𝟬𝟭𝟲 traitor

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chapter sixteen—traitor


Some hours.. passed and the others were back at camp and Adeline was on the way to return the bolt to Zeus with Percy...

Victoria has been ignoring Clarisse ever since she heard about her working with her father for the bolt. Clarisse told her many times she didn't do it.

Victoria saw Inez and the others walking back into the camp "Inez!" Victoria said. Inez noticed her and hugged her "Victoria!" Victoria pulled away from the hug "I'm glad you're okay! Where's Adeline and Percy?"

Inez sighed "Oh boy.. do we have an adventure to tell you.. we also need to get to Chiron! Did Adeline tell you about Clarisse?" Victoria nodded "Yes.. I can't believe I fell her act."

"It's not your fault.. don't worry!" Annabeth said as they went to find Chiron.

Adeline and Percy went to where Zeus was they went up to the front desk the worker said "Tour is your front." He thought that but Adeline took out the master bolt "Not here for a tour.. we're here to see Zeus"

The guy let them take the elevator with no questions asked when they took a different elevator they made it to Olympus.

"Wow.." Adeline said as they walked out of the elevator then they walked to the top of what looked like a castle and there was Zeus sitting down. "Let's do this..." Adeline said as they walked up to him. Percy opened his bag taking out the master bolt. M

Zeus got off his chair and walked up to them Percy handed it to him and he immediately took it. Adeline looked at Percy "Look.. we didn't steal it! Neither did any of our friends. We found it and we got it back. See we tried to get it to you on time but clearly we-"

"Failed." Zeus said as he looked up at them holding the bolt. Adeline nodded slightly.. Percy spoke "Look we had to give it to you.. and we know who actually took it. It was Kronos" Zeus just walked back to his seat.

But apparently, he already knew all that and he would let them leave alive but Percy was upset cause it was like he wanted the war to continue and Kronos was coming and he was gonna make things worse.

Percy was arguing with him and didn't even give him a chance to speak but Zeus got so fed up and was gonna hit them with his master bolt. They ducked down but.. they didn't receive a strike someone blocked it for them. Adeline looked and it was a man.

Zeus stopped because the man said he would surrender. "Just spare my son and the girl's life." Adeline looked at Percy to see if he would react in some way he was just confused.

And he disappeared it was just Poseidon Adeline wanted to let Percy talk with this dad. "I'll be over there." She walked away and sat at the edge of the stairs they walked up to as she waited for Percy.

Adeline was thinking she still couldn't believe what her aunt did she had no one now. It just kept replaying how Lydia wasn't her real aunt and just a stranger. Technically not a stranger since Lydia actually took care of her it's like Adeline still cared about her.

Percy grabbed Adeline's hand lifting her off the ground and he gave her a pearl "Let's go home." Adeline smiled and they threw the pearl and they were at a grassy field.. where they first started their adventure.

"You did it.." Adeline said as she got up helping Percy up. "No.. we did it." Adeline smiled and they walked back to camp everyone looked at them.

Inez hugged Adeline "Your safe!" Adeline smiled "Yeah.. nothing happened." Everyone clapped for Percy and Adeline it's like they were hero's. Victoria also hugged Adeline and she smiled at both of them.

But she saw Clarisse "Why is she here..?" Annabeth walked up to them "I'll explain everything.. come on!"

They went inside a cabin and Annabeth explained that there was no proof she was the one who stole the master bolt. Like was also in there with them helping them explain.

"The whole camp was ready to start a war but.. you guys came back and stopped you. You saved the world." Luke said. Adeline nodded "I knew we could."

Luke spoke, "It's safe to tell Chiron about what happened now I told him we need to meet him away from the celebration." Annabeth nodded "You guys go I'll stay here with the others to keep an eye on Clarisse."

It was now dark out and there were fireworks in the air. Luke took Adeline and Percy to meet up with Chiron. "What's going on you haven't said anything since we left the cabin?"

Percy sighed "I just keep thinking about what the oracle said that I'll fail to save what matters most in the end.."

"You're thinking about your mom... I get that I get that a lot but prophecies?" Luke said as he put the night light down talking to them. "Well everyone the oracle said has happened.."

Percy nodded "She's right. You shall face the God who has turned which as Ares. Find what was stolen and see it returned which was the bolt and too shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend"

Adeline spoke "Yeah uhm.. who even is that I mean Clarisse is still here and she's not even out..." It hit her.. the only person she could think about was Luke.

Adeline looked at Luke "You never said anything to Chiron about Clarisse.. did you? You couldn't have. Because you knew Clarisse didn't steal the bolt! It.. was you." She said. It hit Percy too..


authors note 💗:
LUKE.. HOW DARE YOU. anyways adeline & percy are very hurt guys but don't worry gon feel better

thanks for reading love ya 💋

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