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Sunday after accidentally texting Olivia then spilling the tea for Melody, the rest was uneventful, I even skipped work to have a day off. Unless checking up on my parents and Mason would be counted as an important event.

Mom and Mason are doing quite well, Dad... is still coping. But he'll get around, I'm sure. He even helped Mom set the table, that's a huge improvement.

Monday was as hellish as any Monday could be. Frankly, I was expecting something to happen and the fact that nothing happened, concerned me a little. I was expecting a reaction of a sort from at least one of these asshats. But I received none.

So here I sit, packing my belongings, happy that on this cloudy Tuesday I have an entire hour of break before my next class starts.

The professor bids us another bye and wobbles out. Not wasting another second in the classroom, Anushka, Meilin and I head out.

"Ugh, I think I'm going to fail all of my classes," Meilin groans.

"Aren't Asians supposed to be smart? Some sort of human-computer?" I bite down my lip to hold back my laughter as Meilin shoots me a dirty glare.

"Rae," Anushka warns and I hold up my hands with mock defense. "Anyways, I think we should start studying, the exams are really close... maybe group studying could give us a start?"

"Yes please," Meilin says, throwing her head back. "Why does college have to be so hard."

"Why is life so hard," I add and we sigh together.

Anushka starts saying something, but a familiar voice coming from two doors away grabs my attention.

Wright's deep voice carries out of his classroom as he goes on about the topic he's teaching.

My heart rate picks up, my palms get clammy, a tingling sense runs up and down my spine and I struggle to keep my breathing even.

But as the three of us walk down the narrow hallway, nearing his class, the words Wright threw at me on Friday replays in my head, souring my mood. I clutch my messenger bag's strap tighter and glare at the grey stone floor. Although, as we walk by the open door, I can't help myself but peer inside.

As if on cue, his eyes part from the whiteboard and land straight on me.

The fluorescent light of the classroom falls on his glasses, hiding his dark blue eyes. He halts, the marker in his hand stops midway.

For a split second, I'm caught under the spell of his scrutiny, but I break free. With a huff, I glare at him before looking ahead.

"Do you think he'll fail us?" Anushka asks as we walk by, finally out of his view range I manage to pull my scattering thoughts together and master my racing heart.

I lift a shoulder. "No idea... but I wouldn't be too sure he'll pass us." Moody asshole.

Not a beat later Wright's voice comes again as he continues teaching. An avoidable stinging feeling jabs me, crumpling my heart and taking me by surprise. I don't know what's wrong with me, or what I was even expecting.

Perhaps a sorry? A faraway quiet voice in the back of my head mumbles but I shush it.

Or maybe for an impossible moment, I thought he'll call out my name, or... walk out of his class and tell me to wait in his office for him.

I shake my head. Seriously! What is wrong with me! Why would he even do that! I hold back a groan. I need to sort through this Wright complication as soon as possible.

I can't seduce him when my thoughts and emotions are over the place. Get a grip, Gracie.

I inhale sharply and stare ahead as we slowly reach the end of the corridor and come to a halt in the middle of the hall.

Standing in a small circle, with Anushka's hands crossed in front of her chest and Meilin clutching the straps of her backpack I quickly scan the area, my eyes land on Brian, talking to a guy while a girl is busy ogling him.

"So when should we start, the group studying?" Anushka's voice draws my attention away.

"I think Ashley would want to join too," I say and Meilin nods.

"We know her class schedule, it won't be a problem." Meilin shrugs.

"Okay, so how about from today? After our classes?" Anushka offers and Meilin and I nod.

"Sounds go-" I begin but heavy footsteps from the staircase make me halt.

"Where is she!" A masculine voice shouts. A second later his face comes into view, but I can recognize that sound anywhere. The one and only Alexander Ramirez.

One of the sophomores appears behind him. Alex scans the area until his bright blue eyes fall on me. His nostrils flare as he fists his hands, knuckles turning white.

My heart hammers in my chest as I hold his furious gaze. I sum up my courage and step away from my friends. Everyone falls silent, watching us with intrigue.

I force a bright smile to my face. "Hi Alex," I greet him as nonchalantly as I can.

He storms to me and it takes everything in me not to retreat or cower away.

"You bitch," he roars.

Never in my life have I been this ecstatic for being insulted. I bite the inside of my cheek to hold back my laughter. Looks like my plan worked after all. Bingo!

"What's wrong? Is the wedding causing too much stress?" I feign concern, drawing my brows together as he nears me like an angry gorilla hunting down its prey.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he shouts in my face and I cringe at the sound.

"Standing, watching your pathetic face," I shrug and push my hand in my pocket.

His neck flushes, ears turning red, his freckles add a funny addition to his puffed-up expression. His eyes are wide and wild, as though he can rip me into pieces just with them.

Alex roughly grabs my upper arm and harshly pulls me to himself. "Don't fucking play dumb with me you slut. Who the fuck do you think you are!" He thunders.

A sardonic smile plasters on my face. "Gracie Stewart," I calmly say.

My words spite him further. He bares his teeth and for a split second I expect him to hit me but it never happens and I have to remind myself consistently that he won't, can't, hurt me in front of so many people.

Image is the most important thing and if his dad finds out he caused a scene, it won't end well for him... neither will it for their business.

Alex forcefully drags me away from my friends. Anushka and Meilin begin protesting but he pays them no heed and pushes me to the wall of the long hallway.

"You shouldn't have messed with me," he sneers, his hold tightens on my arm to the point where it starts hurting.

Nevertheless, I tilt my head to the side and play dumb. "Mess with you?"

"You think you can screw with me and then live on your life?"

"Who? Me? C'mon, don't bullshit me. Little ol' broke me, mess up with the billionaire Alexander Ramirez?" I fake a laugh. "What can I do to you?" All smiles and laughs evaporate from my features as I stare dead into his eyes and arch an eyebrow.

"You slut," he growls and grabs my chin, forcing my head up. "Stop playing games with me. I'll ruin you for what you did I'll-"

I interrupt him, "What did I do?" I snarl, "You fucked my best friend, and dumped me if you somehow managed to forget that. I'm not your girlfriend anymore. You have no right to tell me what to do or don't do."

"You slept with Nathan to fuck with me, don't tell me I'm wrong. You were my girlfriend. MINE! No one can have you except Me."

"Alex, hate to break it to you, but you're not as important as you think you are."

"Yo-" he starts but I pull off his fingers that are holding my chin and glare at him.

"I can do whatever I want. You don't own me."

"You slept with Nathan then texted Liv, and you say you didn't do it because of me?"

I grin at him. "I did... because you suck at having sex, no size, and no clue on how to use it. Gosh, I feel bad for Everly."

A vein stands out on his forehead as he breathes heavily. He curls his lips but I continue, "You know Alex, maybe you should learn a thing or two from your friend."

"Shut. Up," he seethes.

"Or what?"

"I'll make you regret this," he shakes his index finger in front of my face.

"By doing what? I have nothing to lose, you idiot." I laugh and his face turns red.

He opens his mouth to say something, but I beat him to it.

"Know what Alex? This just shows how pathetic you are. Heard from Everly I spent a night with your buddy and you lost your shit. It only shows you haven't moved on from me while your wedding is only a few days away. Now look me in the eyes and tell me you still think I'm miles apart from your world. You tossed me aside, thinking it'll be the end of it, you'll never see me again and or hear from me and you'll be able to go on with your miserable shitty life. We both know you can't get enough of me, and now that Nathan can be with me, you're losing your shit, because you think just because once I was with you, no one is allowed to come near me. Well, screw you asshole 'cause that won't be happening."

"You fucking gold-digger bitch. I'll make your life a living hell," he shouts and I smile. His hand moves to my neck and I slap him hard making him stumble a few steps away from me, finally letting go of my arm.

But when he looks back up with me, rage brewing in them, I almost regret slapping him. Almost.

∞ ∞ ∞

So initially this chapter was about 4k words but then I cut it in half, the following part will be up tomorrow, but I hope this 'cutting off' didn't feel too abrupt at the end of the chapter for you guys.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed, don't forget to hit that star button if you did =)

See you tomorrow! ^.^

Till then, stay safe, lots of love, happy reading <33

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