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' You take the man out of the city, not the city out the man. ' - End of Beginning, DJO.
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𝓥ictoria had been hearing about this Percy kid and how he killed a Minotaur, and so did Clarisse. Clarisse was jealous of this kid, and sent Victoria to go check if he was awake in the infirmary yet. So now, there stands Victoria infront of Percy's infirmary bed, staring as he stirred. "Where am I?" He muttered. "You drool when you sleep." Victoria spoke, crossing her arms. "What?" Percy Said, surrending to unconsciousness once again.

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Victoria grunted as she bumped into someone. "Move." She spat, turning around and seeing it was Percy, she only got a small glance at him before Clarisse shoved him into the ground. "Knock it off, Clarisse. It's his first day, come on." Luke said before looking at Victoria, Armani at his side. "Oh, hey Ria." Armani greeted, Victoria nodded, going to stand at her side. "This the kid that killed the Minotaur?" Victoria asked. "Yeah." "I'll bet, Look you want attention around here dummy? Better be ready when it comes." Clarisse stepped in, walking away with Victoria.

"They seem nice." Percy said, watching the girls walk away. "Ares kids, they come by it honestly. Except Victoria, she's not super rude if you warm up to her." Luke admitted. "Well, why doesn't Clarisse mess with you two?" "She knows better." Armani smirked.

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Victoria spied on Percy as he tried to shoot a bow and arrow, ducking down before he impaled her in the head. She also followed them when Percy tried to craft a sword. Percy hit the blade harshly, slightly smiling before hitting it again, making it fly into a sack of cloth and burning through it.

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After a long day of spying of the two boys, she laid down in her cabin, playing with her necklace. She saw Clarisse step out the cabin with two of her friends and decided to follow. Victoria slipped inside the bathroom stall, listening in as she heard a thud, probably Percy falling on the ground. "Every new kid shows up here and think they're special. Do you think you're special?" Clarisse questioned, walking towards him.

Percy shook his head. "No." The two friends grabbed Percy by the armpits as he grunted. "Tell me you made it all up about the Minotaur, and I'll let you go." Clarisse cooed. "I didn't make anything up." The two friends quickly rushed to dunk Percy into the toilet as he fought back.

Victoria rushed out the stall to try and keep them from dunking him in the toilet, but Clarisse held her back, chuckling. "Some kids gotta learn the hard way, Vicky."

The water drained from the toilet, leaving the bathroom silent for a few seconds before water shot out in four different directions, hitting Victoria too. The group was flung into the wall, making Victoria hit her head and look at Percy, confused and aggravated.

Clarisse and her group of friends ran out the bathroom angrily as Victoria sat on the floor before looking up and seeing Percy putting his arm out, she furrowed her brows at him. "I don't need your help." She muttered, getting up. "She's right. She doesn't need your help." Annabeth said, leaning against the bathroom doorway.

"I can explain." Percy was quick to respond. "No. You can't." Annabeth denied. "Wait, I know you." Percy turned to Victoria. "No. You don't." "Yea but you were there, that night in the infirmary." He stepped closer to the two girls.

"Yea. I'm Victoria." She crossed her arms.

"I'm Annabeth." Annabeth greeted in a low tone.
"Are you stalking me?" "Yes." The two girls said in unison. "Why?" Percy said, confused. "Well we've been waiting to see if something like this would happen." Annabeth admitted. "So I'd know if you could help me." She continued. "With what?" "Win capture the flag." She smirked. "What? Annabeth you know we are gonna be on seperate tea-" "No. you're gonna show me if he's worthy or not." Annabeth whispered to her.

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Campers could be heard practicing, Annabeth and Victoria talking and planning out how to prove if Percy was going to be claimed. Percy, Armani, and Luke were walking through the training area, talking. "You're gonna love this. Camp-wide mock warfare, all glory to the victors." Luke began. "Annabeths the head counselor of the Athena cabin." "Im head counselor of the Ares cabin." Armani pitched in, almost cockily. "She's led our team to three straight wins." Luke continued.

"Been a Long time since anyones won a fourth." "They were there in the bathroom. Annabeth said she'd been waiting for it to happen." Percy admitted. "Annabeth sees the world differently. Always six steps ahead of everyone else, Victoria's like her apprentice." "Cut them a break." Armani suggested.

"Whose side are you guys on, anyway?" Percy questioned. "Oh, Victorias always. She's literally my younger sister." Armani responded. "Annabeth's. She's like my little sister." Luke followed.

Luke saw Percy's confused face and sighed. "Maybe I should back up." He suggested.

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"Before camp I was on the road. Me and a forbidden kid I met along the way. Her name was Thalia." "What does that mean, forbidden?" Percy asked. "A long time ago Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades agreed their children were becoming too powerful so they made a pact not to father any more. And it held for a long time, until Zeus broke that pact. Until Thalia." Armani answered his question.

"A forbidden kid attracts trouble. Monsters everywhere, it's just a constant battle to stay alive." Luke continued. "One day we find this little girl hiding in an alley. Annabeth. We were worried about taking her in, exposing her to all that danger. Then we saw her fight." Luke chuckled softly.

"Thalia didn't make it. But Annabeth and i.. we did. And we've been family ever since." Luke exhaled. "Okay.. so what about you and Victoria?" Percy asked Armani. Armani gulped. She hoped he wouldn't ask this question. "Uhm. Yea. My bad." She sighed. "So, Me and Victoria, we haven't been here all our life either. We used to live in Florida. And our mom had a relationship with Ares, and when Aphrodite found out, she was jealous. Jealous of the attention Ares gave my mother, jealous of how well he treated her. So, she manipulated ares, she told him that we were trying to take his glory, his power. And this angered him." Armani began.

"So, that day, Ares attacked me and our family, and our step-dad Dylan, and killed him. My mom knocked him out and we ran."

"We were halfway to camp when he attacked our car. We had no choice but to run away and walk to camp on foot. The last thing my mother gave to Victoria was her necklace and her ring. When she was claimed, Ares tried to supposedly "get over the grudge" and "gifted" us with a sword. I wasn't taking it, and I gave it to Victoria. That's the only reason she keeps it." Armani explained. "Victoria keeps it because, her only goal since she got the sword was to go on a quest and prove she was better then her father, that she wouldn't act like him in the future. That's why, she's been watching you."

"Why?" Percy asked.

Armani answered Percy's question. "Chiron promised the two that one day, a demigod would arrive who was fated to go on a quest that even Chiron couldn't prevent. And when that happened, they could join it. Every new arrival, they watch. Looking for a sign they're the one. Usually they give up after a day or two, but they're still watching you." Luke smirked. "Can you ask them to knock it off?" Percy sassed.

"Yea. But what if they're right?" Luke suggested, Percy was a little shocked by everything he had learned, Then the conch shell blew.

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Chiron started explaining the rules, but Victoria zoned out, trying to figure out what she could do so that Clarisse would plan to attack Percy. The conch shell blew and everyone let out battle cries, Victoria holding her spear.

Annabeth looked over at Victoria and gave her the signal to go through with the plan. Victoria started walking, keeping an eye out for Percy. She then saw Clarisse and her group and started walking with them. "Attacking the kid?" Victoria asked. "Hell yea. Since you're here, you join too." Clarisse smirked.

Eventually after a few minutes of walking, she saw Percy laying on a log and smiled, walking up to him. "Get up." She chuckled. "The flag is over there." He pointed. "We ain't here for the flag." She declared with her spear pointed at him. "We're here for you." "Glory's fine, but revenge is more fun." Clarisse said, taking off her helmet and throwing it.

She clanged her spear onto the ground, and it lit up. Victoria glared at Percy. Percy quickly grabbed his shield and sword, standing up and ready to defend himself. "No maiming. It's like the one rule." Percy gulped. "Yea, I guess I'll lose dessert privileges for a while. I'll live." Clarisse smiled menacingly.

Victoria tried to hit Percy with her spear, him jumping back in response. Victoria sliced his arm, muttering a sorry as he groaned. Clarisse Hit his stomach, making him fly back and fall. "I'm actually not interested in maiming or killing you, believe it or not. I just want you to admit you're a fraud." Clarisse explained.

"Feeling up to that yet?" She added, Percy shaking his head before running. Victoria quickly got on his trail, her sword nipping at his shirt every now and then. She jumped infront of him, shoving him down the hill and onto the lake. He quickly backed away from everyone else before Clarisse attempted to poke him with her spear, Percy falling back. Victoria chuckled before coming at him with her spear, trying to slice him.

Victoria tried to stab him with the sword but he grabbed it, using her sword to hit her other teammate. She kicked him off as he panted, recovering quickly. Percy tried to stab her with the sword but she dodged quickly and tried to run up to him and stab him, he gripped her sword again and started to grab her necklace to pull her away, this made Victoria panic.

"Nonononono." She rambled, Percy jumping away and snapping the necklace, making it fall apart as Clarisse stared in shock on the ground. It was the only thing she got from her step-dad before he died. She stared at Percy angrily, feeling a lump in her throat and suddenly it was harder to breathe. "NOOOO." She screamed out angrily.

Victoria didn't care about Annabeths plan anymore and went to grab Percy before hearing shouting and cheers. Then the conch shell blew as Luke ran in with the red teams flag, Victoria glaring at Percy as Annabeth reappeared. "Not bad, hero." Annabeth Said. "Were you here the whole time?" "..yea?" "And you didn't help me?" "..yea." "Why!" Percy exclaimed.

Annabeth helped Percy up but Victoria couldn't help but feel anger, right before Annabeth pushed him, she pushed him harshly into the water herself. "What is wrong with you!" Percy yelled. Annabeth smiled at this. "Good job, Ria." "What?" She said, puzzled. Percy's wounds started healing at that moment as he got up from the water. "I don't understand." He said.

A triton appeared above his head as he looked up. Everyone else looking up also. "Your dads calling." Annabeth announced.

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