4. ; Holly Jolly.

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Eleven and Clair were playing with the supercomn, sitting on the couch. Jackie was at school, so that took the only rational person out of their situation. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas were talking at the table across the couch.

"We just tell our parents we have AV club after school, that'll give us at least a feds hours for Operation Mirkwood." Mike explained. "You seriously think these weirdos know where Will is?" Lucas sighed.

"Just trust me on this, Okay?" Mike pleaded. "Did you get the supplies?" He asked Lucas. "Yeah. Binoculars from Nam, army knife, also from Nam, Hammer, camouflage bandana, and the wrist rocket."

He bragged. "You're gonna take out the demogorgon with a sling shot?" Dustin retorted. "First of all, it's a wrist rocket. And second of all, the demogorgon's not real." Lucas argued. "But if there is something out there, i'm gonna shoot it in the eye and blind it!" He exclaimed, pretending to shoot dustin with the wrist rocket.

Dustin poured all of his stuff out, Clair couldn't bother to listen any farther.

"And besides, why do we even need weapons anyway? We have them." Dustin gestured. "Oh please, she shut one door! And the other one hasn't even done anything yet." Lucas scoffed.

"Do you have powers?" Dustin turned to Clair, she looked up from the supercomn, nodding reluctantly. "What powers do you have exactly?" Lucas retorted in obvious disbelief. Clair stood up from the couch.

She looked around the room before saying a precaution. "Do not be scared by this, Eleven knows how to bring me back."

Lucas and Dustin shared a look of confusion. Clair took a deep breath and closed her eyes, and stopped her own heart. The blood slowly drained from her skin, making her slowly get pale and paler.

Until she died. (Temporarily of course!)

Eleven quickly sighed before closing her eyes and going to bring Clair back to life, her color returning as her eyes opened.

Another defect of Clair using her powers was blood, yet, it didn't come out of her nose, instead the corners of her eyes.

Dustin's jaw dropped.

He turned on his heels, grabbing a star wars ship and holding it out. "I bet they could make this fly!" He gestured it over to Clair. "Okay, concentrate!" Dustin beamed.

He dropped it, flat on the ground, Clair raised a brow. "Okay maybe you can't make things float." He gestured it to Eleven, once again, it dropped. "They aren't dogs." Mike sighed.

"Boys! Time for school!" Karen yelled.

Mike knelt down infront of the girls. "Stay here, don't make any noise, and don't leave." He begged. "If you get hungry, eat Dustin's snacks, okay?"

Clair nodded. "Micheal!" Karen sternly shouted. "Coming!" Mike said with aggressiveness. "You know those power lines? The ones behind my house?" "Yes." Eleven agreed.

"Meet us there, after school. My sister, Nance, has a friend I think could help us, Kiara, and Jackie's coming." Mike smiled.

"After school?" Eleven raised a brow, confused. "Yeah, 3:15." He nods. Mike sees the girls look of confusion and hands them his watch, putting it around Elevens wrist. "When the numbers read 3-1-5, meet us there." He confirms.

Mike rushes up the stairs after, leaving the girls alone once again.


Clair was sitting on the floor, while Eleven was practicing her own telekenisis, so was Clair. She was trying to lift up multiple pillows at once, using it as a simple pass time.

Eleven dropped the star wars ship, biting her lip and sighing in boredom. Eleven grabbed Clair's hand, making her drop the pillows and taking her up the stairs.

Eleven sat on the La-Z-Boy, leaning it back.

Clair knelt in-front of the tv, grazing her fingers across it. She jumped a bit as she accidentally turned it on. Eleven came trailing behind her. Clair pressed the buttons, switching between channels.

Eleven tensed up, seeing a upbeat coca cola ad. She seemed to be in some sort of trance, Clair looked concerned. Clair shook Eleven a bit. "Eleven!" She exclaimed, elevens eyes fluttering back open.

"Yea?" She looked over. "Are you okay..?" Clair asked. Eleven nodded.


The girls walked into Nancy's room, exploring and examining the well-decorated room. Clair opened the music box, music suddenly playing. She jumped a bit, closing it again. She sighed before opening it again, a slow lullaby tune playing faintly as a ballerina spun around the box.

Eleven was looking at a collage of Nancy's photos, Clair trailing towards her.


Eleven and Clair were right at the power lines at 3:15. Right on time. "3, 1, 5." Eleven repeated, tracing back and forth from the fence to the powerline, looking at the watch.

"H-he's coming. I know it." Clair said. A cat from across the fence started meowing at the two. Clair started breathing just as heavily as Eleven, staring at the cat with guilt.

Hawkins Lab

The cat hissed in its cage, very obviously full of rage at Clair. She had a wired machine on her head to track any stats Brenner might need.

Papa was trying to make her kill the cat.

The cat hissed more and more as Clair tried to make its blood flow stop, getting gradually more agitated as Clair failed and failed again. She had remorse etched all over her face. A frown slowly appeared.

Clair looked at Papa, he seemed.. disappointed. She hated dissapointing Papa. The cat hissed more and more.

"No." Clair muttered, whimpering in fear as the cat kept hissing at her. Soon, the cat dropped, laying flat down on the cage.
Clair couldn't take the guilt of killing the cat, quickly returning its blood flow, she snatched off the wired machine.

Papa sighed, rolling his eyes.

"No! No!" Clair yelled. The guards were dragging her to the isolation room, where it was all dark, and the door couldn't unlock from the inside.

"Papa! PAPA!" She shouted, her voice raspy as she fought against the guards. "PAPA!" Clair shrieked, her voice echoing down the hallway. He looked at her with no emotion, watching as she was dragged down the halls.

They threw her down to the ground harshly, Clair slamming the door back open before they closed it.

She looked at one of the guards, snapping his neck as she slammed the other one into the wall repeatedly with her telekinesis. Clair sighed, wiping the blood from the inner corners of her eyes and slumping against the wall.

Papa looked at the dead guards, then at Clair. Clair was afraid he would punish her, but he slowly cupped her face as she cried. "Incredible." He swept her up on her feet, carrying her back down the hallway.


Eleven softly patted Clair's shoulder, bringing her back to reality. They turned around, seeing Mike, Dustin, and Lucas riding up towards them. Mike patted his bike seat. "El! Hop on. We only have a few hours. Jackie and Kiara are gonna follow us with Jackie's car." He said.

Clair furrowed her brows. "Where will I sit?" She asked. Lucas sighed, rolling his eyes. "I guess you can sit on my bike or whatever.." He mumbled.

Clair smiled, getting on the back of his bike. She wrapped her arms around his waist to stabilize herself.


Jackie drove her car, biting her bottom lip, the sound of the car being the only thing to fill the awkward silence. "So are you ever gonna tell me your name or.." She trailed off.

Kiara turned to look at Jackie, her face emotionless and cold. "You look scary as hell." She tried to lighten the move, softly chuckling. Her laughs died down when Kiara just stared at her.

"I'm Kiara, Nancy's friend. I don't know why Mike called me for help but i'm here." She shrugged. "Well it's probably because you are trained in martial arts and I'm not...so..." Jackie cracked a small smile.

The cops sped by the car, Jackie furrowed her brows. "Where are they going?"


Jackie parked her car near the entrance of the forest they entered before following them on foot, sighing as the sound of crunching leaves filled the air.

Clair was following a heartbeat, it was getting closer and closer. She stopped in the front of wills house. "Here." She said.

"Yea..this is where Will lives." Mike clarified, very obviously confused. "Hiding." Eleven chimed in. "No, this is where Will lives. He's missing from here. Understand?" Mike asked.

"What are we doing here?" Lucas sassed. "They said he's hiding here." Mike shrugged. Jackie sighed again, the girls might be right, but it was getting dark and Mrs. Wheeler wasn't gonna take care of Anthony for much longer.

"I swear if we walked all the way out here for nothing-" "That's exactly what we did." Lucas cut Dustin off. "I told you she didn't know what the hell she was talking about!" He exclaimed. "Language." Jackie pinched his arm. "Why did you bring us here?"

Eleven began to stammer. "Mike don't waste your time with her." Lucas protested. "What do you wanna do then?" Mike shrugged. "Call the cops, like we should have done yesterday." Clair grabbed Elevens hand, looking at Jackie with a pleading look. "No cops." She muttered.

"We aren't calling the cops." Jackie reassured. "Guys." Dustin yelled, sirens were heard, right near the river. "Will." Mike whispered. They all ran for their bikes, Jackie running for her car.

They pulled a limp body out of the river, It was..Will? Clair was not convinced, she kept trying to bring the body back to life, but there wasn't even any blood in the body.

"That's not Will. It can't be." Mike said in disbelief. "It's Will. It's really will.." He sighed. Jackie felt sorrow fill her heart.

"Mike." Clair spoke up, touching his shoulder, he slapped her away. "Mike? Mike what! You were supposed to help us find him alive. You said he was alive!" Mike yelled at her. "There's no bl-"

"Why did you lie to us? What's wrong with you? What is wrong with you?!" He yelled. "Mike." Eleven muttered. "What." Mike spat, Eleven stayed silent, setting him off.

He started to run away, Jackie and Kiara were watching from Jackie's car at a distance, Mike stopped infront of the two girls. "Mike. I'm sorry." Kiara apologized, hugging him.

Clair still couldn't get over it. There was no blood...no heart even. That's not will.



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