Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS [Part 5 - FINAL]

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Inside, TARDIS, Engine room...

Everyone ran through the door before nearly falling off a cliff ledge.

"We're outside." Clara breathed, glancing around as they backed away a bit from the edge.

"No." The Doctor shook his head, letting go of Lexi's hand. "We're still in the TARDIS."

"And there's no way across." Jupiter chimed in, cautiously peaking over the edge, only seeing a white and misty abyss of nothingness.

"Unfortunately, Jupiter dear, that's right." Lexi agreed, putting her hands on her hips as she began to pace.

"So what do we do?" Lucas questioned, crossing his arms. "I mean, I do believe it's time for a plan. So... Does anyone actually have one?"

The Doctor looked around at everyone. He saw his wife pacing, their daughter curiously looking over the edge of the cliff while continuing to cradle her injured wrist that looked like it was bruising more and more by the minute. And Sky just kept looking back and forth between his mother and sister.

The Doctor just sighed before looking back to Lucas. "Sorry, but it does not seem that anyone has a plan."

"Well, we're all dead then." Clara said, frowning as she walked up beside Lucas.

"Yes, we are." The Doctor agreed as he looked at the two friends. "So just tell us."

Lucas quirked an eyebrow. "Tell you what?"

"Well, there's no point now. We are about to die." He told them. "So, just tell us who you are."

Clara tilted her head. "You know who we are."

"No, we don't!" Lexi suddenly shouted in frustration, making everyone turn to look at her. "The Doctor and I look at you both every single day, and we don't understand a single thing about you. Why do we keep running into you?"

"Glorious, you invited us." Lucas reminded her, frowning. "You said–"

"No, no, no. You don't get it. It was before that." Lexi shook her head. "Lucas, a while back I met you on a seventeenth century pirate ship. There was a man there who was the Quartermaster, and he sacrificed his own life to save me. And he was you..." She took a couple of steps forward. "Then a little bit later I met you at a military space station called Demons Run. There was a soldier there who fought alongside me and my brother-in-law to help protect his and my sister's baby. That soldier pushed me out of the way and took a shot from a laser blast that was meant for me. He died in my arms... And he was you." She laughed sadly, glancing down at her feet before looking back up at Lucas and Clara. "And then, oh and then... Lucas, Clara, the Doctor and I met you both in the Dalek Asylum. There was a man and woman in a shipwreck, and they died saving our lives... And they were you."

Lucas looked at her with wide eyes. "I really don't think they were..."

"But, see, there was Victorian London as well." The Doctor spoke up. "There was a governess and tutor who were actually a barmaid and bartender, and we all fought the Great Intelligence together, they died, and it was our fault... And they were you."

"You're really freaking us out." Clara gulped nervously.

"Then what are you two?!" Lexi glared as she advanced on them. "Are you tricks?! Are you traps?!"

"We don't know what you're talking about!" Lucas exclaimed as he and Clara backed away from Lexi and the Doctor, almost falling off the edge of the cliff.

Sky and Jupiter watched worriedly as their parents quickly grabbed their respective companion's hands and pulled them into hugs.

"Alright. Alight." The Doctor said, pulling away from Clara. "You really don't, do you?"

"You have absolutely no idea." Lexi said before a smile began to spread its way across her face as she let go of Lucas. "You really don't know..."

"I think we're more scared of you two right now than anything else on that TARDIS." Clara said, breathing hard.

"You're just Clara and Lucas, aren't you?" The Doctor chuckled, looking back and forth between the two friends.

"Oh, this makes me so happy." Lexi grinned, quickly pulling Lucas in for another hug.

"Okay..." He said as he unsurely reciprocated the hug. "I don't know what the hell this is about, but the hug is really nice."

"Yes, it is." Lexi agreed before pulling away from him. "And do you know what else?... We're not gonna die here." She then looked over to the Doctor. "Are we, Doctor?"

The Doctor grinned at her. "Nope. And does anyone know why?... Because this isn't real. It's a snarl." He then picked up a small rock and threw it over the edge of the cliff. "See?"

"I knew this seemed kinda funny..." Jupiter said quietly as she looked over the edge of the cliff again.

"So it's doing what a wounded animal does." Sky realized as he himself looked over the edge. "It tries to scare everyone away... We're close to the engine."

"Exactly." The Doctor agreed, snapping and pointing at him. "The TARDIS is snarling at us, trying to frighten us off... We all need to jump."

Lucas snapped his head towards him. "I'm sorry, what?"

"We'll cross a portal to the engine."

"This is insane." Clara said she, the Doctor, Lexi, Lucas, Sky and Jupiter all backed up to the door.

"You know, Miss Oswald, it really is." Lexi agreed, smirking. "But we're going to do it anyway."

"How can you be so sure about this, though?" Lucas questioned.

"That's the thing." The Doctor responded. "We can't."

Jupiter rolled her eyes. "That's watertight, isn't it?"

"Hey now, I've piloted this ship for over 900 years. Let's all have trust just this one time." He looked around at everyone and saw them giving him incredulous looks, making him roll his eyes. "Okay, fine. As well as all the other times, too."

Lexi glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. "Geronimo?"

"Geronimo." He nodded before they and everyone else looked straight ahead before running and leaping off the cliff only to land in a white room.

Suspended throughout the room were pieces of machinery.

"The heart of the TARDIS..." The Doctor said softly as the six of them walked through the room, looking around at all the pieces of machinery suspended in the air. "It's he engine... It's already exploded. It must have been the collision with the salvage ship."

"I'm noticing we're not dead." Lucas pointed out as he eyed a little piece of suspended machinery right in front of his face.

"Correct." The Doctor nodded. "The TARDIS has wrapped her hands around the force."

"So... She's frozen it?" Lexi guessed.

"Yep." He nodded.

"So, does that mean it's safe?" Clara asked.

"Temporary fix." The Doctor answered. "Eventually, this whole place will erupt. There's no way I can save her now."

"But that can't be right." Jupiter shook her head. "She's always been there for us, taken care of us. She's always been there for you, Dad. For so many years. Hundreds."

"And when we met, she welcomed me with open arms." Lexi said sadly, biting her lip in thought. "And when the twins came along, she always protected them. It's like it's our turn to help her and we can't even figure out what to do."

"Glorious..." Lucas sighed, coming up to her and taking Lexi's hand in his before Lexi felt the burns and looked at his palm.

"Oh, Lucas..." She grinned. "Doctor, come look at this."

Curious, the Doctor went over and took Lucas's hand from Lexi before looking down at it and smiling wide when he saw the letters on Lucas's hand spelled out 'BIG FRIENDLY BUTTON'. "Oh, Lucas Harper, I could kiss you."

Lucas raised an eyebrow. "Yeah... I'd rather not get on the Glorious's bad side."

The Doctor chuckled, patting Lucas's face. "Neither would I." He said before taking out his sonic. "The rift in time. All the memories leaking out. I need to find the moment we crashed. I need to find..." He trailed off just as the Van Baalen brothers' music filled the room. ""

The Doctor then ran off which made Lexi roll her eyes before running after him, everyone else running after her.

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

The group of six entered the console room, the Doctor using his sonic screwdriver to guide them.

The Doctor then spotted a crack in the wall under the console and walked over to it. "The time rift. Recent past. Possible future."

"What are you going to do?" Clara asked.

The Doctor took out the remote for the magno-grab and used his sonic to write on it. "Rewrite today, I hope. I've thrown this through the rift before. I need to make sure this time. Going to take it in there myself. There might be a certain amount of yelling."

"Is it going to hurt?"

"Things that end your life often do that." He answered.

"Then I'll do it." Lexi offered, snatching the device from him. "Haven't experienced any agonizing pain in a while."

"Lex, I don't think that's–" The Doctor tried to speak, but Lexi cut him off.

"Let me do this one thing. You've already done so much." She told him.

"Wait, when's the last time you experienced actual physical agonizing pain?" Sky tilted his head in confusion, thinking about the statement Lexi had made just a few moments before.

Lexi smirked and looked over to her son. "When I gave birth to you and your sister. Not an easy feat."

Lexi then turned and began heading for the rift.

"Wait!" Clara exclaimed, making her paused and turn back to them. "All those things you and the Doctor said. How you've met me and Lucas before. How we died..."

"Clara, don't worry." Lexi told her. "Remember what the Doctor said? Rewrite today. You'll forget. Time mends us. It can mend anything."

"But we don't want to forget." Lucas shook his head. "Not all of it."

"It's better that way." Lexo shook her head before turning back around and heading for the rift again.

"But all those things you've said." Clara spoke up again, looking from the Doctor to Lexi. "All the things you've both said.. There's so much  neither of you are telling us." She then looked to Sky and Jupiter. "You're their children. You know things, too."

"We don't know everything." Jupiter shook her head. "We may be their children, but that doesn't mean Sky and I know all that they do."

"But there are secrets." Lucas stated, looking from the twins to the Doctor and Lexi. "There are things you won't talk about."

"It's better that way." Lexi gave him a small smile then looked to her husband one last time before taking a deep breath and walking up to the rift. She carefully stepped into it as best she could before screaming in agony and disappearing from everyone's view.

Inside, TARDIS, Past console room...

Sparks flew as the TARDIS lurched, throwing the Doctor, Lexi, their children and Clara and Lucas backwards.

"Magnetic hobble-field!" The Doctor shouted as he made his way back to the console, shielding his face as he tried to work on controls. "We're flying right into it!"

"Everyone, stay by the Doctor!" Lexi pointed before everyone slowly tried moving in that direction as more things started exploding.

"Please tell me there's a button you can press to fix this!" Clara begged.

"Oh, yes!" The Doctor nodded. "Big friendly button!"

"You're lying!" Lucas shouted, wincing as he heard a popping sound.

"Yep! Rule One!" Lexi agreed, jumping as something exploded by her.

"Is it to stop us freaking out?" Clara asked.

"Is it working?" The Doctor asked her.

"Not so much!"

Lexi reached through the rift before calling to the Doctor's past self who had been knocked against the rail.

"Doctor. Doctor!" Lexi shouted, making the Doctor's past self look at her in shock. "I'm from your future! We don't have long. It's a reset dial!"

Lexi then disappeared into thin air, the device falling from her hand and rolling across the floor.

Lucas then looked down, seeing the device rolling across the floor. Frowning slightly, he bent down to pick it up, only to gasp and drop it when it burned his hand.

"No! No!" The Doctor shouted, diving and catching it before looking at it and laughing as he read what it said. "Big friendly button."

He grinned, laughing again before pressing the button and making everything fade into a bright white light.

Inside, Ship, Living quarters...

The TARDIS disappeard from the screen.

"I don't get it." Tricky frowned. "It was on screen, then it was gone."

"Hey, robot, go get me some food, I'm starving." Bram demanded as he walked past him.

Gregor hit him on the arm. "Oi, leave him alone."

Bram raised an eyebrow at his brother. "What's the matter with you?"

Gregor shrugged. "Maybe I've just got a little, tiny scrap of decency."

Bram just scoffed and walked away as Gregor clapped Tricky on the shoulder before walking off.

Tricky just smiled before glancing over at a photograph of him and the brothers along with their father.

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

"Where've Sky and Jupiter gone?" Lucas questioned as he and Clara entered, both of them having changed and showered.

"Oh, they, er, sorta disappeared a little bit ago." Lexi shrugged, not looking up as she messed with her sonic.

Clara eyes widened a bit. "And that doesn't worry you?"

"Not really. We know where they went." The Doctor chimed in as he polished the time rotor. "They'll be back from that alternate reality soon enough."

"Alternate reality?" Lucas quirked an eyebrow in question.

"Yep." Lexi grinned, flipping her sonic in the air before catching it in her hand. "They've gone to a wedding."

"Okay... Not going to pry." Clara said slowly before crossing her arms. "But you know what? I do feel absolutely exhausted. It's like we've–"

"Had two days crammed into the space of one?" The Doctor finished for her.

Lucas tilted his head. "Why would you say that?"

"Ignore him." Lexi said, patting the Doctor on the arm. "He says stuff. So do I. Anyway... do you both feel safe?"

"Of course." Clara frowned slightly. "Why wouldn't we?"

The Doctor spun around from polishing the time rotor. "Give us a number out of ten, then. Ten being whoo-hoo, one being aarrrggh!"

Lucas smiled slightly. "You're being weird, mate."

"We just need to know if you both feel safe." Lexi explained. "We need to know... you're not afraid."


"The future." The Doctor answered. "I mean, running away with a madman and a madwoman in a box... well, anything could happen to you."

"That's what we're counting on. Push the button." Clara smiled before turning around and walking off. "Come on, Lucas. Let's go have tea."

"I'm making it this time." Lucas said as he followed after. "You put way too much sugar."

Lexi and the Doctor just smiled at their companions before the Doctor tossed the polishing cloth onto the console with a hook shot.

The Couple of Time then both put their hands on the dematerialization lever, grinning at each other before pulling it and sending the TARDIS off into the time Vortex.


A/N: There you go! 😁

I hope that was okay. :) It turned out to be a bit more difficult to write than I originally thought, but I still enjoyed doing it. It was a fun challenge. 💙

The next episode will be better though, I promise! I'm so excited for it! 😁

But first, there's a little filler chapter that's going to be coming up next. So be on the lookout for that! 🙂

Until next time! 😘

💋 Love always,

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