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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵ 


The arcade being chaotic and crowded during the weekend evenings was nothing new to Michael. But nothing could get more chaotic than his state of mind around you, working for the first time together. And though his composure and natural approach with you had eventually improved, his intrusive and obsessive thoughts made him want to scoop his entire organs out of his body.

   He's been observing. Seeing how good you were doing so far. First time at the prize counter handling everything by yourself for a few minutes and you complied. From this distance where he's been keeping an eye on you, it seemed that things were going smoothly on your end. But then it finally started to hit him; how creepy and unsettling it would've looked for watching you in a way that's totally not obsessive, yet is very obsessive.

Well, he's already in deep shit. Michael's been watching you for. . . months. That's what every fan of a content creator does, but obviously not in unhealthy ways like a miserable porn addict. And now he gets to see you in person, right at the pizzeria arcade, where he can't help but just watch everything you do it makes his mind go insane. Both in a good and bad way.

   Michael knows this is all wrong. He knows how much of a terrible, terrible secret this was that his guilt has been mercilessly tearing at his guts for days now. Repeatedly gaslighting himself by saying; 'I'm not a bad person for secretly supporting a camgirl', or 'I'm not a bad person for having a crush on a coworker, or 'I'm not a bad person for stalking someone to make sure they're doing their job right.'

   Michael wished to rot until his decaying body turned disgustingly purple.

   There was no way out of this Hell that he unwillingly created. Because the more he kept watching you right now from upstairs, the more his intrusive thoughts punctured him. There you were down below, hovering over the counter with that perfect arch in your back. Your elbows pressed on the counter top. Your face lighting up with enthusiasm talking to a male that looked about the same age.

   He held his breath as he made his way downstairs. It was time for him to accompany you on your shift. As he made his way through the arcade machines and near the prize corner area, his heart stammered at the sound of your laugh. The kind of laugh resembling playfulness.

   ". . . Never seen you here before. Can I use my three thousand points for the Mangle plushie, and the rest for your number?"

Day-fucking-one on the job and someone was already trying to flirt with you. Michael should've known; looking at you and standing there so effortlessly pretty. Hell, he wasn't even prepared for how corny that sounded coming from the male's mouth. And scrutinizing your reaction, you had to laugh it off and play nice.

   The rest of the interaction turned to a blur as he went to the closet to restock the Bonnie plushies and the Fundip candy. He had to quickly clear his mind from the image of you and him together before his impulsiveness kicked in. He knew it would look dreadfully embarrassing for him if he were to intervene and tell the guy to fuck off.

   But... he doesn't know you like Michael does. In many, many ways.

It was hard to concentrate restocking the prizes when his mind drifted to you flirting with him during phone sex. And that special night of video chat sex, witnessing the view of your sweet pussy dripping on camera for only him. He smirked slightly as he stifled a chuckle when he glanced at the male. He's never felt this cocky before— but thinking about how that man could never know, or ever experience what you two had was hilarious to him.

   Okay, quit being delusional. Just admit that you're possessive over her.

   Stop fucking looking at them. You don't even have a chance with Y/N.

   I'm such an ass. Objectifying her and thinking that I'm entitled to her while she's just trying to do her job... I hate myself, I hate myself...

I'm so pathetic.

   Michael lingered on William's words from lunch break. He hated to admit it, but his father was right; he's distracted. He suddenly felt enervated and wanted to leave as soon as work was over just to get away from anyone. He was never this stressed or desperate from his previous nightguard shift that it was oddly concerning.

Why does this happen to me now? After deluding myself several times that my anxiety around her is gone, it's still there..?

When the guy turned and left with just the plushie, Michael noticed your facial expression shift from polite to disgust. But when you caught glimpse of him in your peripheral vision, your disgusted expression quickly faded away. As if the sight of him sent a wash of relief over you. You had that look in your eyes that sinks him deeply, a strong gaze in his chest that snagged on the edges of his heart.

   And your smile... it was enough for the mangling chaos in Michael's brain to finally fade.

   "Hey. You were right about how it gets... crazy on Friday nights," you bantered as he was ambling towards you.

   Michael mirrored your small chuckle. "Yeah. There's definitely gonna be some, uh... weirdos you'll encounter here and there. But if anything's bothering you, or— if you need me, I'll be here for you. Always."

   "Aw, Michael. I enjoy your company just as much as you enjoy mines."

   His heart thundered erratically in his chest from your voice again. You had that sweetness in your voice just like before, which was his ultimate weakness. His entire body was sent ablaze and he could feel the burn in his face, his cheeks suffusing with a red rose tint. How much more pathetic could he get, constantly folding for you whenever you're nearby?

He wishes to say more, but held back from his possibility of stuttering. In fact, he didn't know what else to say. A brief smile and a weak nod was all he managed, ready to turn around and leave from making this more awkward until he suddenly thought about that guy again.

   "By the way, uh— I don't mean this in a creepy way, but I kinda saw you and that guy from a few seconds ago... I heard what he was saying and you just looked so uncomfortable. I just feel sorry—"

   You cut him off by laughing at the contorted expression on Michael's face. "Nah, I don't really care about it. But, I do feel bothered by one thing, though."

"What is it?"

Michael felt hypnotized by the way you slowly pushed your weight off the counter with your elbows and forearms, seeing the sultry arch in your back showing off your enticing curvature. God, how he loved every inch of your body. He could watch you all day and night if he had to, showing yourself off like the confident woman you are. He held his breath as you stood in front of him, your gaze forever engraved into the depths of his mind.

"This morning you said we could play some games together when we're break. Our conversation during our lunch break really took up a lot of that time— and I didn't know that was our only break."

"Oh, shit... You're right," Michael sighed deeply in discontent, pressing his lips together. He glanced quickly at the arcade to gather his thoughts and making sure nobody was nearby, especially William. "Uh, how about... When it's closing time, you can help me out and we can play awhile after? I'm trying not to sound like those annyoing managers that make their employees stay longer but, you know... A little company wouldn't hurt."

   "No, no— I get it," you beamed. "I'd love to help."

Your heads turn simultaneously when a group of kids were approaching the prize corner. Michael takes one final look at you before he heads back to the front desk and check on the hosts.

"Then I'll see you later tonight, Y/N."

   When the night was finally over and the arcade emptied, Michael was roaming about the aisles of machines to make sure nothing looked out of place or broken. He also sent home a few other coworkers working at the arcade; he knew he was going to be needing all the given time to spend it with you.

His heart stammered when he sees you at the corner where all the basketball games were. Just as you were pulling out your game card, you turn and smile when you notice him in the corner of your eyes again.

   "Hey, just got done with tidying up the prize counter and the rest of the arcade. You available to play now?"

   "Ooh. Connect 4 Hoops? I love this game," Michael exulted, sliding his own game card from his back pocket. "I haven't played in awhile since some of my friends that were stationed here moved upstairs or across the pizzeria."

   "Well, you have me, remember?" You playfully nudged his forearm with your knuckles, immediately freezing in motion when you felt his tense, firm biceps. Your eyes furtively glide up his arms, taking in Michael's entire muscle structure almost visible through his purple uniform. Attractive, veiny arms and elegant, clean hands with long, slender fingers— you had to quickly glance away before you got caught staring.

But Michael noticed somehow; he found it cute. It made his stomach churn when you were checking him out so bashfully, which he's never seen. He scoffs softly, fiddling with his game card in his fingers. "I'm a little competitive, just so you know... I also wanna see you try beating me in this game."

You reply with a chuckle as you swipe your card through the card reader and pressed the 2 player button. "Oh, yeah? I didn't dedicate five hours of my day for that jumbo Hello Kitty plush. I could get just as competitive."

"Okay. How about... loser has to buy the winner some lunch tomorrow. It can be anything they want from the shops nearby as long as it's not more than $25."


The two of you had started the game; you were red while he was yellow. As you were shooting, you were trying the 7 formation technique while Michael kept trapping and preventing you. You kept blocking him as well and the board was almost getting full. Once you finally made your 7 and you saw an open opportunity for you to get a vertical four-in-row, Michael suddenly blocked you. You strategized for a bit, aimed the basketball, and used the remaining opportunity to get a diagonal four-in-a-row that he somehow didn't notice. You won, just as you had predicted. Michael's heart dropped to his stomach.

"Michael, Michael... Were you holding back just so I could win?" you inquired playfully.

Michael chortled. "What? Nah, that was just your pure luck. I had many opportunities beating you but you kept blocking me. Smart."

   "Well. You still owe me lunch tomorrow."

Suddenly, his phone buzzed in his pocket from a text notification by William. It seems that he left the pizzeria just now for other errands and he couldn't drive him home tonight. He also had to lock up the pizzeria and call an uber home.

"Fuck," he uttered under his breath in agitation as put his phone away. "Oh, wait— sorry, excuse me."

"No, it's okay. What happened?"

Michael sighed deeply in discontent. "My father brought me to work this morning and apparently I have to uber home tonight 'cuz he can't take me. I also didn't bring my car today and I need to lock up right now."

"Wait. Uber home?" you frowned as you followed behind him heading to the staff lounge. "How about I just give you a ride home instead? If only you want to, no pressure."

   Michael froze anxiously. His heart was racing, his chest was feeling heavy, and he couldn't grasp a brief moment to collect himself. Being offered a ride from you? Where the two of you are together alone at night, cruising downtown for a few minutes with the twinkling city lights passing by? Fantasizing about a tender moment like this made him shiver slightly with goosebumps in anticipation.

   Another open opportunity to spend time with you— but outside the pizzeria and acrade now. Where he's free from surveillance, free from his professionalism, and free from anything that engages in sex with you; because he knew you were way more than that. He's buried away these dumb, unrealistic fantasies that he romanticized awhile ago. But now his hopes were higher than ever.

   "Are— are you sure?" he pretended to hesitate just to conceal his excitement.

"Yeah! There's no need for you to pay for a ride tonight— unless if I can't do that," you chuckled with your hands up.

   "Hey, I'm the manager. Remember what I said at lunch? I appreciate your kindness a lot, Y/N. You're always willing to help others and that's just what we need here."

You smile down at the floor as your heart flutters from how much Michael values you. "Well... If you're done locking up, I'll be in my car waiting."

"Alright. See 'ya in a bit."

   "You drive a Volkswagen Beetle?" Michael said in astonishment as he was sitting down on the front passenger seat and shutting the door.

The corner of your lips curved into a cocky smirk. "Hell yeah. 2019 model. It's also a convertible."

"Well damn. . . I really like it. The color fits nicely."

"Thank you. Don't mind all the accessories I put in here though," you bantered, grabbing onto the gearshift and moving it to drive mode.

Michael mirrored your laugh, eyes darting at the fascinating, clean and cozy interior of your VW. "You must really love Hello Kitty, huh?"

"Of course. Do you wanna send me your address or you wanna tell me the directions along the way?"

Put your address on her phone so it'll be saved. Hehe.

"Here, I'll put my address in," he replies as he raised his hand out for your phone. After he typed it in, you were already on the way and out of the pizzeria parking lot.

"So. How does it feel being my passenger prince for tonight?" you teased.

Michael chuckled as he relaxed back in his seat. "Passenger prince? Honestly, I'm doing just fine. Your car is just really cozy to me, I have no idea why."

At the red light, you glanced at him for a couple of seconds, holding your breath from how undeniably attractive he looked with the colorful lighting from outside casting on his face. Taking in his pretty side profile, his disheveled hair, his jawline, the shadows filling in the angles and shape of his face... You knew it all from the very beginning.

   Stop— oh my god, you mentally panicked inside. He's your fucking manager! If Mr. Afton were to find out about anything, I'd be in deep shit.

   Music was softly playing on your Apple CarPlay. As minutes passed by in the car ride, there would be moments where Michael would do the same thing and just stare at you while you were fixated on the road. And when Michael was fixated on the window, briefly admiring the nightly ambience, your gaze wonders right back onto him.

"Oh wow. You're a little far from the pizzeria," you say after glancing at the GPS.

   "Yeah... What about you? Where do you, uh—" he faltered, "how many minutes away from the pizzeria are you?"

"I'm only eight minutes away. I live in one of the apartments downtown. I think I mentioned before that I live close by."

He hummed in reply as his mind went adrift, staring absentmindedly into the windshield until he noticed a couple of raindrops. As he recognized the street you were both driving through, more rain began pelting. Luckily it wasn't heavy rain.

"You know, I owe you another one now for taking me home tonight," Michael spoke with a weak chuckle.

   "Nah, it's okay. Don't worry about it," you beamed. This was the last turn until Michael's house in his neighborhood. You drove down the street and finally approached the pinned location on the GPS, parking in front of the house.

   "Woah. You have a really nice home," you complimented, putting the car on park.

   Michael undid his seatbelt. "Thank you. And, uh... thank you so much for the ride. You did good today on your first day and I'm proud of you, Y/N. And I also had fun tonight."

   The two of you chuckled. "Of course, no problem," you say. "But... do I get to say thank you this time?"

   The rain started pelting harder. Michael felt his whole body burn with agitation and anticipation; he's never been in such a tense moment with a girl, especially alone in the car at night. Under the rain that's preventing him from going outside, which is perfect for him to linger with you a little longer.

The way you looked into him. Taking in his face. His curious gaze attaches onto yours, like he was being traipsed into your hypnotic mystery, willingly surrendering himself to you this time. Because under the darkness, under the dim street lamp in front of his house dully illuminating your face, he could see a hint of vulnerability in your heated eyes. It felt as if he was invited— no, inclined to just pull your face closer and feel your lips on his right fucking now.

"What for?" he whispers lowly. He didn't realize he was slanting his head in titillation, inching ever so slightly that his shadow was soon to be taking over your face any minute now.

You sighed softly, your breath almost shuddering, like how a swooned woman would sigh in passion, completely consumed by this untamable desire floating in the air.

But for some reason, you held back. "For, uh... Nevermind. I'm sorry, I have no idea what I'm saying sometimes," you forced a chuckle.

"Nah, nah— It's okay," Michael lamented, his heart sinking inside after realizing that this moment was now over. "Can't believe this was my first time seeing you nervous. Don't end up like me who gets tongue tied all the time, though."

"Oh, please. You know you're cute when you get nervous?"

As Michael was about to grab the door handle, he froze like a deer trapped in headlights. At this point, everything going on internally had him in shambles. His brain was practically fried from all his intrusive thoughts clashing together. His heart was restless from the way you kept making him feel, and his poor stomach could become nauseous anytime soon the more you kept flirting with him. Your voice alone was his ultimate weakness.

Forcing himself to not engage any further and embarrass himself again, he muttered a quick "thank you" and "have a goodnight" as he pulled the passenger door handle. But for some reason, the door handle wasn't letting him out.

"Oh, shit— I'm so sorry. The handle here is kinda fucked up so you just gotta open it a certain way... like this..." You quickly unbuckled your seatbelt to reach over and grab the passenger handle, not realizing how close your face was to Michael's.

The both of you dared not to move. Gazing into each other's eyes were enough to tell a thousand words. There was this ravenous desire blossoming within, for just a few seconds, right in the darkness. The look in your eyes managing to snag onto the nervous edges of his fluttering heart. There was no point in holding back anymore. He could feel the rush of his blood meeting the surface of his cheeks and his aching body. He couldn't breathe. So instead, he breathed you in.

   Your lips were barely touching the corner of his mouth, oddly lulling you. No matter how dark the car was, he can feel the way your mouth shaped his. Looking deeply into him with heated eyes, your lips parted like an invitation.

   "Fuck this," Michael muttered breathlessly, leaning forward and shutting his eyes to kiss you. And just like that, you kissed him back with the same sense of urgency, taking your hands to hold his face. A slow, soft and delicate kiss until a gradual intensity of control rushed in.

   "On— On top," you heard him sigh out, and you immediately complied. "Fuck, I've been waiting... I've been waiting..."

   You were straddling him now, never taking your hands off of him. Fingers tangled in his hair, infected with such fervor Michael never knew he was capable of feeling, desperately clinging onto you and complying with deep kisses.

   "We shouldn't," you say, breathless just as him, but you couldn't stop. You were too enraptured by this, collecting your breath every few seconds then finding your lips back on his.

   "You're right. We shouldn't." His hands made its way to your waist, kissing you harder and harder that you couldn't hold back on rolling your hips on him subtly. "So why aren't you stopping? Mm?"

   She's so fucking hot. Fuck, I can feel her grinding on me— fuck, fuck, fuck... I don't wanna get hard right now. I can't, I can't.

   All you could think of in the moment was him, and only him. You cling onto Michael like he was the only solid thing in your hazy world, robbing you of breath every second.

   "I can't— I've been waiting the longest, too."

   Michael got hard and he couldn't blame himself. He was out of control now; he needed you so fucking bad. A needy, desperate man he was for you, and only you. You can hear him moan slightly as you kept grinding on his hard bulge. With your hands going everywhere, you got ahold of the adjuster down below and pulled it upwards for the carseat to fall flat, where you were finally on top of him.

   But suddenly, you stopped. The both of you stared into each other's eyes again as you were catching your breaths.

   "Fuck— I— I'm so sorry," Michael spluttered after he processed everything. "It's my fault, really. But don't worry, you're— you're not gonna be in trouble. I'll make sure of it."

   You caressed his face again with a longing expression this time. But you knew a hot moment like this couldn't last forever. "You should probably get inside, now... The rain finally stopped. I don't want you to get wet."

   Michael got ahold of the seat adjuster this time, inclining the seat back to normal as you moved back to the driver's seat. He opened the car door correctly and got out, looking back at you.

   "Hey, uh— Thanks again for the ride. I know this was kinda unexpected, but... Truth is, I have a lot to tell you. I'm hoping we could get to... hangout sometimes after work and during our break?"

   You smiled. "You know I'd be down for that anytime. I have a lot to tell you, too."

   Michael exhaled sharply. "Well, goodnight, Y/N. Please drive home safely."

   "Of course, goodnight." You turn on the engine again and reach for your seatbelt, realizing that he was still staring at you it made you smirk. "Sorry for also messing your hair up some more."

   He mimicked your smirk as he was ready to shut the door. "You can mess me up anytime."

omg yas another
pcg update after 2 years
wowow 😍😍😍 this chapter
was also 3K+ WORDS
like wtf this is the longest
chapter of the series so far !!
what do yall think hehe <33

shoutout to all my bbys who
were patient with me waiting
on an update for this series
where i get constant writers
block !! im also not that active
on here, im mostly active on
my tumblr where i post a lot
more hot smut and fics 😋

btw im very excited for the
fnaf movie. the cast so far
is absolutely perfect !!
anyways happy holidays
and merry christmas/
happy hanukkah/wtv u
celebrate lol

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