𝔁𝓲𝔁. there's only five in the entire world!

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"HARD TO BELIEVE YOU'RE LEAVING US," OLIVE sighed heavily, her words laden with a palpable sadness that echoed through the room. She was in the process of placing a few books on Remus's desk, her hands moving robotically in the face of the overwhelming reality. "Snape's really crossed a line this time, his actions were completely out of order," she scoffed, her disdain for the man evident in her tone.

"The past is the past," Remus replied, attempting to keep his voice steady and composed, despite the unrest brewing within him. He then turned around, his gaze meeting Harry's. "Hello, Harry." His greeting was met with a startled look from Olive, who had been oblivious to the boy's presence until then.

"He saw you coming." Olive chuckled lightly in an attempt to lighten the mood, her hand gesturing to the map that sat on the table. Remus, in response, flicked his wand nonchalantly, causing a drawer next to Harry to close with a soft thud.

"I've looked worse, believe me," Remus assured Harry, catching the young boy's concerned gaze and offering him some semblance of comfort.

"You've been sacked." Harry voiced his concern, his words hanging heavy in the air.

"No." Remus was quick to correct him, shaking his head vehemently. "No. I resigned, actually."

"Resigned? Why?" Harry's confusion was coupled with a sense of bewilderment as Olive continued her earlier task, placing another stack of books on the table.

"It's because a certain Potions professor couldn't keep his mouth shut and revealed that my father is a werewolf." Olive interjected, her voice dripping with scorn. "He's a bloody tosser, he is."

"This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving in droves and parents will not want a..." Remus paused, his gaze shifting to Harry. "Well, someone of my nature teaching their children."

"But Dumbledore-" Harry attempted to interject, but was swiftly cut off by Remus.

"Dumbledore has already risked enough on my behalf. Besides, people like me-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence," Olive warned, her voice stern. "We've had this conversation before, dad. You are perfect just the way you are." She managed a smile, her heart swelling with love and pride. "As much as I would love to stay here and watch you pack," Olive began, a hint of humor seeping into her words, making Remus chuckle.

"Run along." Remus gestured towards the door, his voice gentle yet firm. "I'll see you when you come home," he assured his daughter, his eyes meeting hers in a moment of unspoken understanding. "Don't forget to owl me." He reminded her just as Olive planted a tender kiss on his cheek.

"I never do." Olive responded, her smile wide and proud. She then made her way out of the office, her heart heavy yet hopeful. "I'll see you in the Great Hall," she told Harry as she walked past him, her words lingering in the air long after she had disappeared from sight.

─── ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜†: *.☽ .* :β˜†οΎŸ. ───

"Where on Earth have you been!" Seamus roared, his voice echoing in the vastness of the Great Hall as Olive nonchalantly sauntered in. He was barely aware of the surprised and curious stares he attracted from the other students. "You can't just vanish into thin air and not bother to tell us where you're headed!"

"Goodness, you sound like Ms. Weasley," Olive retorted, rolling her eyes dramatically at his outburst. Despite her casual demeanor, she couldn't help but smile as Seamus wrapped his arms around her in a tight, but affectionate embrace.

"You really need to start informing us of your whereabouts, young lady," Seamus admonished lightly, his tone almost playful, as he pulled away. Olive was about to roll her eyes again in response, but found herself suddenly engulfed in another hug.

"Don't you ever pull a disappearing act like that again," George grumbled, his arms securely wrapped around the young girl.

"I was only gone for a few hours!" Olive protested, lightly shoving George away. "You and Fred vanish without a trace all the time!"

"And your point is?" George retorted, causing Olive to scoff in exasperation and walk away. She quickly found an empty seat next to Neville and promptly sat down.

"Please tell me you're not going to give me a lecture too?" Olive asked, her tone making it clear it was more of a statement than a question. Neville responded with a shake of his head and a hearty laugh. "Thank Godric," Olive sighed in relief as she leaned comfortably into the boy.

─── ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜†: *.☽ .* :β˜†οΎŸ. ───

"Hey! Get your hands off his gift!" Olive yelled, her voice filled with urgency as she lunged for the package. However, it was too late. Ron, with an irrepressible grin, had already ripped it open, completely disregarding Olive's warning. "Nice going, dimwit!" Olive scoffed, her words dripping with sarcasm, but her eyes quickly widened in shock as she viewed the contents of the package. "Holy mother of Godric!" Olive's jaw dropped, her surprise evident as she stared at the Firebolt, a broom known for its speed and precision.

"Olive! There's something for you too!" Neville exclaimed, his voice breaking through the silence as he grabbed another package, excitedly offering it to her.

"I'll open it later," Olive waved a hand dismissively, her attention completely captivated by the broom on the table. Her eyes were glued to it, unable to look away.

"Stand back!" Ron exclaimed, his voice firm as a few people tried to reach for the coveted broom. "Stand back, I said! Or I'll take it upstairs if you don't settle." His words echoed in the room, bringing a temporary halt to the excited chatter.

"Harry!" Neville exclaimed, his voice filled with joy as the boy of the hour entered the Great Hall. Neville and Seamus quickly ran to Harry, their faces lit up with excitement. "Wherever did you get it?" Neville questioned, his curiosity evident.

"Can I have a go, Harry?" Seamus questioned, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "After you, of course."

"What are you talking about?" Harry questioned, his brows furrowing in confusion as he approached the table.

"Quiet! Let the man through." Ron spoke, his words authoritative. "I didn't mean to open it, Harry. It was badly wrapped." Ron stuttered, his face turning a shade of red before pointing at the twins. "They made me do it."

"Did not!" The twins defended themselves, their voices overlapping in their hurried denial.

Harry reached forward, carefully moving the paper out of the way before laying his eyes on the Firebolt. "It's a firebolt. It's the fastest broom in the world!" Olive informed Harry, her voice filled with awe.

"For me?" Harry questioned in disbelief as he grabbed the broom. "But who sent it?"

"No one knows." Ron chuckled, his laughter filling the air before Hermione grabbed the feather that sat on the paper.

"This came with it." Hermione said, waving the feather around, her eyes dancing with excitement.

─── ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜†: *.☽ .* :β˜†οΎŸ. ───

"Come on, show us your magic!" Ron yelled enthusiastically, his voice echoing across the stone walls as the eager Gryffindor students rushed into the expansive courtyard. They were filled with an infectious spirit of anticipation and camaraderie.

"We're destined to claim the Quidditch Cup this year!" Olive declared with a broad, radiant grin on her face. Her excitement was palpable as she ran, her hand firmly clasped with Neville's, their steps in sync with the rhythm of their shared exhilaration.

"Take the skies, Harry!" Seamus shouted from the excited crowd. They all came to an abrupt halt, their eyes fixated on Harry, the focus of their collective anticipation. Every student stood behind him in unified support, anxiously waiting for the spectacle to begin. Their breath hitched as Harry confidently mounted the broom, a simple object that was about to defy gravity under his command.

Then, in an unexpected flurry, the broom took off. The sudden swift motion made everyone gasp and jump simultaneously, their hearts pounding in unison.

Harry let out an exhilarated scream as the broom whisked him through the clear azure sky. Meanwhile, the crowd below erupted into an uproar of cheers. Their voices harmoniously blended into a symphony of encouragement for their companion. "Yeah!" Olive cheered, her face glowing with excitement. Her grip tightened around Neville's hand, their shared joy resonating through the touch.

─── ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜†: *.☽ .* :β˜†οΎŸ. ───

Olive sat comfortably on the plush couch, a wrapped gift resting on her lap. "Are you going to open it?" Neville questioned eagerly from his spot right beside Olive, a twinkle of curiosity in his eyes.

"Of course." Olive's lips curved into a warm smile as her gaze wandered around the room, landing on her friends. On either side of her, Seamus and Neville had taken their places, their expressions mirroring the anticipation in the room. George, Fred, Dean, and Angelina scattered around the room, choosing to sit on the table and floor, their attention focused solely on the gift on Olive's lap.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, Olive carefully started ripping open the package. A stack of books lay within the wrapping, causing Fred to raise an eyebrow. "Books?" he questioned, his tone laced with mild surprise as everyone's attention was drawn to the objects in Olive's hands.

A stunned silence enveloped the room as everyone continued to stare at the books. Suddenly, a scream of sheer joy erupted from Olive's throat, startling everyone. "Oh my Godric!" Olive exclaimed, leaping up from her seat, the stack of books held tightly in her hands.

"What? What is it?" Dean questioned in a panic, his eyes wide as everyone turned their attention to the ecstatic girl who was jumping in her place.

"Do you know what these are?" Olive questioned, her voice filled with disbelief.

"Books," Seamus stated in a matter-of-fact tone, causing Olive to shake her head vigorously.

"These are Astronomy books," Olive announced, waving the books for everyone to see. "But these are not just any books. These are the most expensive books you can find! The sort of books most Astronomers can only dream of owning! And they're rich!" Olive shouted, her excitement palpable as she resumed her seat.

"Who are they from?" Neville questioned, his curiosity piqued as he watched Olive flip through the stack of books.

"I don't know," Olive shrugged, even though she had a hunch about who it was from seeing the feather sticking out of one of the books.

"There's something else." Angelina's voice pierced the room, causing Olive to glance up.

Taken aback, Olive reached out to take the small bag from Angelina. Within the bag was a small note alongside some shiny objects. "Give these to Messrs. Longbottom, Finnigan, Thomas, Weasley, and Weasley, along with Ms. Johnson. A thank you for taking care of Olive all these years." Olive read out loud from the note card, causing everyone's eyebrows to furrow in confusion.

"What is it?" Dean questioned, his interest piqued as Olive set the card aside and began to open the small bag even further.

"Holy..." Olive gasped, her eyes wide as she shooed the twins off the table before dumping the contents of the bag onto the table.

"Are those..." Dean's voice trailed off as everyone's eyes landed on the glittering rings and necklaces that now sat on the table.

"Very, very, rare jewelry." Olive nodded, a sense of awe in her voice.

"That's a Taaffeite ring!" Seamus exclaimed, picking up a ring with a look of awe. "There's only five in the entire world!" He laughed, his voice filled with shock.

"Well, here are the other four," Fred stated, his voice shaky with disbelief as he picked up another one.

"These cost at least a couple thousand galleons each." Dean remarked, his gaze fixated on the ring in his hand.

"And they're for you guys." Olive grinned, a sense of satisfaction washing over her as all the guys quickly grabbed a ring. "And these, are for us." Olive's grin widened as she picked up two necklaces. "Poudretteite necklaces. Only-"

"Two in the world." Angelina gasped in shock. "People only dream of having these! Oh my! Put it on me! Put it on me!" Angelina motioned, her excitement palpable.

"Alright! Alright!" Fred laughed, walking over to Angelina to clasp the necklace around her neck.

"Whoever these came from must be rich." Neville commented, his eyes wide as he stared at the ring on his finger.

"Rich is an understatement." George shook his head, his eyes still fixated on the ring.

─── ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜†: *.☽ .* :β˜†οΎŸ. ───

AUTHORS NOTE – and that is the end of Prisoner of
Azkaban! i hope you guys are enjoying so far!

and i am aware that that the rings and necklaces are
far more rare than i made it out to be. but they are very
rare. only 50 samples are of the crystals world wide. but
you know the Black family got that money lol.

i most likely won't be updating this books for a while due
to some personal things happening, but it shouldn't be
too long. a few weeks at most.

until then, catch you on the flip side!

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