Chapter Twenty-One

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          LUCY HAD NOT SPOKEN TO HER FRIENDS IN DAYS AND DESPITE IT HAD BEEN WHAT SHE WANTED, SHE COULDN'T HELP BUT FEEL WORRIED ABOUT THEM. The woman wasn't actually mad at them for having done what they were doing, she understood the need for money.

But perhaps they were overestimating themselves and that is what got them in danger. What had gotten her in danger.

Lucy rubbed at her left eye as she tried to get a lash out of it and made her way towards her car at the hospital parking lot. Her bag was hanging on her shoulder and her keys and phone were in her other hand. The sun had already set and the cold autumn air send shivers down her spine, the hoodie she wore over her scrubs not warm enough.

It had been a long and tiring shift and she was glad to have the next day off. If she were honest she didn't think she could see any children for the next couple of days as it had been a screaming match all day long.

The woman unlocked her vehicle and threw her bag in the passenger seat before she made her way toward the driver side.

"Hey, doc." he walked from behind the car and she stopped, alarmed.

He looked good, nice bit of colour on his face and no sign of discomfort as he walked toward her. Juan had his hands in his pockets as he offered her an unsure smile. The brunette peered around the deserted parking lot before she met his gaze. There were no signs that he had a gun with him and she stayed beside the door.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, confused.

"I didn't know how else to reach you." he shrugged as he too, glanced around the parking lot. "So I waited here for a bit till you showed up."

"Is Rio with you?"

The man shook his head and said, "No, it's just me."

Lucy nodded her head slowly and scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. She liked Juan, she really did but he held a gun to her not even two days ago and she didn't know what to think of him. He stood there a bit awkwardly as he towered over her in the dark.

"Look," he began with a sigh as he ran a hand over his face. "I don't know how to apologise to you about that night. I swear I was never gonna pull the trigger."

"That makes it better?" she frowned as she crossed her arms over her chest. "You scared me half to death."

"I know and I regret that." he said solemnly as he looked down at her. "I really do but we didn't know you were gonna be there, doc. I promise you i'll never put a gun to you again. I feel awful."

The brunette heaved a sigh and pulled her lips between her teeth with a nod. She had noticed that he had taken his finger of the trigger as he had pointed the weapon in her face and Rio had already told her that it was just to scare her friends. And she liked Juan, perhaps she could let it go just this once. 

"It's fine. Don't worry about it."

"Let me buy you a drink, at least." he offered, relieved that it had been settled. "It's the least I can do."

Lucy snorted and tilted her head to the side with a raised brow. "Right now? Do you not see the baby puke on my pants? I need a shower before I can even go out in public."

"I didn't want to say anything -" 


Juan shot her a grin and tapped the side of her car with his palm as he pushed himself off. "Go home, take a shower and then meet me at Lucky's in an hour? Drinks' on me."


LUCY HAD STOOD UNDERNEATH THE WARM STREAM OF WATER FOR AT LEAST TWENTY MINUTES BEFORE HER SKIN BEGAN TO PRUNE UP. She hadn't really gone out for drinks in a very long time and she didn't know if going was such a good idea, but here she was.

The woman glanced around the bar and took in the cozy lights that were littered all around the room. It was warm inside and she shrugged off her jacket as she tried to spot Juan in the crowd. It was busy tonight and she felt like a freak standing in the entrance all by herself.

Someone waved at her from the bar and she made a beeline towards him. The older man smiled brightly at her and slid a shot her way the moment she sat down.

"I knew you'd come, doc." he grinned, downing a shot himself.

The brunette grimaced as she took the drink and threw it back, pulling a face at the aftertaste. "This is disgusting."

Juan snorted and rolled his eyes at her as he leaned on the bar top with his elbows. There was soft music playing in the background and the sounds of other people chatting amongst themselves was actually quite comfortable, not as isolating as she had felt the last few weeks.

"I'm glad you're up and walking again." she confessed as she got herself another drink, taking a long swig off it to get rid of the taste of the shot. The liquid burned down her throat and she welcomed it with open arms. "Have you experienced any discomforts since then? Any redness?"

"No medical talk tonight." he said sternly. "And i'm all good."

"Well, i'm happy you're doing okay." she shrugged as she watched the man reach behind the bar to grab the bottle of tequila when the bartender wasn't looking. "You are paying for that, right?"

"Of course not." he scrunched up his nose at her question and filled his glass with the alcohol. "Boss owns the bar."

The woman blinked up at him in disbelief and glanced around the room before her eyes fell to the side of his face. "Rio owns this bar?"

"Hmm," he nodded as he scratched at his beard absentmindedly. "bought it a few months ago. So, get whatever you want. It's on his tab."

Lucy furrowed her brows and ran her finger over the rim of her glass as she looked upon the rows and rows of alcohol behind the bar. 

She must have faith on her side when she had told agent Turner where she allegedly met the gang leader. This way he was tied to this place in case they went looking.

"On my tab, huh?"

He slid on the stool on her other side and leaned over the bar top with his head resting on the palm of his hand. Lucy turned her head towards him and took in his relaxed form as he looked her up and down.

Juan slid a drink his way and rolled his eyes playfully at his boss. "You owe her that."

"Is that so?" said Rio, smirk playing at his lips as he met Lucy's gaze. "You're making friends with my men, now?"

"He invited me." she retorted.

Rio clicked his tongue in amusement and shared a glance with Juan, who narrowed his eyes at him in return. "He almost shot you."

The woman scowled at the gang leader. "On who's orders?"

"Fair enough." Rio held up his hands in defence and twirled his drink around the glass. He chuckled to himself and took a sip of the amber liquid. "So, how are your lady friends? Did they find their rotten apple?"

Lucy shrugged her shoulders and wanted to get the hell out of there now that he was pestering her. 

Her breath hitched in her throat when his knee pressed against her outer thigh and he pushed a little harder just to tease her. Her hand tightened on her glass and Juan watched her with a raised brow. 

"I don't know." she confessed. "I haven't spoken to them."

"Hmm," he hummed and took another swig of his drink.

He was so close to her and the fact that he had pressed his knee against her made her cheeks heat up rather quickly. 

The woman pulled her lips together and excused herself as she slid off the barstool before making her way toward the bathroom.

She could feel his eyes on the back of her head and she almost slammed the door shut behind her as the noise around her died down. There was no one inside and she glanced in the mirror to see that her cheeks were bright crimson and she cursed herself for reacting to him that easily.

Lucy washed her hands with extra cold water to get rid of her clammy skin. The water felt nice and she wanted to splash her face too, but she was wearing mascara so she couldn't.

The bathroom door opened and she straightened her shoulders until she met his gaze through the mirror. 

The lock clicked softly as he closed the door behind him. He reached back with one hand and turned the lock so no one could enter. Lucy said nothing as he pushed himself off and slowly made his way towards her.

The woman could feel his breath against the side of her face as he stopped behind her, his chest almost touching her back. The scent of his cologne made her dizzy and she let out a shuddering breath as he reached up to brush the hair from her face and clearing her neck.

He held her gaze in the mirror as he leaned toward her, nose dragging along the shell of her ear. Goosebumps erupted on her skin and she almost moaned at the sensation.

"You smell good." he hummed appreciatively. "Do you taste good, too?"

sorry had to cut it there because my wifi keeps shutting off but i'll continue in next chapter besties <3

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