gamble. The handbook said Tarnished marriages were a no-go. You could still end up with a late whisperer mark. A Tarnished person finds walking away from their intended mate nearly impossible.

At that moment, your heart softened, and all the hurt, anger, and rejection seemed to fade. You understood your dad's point of view. Because of his decision, he spent fourteen years without the love of his first family.

You took a deep breath and touched your dad's shoulder. "I'm sorry. Forgive me, too. I didn't get everything. You wanted to stay, and Amelia tried to let you go, which was impossible for her. I forgive you, Dad. I'm ready to start over and rebuild our relationship. I'm not the same person I was before. A lot has happened that changed my view on love. I'm open to accepting your new wife and my half-siblings."

With tears in his eyes, your dad listened to you express your willingness to mend the broken relationships. Despite the challenges, you both embraced warmly, crying together.

"My lovely Ruby, thank you. I promise I'll support you in every way I can." He gently touched your red hair, which he adored. You were a beautiful reflection of your mum.

Through your tears, you nodded and chuckled.

"You can give Amelia a ring. I'm ready to meet my new siblings," you laughed.

Your dad smiled. "I've shown them your photos; they already adore you and can't wait to meet you."

It was amazing to see the joy in your dad's eyes. You already pictured the stunning, platinum-blue-eyed bombshell with model looks.

Your dad was stunned when you mentioned the celebrity you were involved with during your chat about your Uni Live internship in Seoul. You only gave him the basicsโ€”he's soulmarked, but things are still casual between you two, and both of you are Tarnished for now. You didn't bring up the burning and stinging sensations in your fingers and arms, but getting a soulmark somewhere on your hands or arms was unsettling. You love Jimin with all your heart and have no interest in a soulmate; you want Mochi.

When the door opened, your shock and surprise were evident. Watching your dad embrace her filled you with excitement. For years, you'd imagined a stunning woman who would captivate you with her beauty and charm. But as she walked in, her surprise was evident, and when her eyes met yours, they were filled with emotion.

You stood up hesitantly, but her gentle smile put you at ease. The woman next to your dad was quite different from what you'd imaginedโ€”she was a bit short, almost your length, but had a motherly presence, with big ocean-blue eyes and short bright platinum hair. In her forties, her cool tones contrasted with your mum's warm tones. Her round face had a blush, and she was very friendly, lacking the glamour you had expected. It was hard to reconcile the woman before you momentarily with the glamorous image you envisioned.

As you stood there, still in shock, you had to push aside your slight disappointment and focus on the woman who was about to become a significant part of your life.

Your dad beamed with love as he introduced Amelia. "Ruby, this is my soulmate, Amelia. And Amelia, this is my beautiful eldest daughter, Rubina Wallace, or just Ruby," he said, motioning for you to come closer. You smiled and were immediately enveloped in the warmest hug you could imagine.

"Oh, Ruby. It's such a pleasure to finally meet you," she said, eyes scanning your features with genuine admiration.

Looking fondly at your dad, she added, "You didn't tell me your daughter looked like a model. She's beautiful!" Her sincerity made you smile widely.

"Thank you, Amelia. You're beautiful too," you said, and she beamed. But the moment was interrupted by the impatient looks from the two kids behind Amelia.

"Mom, can we meet our sister now?" the lanky boy whined while his sister giggled.

Any lingering doubts vanished as you met your young half-siblings. The eldest was a cute 13-year-old with striking platinum blond hair and warm, darker blue eyes, almost the same shade as yours but with green flecks around the iris. The younger sister, ten years old, had long, straight platinum blonde hair and crystal blue eyes a little lighter than her mum's. She looked just like her mum. Apart from the hair colour, her brother resembled your dad and Bryant.

Your dad smiled as he introduced his kids. "Ruby, meet your brother and sister, Lachlan and Isla Wallace. They couldn't wait to meet you."

They waved shyly, but Isla jumped in front of her brother and gave you a tight hug. "I've always wanted a big sister. Ruby, you're so pretty, like Ariel."

You chuckled and hugged her back. "You look like Elsa from Frozen."

Her brother Lachlan gave his sister a sidelong glance. "Am I chopped liver?" he grinned, wiggling his brows teasingly. "Hey Ruby, you're gorgeous. I bet you've got all the guys at the university going nuts for you! We heard you even made an Asian boy band member crazy about you!"

Your jaw dropped at Lachlan's flirty comment. Holy Dooley! Looks like you've got yourself another cheeky brother. You laughed as his mum gave him a playful smack on the head. Everyone laughed at his scrunched-up face. What had he said to get that reaction?

"Don't mind him, Ruby. He's just a hormonal teenager," Amelia said with a hint of regret. Lachlan rolled his eyes as he greeted his dad, who looked as pleased as punch.

Their excitement was infectious as they gathered around you, eager to finally meet their big sister, whom they had heard so much about. Your heart melted seeing their innocent faces, realising that your dad's soulmate wasn't just a partner for him but also a mother to these precious kids.

The youngest daughter, Isla, was a bundle of energy and joy. She broke away from the group and dashed into your arms, hugging you tightly. Her enthusiasm and warmth were so overwhelming that tears welled up in your eyes. Isla was fascinated by you, especially your long, curly red hair.

Your dad turned to the family. "Alright, let's head downstairs for lunch at the hotel restaurant. We can have a good chat, and you can ask Ruby anything, but let's avoid unnecessary questions," he said, giving his son a pointed look. Lachlan just shrugged in response.

Amelia grinned. "Just let me freshen up my hair," she said, hurrying upstairs with your dad while helping Isla and Lachlan get acquainted with you.

Lachlan smirked, his hazel eyes twinkling. "So, Rubs, are you dating a BTS member?"

Your eyes widened in surprise. "You know BTS?"

Isla nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, we like them. I'm a fan of V."

Lachlan grinned. "The girls at my school call themselves ARMYs. They mentioned something about the boys filming in New Zealand. I'm not sure where they got that info, but there's a lot of buzz online about BTS coming here for a holiday. You should come visit us so you can see your boyfriend."

You were taken aback by the fact that the kids knew about BTS. Jimin had mentioned that BigHit was planning a film shoot during their off-season and a vacation in September. He even suggested you join him for a weekend in New Zealand. You smiled but weren't entirely sure about the idea. Now that the kids knew, you might reconsider and visit your dad.

You chuckled. "Are you sure you're not an ARMY, Lachlan?" you teased.

Lachlan's ears turned red. "Er, no. I just know a few of their songs, watch their MVs, and have some merch. That doesn't make me a fan."

Isla and you burst into laughter. "Don't lie, Lach," Isla interrupted. "Just admit you're a fan. It's not a shame to get out of the closet. You like the rap line and have all RM, Suga, and J-Hope's mixtapes. You've got all their albums and know more trivia than I do. So, you're an ARMY. Just own up to it!"

"Oh, my word! Big mouth, excuse me!" Lachlan said, jumping up in embarrassment and running to his room to grab his hoodie.

You and Isla laughed and gave each other a high-five.

Just then, your dad and Amelia returned, and you headed to the elevator. Your dad was thrilled to see you bonding so quickly with your half-siblings. Isla showed you cute BTS photos and promised to send you all the Jimin pictures she saved on her new iPhone. Lachlan rolled his eyes but looked amused.

The restaurant had a relaxed vibe. You were happily enjoying the buffet, sitting between your siblings, who were eager for your full attention. You glowed with affection for these kids. You took numerous photos as a family.ย  Amelia and your dad beamed with pride as they watched you chat and laugh with your new siblings. You were sipping on sodas while Lachlan explained a game on his phone.

You mentioned your plans to design games, which made Lachlan almost spit out his juice when you revealed some secret codes for his favourite game. You helped him quickly get past a level he was stuck on. He was thrilled; you could see his respect for you soar.

Suddenly, the commotion at the double doors drew everyone's attention. Security was trying to keep people out, and you could hear shouts and shrieks: "Ruby Red! Ruby Red!"

Your dad furrowed his brows, looking confused. "What's going on?" His eyes darted between you and the door. He had heard about the internet story linking Ruby to an international celebrity.

Your breath hitched. "Holy Dooley! They found me!"

Lachlan and Isla looked puzzled as the restaurant guests turned to look and photographers pointed their cameras at you.

Three or more photographers were trying to force their way into the restaurant, but security was pushing them back and trying to close the doors. They had big cameras around their necks, some focusing on you and your family.

You'd forgotten about your new 'celebrity status'. You quickly grabbed your hat and sunglasses while Amelia threw her jacket over you.

Amelia looked worried. "Oh, my word! The paps found Ruby!"

You were shielded by Amelia's jacket as your dad jumped up to speak with the restaurant manager, who hurried over to your table.

"I'm so sorry, sir. We're not sure how it got out that Ruby was here. We're trying to keep the paparazzi out, but more are outside the hotel. Management has locked the doors. We're very sorry," the manager apologised, and another manager arrived from a side door.

Your dad was furious about the disruption to your private time.

Isla's eyes were wide as she looked at Lachlan, who was hyped up. "Is Ruby famous? The cameras are all over us!"

Lachlan said dryly, "Sort of. She's dating Jimin. These paparazzi just won't leave her alone." He looked sadly at you as you sat covered by Amelia, the day turning into a circus.

The manager, looking regretful, said, "Sir, you can use the service entrance through the kitchen to get to the service elevator and outside." He and your dad quickly discussed an escape plan.

Under Amelia's jacket, you texted Samantha.

"Sam, the paps have found me at the hotel. Please come get me. My dad's busy with an escape plan. Don't go to the front entrance. I'll send you the details. Please hurry. Security is dealing with the paparazzi."

Samantha's determined voice came through. "I'm on my way now! There are still paps at your place. I've got your luggage and travel documents. We had to sneak them out through your neighbour's backyard. I'll fill you in later."

You hung up as Amelia said, "Come on, Ruby, we're following the manager. Keep your head down."

The restaurant was filled with excitement as your family hurried out. Waiters and restaurant staff covered for you as you slipped through the kitchen door at the back.

Your siblings were excited about the surprise adventure with their famous sister. Even a few patrons sneaked photos of you leaving, shielded by your dad and Amelia.

They were amazed to be in the same restaurant and breathe the same air as Jimin's girlfriend, one of the most sought-after BTS members.

Your heart raced as you told your dad Samantha was on her way. She was waiting in her car near the back alley. You hugged your dad and new family, thanking them and promising to call once you were safe at Melissa's place.

A/n At last, a new update. My deepest apologies for my Mochi stans. Ruby and her dad are mending the burned bridges.

Thank you so much for not abandoning my stories. I hope you love the unexpected update surpriseโ€”a huge hug of gratitude to all the loyal and loving voters and readers. You made my day.

Shout out toย @MarieKarlsson3, @otapele007, and @mjcpark510. Thank you so much for commenting. Please engage.ย I love your comments.

1. What do you think about Ruby's explanation?

2. Do you think how she treated him all those years was fair?

3. In your opinion, do you think the relationship can be mended?

4. What do you think about Amelia?

5. What are your thoughts on her new half-siblings?

6. What do you think about the restaurant scene?

Enjoy some eye candy๐Ÿคฉ


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