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I was on the couch sitting with my body forward, my head pressed into my hands as I looked at the beauty on the TV.

"Sisters by chance, friends by choice!" The girl said to the other who looked exactly like her, same blonde hair and blue eyes as they smiled at one another before hugging.

I looked down at myself as my mood suddenly shifted to sad realizing I didn't have any friends. Well of course I had guy friends Brandon, Nick, Edwin, Austin and sometimes Zion but none of them were girls.

I had to make a girl friend. Just then Edwin walked into the living room looking at the TV before realizing I was there, "Oh hey Nova! Wutcha doin?" He asked in a nice tone.

"Watching the TV!" I said earnestly as he nodded with a small smile.

"Cool!" He replied, "Oh your watching Liv and Maddie.." he said excited as he got next to me and continued to watch it with me.

"Yup!" I said with a small smile as the girl continued exchanging hugs giving me an idea, "hey do you have any girl friends?" I turned to Edwin as his eyebrows touched and his mouth opened to say something until he frowned.

"" he said clearing his throat without looking at me, "why? You tryna be mine?" He asked me as I didn't understand what he was asking because I already was.

"What do you mean? I'm already your girl friend!" I said as he looked at me and started coughing vigorously, I moved towards him trying to help him as he face became red and he started to tear up.

"W-what?!" He basically screeched as I looked at him, not understanding the big deal.

"And Zion and everyone else are my boy friends!" I said excitedly as Edwins face became a smirk.

"Uhhh I see what's happening here..." Edwin said before he turned his whole body towards me, his legs folded criss crossed on the couch before he sighed and looked into my eyes, "you want an orgy... I didn't know you aliens got down like that.." he said as I didn't understand him yet again.

"Whats an" I asked slowly, copying the weird sound of the word that I'd never heard before.

"I mean out of all those times I watched E.T... and he was all close with that boy..." I stopped listening to what Edwin was saying, not paying attention as I realized I still needed a girl friend and nothing Edwin was saying seemed to make sense.

Without saying another word I left Edwin in peace as he continued talking to himself about something I still didn't understand. I began walking up the steps in search for Brandon before realizing that he was in his room. I knocked lightly before getting a mumbled answer in response to come inside.

"come in!" His deep but quiet voice erupted pasted the door as I twisted the door knob gently and opened the door. Standing by his bed was Brandon, hunched over trying to fix his bed when I realized he had no shirt on once again. I held my breathe practicing a quick technique that would stop me from feeling the way I did but it didn't stop.

I began counting my hearts rate before I managed to lose count, it was going too fast and at this point I hadn't noticed that Brandon had been speaking to me the entire time. I cleared my throat trying to speak but my throat went try and it was hard to.

"You ok?" Brandon asked as a light pain moved between my stomach through my body and my veins and all through my blood feeling electric. Brandon moved from the rear of his bed trying to approach me making me break down before I gathered myself.

"Uhhhmm I have to go." I told him quickly and honestly as his face was apologetic and filled of worry as he watched me leave in a haste. I made my way out the door without saying anything else. I was going to ask how to make friends but something deep inside of me was making it impossible to breathe near Brandon.

I became paranoid around him for the slightest thing and I was alone. The only company I had was the company of my secrets which were trying to stay concealed. But my heart didn't have enough room for them, they needed to break free. It was easier thought than done because I had no girl friends...

I can find some!!! I thought cheerfully before I considered where I could find some friends...

I walked into the Starbucks place, sounds pretty cool, maybe I could make some galactic friends here from another planet!

Finally a good place on Earth.

I looked in around at the people smiling and talking to each other about anything and everything as I looked around at the people holding cups, drinking from them before setting them down and talking again.

Just then I spotted a table filled with girls who were all chatting amongst each other laughing about something as the red headed girl spoke to everyone, the blonde girl added something and the other brunettes laughed once again. I walked up to the table as I said, "Hey!" eagerly, waving vigoursly. The red headed girl gave me a distasteful look before looking back at her friends.

"Umm... we didn't ask for anymore coffee." The girl said to me in an unpleasant voice but I ignored it anyways.

"Oh ok.. I wanted to know if we could all be friends?!" I asked politely as I patiently waited for the answer.

The girls all silently looked at each other before laughing in perfect sync as I laughed with them nervously not understanding what was funny but laughing anyways.

They finally stopped laughing before the redhead said, "Yeah sure!" She said with a quick smile as all her friends looked around confused.

"What?-" the blonde one tried to question until the girl angrily snapped at her telling her to be quiet before looking back at me with a smile.

"If you really want to be should take all of our trash and throw it out." She said smiling at me sweetly as I got excited. This could be it! I could finally have friends! I picked up the trash trying to the balance it evenly as I tried to make my way to the trash, not seeing it coming, a foot extended from the table making me crash into the floor as I heard loud laughs coming from behind me.

"Hey" someone lightly whispered from above me as I didn't want to get up, didn't want to move from my spot where my knees bathed in dirty napkins and trash. But I smiled and got up anyways. She probably accidentally put her foot out and I fell.

"Hi!" I said as I looked at the short girl in front of me who managed to smile sympathetically at me as she helped me gather myself completely and we sat down together at a small table and started to talk.

"I can't believe we're actually friends!" I said loudly with energy as I bounced up and down happily as Kennie covered her ears and nodded with an uneasy smile.

She moved her hands and nodded, "aight chill. you acting like you never had no friends before..." She said smiling and then rolling her eyes as she looked at my expression unmoving. Suddenly her eyes bulged practically out her head as she looked at me.

"How have you never had friends?" She said as her voice cracked a bit, looking at me in shock as she waited for my answer.

I just silently shrugged giving myself self pity for being like this. Everyone always looked at me differently and I was mostly isolated all my life, never really adapting social skills. So I never got the chance to make friends. It was normal for me.

"no..." I said under my breath hoping that she wouldn't hear my answer and think less of me, that she'd at least not hear me and change the subject. But she heard me.

"Well that's aight I'll be your friend." She said surprisingly as I gasped and squealed before enclosing her into a tight hug that she began embraced as much as she could due to my strong grasp.

"thank you soooo much!" I thanked her with all of my graditude.

"Girl stop." She said laughing as I stopped hugging her.

"Ok since we're friends now.. I need help." I lead the conversation allowing myself to take a deep breath before I continued, "My best friend, who's a guy, keeps making me feel these weird things but he has a girlfriend." I told her feeling the weight come off my chest.

"Oh.." she laughed quickly before shrugging, "why don't you just fuck him?" She asked.

"Fuck him how?" I asked.

"Girl- you never fucked somebody?" She asked raising her eyebrows.


"Oh then I-"

"That's not the problem, he has a girlfriend but for some reason I'm not as happy as I want to be for him because the way he makes me feel." I explained as she nodded.

"Then get some rebound sex."

"Whats" I asked her as I thought of what it could be, like a friendship thing?

"Where you get rid of the feelings you have for someone with someone else" she explained, "then you fuck 'em..." she elaborated.

"Ok! I'm ready to fuck someone!" I shouted loudly into the small area as everyone turned to me making awkward face except for the one guy that shouted, "you go girl!"


so I was forced and bullied to make this chapter for a certain persons birthday yayazlouie --

when you don't get the NEXT update till next month don't say nuthin--

please don't forget to comment and vote babes

if there are mistakes blame luljunt and yayazlouie

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