chapter nineteen

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Β  Β  Β  ROSIE LOOKED UP AT the dark sky wondering what was outside of the maze she was trapped in. It couldn't be much to think of since she was in the midst of finishing her fourth cup of moonshine. Her thoughts were more clouded than vivid. The sound of pans and utensils hitting against each other had made a nice rhythm in her ears.

Β  Β  Β  The girl watched her best friend be pulled up from his seat by his boyfriend. Aidan twirled Ander breaking a smile onto his lips. A few other boys joined them not caring for others who stayed sitting down. Looking for the specific blonde, Rosie noticed he was still with the new Greenie.

Β  Β  Β  Stumbling up on her two feet, Rosie headed to her unlucky partner who was in the midst of holding a conversation with Alby.

Β  Β  Β  "Gally!" Rosie slurred the boy's name making him turn around to see her stumbling to stay up and doing her best to not spill her current drink. "Galileo!"

Β  Β  Β Β  Gally took a notice of her intoxicated state replying back, "you," he stood up standing close to her grabbing her arm to place it over his neck, "shucks, need to sleep this off."

Β  Β  Β  Rosie shook her head muttering, "nooo." Gally followed Rosie pointing her finger at the group of boys dancing together. His eyes went big realizing what she wanted.

Β  Β  Β  "No." He immediately stated

Β  Β  Β  The girl's lips pouted looking up at the tough boy who wouldn't dare show any form of softness in front of the rest of the boys. "C'mon, please!"

Β  Β  Β  Gally looked around looking back at Alby who shrugged his shoulders with a smirk on his lips. The boy brushed his face with his hand groaning, "two minutes! and I'm already counting!"

"Yay!" Rosie cheered like a little kid grabbing onto the boy's hand pulling him towards the bonfire. A soft smile tugged at the corners of Gally's lips letting himself be pulled by the drunk girl. "Twirl me!" Gally chuckled using his hand to do as he is told twirling her in a few circles very clumsily.

"You're a handful, little one." Gally spoke up not moving as Rosie danced by herself with her frigid partner. The boy enjoyed watching the girl dance to the worst music ever created.

Gally felt his body erupt in little butterflies at the pit of his stomach as he watched her run her fingers through her hair in such beautiful grace. His heart beating up quicker once he heard her laugh. The girl reached him gripping onto both of his arms for stability.

"I like you, Gally." Rosie blurted out in slurs making the boy's eyes widen. His heart feeling like it stopped beating for the longest time.

Β  Β  Β  Rosie realized what she had said internally and acted like what she had said had a totally different meaning. Gally would never like her, Rosie swore he looked at her like a little sister. It made her push those feelings for him away. So even in her intoxicated state she covered it all up by adding, "you're a good friend. Do you like me?"

Gally's smile faltered for a few seconds before replacing it with a fake one. The boy used everything in him to not let any tears slip as his eyes became glossy. Gally felt as if she had ripped out his heart and stepped on it in a matter of seconds. He nodded innocently knowing that she meant on a friend basis. "I do. Wouldn't know what I do without ya' shucks."

Rosie turned spotting her next victim releasing Gally, "Wins! Winston!" Gally watched her sprint to the boy who was sat next to Frypan holding a conversation.

Β  Β  Β  Winston glanced up at the sound of her voice, his judgmental eyes furrowed realizing she was in a drunk state. The boy stood up walking to her ready to be used as a walking stick to be held onto.

Β  Β  Β  "Rosie, how many have you had?" Winston asked his tone coming out judgmental as she knew he didn't like it when she drank too much. He felt it made her vulnerable and easy for other guys in the Glade to take advantage of her.

Rosie blinked a few times using her fingers to list off how many cups she's had. "Uh, one, two," Rosie placed two fingers up trying to remember if she had more, "haha, three!" The girl stated excitedly until she shook her head, "no, no, four!"

"Maybe we should take you to your room. Ya need to sleep it off." David stated standing close to the girl who was currently in the arms of Winston who glared back at the intoxicated boy. "Here, Wins' give her to me."

Β  Β  Β  Frypan stood up noticing the intentions of David's actions, "She's good and well with us."

Β  Β  Β  Rosie fluttered her eyes not understanding what the tension was about. "I'm okay!" Rosie responded letting her arm off Winston's neck. The boy quickly got a hold of her again, once she started stumbling.

Her eyes roamed around as she blocked out the small argument between Winston and David. Her eyes landing at the same boy she always looked for. Intoxicated or not, always him. Winston turns to look at her as he felt her lose her grip and head toward the blonde boy.

"Rosie!" Winston yells after her but stops after noticing who she was walking towards to.

"Newt!" Rosie yelled gaining a lot of people's attention including the British boy's. He turned around glancing at the girl calling out for him. "Newtie!"

The boy cringed at the nickname knowing well that she only called him Newtie when she was teasing him or was too drunk. Clearly, it was the second choice. "Rosie!" Newt replied back trying to match the girl's energy.

"I want to hug you!" Rosie announced reaching him and drunkenly plummeted down on top of the boy trying to hug him. Newt struggled for a little bit before getting a good grip to catch the girl who had just thrown herself at him. Both almost loosing their balance. Rosie snuggled her head at the crook of the boy's neck sloppily trying to wrap her arms around him.

Newt chuckled, his heart beating at a faster pace when she didn't pull away. "How much have you had, love?"

Rosie pulled away slumping next to him, her hands placed comfortably on his arms. Newt's lips formed into a smile once she started giggling, "like a lot!"

The boy shook his head standing up to offer his hands, "come on. Let's take you to bed." Rosie shook her head staying put not wanting to leave. "Why not?"

Β  Β  Β  Rosie looked around oblivious of the fact that many other boys were watching and listening to their conversation. "No! I need to tell you a secret!" The girl tried her best to whisper but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.

Β  Β Β  Newt crouched down placing his weight on the more stable leg taking a notice that the boys were listening in. "C'mon, love, let's go."

Β  Β Β  "No!" Rosie shook her head, "not until I tell you my very big secret!"

Β  Β  Β  "Alright, then," Newt tucked his hands under Rosie's legs for more stability, "tell me your big secret."

Β  Β  Β  The girl stayed quiet for a few seconds trying to remember what she was going to tell him. Newt waited patiently and took a notice of the little crimson red appearing on the girl's cheeks realizing she remembered what she wanted to tell him.

Β  Β Β  "Okay, you ready?" Rosie asked waving at him to come closer, "don't tell anyone okay? It's a secret!" Newt nodded running his hand through his hair for a quick second ready to hear what she wanted to tell him. "That was hot."

Β  Β Β  Newt furrowed his eyebrows in confusion,

Β  Β Β  Rosie pointed at his hair, "what you did, with your pretty hairβ€”" Rosie giggled placing her hand on her mouth.

Β  Β  Β  A small tint of pink showed on his cheeks now, "you have pretty hair too, you know."

Β  Β  Β  A bright smile curved on her lips as she placed her hands on his shoulders, "I know, right!"

Β  Β Β  "We should take you to bed nowβ€”"

Β  Β Β  Rosie pulled Newt back before he was able to stand up, "no, no, I didn't told you my secret yet!"

Β  Β  Β  "Haven't."

Β  Β  Β  "What?"

Β  Β  Β  "Never mind."

Β  Β  Β Β  Rosie shook her head ready to tell the boy how she felt for him. "I like you!"

Β  Β Β  Newt nodded hearing a few chuckles from the boys who were listening in, "I like you too, Rosie."

Β  Β  Β  Her head tilted shaking her head when she realized he was thinking of her on a friend basis. "No, no, no." Rosie replied acting like a little kid not realizing the attention she gained from the boys around her. "I like, like you. Like I like when you wait for me to start breakfast every morning or, or like when last night when we cuddled."

Β  Β  Β  The boys erupted in laughter definitely using this to tease the blonde boy tomorrow morning. "Come on, love, let me take you to bed."

Β  Β Β  Rosie stood up hugging him once more, "do you like me back?" Newt glanced down at the girl who was looking back up at him with the most innocent hazed eyes. He nervously shifted not knowing what to say, "why is your heart beating so fast, Newtie?"

Β  Β  Β  "Yeah, Newtie, why's your heart beating so fast huh?" A chuckling Minho asked as he was going to become the one to bully his friend over this.

Newt turned to Minho glaring at him, "you don't like me back?" Rosie asked dropping her arms letting go of the boy.

Newt turned back around shaking his head worried the girl wasn't going to be able to stand on her own. "No, Rosie, I do."

"You do?!" Rosie questioned loudly

"Yeah, I like, like you too."

Rosie grinned like a little kid, "no way!"

Newt shook his head, his big smile not leaving his lips. The satisfaction he felt knowing the girl he was in love with liked him back. His body felt warm and fuzzy. "Let's go to bed now."

"Newt likes me!" Rosie pointing at him announcing to the boys near her receiving chuckles and giggles from them.

"Come on, love." Newt spoke offering his hand she quickly accepted letting herself be guided to her shared bedroom. The pair arrived to her bedroom in a matter of minutes, "sit." Newt ordered kindly as she did as she was told sitting at the edge of her bed. "Come on, let me help you with your shoes."

Rosie stuck her feet out letting the boy untie her only pair of shoes she had. Rosie intoxicated still admired the boy with a concentrated expression on his face. "You're beautiful." Rosie spoke making Newt to look up at her. "Like, literally."

Newt felt his heart start beating faster again when she leaned close to him placing her hands on the sides of his jaw. He knew exactly what she wanted to do but before she could even make a move closer, the boy turned his head receiving her lips onto his cheek instead.

"Sweater." Newt spoke ignoring the girl's confused look who still did as she was told taking her sweater off. Newt turned to look for the clothes she wore to sleep.

"Over there." Rosie mumbled pointing at the little table with a medium sized shirt her heart hurting from the rejection of her kiss.

Newt walked over grabbing the shirt realizing it was his. "This ones mine." The confused boy stated.

"Mhmm." Rosie replied taking her shirt off which Newt immediately turned away being as respectful as he can to her.

Newt waited a few seconds before asking, "can I turn around now?"

Rosie slipped the shirt on which covered barely passed her butt and took her pants off leaving her underwear on. The girl slipped inside her sheets, "yeah."

"Okay," Newt spoke rubbing the back of his neck, "get some sleep, love." Before the boy could take a step, Rosie grabbed a hold of his wrist stopping him. "You okay?"

"You don't like me, right?" Rosie asked

Newt blinked shaking his head, "I do like you. Why do you think I don't?"

Rosie played with her fingers, "then why didn't you let me kiss you? On the lips."

Newt licked his lips crouching down to come face to face with her. "Love, I like you a lot. Maybe more than you like me. But I want you to be able to remember our first kiss. And I also won't take advantage of you when you're drunk." Newt ran his fingers through her hair, "I think I'll always like you. I don't think I'll ever be able to move on from someone like you."

Rosie kissed the boy's wrist before he pulled away standing up. "Thank you," Rosie replied reassured of his feelings for her.

"I'm going to let you get some rest." Newt spoke, "see ya in the morning, love."

ROSIE shifted around her bed still trying to fall asleep even though it's been almost an hour since Newt brought her to her room. For a few seconds, Rosie was able to close her eyes and drift off into sleep. That was until her bedroom door opened loudly waking her up.

Β  Β  Β  "Ander!" Rosie groaned pushing herself to the other side of her bed. "Be quiet." Heavy footsteps approached her bed she knew weren't Ander's. Her chest started rising faster when she felt someone sink next to her. Their body cold and reeking of rum.

Β  Β  Β  Rosie got the courage to turn around to see who was invading her personal space. But before she could say a word, their hand covered her mouth. "How, how come that scrawny boy gets you to himself, huh?" David asked installing fear into Rosie. "Like, you could have me Rosie and you're choosing him?"

Β  Β  Β  Rosie stayed still her mind still being clouded from the several drinks she took. She didn't know what to do. All she knew was there was a boy pinning her down on the bed with his hand over her mouth not letting her call out for help.

Β  Β Β  "You know what? Let me change your mind." David stated as his free hand started roaming down her exposed thighs. "Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to touch you?"

Β  Β  Β  Rosie's instincts finally kicked in quickly using her knee to stab his stomach which he quickly groaned at but didn't let his hand come off.

Β  Β  Β  "You, you shouldn't have done that." He muttered grabbing a handful of Rosie's hair yanking it to inflict some pain in her. His hand let go of her hair and slowly crawling down to her legs again.

Β  Β  Β  Rosie let out a yell which was muffled and none of the boys were able to hear her. The girl kicked as much as she could hearing the boys cheering outside for the new Greenie, "Thomas! Thomas!"

Β  Β  Β Β  David's hand went up to her stomach slowly moving up stopping realizing she had a bra under her shirt. Rosie took her chance hitting the boy head to head. "Agh!" David groaned letting go of Rosie for a split second she used to climb out of the bed. David noticed the girl trying to run from him and right when she was getting off the bed, she felt his arms wrap around her torso. "Where do you think you're going, huh?"

Β  Β Β  "Get off of me!" Rosie yelled before his hand covered her mouth. The girl struggled in his grip causing them to fall to the floor. Unfortunately, he remained on top of her giving him better access and fewer ways of escaping him.

Β  Β  Β  But before she knew it, David was being pulled off of her giving her a breath of relief realizing it was Ander and Aidan coming into the room. "Alby!" Aidan yelled grabbing a hold of the boy pushing him against the wall. Ander quickly rushing to his best friend to help her sit on the bed.

Β  Β  Β  Alby rushes inside followed quickly by Newt, Minho, and Gally. "What the shuck's going on?" Before anyone could reply the four boys quickly put the pieces together.

Β  Β  Β Β  "The pit. Now!" Alby yelled loud enough for the whole Glade to hear. Minho went to Aidan helping him take David out of the room without letting him defend himself.

Β  Β  Β  Gally took a step forward to go and grab a hold of Rosie. He wanted to bring her into his arms and care for her but Newt rushed ahead of him. Newt kneeled down helping her get up as Rosie glanced over at Gally who had a look of hurt but quickly covered it up as he talked to Alby.

Β  Β Β  "I shouldn't have left you." Newt said.

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