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this is a very lengthy
chapter since it has the
slow build here. forgive me
if you hate reading long
ass paragraphs LMAO

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵


   "Michael, goddamnit. Are you in the supply closet?"

   Out of sheer panic and the haste scorching his nerves, Michael swiftly opens the door and scurries out the prize counter, the metal of his belt clinking as he adjusted it. It was too late before he could button up his uniform when William Afton appeared nearby the corner and startled him.

   "Holy fuck," Michael breathed out. "I— Apologies, father. There was. . . an issue with the lighting in the closet."

   William frowned, mouth shifting awkwardly to the right in skepticism. "And you fixed it just now?"

   "Just now." Michael reaches for the pack of bubblegum in his pocket and slips a piece in his mouth. He's always had this habit of excessively chewing gum ever since he was multitasking under stress during his previous night shifts.

   "Ugh. Get ready for training. They'll be here in an hour," ordered William as he continued strolling down the hall.

   "Yes, father."

   When his father was out of sight, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. A notification for the call bill and an identification request appeared on the screen. He sighed, his shoulders slouching as he stood alone in the hallway.

She deserves to be paid more than this, thought Michael. Will she also be able to see my ID with my real name?

He didn't think of it too much since her number was under a hotline system. Back at the lounge, he slips out his wallet and absentmindedly follows the instructions from the message. It wasn't until, a few moments later, something bizarre crossed his mind.

Michael never found out her name.

A few months ago when he discovered her content, her full name was never displayed on her profile. Michael respected this, presuming she'd only show half of her face on her free videos for privacy purposes. When he paid for her premium content, her name was still never revealed.

He kept recalling the complements she had of his voice; hearing him speak, hearing him whimper, hearing him dirty talking. He wishes to speak with her again. It didn't even have to be phone sex. What if he had a simple, sweet talk with her? Hearing her speak about her passions outside of being a webcam model while her voice gets all excited? Learning about where she's from and the story of her life so far? A small pillow-talk just over the phone?

Fuck. I need to stop. I'm literally nothing special to her, why am I fantasizing about this?

   Michael felt abashed. There was no way for him to train the employees without getting distracted. There was no way for him to stop thinking of her constantly. Hell, is he even mentally prepared to do this right now?

   After making his payments and verification, he shut off his phone to draw away from the thoughts. It was probably best for him to not use his phone at this time. Instead of relying on orgasms and fantasies, he was desperate for something else to clear his mind.

Waiting for the time to pass by, Michael found himself back at the arcade's supply closet. The stacked boxes of various prizes for the prize counter were still not opened— his father decided to let the employee who will work at the prize counter unpack the prizes and organize it all themselves. He just now realized how inconvenient this would be for the poor employee. There were too many boxes. But for the sake of clearing his mind— he took care of them himself.

Michael filled only half of the shelves with toys and candy the past hour. He left the remaining for whoever is stationed at the prize counter, which should be sufficing enough to handle.

Back at the main diner hall where William lingered, the entrance doors swing open. A young woman who looked just about Michael's age sauntered in, curious eyes wondering about the diner until she encountered William— her employer.

   "Hey there. You must be Y/N, welcome to the pizzeria!" he greeted, offering his hand out for a handshake.

   Y/N grinned as she felt the tight grip of his hand holding hers. "Yes, I am. So nice to meet you, Mr. Afton! This place looks amazing."

   "Thank you, thank you. We take our family business very seriously," he exulted, scrutinizing her features up close that he felt rather intrigued. "Hey, have I— have I met you somewhere before? Feels like I've seen your face before but can't remember where."

   Y/N's heart leaped. "Oh— No, I don't think we've ever met before, Mr. Afton. This is our first time meeting in person!"

   "Ah, my mistake." He scoffed in contrition of his words. "Anyways— I appreciate that you showed up on time, Y/N. Your shift starts tomorrow."

   "Yes, I'm aware." She follows behind William as they weaved through the rows of party tables.

   "And are you familiar with our safety procedures and customer service?"

   "Yes, sir. I've read through the requirements and overview just like you said."

   "Such a smart girl you are."

   Y/N smirked to herself, eyes darting everywhere from the slight titillation she felt from William's complement. He escorted her down the hall where the arcade entrance was. William turned to her and mirrored her beam with enthusiasm.

"My son, Michael, will be training you. I believe you two will work together at the arcade. Any questions?"

   "Not at the moment, sir. But I'd really like to thank you for having me here," she professed, the end of her lip curling to a small smile.

"Of course," William chuckled. "I must say— I really like your enthusiasm, Y/N. And that's exactly what we need at the pizzeria."

"Father? Are they here?"

   They turn their heads at Michael calling out from the arcade storage room. "Yes, Michael!" William replies with a shout. "Come out here and meet your new coworker!"

Michael trots out the storage room, taking in the sight of his father standing before the new employee from his perspective. He couldn't quite see her face, but from her figure, he could make out she was, in fact, a girl. This stirred the agitation he had before in his stomach— the probability of the new employee being a girl and training her without acting awkward. Now he had to set the expectations for himself as an employer much more higher for her.

"Apologies for not showing up— I was fixing some more stuff at the storage closet again," Michael chuckled nervously.

"Well, would you look at that. You must really want the experience for our trainee to feel very accommodated," teased William, slapping his hand on his shoulder as he slightly turned his body to reveal Y/N.

"This is Michael— I trust him as a dependent assistant for you while you work here. And Michael, meet your new coworker; Y/N."

The moment when Michael's wince faded away and his gaze trailed up her body, perusing her figure from head to toe, he realized he wasn't breathing when he took in her face.


It was really her.

Standing right before him, in person.

His eyes widened in horror. His lungs tightened in on him. His stomach couldn't stop swirling— and soon enough the panicking, rapid beating of his heart followed. Oh, he was fucked. He was so fucked. This desire that took over everything he worked so hard to prevent, all crumbled down on him when she entered his life. No— invaded his life, drowning into the rapacious depths of his mind when he allowed it.

"Michael? You alright there, pal?"

He stammered at the echoes of William's concern. He was too robbed of speech as he kept taking that recognizable face in. It was much worse for Michael witnessing Y/N slightly frowning at him for not responding— for not knowing what was running through his mind.

   The poor boy forced himself to clear his throat, body shifting in uneasiness it was impossible for him to relax. "I'm— Sorry!Uh, I'm so sorry. I was just, uh. . . Nice to finally meet you."

   She chuckled lightly when he reluctantly offered his hand out and shook it. "No worries. I look forward to working with you, Michael."

   The way his name rolls off her tongue. The way her hand feels. How her soothing skin raptures his like cupping a delicate rose. The revering gaze she had in her eyes the longer they stared— enough to entice him like drizzles of kisses and raindrops on his skin that pinpricks of electricity couldn't stop bouncing through him.

   Michael refused to believe this was his reality. The tighter his grip engulfed her hand, it felt physically real. She was really here. The new girl. His fucking coworker. This was no daydream, no fantasy that he could end.

   William hears the entrance doors swing open again, eyes widening from the excitement. "Ah, more new employees are here. I'll be at the main diner hall if you need me. Good luck, Y/N."

Once Michael's father left the arcade, he felt the agitation surge in him again. It's a shame that spending an hour organizing the prize shelves to clear his mind was for absolutely nothing. How crazy can fate be, meeting a hot girl you've only seen online and next thing you know they're your coworker. Especially when the two of you just had phone sex about an hour ago?

Get it together. She already knows you're nervous.

   He cleared his throat again, forcing himself to act sedated around Y/N. He hadn't felt this nervous around a girl in so long; not since his teenage years. As he furtively gazed at her, the curiosity provoked him like an unwanted guest.

   Millions of questions flooded his head, such as why she applied for this job when she's already making more money as a webcam model. But with all due respect, and for the sake of him pretending not to know anything, he proceeded with the only professional questions he came up with from the top of his head.

   "So, uh. . . where did you hear about Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria? How'd you find the job application?" he asks, shoving his hands in his pockets as he sauntered down the arcade.

   Y/N followed suit right by him with a pleasant smile. "This might sound crazy, but— I've actually been living near the pizzeria my whole life. I went here when I was a child and seeing the new and improved renovation somehow drew me in to work here. I wanted to work as an arcade attendant so I contacted your dad."

   She lives nearby?!

   "Woah, no way. Forreal?" Michael mused, raising his eyebrows at her. "Hm. You're not the only one interested in working here because of the major upgrades. I mean, having new employees here feels nice."

   The two stop at the prize corner, where Y/N noticed half of the shelves filled with toys, plushies, candy, and various electronics.

   "If I remember correctly, my father put the both of us in charge of the prize corner. And before you came, I already set up some of the stuff, so. . ."

   ". . . You want me to help put up the rest?" she inquired with such politeness in her voice, her head slanting so coquettishly it made him stammer again.

   Fuck. Pull yourself together, man. She's just tilting her goddamn head.

   "Yes, yes! And maybe we should, uh— get to know each other since, you know. . . We'll be stationed together here for awhile."

   There you go, Michael. Taking it slow as you should.

   "Yeah. I'd love that!" she beamed. "I think it'll be great if we're comfortable with each other. If you feel awkward or uncomfortable around me, I promise I'm not judging you."

   For the first time, Michael's face lit up when he laughed. He could also spot the twinkle in her eyes when she hears him laugh and see the real delight in his smile, like he's already comfortable with her. It made his heart leap again, the way she looks at him.

He doesn't just see her as some webcam model he jerks off to most nights anymore.

He only sees Y/N.

His friendly, beautiful coworker in broad daylight.

The two get along as they filled up the prize counter. Michael kept asking questions while she answers with honesty and kindness. She asked questions as well, which Michael answered confidently. Her presence felt so reassuring to him, something he needed that also soothed his agitation. That burning sensation was no longer aching him. He felt at ease with himself and with Y/N.

An hour later during the middle of training, Michael and Y/N take a break by grabbing a snack at the table he arranged earlier.

". . . Alright, Y/N. Be honest," Michael prompted as his laughter died down. "What are you excited about working at this job, hm? And what are you worried about?"

She glances at the ceiling while thinking of her answer. "Hm. I think I'm excited to be surrounded in the fun party vibe environment with a laid back occupation like you said. What I'm worried about is, well. . . customer and worker safety with the animatronics."

"Oh yeah. I get that," he asserted, chewing on his sandwich. "Sometimes kids get carried away with these animatronics and next thing they know, their heads get bit off or something."

"Damn. Hope that doesn't happen when we're here," Y/N scoffed as she sipped on her soda. "Does your father get questioned for the design choices?"

"Oh, yeah. Too many damn times in the past. But because of our good management here and no recent lawsuits, they don't bother us anymore."

Michael suddenly paused when he took in the sweetness of her perfume. She was sitting close to him at the lounge table, her body invading his senses he almost got carried away. He kept furtively gazing at her when she looks away, studying those wonderlust features he could finally stare at all day in person.

He still had mixed emotions about everything. Many unanswered questions that he forced to keep to himself. The idea of her wanting a side job at a shady pizzeria like this, the filthy carnal thoughts that run in her head, what she was doing before she answered that phone and what she thinks of him so far. . . But those questions had to wait. Hopefully the answers would all unravel themselves to him as time passes.

Michael glanced at the prize counter shelves then back to Y/N, a genuine smile stretched across his face. "You know, you did a pretty good job with the shelves."

Her eyes had that glimmer again when she gazed at him. It was something about his alluring voice that soothed her. "Really? You think so?"

Michael nearly stammered again. "Y— yeah. You did very well."

She scoffs at Michael's comment as if he was bluffing. Meanwhile, in her head, the sudden praise he gave for her felt endearing. "I appreciate it, Michael. If you need help with anything else, let me know."

   He couldn't stop staring at her. His lips kept shifting from side to side, wanting to engage in more conversation with her. But it wasn't until she put down her soda and shifted her entire body to him directly.

   "You mind if I start asking some questions now?" she chuckles lightly.

   Michael rapidly blinks when he took in her beguiling front profile. "Y— yeah. Go ahead."

   "What motivates you to come to work?"

  "That— that's a great question." Michael sighed deeply, scavenging his empty mind for a response he never opened up to anyone. "Truth is, before the whole renovation all I wanted to do was help my father. Working here felt like a chance to redeem myself from my wrong doings and clear his wrong doings, too. I used to be a nightguard here, you know. It was a stressful ass job, but I managed to survive. Now my shift has moved to the daytime which is so much more relieving."

And because I get to see you almost everyday now.

   "Wow," she mutters, her expression revealing pity for him. "I don't know much about what happened, but being a nightguard here must've been real difficult for you. And probably scary."

   "Oh, it was. But don't worry about it. That's all in the past now," Michael smiled. He glanced at the clock and realized their break was about to end soon.

"Well, at least you're still here despite all that shit you've been through. Must've took a lot of courage to do all that. But, hey. Now you get to have fun with me," she chortled, playfully nudging his shoulder.

   Michael chuckled at her enthusiasm. Hearing her encouraging him ignited some hope and motivation like a spark. There was hope that she'd get closer with him. There was hope that life at work would be much more fun with Y/N in it. It's fascinating that throughout training, his working conduct gradually got to him around her; despite knowing what she does as her side gig. And he would never hold that against her.

   There was more to her than being just a hot camgirl. And he's desperate to find out.

alr i dont like using
"Y/N" regularly and writing
in third person, so in the
next chapters the reader
will be addressed as "you".
but it will still be in third person
limited to michael's pov.

sorry to all my slow burn
haters 😔 we'll be getting to
more cute shit and hot smut
soon, just hang in there

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