𝟬𝟬𝟯 capture the flag

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chapter three—capture the flag

As she was walking back Inez came out from her dorm "Hey did you like what you saw... woah what happened?"

Adeline was holding her shoulders since it was cold from the water on her "Percy Jackson happened"

Victoria's also noticed and walked to them "Wow.. what happened?" As Adeline walked to her cabin stopping turning around to Inez and Victoria  "He made a toilet explode! Now there's toilet water all over me I also met this girl named Annabeth.. she said I would be good for capture the flag?"

Inez knew Annabeth they were kinda good friends didn't talk as much "Oh yeah Annabeth is cool but I think you would be good at it"

Adeline finally said bad to Inez walked inside her door getting clothes then going to take a shower to get rid of the toilet water when she finished it was time for bed.

Adeline saw Clarisse cause they had the same cabin with some other kids of Ares.

Clarisse went up to her "Hey.. you better watch your back" Adeline rolled her eyes and just got on a bunk going to bed.

It's now the next day and everyone's training for capture the flag.

Inez and Victoria saw Adeline "How was your sleep?" Inez asked.

"Fine.. what is this?" Adeline said looking at people training. "They're getting ready for capture the flag!"

Just then Chiron yelled "Hero's! It's time!" Adeline looked at her friends "Seriously? Already? Oh my god"

"You're gonna do amazing!" Inez said. Everyone got ready and Adeline was on the blue team with Inez, Victoria, Percy and Annneth Luke was there to. Adeline had to put some gear on and had a cross bow with a shield. She honestly just looked like a knight.

Annabeth walked up to Luke "All right we only have 20 minutes before the second conch and game on! You know what you're doing?"

Luke nodded and walked away as he led the other students out. As Percy and Adeline were following Annabeth stopped them.

"Not you guys.. your coming with me" she said walking away as they both followed her.

They followed her and they went a diffrent direction. Percy then fell to the ground and they both stood there.

He got up "I appreciate you guys just standing there in silence" They didn't say anything and Annabeth started walking off again.

Percy started talking about how he needs to win this today for his father to see him.

Just then they heard a siren. "Game on.." she said putting in a hat and she just disappeared. "Okay.. what the hell.."

She then came back taking the hat off "Gift from my mom... don't worry you'll guys do great!" She said putting the hat on as she disappeared again.

"Wait.. so you're just gonna leave us here?!" Adeline said. Annabeth ignored they saw her footsteps walking off in the dirt even though she was invisible.

"Oh great!" Adeline said they honestly didn't do anything but walk around exploring.

Percy stood on the rock and started dancing Adeline looked at him "What are you doing..?"

"Dancing..?" He said. Adeline smiled softly they started to talk for a bit laying on the rocks but then Adeline heard footsteps. She got up and saw people from the red team "You've gotta be kidding me"

One of them took off the knight helmet it was Clarisse. Adeline crossed her arms "It just gets better and better.... flags not here"

"We know.. but revenge is more fun" She hit her sword on the floor making it glow like fire.

"Grab the shields..." Percy grabbed his and Adeline grabbed hers Adeline grabbed the sword she had.

Now there were couple of the red team members fighting them. They fought back Adeline was kinda doing good.

She ended up knocking one of them on the floor but Percy also fell and Adeline helped him up. "Okay here's the plan.. run!"

They both started to run in the woods as Clarisse and some others followed them.

They were met with a lake and they were crossed by the red team members they had to fight again. "Well that running didn't go as planned" Adeline said.

But as they thought they were both getting better and better and they were starting to win.

Adeline knocked the some of them down as Percy literally broke the weapon Clarisse was using she screamed no.

Clarisse was so upset she walked up to Percy but Adeline stood in front of her.

Then they heard the people yelling it was the blue team they ended up catching the red flag.

So the blue team won. Clarisse walked away and Adeline smiled "Oh my god! We did it Percy! You did so good! You totally kicked her ass!"

"Not bad.. you guys are hero's" a voice it sounded like Annabeth she took off the hat.

"Wait.. so you were there the whole time and thought oh I'm not gonna help them.." Adeline said. Annabeth walked up to them "Yes"

Percy had cuts all over his face too. Annabeth walked up to Percy "I'm sorry about this" she pushed him into the lake and Adeline turned her head not what she expected.

Percy was sitting in the water "What's wrong with you?" He said but no response as he got up he felt the cuts going away and they did completely vanished from his skin.

"I don't understand.." Adeline and Annabeth looked above him to see a trident. He looked up to see what they were talking about.

"Your dad's calling.." Annabeth said.

Later on that day. Inez and Victoria were with Adeline "I told you! That you would do good that was amazing how you knocked them down!" Victoria

"Yeah.. maybe this camp isn't so bad after all" Adeline said. She thought about it and it wasn't at all after all she did make friends she was happy about it but many adventures were coming up..


authors note 💗:
here's chapter three! i hope you guys enjoyed. why did percy and adeline eat up that fight though.. new duo alert!! also ik ares team is supposed to be red but THAT ISN'T WHATS HAPPENING OKAY? THIS IS MY FIC I DO WHAT I WANT ☺️

thanks for reading love ya 💋

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