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|Sharp, shiny weapons|


AS THEY WALKED, CELESTE STILL ON PIPER'S BACK. They saw the Apollo kids playing basketball, on the central green.

They were perfect shots, as always. Nothing bounced off the rim. And, three pointers went in automatically.

"Apollo kids," Celeste said, rolling her eyes. Fucking showoffs. She loved 'em for it. "Bunch of try hards with missle weapons, arrows, and basketballs. Also, hide me."

"Why?" Piper asked, as she adjusted Celeste on her back.

"They don't like me......"

"Did you do something?"

"She's beat them every last one of them in an archery contest. When she first got here. Even the older campers. They still haven't gotten over that."

"Salty mother fuckers," Celeste waved at them, and a couple waved back. While the others flipped her off, with a couple snickers.

"That's why you all suck ass!" She yelled.

"You tell us it every day, Witch Girl!" They said calmly.

She stuck her tongue out, and they laughed. And, rolled their eyes. She loved them.

They walked past a central fire pit, were two guys were hacking at each other with swords.

Celeste spotted Marcus, and waves at him. Trying to get his attention. He grinned at her, and waved back. And then went back to supervising the two sword fighters.

"Real blades?" Piper said. "Isn't that dangerous?"

"That's kinda the point," Annabeth said. And, Celeste just snickered. "Uh, sorry. Bad pun. That's my cabin over there. Number six." She pointed to a gray building, with an owl carved in the front. Through the open doorway, Celeste could see bookshelves, weapon displays. And, one of those computerized SMART boards. They have in classrooms. Two girls were drawing what looked like a battle map. Basically, the home to the Athena kids was like an Introverts paradise. Quiet, relaxed, and majority of them valued alone time over anything.

Celeste hopped off Piper's back, and stumbled almost falling. But luckily, Piper caught her before she hit the ground.

"Thanks, Sunshine," she said, as she stood up.

"You've got to be more careful," Piper noted.

"Where's the fun in that?"

"Speaking of blades," Annabeth said. "Come here."

Celeste and Annabeth led Piper around the back of the cabin, to a metal shed that looked like it was for garden tools. But, the only people who actually did any gardening were the Demeter kids.

Annabeth unlocked, and there were not gardening tools unfortunately. Instead, there were different kinds of weapons. From swords, to spears, to clubs like Coach Hedge's.

"Every demigod needs a weapon," Annabeth explained. "Hephaestus makes the best, Celeste will tell you that. But, we have a pretty good selection too. Athena's all about strategy. Matching the right person to the right weapon. Let's see....."

Celeste looked around the shed. She still remembered Melanie and Luke showing her around when she was just seven years old. And, how terrified of all the blades she was.

As a kid, she found it amazing how calm, collected, and in tune Melanie always seemed. Like nothing and no one could bother her.

Though, Melanie always said that's just what an Athena kid was like. And, she found it amazing (aggravating as fuck) how Luke was. And, how he always seemed to know what to say.

Obviously, there were times they got annoyed, mad, sad, and other things. But, still. Melanie and Luke always seemed so calm and patient. Especially when trying to get Annabeth and Celeste to get along, when they were younger.

"How much longer are you going to stay like this?" Melanie laughed, as she stared at the two girls. Who were sitting on opposite sides of the Athena cabin.

"Until she apologizes," Annabeth glaring at Celeste.

"Until she admits that she's wrong," Celeste glared back.

"You're so annoying, you know that?"

"You're arrogant as fuck, you know that?"

Annabeth stared at Celeste, her jaw dropped. While Melanie was on the floor, practically dying from laughter.

Luke was leaning against the wall, snickering. Trying not to laugh.

"You said a swear word!" Annabeth pointed out.

Celeste rolled her eyes. "Oh, really? You think?!"

At that point, Luke lost it. And burst out laughing, clutching his stomach. While Melanie was trying to sit up, but she couldn't because of how much she was laughing.

"Oh my god," Melanie wheezed. "I think I'm gonna die... Jesus Christ..."

"Same," Luke said, as he sat on the floor.

Bott girls frowned, and hopped off the beds they were on. And, Celeste went to Melanie. While Annabeth went to Luke.

'How can you choose that ugly ass bitch over your own sister? Ew.'

While Annabeth helped Luke up, Celeste put her hands on Melanie's forehead. Checking for a fever.

"Mel," she said. "Are you okay? You're not sick, are you? I don't want you to be sick, I want you to be okay."

Melanie just laughed, and sat up. Patting the younger girl's head.

Celeste looked so lost, like a confused puppy multiplied by ten. That Melanie couldn't help but laugh. "I'm okay, Es "

Celeste still looked a little confused. But, she just patted Melanie's head. Her hands glowing yellow.

"You're so cute," Melanie said, as she hugged the daughter of Hecate. Who still looked so confused. She blinked, and tilted her head.

"I am?" She asked, sounding so lost.

"You're frickin adorable," Melanie hugged her tighter. She really didn't think it was possible for Celeste to look even more confused, but she did. And, it so unnecessarily funny.

After she let go of her, she and Luke. Put the two seven year olds in front of each other. Both had their arms crossed.

"Celeste," Melanie said. "Apologize to Annabeth."

"Annabeth," Luke said. "Admit you were wrong."

"I'm sorry for taking your Greek mythology book, and using it as fire fuel. For the prank me and the Stolls played on Chiron. And, not involving you in it. Because we knew you would snitch," Celeste apologized.

"I'm sorry for getting mad, and telling you your prank wasn't cool. And, that it was stupid. It was pretty cool. And, you're right. I did snitch," Annabeth admitted.

"Now hug it out," Luke said.

The two sighed, and hugged each other.

"Your prank still wasn't cool," Annabeth whispered in her ear.

"You're still a snitch," Celeste whispered back.

"No," Annabeth said, as she handed Piper a massive sword. She could hardly lift. Which snapped Celeste back to reality.

As she put the sword back, she looked at Celeste. While Piper was distracted, trying to not touch any of the knives.

"Es, you okay?" The older girl asked.

"Mhm," she said, as she helped Annabeth look for a different weapon to give Piper. "Just.....thinking."

"About Mel? This always kinda did remind me of her. Looking for weapons, the fact that I tripped over a fucking sword my first time in here."

Celeste nodded, and didn't say anything else. She smiled a bit, but it immediately went away. Annabeth didn't say anything else either. Celeste knew that if she did she would probably start to cry.

Annabeth pulled something out the rack, and handed it to Piper.

"A shotgun?" The girl asked.

"Mossberg 500," Annabeth confirmed. "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt humans. It's modified to only shoot celestial bronze. So, it only kills monsters."

"Not really my style," Piper said, sitting the gun on the table.

"Don't know why," Celeste, who was sitting on the floor bedazzling her two pistols that she'd gotten from Marcus three years ago. Said, as she shrugged. "Guns are pretty cool. They're kinda like bows. You have to know how, where, and when to shoot the arrow. But, you also have to be good at aiming. It's what helps, and it might just be the thing that saves you in a fight."

"Are those modified to shoot celestial bronze too?" Piper questioned, while went rummaging through piles of weapons again. She'd look back at Celeste and Piper every know and then, with a smirk on her face. But, quickly turned away before they could notice.

"No," Celeste said simply, making the brown haired girl back up a little. And, she laughed. "Don't worry, Sunshine. They're not loaded. Even if they were, I'd never actually shoot you. On purpose, or by accident."



Celeste went back to humming, and bedazzling her lovely guns. When something in the shed caught Piper's eye.

"What's that?" She asked, turning. "A knife?"

Annabeth dug it out, and blew the dust of the scabboard. It looked like it hadn't seen the sun in centuries.

"I don't know Piper," Wise girl sounded a little uneasy. Though, Sunshine didn't seem interested in any other weapon. "I don't think you want this one. Swords are usually better."

"You use a knife," Piper pointed to the one strapped to Annabeth's belt.

"I don't know why," Celeste spoke up. "Sure, knives are cool. But, they're really only good for melay and close combat."

"Then what do you use?" Piper asked. "Besides that bow I saw earlier. And, your guns"

Celeste put her guns down, and ripped off her necklace. Revealing a scythe, with the name Nox. Etched into it. It meant "night" in Latin. And, was a little gift from grandmother. Her bow had been a gift from someone else.....Helios, but she wasn't thinking about him right now. It hurt too much. "Mainly a scythe."

"That totally doesn't freak me out....." Piper noted, as Celeste returned the weapon to it's original form.

Annabeth didn't seem at all fazed by the scythe, she'd seen it so many times it didn't bother her anymore. But, she still seemed uncomfortable with the knife Piper picked out. "I don't know..... Well, you can take a look if you want."

The sheath was black, and wrapped in bronze. Nothing too flashy, or flamboyant. Celeste watched as Piper's fingers wrapped around it, and she unsheathed it. When she did, she was presented with an eighteen inch long blade. Bronze gleaming like it'd been polished yesterday. The edges were deadly sharp.

"It suits you," Annabeth admitted, tilting her head. "That kind of blade is a parazonium. It was mostly ceremonial, carried by high-ranking officers in the Greek armies. It showes you were a person of power and wealth, but in a fight. It could protect you just fine."

"I like it," Piper decided. "Why didn't you think it was right?"

Annabeth hesitated, but she just let out a sigh. "That blade has a long story, most people would be afraid it to claim it. It's first owner well......things didn't work out so great for her. Her name was Helen."

Piper let the sink in. "Wait, you mean the Helen? Helen of Troy?"

Annabeth nodded, and Celeste felt like Piper should've been holding that knife with surgical gloves. Too bad she didn't have any on her. "And, it's just sitting here? In your tool shed?"

Celeste shrugged, while finish led bedazzling one of the guns. And, moved on to finish the other. "We're surrounded by ancient Greek stuff. This isn't really like a museum. Weapons like that, they're meant to mm be used. They're kinda like our heritage as demigods. That was a gift from Menelaus, Helen's first husband. She named the dagger Katoptris."


"Mirror," Annabeth said for Celeste, who was too busy trying to correctly place her rinestones. Too pay attention to Piper's question. "Looking glass. Probably because that's the only thing Helen ever used it for. I don't think it's ever seen battle."

Celeste watched as Piper looked at the blade, with a mixture of curiosity and slight unease. She finished bedazzling her lovely guns, and put them back in her purse. Standing up, and brushing off her skirt. Which she was probably going to change out of later.

Suddenly, Piper gasped at something she'd seen in knife, though Celeste hadn't seen it. And, dropped the blade.

Celeste frowned, and walked over to the girl. Her knees buckled, and almost all the blood drained from her face. Celeste grabbed her hands to hold her steady, while Annabeth shouted to the Apollo kids on the court. "Medic! I need some help over here!"

"Piper," Celeste said softly. "You okay?"

Piper just nodded, and took a deep breath. "No! It's- It's okay. I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I just......." With trembling fingers, she picked up the dagger. "I just got overwhelmed, with so much happening today. But, I wanna keep that dagger if that's okay."

Annabeth hesitated, but eventually nodded. And, waved off the Apollo kids.

Piper glanced at Celeste who still had a frown on her face. Her eyes filled with concern. Those gorgeous, dark purple eyes. Which shined like pure jewels. That she could stare into forever and ever. And, never get tired of looking at them. Or, the person the eyes belonged to. Gods, Celeste was gorgeous.

'Wait, why am I thinking that? I mean, Celeste is really pretty- Snap out of it Piper!'

Piper shook her head, and looked at the girl. "Es, I'm fine. I promise."

Celeste looked a little skeptical, but she just nodded. And, let go of Piper's hands. She hadn't even really noticed until now, but she felt a little sad when Celeste let go of her hands. Celeste's hands were surprisingly warm, and soft. But, rough at the same time.

Piper always remembered how Celeste had said she hated PE, because it always reminded her of a summer camp she used to go to. She always brushed it off, when Piper asked what summer camp. And, just said that it was random some place in NYC. It seemed like Camp Half-blood was that summer camp.

Besides all that useless information, she kinda wanted Celeste to hold her hands again. Not for any particular reason, just because her hands were cold....... Yeah. That's why.

"Is there um........a phone at camp? Can I call my dad?" She asked Annabeth. While Celeste looked anywhere but Piper, and she looked anywhere but Celeste. Which didn't really work for her, because she still ended up looking at her.

'Gods, that girl has me in a chokehold.....'

Annabeth looked at her, her gray eyes intense and calculating. As if she was thinking of all the different possibilities, trying to read Piper's mind. Celeste hated that stare. Mainly because Annabeth used to always look at her like that, whenever her or Percy did some stupid shit. She realized now, that they probably caused Annabeth many many headaches.

"We aren't allowed phones," Annabeth explained. "Most demigods, if they use a phone. It's like sending up a signal, letting monsters know where you are. But.....I've got one." She slipped it out of her pocket. "Kind of against the rules, but if it can be our secret...."

Piper took it gratefully, her hands shaking slightly. She stepped away from Celeste and Annabeth. And, turned to face the commons area.

While waiting for Piper to come back, Annabeth nudged Celeste. "Hey," she said. "You okay?"

"Mhm," the daughter of Hecate assured. "Just.......thinking."


Celeste shrugged. She didn't really know how to answer that question. As a result of her ADHD, her mind was always thinking about different things. Never staying still, or stopping for a second. It was worse at night, since she was a daughter of Hecate. And, a granddaughter of Nyx. She really didn't like the night. It always made her restless, she could rarely ever sleep properly, due to her mind never being fully asleep. And, for some reason. Weird things always happened during the night. She never knew why.

"We really were worried about you," Annabeth said. "Me, Marcus, Percy, Will. Nico even wanted to go looking for you himself, but Percy was able to talk him out of it."

"Don't know why," she muttered. "I told Marcus I was fine."

"We didn't know where you were, Celeste. We were still worried."

"I'm sorry."

"Please don't apologize, that just makes this conversation more awkward."

"I'm sorry?"

Annabeth groaned, and put her face in her hands. While Celeste just looked confused.

After a few seconds of silence, Annabeth spoke up again. "You're mother was worried sick, you know. Not Hecate, but your mother."

Celeste was about to say something, but she froze. Her mother had been worried about her? All this time, she'd been thinking about how much Annabeth, Marcus, Percy, Will and Nico would be. But, what about her parents? Was her step dad worried? He'd raised her so long, she'd just always seen him as her dad.....would he be worried?

The worst part was her mom though. Her mom always worried about Celeste. When your kid's a demigod, especially a powerful one who constantly gets herself in trouble. And, goes on really dangerous quests. It makes you ask yourself: "Am I ever gonna see my child alive again? Will I lose them? Will they come back to me?"

She'd always tried to stay alive, for at least not hurt too bad on quests. Because she didn't want to die, without at least seeing her mother as again. She didn't want her to have to go through the pain of losing her child again. She didn't want that to happen. But, she hadn't had contact with her mother in 4 months. Did she think she was dead? Did she think she was still alive?

All she could give was a small, "Oh....." As Piper came back. She handed the phone to Annabeth, cursing under her breath.

"No luck?" Annabeth grimaced.

Piper didn't answer. Celeste figured she just didn't want to.

Annabeth glanced at the phone display, and hesitated. "Your last name is McLean? Sorry, it's not my business. But, that sounds really familiar."

"Common name," Piper answered with no enthusiasm.

"Yeah, I guess. What does your dad do for a living?"

"He's got a degree in the arts," Piper said almost automatically. "He does Cherokee art."

"Oh." Annabeth didn't at all look convinced, but she put the phone away. "You feeling okay? Want to keep going?"

Piper fastened her knife to her belt. "Sure," she said. "I want to see everything."

Piper walked out first, and Annabeth was about to follow. But, she turned to look at Celeste who was standing completely still. Zoned out.

She looked at Shadow who was sitting on her shoulder. He simply shrugged, and flew off towards where Piper was standing.

Annabeth frowned at her friend, and grabbed Celeste's shoulders. Shaking her. "Es? Earth to Celeste. You still here?"

Celeste blinked, and mumbled something in Italian. But, she just shook her head and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. We should probably catch up with Piper and Shadow."

Annabeth was about to protest, but she just sighed. And, walked out of the shed.

Celeste just stood there for a few seconds, trying to push her thoughts away from her mother. If she thought about her any longer, she'd probably start sobbing.

She shook her head, and walked out the shed. Closing the door behind her, and ran to catch up with the others.



All the cabins were designed for a specific god or goddess's children. A place for that child, or those children to stay.

Her absolute favorite cabins, were her own. Cabin 20, obviously. Cabin 10, the Aphrodite cabin. Mainly because it was always so pretty, and the Aphrodite kids were actually really nice. Not necessarily as vain, or as shallow. As people make them out to be. As well as cabin 19, the Tyche cabin. And, the Iris cabin. Number 14. Mainly because those were some of the best looking cabins. And, the Iris and Tyche kids had amazing aesthetics.

Another one of her favorite cabins, was Cabin 8. Artemis's cabin, obviously. Which was the cabin they were currently in front of. It was gleaming and sparkling, like the cabin had just been washed in pure moonlight. It looked even better during the night.

"Artemis?" Piper guessed.

"You know Greek mythology," Annabeth noted.

"I did some reading with my dad, when he was working on a project last year."

"I thought he did Cherokee art."

Piper cursed under her breath, but shrugged. "Oh, yeah. But, you know. He does other stuff too."

Celeste knew she was lying, but thankfully. Annabeth didn't seem to make the connection.

"Anyways," Annabeth continued. "Artemis is the goddess of hunting, and the moon. She's a pretty cool goddess, but no campers. See, Artemis is maiden goddess. So, she doesn't really have any children per say."

"Oh," Piper seemed pretty bummed out. And, her shoulders slumped.

"Well there are the hunters of Artemis," Celeste spoke up, holding Shadow. "They visit sometimes. They're not really her children though, they're more or so her handmaidens. This band of immortal teenage girls, that go around fighting monsters and kicking ass. They're actually pretty cool."

"Oh?" Piper perked up. "That sounds cool. They get to be immortal?"

"Being immortal isn't as fun as it sounds, Sunshine. Also, technically yes unless they die in combat. Or, break their vows."

"What vows?"

"They have to swear off boys for eternity," Annabeth explained. "You know what? Scratch that- No dating in general. Dating, romance, and things along those lines are basically banned."

"Oh," Piper said again. She shook her head. "Nevermind."

Annabeth laughed, and it kind of reminded Celeste of better times. That weird ass casino back in Vegas that Celeste got so drunk at. She walked away from her and Percy, and actually met Nico for the first time. That time when Percy turned into a guinea pig, or that time when Annabeth insulted Polyphemus so hard. Celeste thought he was gonna cry.

Or, when Her, Percy and Grover were telling Annabeth about the dam joke. Or, when Annabeth literally tried to beat the shit out of that Sphinx in the labyrinth. Because it gave her "too easy questions."

They walked past the next cabin. Cabin 10, home to Aphrodite's pride and joy. Her children of course.

The cabin was decorated like Barbie's summer house of she went to a camp full of demigods. With lace curtains, a pink door, and potted carnations in the windows. As they walked past the door, it smelled like a million different expensive perfumes. As always. Though, the mere smell of it was enough to make Piper gag.

"Gah, is that where supermodels go to die?"

Annabeth smirked. "Aphrodite's cabin. Goddess of all forms of love, and beauty. Among other things. Drew's the head counselor."

"Figures," Piper grumbled.

"Piper," Celeste gave her a look. "Just because it smells like a million different types of expensive perfumes. And, looks like Barbie's summer house. Doesn't give you the right to make fun of them."

"I didn't say anything," Piper argued.

Celeste just rolled her eyes, and mumbled something in Italian. She was going to schedule Piper a therapist tomorrow.

"They're not all bad," Annabeth assured. "The last head counselor we had was great."

"What happened?" Piper asked.

Annabeth's expression darkened, and she turned away from Piper. "We should keep moving."

Celeste walked past Piper, and ahead with Annabeth. None of them were ready to talk about Silena. Not yet.

"We started with the twelve Olympians," Annabeth explained as they walked. "Male gods on left, females on the right. Then last year, we added cabins for the gods who didn't have thrones on Olympus. Like Celeste's mother, Hecate. Hades, Tyche, Nemesis, Iris-"

"What are the two big ones on the end?" Piper asked.

Annabeth frowned. "Zeus and Hera. King and Queen of the gods."

Zeus's cabin always reminded Celeste of a bank. It was white marble, with columns out front. And, big, polished bronze doors. Emblazoned with lightning bolts.

Hera's cabin was smaller, but had a similar style to it. Except the doors were carved with peacock feathers designs. Shimmering with different bright colors.

They were flashy, and extra. Just like the gods they were dedicated too. It was as if they came from planet "Look at me! Look at me!"

"Are they empty?" Piper questioned, snapping Celeste out of her thoughts.

Annabeth nodded. "Zeus went a long time without having any children, majority of the time at least. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, the eldest brothers amongst the gods. They're called the big three. They're children are really powerful, and dangerous. So, for they last seventy years or so, they tried to avoid having children. For the most part."

"For the most part?"

"Sometimes they uh......cheated. I've got a friend, Thalia Grace. She's a daughter of Zeus."

"She's also like, technically my adoptive mother," Celeste said. "But, that's besides the point."

"My boyfriend, Percy," Annabeth continued, snickering at Celeste. "Is a sone of Poseidon."

"Oh," Celeste perked up. "And, there's this kid who comes around sometimes. He's technically my son, cause I kind of adopted him. His name is Nico Di Angelo. He's a son of Hades."

Annabeth nodded. "Besides them, there are no other children of the big three. Or, forbidden kids as we call them. Seeing as they're technically not supposed to exist. At least, not that we no of."

Celeste kept her mouth shut, ignoring Shadow who was once again on her head. Which, how did he keep getting up there? But, anyways. She'd always attempted to the Romans and Greeks apart. Right now, Her, Marcus, and Nico were the only Greek demigods who knew that Camp Jupiter even existed. And, knew where it was.

She'd always suspected that Chiron knew, but she'd never pressed him about it. Knowing she wouldn't get the answer she was looking for.

She also had weird suspicion in the back of her mind that Jason knew something.

She about to suggest they continue with the tour, when suddenly a wave of sharp pain hit her head.

She winced, and immediately buried her face in her hands.

"Es?" Piper said, running over to her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay," she muttered.

"Are you sure?" Annabeth asked. "You're acting a little weird."

Celeste just mumbled something in ancient Greek. And, nodded her head. She couldn't even open her eyes. Well I mean, she could but it wouldn't do her much good. She really wouldn't be able to see regardless.

You see, every now and then Celeste would have these weird memory flashbacks. Where her head started to hurt, like someone was dragging a knife through it. But, that wasn't the weirdest part. What was, is that during these flashbacks which had over the years escalated into full blown visions and sometimes even prophecies. Her entire vision would turn purple. Making it nearly impossible to see.

They usually went away after a few seconds, but they almost always said something in these visions. And, she never knew why. They'd first started the first time she'd been put through the experiments, so maybe they had something to with that?

"Jason Grace....." A voice whispered. "He knows. You just need to help him remember. Take back what was stolen from him. But, first. You must remember."

After about five minutes, in which her ears rang so loud she could barely make out sounds. Her hearing went back to normal, her heart stopped racing. And, her vision cleared up.

She removed her hands from her face, and took a shaky breath. "I'm okay," she assured Annabeth, who was standing next to her. "Where's Piper?"

Annabeth pointed to Hera's cabin, and Celeste groaned. "Did she really have to choose that cabin to randomly walk into?"

"Tell me about it," Annabeth grumbled.

Annabeth helped Celeste up, and with hesitant reluctance. Followed Piper into the Hera cabin.



To catch you up, Celeste hates Hera. And, Hera hates her. Hera hates her, because Celeste is a pain in her ass. Celeste hates her, because she tried to murder her mother multiple times.

So, as you can see. They do not like each other.

Honestly though, her cabin might have been worse than her.

It was as cold as a walk in freezer, with a circle of white columns. Surrounding a statue of the goddess, which was ten feet tall. Seated on a throne, in flowing golden robes. Celeste had always known the Greek statues to white with blank eyes. But, this one was brightly colored so it looked almost human. Hera's piercing eyes seemed to follow Celeste and the others.

At the bitch's feet, a fire burned in blazer. Celeste had always wondered who tended it, seeing as the cabin was always empty. Though, now that she thought about it. Hestia, goddess of the hearth and home. Usually tended to the hearth in the center of all the cabins. Who says she couldn't tend to this one?

A stone hawk sat on Hera's shoulder, and in her hand was a staff topped with a lotus flower. Her hair was done in black plains, and she smiled. Only, her eyes where cold and calculating. As if she were saying: 'Mother knows best. Do not disobey me, or I will have to step on you.

There was nothing else in the cabin. No beds, no bathrooms, no windows, no furniture. Nothing that anyone could actually use to live. For being the goddess of home and marriage. Her cabin kind of reminded Celeste of a tomb.

Oh, and one other thing?

They weren't alone.

Behind the statue, at a little alter in the back. Stood a figure, covered in a black shawl. Only her hands were visible, her palms up. She seemed to be chanting something.

Celeste grinned to herself, knowing immediately who it was. Annabeth must've recognized it too, because she called out her name. Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Their all time favorite redhead.


Rachel turned, she dropped her shawl. Revealing a name of curly, slightly messy bright red hair. Her face absolutely coved in feckles. She really didn't go with the serious vibe of the cabin at all. Rachel was what? Seventeen now? In reality, she really was just a regular mortal. In a green blouse, and ripped jeans covered in marker doodles. In classic Rachel style. And, despite the cold floor she was barefoot.

"Hey!" She ran up to the two, and hugged Annabeth. And, went to hug Celeste. "I'm so sorry! I came as fast as I could."

They talked for a few minutes about Percy, and how there was no news. Et cetera, et cetera.

Afterwords, she turned to Celeste. But, instead of saying anything. She just started hitting her on the head.

"What makes you think you can just go missing for four months, and not tell anyone?!"

"I told Marcus!" Celeste said, as she tried to dodge her hits. "I'm sorry! I won't disappear again!"

Rachel stopped hitting her, and Celeste just rubbed the top of her head. And, grumbled in Italian.

That's when she remembered Piper, who was just standing there. Glaring at Rachel, as if daring her to hit Celeste again.

'Hah. Daring. Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Daring. That's funny.'

"Y'all, we're being rude," She dragged Annabeth and Rachel over to Piper. And stood beside them.

"Rachel, this Piper McLean. She's a friend. Piper, this Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Our oracle, and my favorite redhead."

"Awww," Rachel said, lying her head on Celeste's shoulder. "I'm your favorite redhead? I'm flattered."

Celeste looked at Rachel unimpressed, and pushed her off. Rolling her eyes.

"You're the friend who lives the cave," Piper spoke up, still side eyeing Rachel. And, how touchy she was being with Celeste.

Rachel stood up a bit straighter, and grinned. "That's me."

"So, you're an oracle?" Piper asked. "You can tell the future?"

"More or so like the future mugs me from time to time," Rachel shrugged. "I speak prophecies. The oracle's spirit kinda hijacks me from time to time. And, says important stuff that doesn't make any sense. And, half the time isn't even the full truth."

"That part," Annabeth and Celeste said in unison.

"Oh," Piper shifted from foot to foot. She seemed to not be giving Rachel the side eye anymore, so Celeste counted that as a win. "That's cool."

Rachel just laughed, seeing her nervousness. "Don't worry. Everyone finds it a bit creepy at first. Hell, even I do. But, I'm usually harmless."

"So, you're a demigod?"

"Nope. Just a regular old mortal."

"Then what are you......" Piper waved her hand around the room.

Rachel's smile faded, and she glanced at Celeste and Annabeth. Before turning her attention back to Piper. "Just a hunch. Something about this cabin, and Percy's disappearance. They're connected somehow. I've learned to follow my hunches, especially since last month. When the gods went silent."

"Went silent?"

Rachel frowned, and looked at Annabeth. "You didn't tell her? Celeste, do you even know?"

"Marcus told me," she mumbled. He had told her.

About the fact, that about a month ago the Olympus had went completely silent. No messages, no visions, nothing.

Being the stubborn as person she was , Celeste did a couple summoning spells. Just to bring a few of the gods to her.

Apollo visited her, Hades visited her, Hecate visited her. Hell, even her grandmother visited her.

They were willing to talk, but when she asked them why gods went silent. They'd brush it off, or avoid the topic entirely. Her grandmother didn't even fully know, but she told Celeste that be because of a rise of a certain goddess. A goddess that just so happened to be possessing her.

"Ah..." Gaea spoke in her head. "My little traitor has figured it out, eh?"

Celeste didn't respond she really didn't feel like talking to that bitch right now.

"Your camp director is the god of wine?" Piper questioned. Which snapped Celeste out of her thoughts.

Annabeth nodded. "Yeah, it's a-"

"Long story." Piper guessed. "Right. Go on."

"That's really it. Demigods still get claimed, but nothing else. No dream visions, no visits in general. No messages. No signs the gods are even listening. It's like something really bad has happened. Then Percy disappeared."

"And, Jason showed up on our field trip," Piper added. "With no memory."

"Who's Jason?" Rachel questioned.

Before Piper could say anything, Celeste answeres for her.

"Just a friend."

Piper looked at her a little confused, but she didn't look mad. She turned back to Annabeth. "But, regardless. Annabeth, you said you had dream vision?"

"Right," Annabeth said. "The first communication from the gods in a month, and it's Hera. And to top it all off, she contacts me. One of her least favorite demigods. Honestly though, she probably hates Celeste more. But, still. She tells me that I'll find out what happened to Percy, if I go the Grand Canyon skywalk and find the guy with one shoe. Instead I find you guys, and the guy with one shoe is Jason. It just doesn't make sense. Plus, I also find Celeste who's been practically missing for the last four months."

"Something bad is happening," Rachel aggred.

Celeste looked between the three. And wrapped her arms around herself, staring at the statue of Hera.

"What will they think of you when they realize you've betrayed them?" Gaea spoke.

"Shut up," Celeste shut her eyes tight, and blocked out her.

"Guys," Piper said. "There's something I need to-"

Suddenly, Rachel's body stiffened.

"Rachel?" Celeste called. "Are you okay?"

Rachel didn't respond, her eyes began to glow with a bight green light. And, she grabbed Piper by the shoulders.

Piper tried to pull away, Annabeth even tried to pull Rachel off her. But, when the Spirit of Delphi mugs Rachel. Her grip becomes like steel.

"Free me," Rachel said, but it wasn't her voice. It sounded like an older woman. Talking very far away, from a long, echoing pipe. "Free me, Piper McLean. Or the earth shall swallow us. It must be by the solstice."

Celeste was going to try to pull Rachel off of Piper, but she felt a sudden sharp pain in her head.

"Do not interfere," Gaea commanded. "Let Hera play her little tricks. It will do her good. I will rise either way."

"I hate you so much."

"Our enemies will stir," Rachel spoke in the same echoing voice. "The fiery one is only the first. Bow to his will and their king shall rise, dooming us all. FREE ME!"

Piper's knees buckled, her eyes closed. And, she collapsed into Celeste's arms.

"Oh, god," Rachel said. She seemed to be back to normal. "Did I kill her?"

"She's alive," Celeste said, as she tried to steady Piper in her arms. Though her hands were shaking, and her vision started to blur. "Annabeth, can you take her? I need to go to my cabin.

"Es, are you okay?" Annabeth said, as she took Piper from Celeste.

Celeste shook her head, and stepped back. Shadows wrapping around her. "I just.....need to go."

Before Rachel or Annabeth could say anything, Celeste disappeared within the shadows.

When she appeared in her cabin, she collapsed to the floor. And, leaned against the wall. Her heart racing.

"You must remember." The voice from earlier repeated. "Something you forgot."

"Grace," Celeste muttered. "Where do I know that name. Reyna? No, Thalia is obvious. But, there's someone else....."

Celeste froze as she came to a realization.

Jason was the other praetor she was trying to remember earlier.

She first met him at Camp Jupiter, not at the Wilderness School.

His last name was Grace, because he was Thalia's brother. The one she'd told Celeste about a couple years ago.

But, if she remembered Jason and that's what she had forgotten. Why couldn't Jason remember anything?

She heard the door open, and Marcus step in. He glanced at her. "You remember too?"

She nodded, and took a deep breath.

"We are in so much shit."

Rosy talks!

Well, that was a long ass chapter to write.

A few of the things from the original chapter in the lost hero, I had to leave out. Because plot purposes.

Also, let me say this. While I absolutely love Marcus and Celeste. And, absolutely adore Piper, Leo, and Jason. And, I can not stress this enough. I. HATE. WRITING. THE. LOST. HERO.

Like, I love the characters. But, absolutely HATE how long this dam book is. Like Rick, we spent five books, and 105 chapters building this world. We really don't need to do it again. Like, honestly.

Anyways it's time for the........

What's your favorite and least favorite book in HOO?

My favorite is probably the MoA, and my least favorite is TLH. For obvious reasons πŸ˜’.

I really do hope you all enjoy this chapter tho, and a little more Gaea bullshit because trauma.

Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful day/night! I love you all so, so, so, sooooo much!


𝑿𝑢𝑿𝑢: π‘Ήπ’π’”π’š ❁

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