6. ; The Flea and the Acrobat.

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While Jackie was taking the boys home, Mike pulled Jackie aside to talk about the Troy incident. "Jackie, you never told me you have POWERS?!" He beamed.

"Yes, Mike. I'm from the same place they came from. So is Kiara, is that all you needed?" She explained. "What powers do you have?" He questioned. "Sonic screams and pyrokenisis." He shot her a confused look. "Fire, Mike. It's fire." She sighed.

"W-well you can like help us with this stuff!" He stuttered. "I know, and I will. Later on. I have to get Anthony from his friends house, call me if you need me." She reassured, walking out the house.


Clair was laying on Mikes couch, taking a cat-nap but remaining high alert. Jackie had gone home after the ceremony and stayed home with her brother, Kiara staying at home the entire time and not going to the ceremony as she didn't feel she was of much importance to be there.

"Upside down." Eleven muttered through all the talking, which woke Clair up. "What'd she say?" Lucas furrowed his brows. "Upside down." Mike repeated, almost as if he was trying to put the dots together.

"When They showed us where Will was, El flipped the board over, remember? Upside down. Dark. Empty." Mike theorized. "Do you understand what he's talking about?" Lucas asked dustin, sighing in confusion.

"No." "Guys come on just think about it, when Clair led us to Will's heartbeat, she took us to his house, right?" He glanced over to Lucas.

"Yeah. And he wasn't there." Lucas sassed. "But what if he was there? What if we just couldn't see him? What if he was on the other side? What if, this is Hawkins, and this is where will is..?" Mike flipped the board over. "The upside down."


Mike and the boys asked Mr. Clarke how to travel to another dimension, so Mike was explaining it to the girls. "It would take a lot of energy to build a gate like this. But that's got to be what happened. Otherwise, how'd Will get there, right?" Mike asked the girls, practically testing if they were listening.

"Right.." Eleven muttered. "Look. What we want to know is, do you guys know where the gate is?" Clair tried to hide her fear.

"No." She stammered. "Then how do you know about the upside down?"

Clair fidgeted with her fingers. Lucas huffed. "Dustin? Dustin what are you doing!" Mike yelled. "I-I need to see your compasses." Dustin said.

"Your compasses, all of them, right now!" He demanded. The boys eventually gathered all of the compasses on the ground. "They're all facing north, right? Well, that's not true north."

"What do you mean?" Mike asked. "I mean exactly what I just said. That's not true north. Are you both seriously this dense..? The sun rises in the east and it sets in the west. Which means that's true north." He pointed.

"So that means the compasses are broken?" "Do you even understand how a compass works?" Dustin sighed. "Do you see a battery pack on this? No, you don't. Because it doesn't need one. The needles naturally drawn to the earths magnetic north pole." He continued to explain.

"Then what's wrong with it?" Lucas urged. "Well that's what I couldn't figure out, but then i remembered, you can change the direction of a compass with a magnet. If there's a presence of a more powerful magnetic field, the needle deflects to that power. And then I remembered what Mr. Clarke said. The gate would have so much power—" Dustin was cut off.

"It could disrupt the electromagnetic field." Mike started to realize. "Exactly." Dustin nodded. "Meaning, if we follow the compasses' north..." "They should lead us to the gate." Dustin finished Lucas' sentence.

Eleven and Clair looked at eachother, very worried. They couldn't know about the gate, it's way to dangerous for them.

"We gotta tell Jackie and Kiara." Mike said.


The group of 6 were hiking along the train tracks, the sound of leaves crunching once again filling in the empty silence.

"How much further?" Lucas sighed. "I don't know, these only tell direction." They argued, Lucas turned around to look at Eleven, who was suspiciously wiping her nose. Clair gave her a look of warning to be more careful.

Jackie didn't care much about the boys bickering, she was just walking alongside Kiara, who was staring down at the compass Mike lended to her to follow the trail. "Are you always quiet?" Jackie tried to start up conversation, Kiara nodded in agreement.

"Nevermind then.." She sighed, giving up on communicating with the girl. Jackie needed something to busy herself with, making small flames in the palm of her hand, and then putting it out.

Kiara looked at her in shock. "What..?" She muttered, grabbing her wrist and pulling her jacket sleeve up. 016 was imprinted on her wrist.

"What? What are you doing." She pulled her wrist away. Kiara rolled her sleeve up, revealing the 015. "15..." Jackie muttered. She looked at the boys walking ahead, stopping in her tracks.

Jackie hugged Kiara, holding her as tight as she can. "I missed you so much." She muttered, Kiara still temporarily in shock before hugging her back.

"Wait. Sorry. I'm acting like a loser. We should do this..reunion another time.." Jackie reluctantly released Kiara from her tight hug. Kiara nodded, a hole in her heart had been filled just knowing she's found her childhood bestfriend, so that atleast made this whole situation easier.


"Oh no.." Dustin gasped. "Oh no? What's oh no?" Lucas said, very concerned. "We're headed back home." Dustin explained. "What? Are you sure?" Jackie asked. "Yes, very sure. Setting sun, right there. We looped right back around." Dustin pointed towards the sun, almost in disbelief.

They began to argue, but Clair was barely listening, just worried about Elevens cover being blown or not. "Somethings screwing with the compasses.." Kiara spoke up.

"Maybe it's something here!" Mike suggested. "No, it has to be like a super magnet." Dustin denied, not convinced.
Lucas slowly turned to the girls. "It's not a magnet. They've been acting weirder than normal. If she can slam doors with her mind, and the other one can do some weird bloody stuff, they can definitely screw up a compass, and so can Jackie.."

Jackie's eyes widened. "Don't blame this on me, I didn't do anything." She got defensive. "Why would they do that?" Mike scoffed. "Because they're trying to sabotage our mission. Because they're traitors!" She spat.

He walked in their face. "You did it, didn't you. You don't want us to reach the gate. You don't want us to find Will. Admit it. ADMIT IT!" He yelled, making them jump.

He grabbed elevens sleeve forcefully, looking at the blood on her sleeve. "Fresh blood, I knew it." He threw her hand back down. "Lucas come on!" Mike huffed.

"I saw her wiping her nose on the tracks! She was using her powers!" He accused. "Bull! That's old blood, right El?" Eleven stayed silent, looking like she was about to burst out into tears.

Clair looked at the two arguing boys in shame. "It's not safe." She spoke.

"What did I tell you! they've  been playing us from the beginning!" "That's no true. They helped us find will!" "Find will? Where is he then, huh? I dont see him." Lucas scoffed.

"Yea you know what i mean." Mike sassed. They continuously argued, Clair comforting El by rubbing her thumb on her hand. "They used us! All of us! They helped just enough so they could get what they want. Food and a bed. They're like stray dogs!" He continued to shout.

Jackie and Kiara stayed silent, not really sure if it was time to intervene or not. "I said shut up!" Mike yelled, wrapping his arm around Lucas and pushing him down to the ground. "Okay that's enough!" Jackie and Kiara intervened.

Jackie was trying to get Mike off of Lucas, while Kiara was trying to get Lucas from under Mike. "Stop it!" Eleven yelled.

"Stop!" Clair also shouted alongside Eleven. "STOP!" Clair yelled, Eleven sending Lucas flying back off of Mike, making Kiara and Jackie fall down from the impact. "Jesus! Lucas!" Jackie ran towards him. "Lucas? Are you okay? Lucas!"

"Why would you do that!" Mike shouted at her. "What's wrong with you!" He continued to lecture. "Mike, leave her alone." Jackie warned. "What is wrong with you!" He continued to yell while Kiara tried to wake Lucas up.


hihihihihihi this sucks dookie butt because it's 3:33 AM and i've been writing since 11 PM trying to have chapters ready to update for my 8 readers 😛

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