𝑱𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒔 π’‰π’Šπ’” π’Žπ’†π’Žπ’π’“π’š

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|Jason loses his memory|


EVEN BEFORE DYLAN TURNED INTO A TORNADO, Celeste was having one of the strangest days of her life. And, there'd been a lot of them.

Was she a troubled kid?

You could say that.

Or you could say that she was just a teenage girl, with an unhealthy obsession with Mary Jane heels, aesthetic outfits, the Witchy Academia aesthetic, and crystals. Oh, and sage. She had a mildly unhealthy obsession with sage.

But if you wanted to get to know Celeste, you'd have to picture someone very specific.


HAVE YOU EVER MET SOMEONE so unironically problematic, chaotic, and positive that you just can't help but be friends with them? Celeste was basically that kind of person.

She was practically the epitome of what happened when a chaotic, anxious, overwhelmed, introverted bisexual met, fell in love and had a child with an overly sweet, cheery, smart, and patient extrovert.

Despite that complicated ass explanation, Celeste was actually really nice. Half the time anyway. The other half she was a rude ass bitch with a god complex. But everyone loved her so who cares. Though, she was also a bit of a people pleaser. Or more so, she just liked to make people happy.

There was nothing wrong with that, right? Right?

When Celeste woke up, she realized fairly quickly that she was sitting next to a strange boy with curly black slightly brownish hair, a cheerful baby face and tanned skin. He also had an impish grin that told you right that he should not be allowed around fire or sharp objects. He basically looked like a Latino santa's elf.

When the boy noticed she was awake, he grinned at her.

"Finally awake, mi amor?"

Celeste sat up and chuckled at the boy's comment. She recalled that the boy's name was Leo, her best friend and partner in crime. She always took pride in being the only person in their friend group (their friend group being Celeste, Piper, Leo, and Jason), who could understand Leo's little comments in Spanish.

Since she could understand his Spanish, he would always say the funniest shit around her. Or just make jokes. And, talk shit about people.

"Leo," Celeste said as she sat up.

"For the last time, you do realize that I can understand what you say when you talk to me in Spanish right? I can assure you that I am not your 'love'. Not that you would have one. Im pretty sure you told me you didn't want one."

Leo grinned and laughed. "I know. It's still funny to say it."

Leo's fingers never seemed to stop moving. Drumming them on the seat, sweeping his hair behind his ears, fiddling with the buttons of his army fatigue jacket. Celeste always questioned if Leo was just naturally hyper or if he was just hyped on enough sugar to give a heart attack to a water buffalo.

"What are you two doing?" Called a girl's voice, from behind them.

The girl was Piper, the girl who Celeste shared a dorm with. And the girl who every time she was around her, made Celeste question if she was actually bi or if she was just really really gay. The girl who also made her question; 'How the fuck do I put with Piper, half the time?'

Celeste didn't really hate Piper. And she wasn't necessarily jealous of her either. She wasn't entirely sure she could be jealous of anyone she had tried. She always just seemed to end up liking the person. Like Madison Beer. It was infuriating that the girl was that pretty, but she still loved her.

Though sometimes it just felt like whenever Piper talked about other girls, the only thing she would do was criticize their outfit choices. Or, question why always wore so much makeup.

Basically, Piper had a bad case of internalized misogyny that she didn't seem to know how to deal with. While Celeste never really commented on it, she really did hope she got over it.

"Nothing Pipes," Leo said.

Celeste rubbed her eyes, folded her legs and pulled a mirror out of her bag. As she looked in the mirror, she noticed that her bow (which was really just a white ribbon tied into her hair) was lopsided. She frowned, and adjusted it.

As her eyes adjusted to the sunlight, she took into account of what she was wearing.

She had on a long-sleeved white crop top. Which, was most definitely not hers. Thinking about it, she had raided Drew's closet once or twice. So, it was probably hers. She also had on a light blue skirt (which had shorts made into it), and a light gray sweater. That was again, not hers. She adjusted her socks, which were also white. And, she had on black combat boots. Which were once again, not hers. They were probably Thalia's, now that she thought about it. It was hilarious how many of her friends clothes she'd stolen.

She also had her nails done as well. They were painted white French tips with gold hearts painted onto them. She smiled, as she had painted them her self and was pleased with her work.

When they were getting ready this morning, Piper had told her that she looked like a mini witch. If withes went to brunch in LA. Though from the way she said it. Celeste wasn't sure if it was meant to be a compliment or an insult. For the sake of her own sanity, she took it as a compliment. And also because she loved witches. She loved everything to do with witches and witchcraft. After all, she was a witch.

On a separate note, one thing that Celeste and Leo had in common was that they both had ADHD. Piper usually just observed them, or lectured them. Whenever they did something dumb. Which was a lot.

Celeste became vaguely aware of her classmates, who were either listening to music, talking, or sleeping. They all looked like regular teenagers, but trust that they all had their own reasons for being there. They all usually involved some sort of crime.

Celeste had been at the Wilderness School for only a semester. She arrived about the same time as Piper, Leo, and Jason.

"Stop calling me 'Pipes' Leo," Piper groaned. "It's annoying."

Leo rolled his eyes. "Oh, I get it." Leo said. "You don't like it when I call you 'Pipes', but have no problem when Celeste says it."

"Oh shut up, Leo!" Piper scoffed. "She doesn't even say as often, so it's not annoying when she says it." Even though she was arguing with Leo, her voice sounded like honey.

Celeste chuckled and sat up on her knees, turning around in her seat to face Piper. "Calm down, Sunshine," Celeste said. It was her personal little nickname for Piper. According to Leo, Piper got severely angry whenever anyone else called her it. "You know Leo's just being Leo. An idiot."

"Hey!" Leo protested. "That was uncalled for!"

Celeste and Piper both laughed.

Gods, Piper's laugh was gorgeous. Everything about her was gorgeous.

Though Celeste would never admit that she thought that.

"Umm...." Jason, or as Celeste liked to call him; Blond Superman. Who hadn't spoken most of the bus ride, suddenly spoke up. He sounded worried and confused.

"Jason," Piper said. Her voice sounded concerned. Straight people. Ew. "Are you okay?"

"Um, I don't-"

Before Blonde Superman could finish whatever he was going to say, they heard a familiar voice shout from the front of the bus.

"Alright!" Coach Hedge called. "Listen up, cupcakes!"

Coach Hedge was....... interesting, to say the least. His baseball cap was pulled low over his hair, so you could just see his beady eyes. He had a wispy goatee and sour face, like he'd just eaten something rotten. His buff arms and chest, pushed against an orange polo shirt. Celeste really hated that shirt. It looked hideous. His nylon workout pants and Nikes were spotless white. A whistle hung from his neck and a megaphone hung at his waist.

He would've looked absolutely terrifying. If he wasn't five foot zero.

(A/N: Celeste only is five foot three, it's not like she can talk.)

When he stood up in the aisle, one of the kids shouted. "Stand up, Coach Hedge!"

"I heard that!" The Coach yelled as he whipped his head around, searching for the culprit.

Then his eyes fixed on a spot behind Leo, and his scowl deepened.

Celeste turned her head a bit more, to see what he was looking at. Though, all she got was face to face with Perfect Jason.

You see, Celeste had......mixed feelings about the guy.

Sure, Piper was head over heels for the guy, and Leo was practically his best friend (she never understood either). But Celeste?

She liked Jason. But, he was still an up-tight bastard. Sometimes, at least.

So whenever she felt like kicking him in the face with her shoes for being a basic, bitchy, goody-two shoes or insulting him. She'd always remember what her mother used to tell her.

Fake it till you make it, her mother had told her. Don't let anyone ruin your mood. Ever. She had always loved her mother. She gave the best advice. Oh, and she was an amazing party planner.

Celeste grinned at Superman. "What'd you do, Jason?" She asked. "Last time Coach looked at me like that, is when I put a handful of salt in his coffee."

'And, got away with it,' she thought to herself.

Jason looked like he'd just seen a baby deer in the middle of the road. His big blue eyes were wide in alarm, shifting from side to side as if searching for something. He seemed apprehensive, worried and confused.

Celeste couldn't really understand why. She also couldn't figure out if she cared.

"That was you?" Piper asked, in surprise. "Dylan told everyone it was him who did it."

That day, Piper wore faded blue jeans, hiking boots, and a fleece snowboarding jacket. Celeste knew Piper had to come from money. Not because of how she dressed, she just had a feeling. Piper had confirmed her suspicions a few weeks ago, when she told Leo and Celeste that her dad was Tristan McLean. She'd shown them pictures and everything.

The two had believed her, and had promised Piper that they wouldn't think differently of her or tell anyone. Celeste slightly wanted to say; 'Hah! I was right!' But she decided not to. After all, she herself came from money. Who was she to judge?

While Piper tried, there was no denying; The girl was seriously pretty. Her dark brown was choppy and uneven, like she'd cut herself. Thin braided strands of her hair framed her face on both sides. She wore no makeup as if she was trying not to draw attention to herself. Though it didn't work. Her eyes seemed to change color like a kaleidoscope, brown, blue, and green.

"Fine by me," Celeste said. "Coach made him do a hundred pushups. I however, got off scott free. But I thank Dylan for taking my punishment." She made a sort of salute motion with her hand.

Coach Hedge cleared his throat. "We'll arrive in five minutes! Stay with your partner. Don't lose your worksheet. And if any of you precious little cupcakes cause any trouble, I will personally send you back to campus the hard way."

He picked up a baseball bat and made it look like he was hitting a homer run.

"Can he talk to us that way?" Blonde Superman asked.

Leo turned to face Jason, Celeste didn't need to since she was already facing that way.

"He always does," Piper explained. "This is the Wilderness School. 'Where kids are the animals'".

Celeste and Leo nodded at Piper's words.

Celeste had heard that sentence so many times, it was basically tattooed on her brain. Ever since she'd started going to this stupid ass excuse for a school, every adult there had been drilling into her head that she was a 'troubled kid.' Which, for the record? She was not.

Oh, if only they knew who my mother was, Celeste had thought to herself. And it was true. Surprisingly, a lot of the people at the Wilderness School were huge fans of her mother. If they knew she was her daughter? Hah, they'd practically be bowing at her feet.

She never liked to use the; Do you know who my mother is? card, unless she absolutely had too. Thankfully, she didn't usually have too.

"This is some kinda mistake, Jason said. "I'm not supposed to be here."

Leo snorted. "Yeah right Jason. We've all been framed! Piper didn't steal a BMW, I didn't run away six times, and Celeste didn't injure and insult a judge."

Piper blushed. "I didn't steal that car, Leo!"

Leo laughed. "Oh, yeah. I forgot Piper, what was your story? You talked the dealer into lending it to you?" Leo raised his eyebrows at Jason like; Can you believe her?

"I did not injure and insult that judge, Leo," Celeste protested. "I simply cursed him out, like the bastard he was. And, corrected his face with my shoe."

"Yea, right." Leo said. "Anyways, I hope you got your worksheet, cause I used mine for spit wads days ago." Then Leo frowned, which was unusual for Leo. "Why are you looking at me like that? Did somebody draw on my face again?"

"I don't know you," Blonde Superman said.

Leo gave him a crocodile grin and looked at Piper and Celeste. Celeste had always found it funny how the three had become best friends almost as soon as they met.

"Sure, I'm not your best friend. I'm his evil clone."

"Valdez! Yurina!" Coach Hedge, yelled from the front. "Got a problem back there?"

Celeste turned around very slowly, just to ensure she wouldn't say or do anything stupid. As she usually did. Then, Leo nudged her.

"Watch this," he told Jason as he winked at him. "Sorry Coach I was having trouble hearing you," Leo said. "Could you use your megaphone please?"

The Coach grunted, as if he was pleased to have an excuse. He unclipped his megaphone from his waist and continued giving out directions. Only now, his voice came out like Darth Vader. The kids cracked up. The Coach tried again but this time, the megaphone blared; "The cow goes moo!"

The kids howled in laughter.

Piper stifled a laugh. Celeste didn't bother trying to hide how amused she was.

"My God, Leo," Piper snorted. "How did you do that?"

Leo slipped a tiny Phillips head screwdriver out of his sleeve. "I'm a special boy."

"Now. Now," Celeste hummed. "Let's not give Leo all the credit, Sunshine. I'm the one who distracted Coach Hedge."

Leo snorted. "Yeah right. You probably just smiled at him. I swear your smile alone, could end wars."

"I thank you for the compliment, Valdez."

"You're welcome."

"You two are ridiculous," Piper chuckled.

"Guys, seriously," Blonde Superman pleaded. "What am I doing here? Where are we going?"

Celeste knit her eyebrows. Something about this felt wrong. Jason wasn't the type of person to pull pranks like this. That was Leo's job. Plus, Celeste was pretty sure the guy was like, physically incapable of lying.

God's, Jason was uptight. Or, she just needed to stop being so mean to him.

"Patience, my dear," a familiar voice in the back of her head spoke. "The time will come when you can take care of the boy. For now, you must wait. I assume if all goes to plan. The extraction squad, will be here soon."

Celeste groaned. She wasn't stupid. She knew the voice belonged to a goddess. And, she had a feeling she knew what goddess it was. Unfortunately.

You see, Celeste had always believed that the gods, titans, giants, and different monsters and creatures from mythology, still walked among mortals.

Her sixth birthday had confirmed this suspicion.

On the day of her sixth birthday, Apollo the Apollo, had decided to come and visit her. He'd sat down with her, and her mother and explained to Celeste the world of the gods and monsters and other things in that sense.

He'd also told her that she was the daughter of a goddess.

You see, her family history was complicated. Her mother was the daughter of Nyx. The primordial goddess, Nyx. She had not asked her mother how that worked because at the time she liked her life and didn't really want to know, how that worked.

So, basically, she was Nyx's granddaughter and Hecate's daughter. Wow, she had thought to herself. My family is complicated as fuck.

Apollo had also delivered some bad news.

He explained that there was a certain prophecy. It was called; The prophecy of Magic's Child.

To put it simply, the prophecy was about Celeste.

When Apollo told her that, she balled her eyes out. Mainly because, in old stories whenever heroes got prophecies, it meant they had a good chance of dying.

Apollo and her mother comforted her and told her that everything would be okay. Then, her mother proceeded to cuss put Apollo. In Italian, of course.

That was a lie. Though it wasn't their fault. It wasn't their fault that Hecate had wanted to turn her into a weapon or that Nyx's followers experimented on her, the person she considered her brother died while trying to save her. It wasn't their fault. The fates just didn't like her.

Though, that prophecy that Apollo mentioned still hadn't happened yet. Though, she didn't want to jinx her luck.

Celeste was brought out of her trance when Peter Piper spoke up.

"Jason," Piper knit her eyebrows. "Are you joking?"

"No! I don't-"

"Aw, yeah. He's joking," Leo said. "He's trying to get back at me for the shaving cream on Jell-O prank, aren't you?"

"Gods, that prank was funny as shit," Celeste said. Leo grinned and they bumped fists. Besties.

"No, I think he's serious," Piper tried to take his hand again, but he pulled away.

Celeste hummed, remembering a song she was listening to before she fell asleep.

'No, One else was in the room where it happened, The room where it happened, The room where it happened, The room it happened.'

"I'm sorry," Jason said. "I don't- I can't-"

"That's it!" Coach yelled. "The back row has just volunteered to clean up after lunch!"

The kids cheered.




Just because.

She dug around in her purse, and pulled out an old perfume bottle. Throwing it at Isabel. Think of it as payback, for trying to get her in trouble with the headmaster. Multiple fucking times. Little bitch.

"Who the fuck just threw that at me?" Isabel yelled.

One of her minions, Sarah, was it? At least Celeste thought that was her name. Rolled her eyes. "Isabel," she said. "Calm down it's not that big of a deal."

Isabel glared at her. "Sarah, stop getting on my fucking nerves for once. And, shut the fuck up."

"Oh, shut up!" Sarah yelled. "You always complain about petty shit. Talking about other people and their problems, when you really should be worried about your own problems."

A round of gasps came from the others students.

"Oh, shit," Leo muttered.

Piper nodded. "Oh, shit. Is right."

Celeste snickered, while Jason just looked confused. Dumbass.

Isabel scoffed. "My problems? Isn't your dad sleeping with his secretary?"

The other kids gasped and whispered to each other.

Sarah grit her teeth. "You're one to talk," she said. "When your own sister is sleeping with your boyfriend!"

The other kids gasped and giggled. God's, Celeste loved drama.

"Don't you fucking dare! You bitch!" Isabel said, as she clenched her fists. "I'm going to kill you!"

Before a fight could break out (Celeste was a little sad), Coach broke up the argument.

"Girls! Girls!" He shouted. "Let's be civil here."

He separated the two girls, saying that when they decided to apologize to each other, they could sit together again. He also explained to them both, that talking about other people's family life was wrong and plain old petty.

When he was finished, he turned and scowled at Celeste.


"Yes, Coach Hedge?" She flashed him the sweetest smile she could.

"If I find out you had anything to do with this, you'll be running laps fo a month. You hear me?"

She nodded. "Yes, Coach."

Coach, turned and grumbled something under his breath.

Celeste leaned back and chuckled. "Ah, I love drama."

Jason stared at her in a mixture of awe and confusion. "How did you do that?"

Sunshine shrugged. "She always does that," she said. "In fact, I'm pretty sure she's the reason that one teacher got fired."

"He got fired because he was a pedophile," Celeste corrected. "I just got him an early retirement."

"I think I'd be able to remember someone like you," Blonde Superman knit his eyebrows, as if he really couldn't remember Celeste, even though they'd spent all term in the same class. "Especially someone that chaotic."

"I take that as a compliment."

Who cares. She didn't like Blonde Superman anyway. Not that much, anyways.

Why would it matter if he remembered her or not?

Why would she care?

"Did you have something to do with this?" Flute Player glared at her, accusingly.

"Nah," Celeste said. "Memory problems too annoying to deal with. Plus, Amnesia? What kind of elementary school prank is that?"

Leo nodded like he agreed with her. "So, Jason, did you did you hit your head or something? Do you really not know who we are?"

Jason shook his head. "It's worse. I don't know who I am."

One more thing, I am going to be taking inspiration from a different story (Listed below.) So make sure to check them out;

2 Demigods with 1 Arrow - IzzieGilbert39 (Weapon inspiration)

Please go check out these stories, they're amazing!

Anyways, hope you all are having a good day/night.


XOXO: Rosy :)

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