𝔁𝓲. jokes on you, prick! neville found it!

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AUTHOR NOTE – time skip to december at hogwarts! for those of you who enjoyed the filler chapters, sorry i didn't use anymore. but i really want to get to the good parts :)

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"SO, I WAS THINKING WE COULD GO LOOK AT THE Constellations tonight after the Hogsmeade trip. I heard the Triangulum will be in the sky tonight." Olive told her friends as they walked down the corridor. The girl was awed as she stared at all the couples kissing under the mistletoe.

It was a thing that happened every December at Hogwarts. During the entire Christmas season, mistletoe appears above the heads of couples and people in love. A tradition that Olive always loved, well, she loved every Hogwarts tradition except Halloween.

During Halloween, Hogwarts became a haunted house. Behind over corner, at the end of every corridor, there were jumpscares that would pop out. Sometimes jumpscares would even pop out of your own belongings, like last year when spiders crawled out of her Astronomy book in the middle of class, but disappeared the minute they crawled out.

"The what?" Neville questioned as he walked next to Olive.

Olive giggled softly, "The Triangulum. It's like a constellation galaxy." Olive explained. "It's really pretty."

Seamus shrugged, "Anything to get away from school work." Dean nodded in agreement making Olive beam.

"Yay!" Olive grinned but her grin slowly faded as she saw some kids pointing and whispering. "What's going on?" Olive questioned as she looked around, seeing that not only a few kids were pointing and whispering, but everyone in the corridor was pointing.

Seamus and Dean looked around before spotting something over Olive and Neville's heads. Mistletoe. There was mistletoe above the pairs heads. "You might want to look up." Seamus smirked as he and Dean continued to stare at the flower floating above their friends heads.

"What?" Neville questioned quietly as he and Olive looked up. "Oh." Both teens cheeks turned red as they stared at the flower. "This has to be a mistake, I mean, we're not in love with each other."

Olive frowned but quickly replaced it with a smile. "It must be a mistake. Just ignore it." Olive shook her head, before grabbing Neville and pulling him away.

"Uh, guys," Dean called out as he and Seamus watched the duo walk away. "It's not leaving. It's just following you."

"For fucks sake..." Olive sighed before looking up at Neville. "Kiss me."

Neville's eyes widened, "W-What?" Neville stuttered as he stared at the girl.

"Just kiss me on the cheek or something," Olive told the boy hurriedly. "Please, I want to get this thing away." Olive pointed above them.

Neville nodded, "Okay." People rushed in, circling the two Gryffindors as Olive stepped closer to Neville.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The chant started quiet, but gradually got louder as Neville slowly leaned down.

Olive's breath hitched as Neville's lips found her cheek, kissing it softly before pulling away. Trapped in some sort of euphoric daze, the two teens stared at each other, their cheeks bright red while everyone else cheered. Seamus and Dean included.

Olive cleared her throat slightly, taking a step back. "Is it gone?" Neville cleared his throat as well before looking up.

Neville nodded, "Yeah, it's gone."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

With an authoritative tone, Filch boomed across the courtyard, "Last call for Hogsmeade! Come on, now!" His voice reverberated as he led the group of eager teenagers towards the waiting carriages. "Last call for Hogsmeade!" he repeated, his voice echoing into the distance.

In a carriage, Olive broke the silence just as she, Neville, Dean, and Seamus were settling into their seats. She looked around at her friends, asking, "So, any suggestions on stores?" A thoughtful look crossed her face as she added, "I was thinking Honeydukes."

The three guys exchanged glances before nodding in agreement. Seamus, a hint of a grin on his face, commented, "I'll go anywhere but Madame Puddifoot's." He shook his head vehemently as the carriage began its gentle sway, "It's way too...pink."

Dean, chuckling at Seamus's remark, chimed in, "And it has too many bows." His comment brought forth a roll of Olive's eyes and a smile that hinted at their shared amusement.

"Honestly," Olive started, her tone laced with amusement, "as much as I love to disagree with you," she paused, "I have to agree. It's almost overwhelming."

"Almost?" Neville's laughter filled the carriage, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

"Alright, so maybe it's overwhelming." Olive conceded, her laughter mingling with Neville's. "But she has really good tea!"

"I can't argue with that." Seamus nodded, a smile tugging at his lips as the carriage rolled on towards their destination.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"I'll be back!" Olive cheerfully called out to the boys, her voice echoing in the colorful confectionery shop as she purposefully made her way to the back of Honeydukes. Approaching the counter, she greeted the cashier with a bright smile, "Hello, ma'am."

The woman behind the counter reciprocated Olive's greeting with a warm, comforting smile. "Hello, dear," she responded in a soft voice. "What can I assist you with today?" She gestured grandly to the rows upon rows of candy shimmering invitingly behind her.

"Oh, I'm just here to check out," Olive replied, placing her assortment of sweet treats onto the counter. A sudden thought struck her, "By the way, do you happen to know when you'll be getting more Doxy Floss?"

The woman seemed to ponder for a moment before responding, "I believe we might have some in the back, hang on a moment." Excusing herself, she swiftly disappeared into the depths of the backroom.

In the brief moment of solitude, Olive overheard a voice sneer from behind her, "She probably ran away because she was scared to talk to someone so big." Olive couldn't help but glance behind her, murmuring a soft curse under her breath.

"Hello, Parkinson." Olive acknowledged the interruption with a glare as she turned around to face the newcomer.

"Lupin." Pansy retorted, her lips curling into a sinister smile.

"Any particular color you'd like, dear?" Olive was interrupted by the cashier's voice. She turned to see the woman's head peeking out of the backroom door.

Without missing a beat, Olive replied, "Blue, please." The woman sent Olive a reassuring smile before disappearing once more into the backroom.

"So, what brings you here?" Pansy questioned, a hint of mockery in her tone. "Finding more candies to stuff your face with?" Olive frowned as she heard the Greengrass siblings' stifled giggles from behind Pansy.

"Here you go, dear. One blue Doxy Floss." The cashier's voice rang out, and Olive quickly turned around, sending the woman a small, appreciative smile.

"Thank you," Olive expressed her gratitude, handing over a few galleons to the woman. "Keep the change." Gathering her treats, Olive pushed her way past Pansy, Daphne, and Astoria, her exit as purposeful as her entrance had been.

"Bye-bye!" Pansy's voice echoed after her, but Olive didn't spare a glance back.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"What did Parkinson say this time?" Dean probed, his curiosity piqued as Olive made her arduous trek back to their usual spot.

With a dismissive shake of her head, Olive replied, "Nothing of significance. Just the usual." Her voice dripped with an undertone of resignation. Olive shrugged nonchalantly as she took her place next to Dean, while Neville and Seamus were too engrossed in savoring their treats to pay any heed to Olive and Dean's conversation.

"Olive, I know how much you hate violence," Dean began, his voice laced with concern, but Olive swiftly interrupted him, not wanting to hear the end of his statement.

"No. Absolutely not." Olive vehemently shook her head, but Dean chose to disregard her protestations.

"Perhaps you should tell Fred and George," Dean suggested after a moment of thought. "I mean, I'm sure they have some sort of solution that will stop Parkinson from perpetually bothering you."

At his suggestion, Olive let out a melancholy chuckle, "Dean, I love that you care about me, I truly do. But people already perceive me as overly sensitive. The last thing I want is to be labeled as the girl who couldn't stomach a joke."

"Joke? Olive, what Parkinson is doing to you is far from a joke. It's outright harassment." Dean retorted, his voice firm and unyielding.

"And I have reassured you time and again, I am capable of handling it." Olive dismissed her friend's concerns with a flip of her hand. "I can handle it," Olive reiterated, looking directly into Dean's worried eyes. "I promise."

"Just promise, that you'll go to the twins or even McGonagall if Parkinson's harassment gets worse, okay?" Dean asked, his words sounding more like a plea than a mere query. Seeing Olive nod, he seemed to relax a bit. "Now, how about sharing a piece of your Doxy Floss?" Dean went to snatch a piece of her candy but Olive was quick to pull it out of his reach.

"Hands off!" Olive chuckled, her laughter ringing through the air as she maneuvered to stand between Neville and Seamus. "Why does everyone covet my candy!" Olive groaned in mock frustration as both Seamus and Neville reached out, nabbing a piece of her Candy Floss.

Seeing Dean's hopeful smile, Olive let out an exasperated sigh. "Go ahead." Dean let out a cheer, albeit a quiet one, before grabbing a small piece of the Candy Floss, his face lighting up with a victorious smile.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Look! Right there!" Olive excitedly pointed to the vast expanse of the night sky above them. "That's the Fornax!" She said, her voice filled with awe and admiration. Olive smiled from ear to ear as she leaned over the slightly cold railing of the towering Astronomy Tower. "Isn't it just magnificent?"

Neville simply nodded, a soft "It truly is." escaping his lips. But his focus wasn't directed towards the mesmerizing night sky, they were fixed on her. He observed her carefully, watched as her eyes sparkled with a unique vivacity, as she stared up at the constellations. It was as though she had captured an entire night sky within her eyes. The sight was breathtaking, "It's breathtaking really," he voiced his thoughts.

"Oy!" Seamus's voice echoed from the other side of the balcony, effectively breaking the tranquility. Neville and Olive had been standing on the left side, while Seamus and Dean were situated on the right. "Which constellation is that?" His question lingered in the air.

Olive looked over, her gaze meeting Seamus and Dean's who were pointing to a cluster of stars overhead. "Um..." Olive quickly walked over, her eyes squinting to get a closer look at the stars. "Oh my godric!" Her voice laced with disbelief.

"What!" Dean and Seamus questioned in unison. "Which one is it!" Their anticipation was palpable.

"You guys really found..." Olive's voice trailed off, her words hanging in midair while Dean and Seamus stared at her with bated breath, eagerly waiting for the answer. They were practically jumping with excitement, expecting Olive to announce they had discovered a rare constellation. "A bundle of stars." Seamus and Dean's shoulders slumped, their grins dropped while Neville couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh.

"You know, I hope you never find your stupid constellation." Seamus scoffed, a hint of annoyance in his voice. Olive stared at the boy in shock, her jaw dropped in offense.

"You take that back!" Olive retorted, her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at her friend.

"No." Seamus shook his head. Olive only frowned deeper before walking over to Neville.

"Isn't that it?" Neville questioned, pointing to another bundle of stars.

"Ha, ha!" Olive yelled. "Jokes on you, prick! Neville found it!" Olive grinned triumphantly, while Seamus's jaw dropped and he and Dean rushed over. "It's right there!"

"What's it called again?" Dean asked as he stared at the bundle of stars, his curiosity piqued.

"The Horologium," Olive spoke softly, her voice barely above a whisper, staring at the constellation. "It's so beautiful." Olive stood there with a small smile playing on her lips. How something could be so simple, yet beautiful, she didn't know.

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