The Snowmen [Part 1]

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A/N: HELLO!!! 😁😁😁😁

Welcome to the first actual episode of this book! 😃

Like seriously, this is going to be SO MUCH FUN!!! 😬❤️☃️

Anyway, I would like to introduce y'all to our guest stars for this episode! 💖

Guest Starring

Emma Stone as Jupiter Pond

Richard Madden as Skyler "Sky" Pond

Tom Hiddleston as Lucas

Jenna Coleman as Clara

Yes! 😁 Tom is back and so is Jenna! 🎉 Our favorite echoes have returned!!! ❤️

And yes, Emma and Richard are still considered guest stars because their characters aren't in every episode. And Jenna and Tom are considered guest stars for this episode because these are just echoes of Clara and Lucas. Tom and Jenna won't be considered series regulars until "The Bells of Saint John". 🙂

Also, I added "Til the Casket Drops" by ZZ Ward to this book's playlist chapter! 💖

Okay, so... I guess that's all for now.

Oh, wait!

I almost forgot. 😊

Everyone's ages:
• The Doctor - he's twelve hundred and something. (You know, unless he's lying.) 😉
• Lexi - She is now 50 years old.
• Jupiter and Sky - They are now 25 years old.

The Doctor and Lexi do not look any older than what they looked like at the end of The Pond Twins.

P.S. ~ Thank you, Tom Hiddleston, for being in "Crimson Peak" and gifting us with how you look in Victorian clothing! 😍


Let us read... "The Snowmen"!!! ☃️☃️☃️

Enjoy! 😘


Inside, Rose & Crown, Night...

The pub seemed to be doing a good business as one of the barmaids, Clara, collected empty tankards on a tray before bringing them over to the bar where a young man was wiping down the counter.

"Mind helping me with these, Lucas?" Clara asked as she set the tray down by another full tray she had collected previously.

"Why, of course." Lucas smiled, taking one of the trays. "What kind of a friend would I be if I refused?"

Clara laughed.

Outside, Rose & Crown...

Lucas and Clara brought all the tankards outside. They then heard a noise, making them set the trays down on a couple of barrels before looking and seeing a snowman standing a little distance away.

The two friends shared a look before taking a couple of cautious steps forward just as a man and woman walked past them.

"Did you two make this snowman?" Lucas questioned.

"No." They replied as they kept on walking.

"Well, who did?" Clara asked in agreement with Lucas. "'Cause it wasn't there a second ago. It just appeared, from nowhere."

The man and woman stopped and turned around to reveal that it was the Doctor and Lexi in Victorian garb. The couple then walked back to Lucas and Clara, the Doctor putting on a pair of glasses - the ones Amy had left behind.

The Doctor and Lexi shared a look before they both looked at the snowman, pinching some snow off it.

"Maybe it's snow that fell before." The Doctor commented quietly as he examined the snow in his hand.

"Maybe it remembers how to make snow." Lexi mused as she let the snow in her hand fall through her fingers and to the ground.

"Really? Snow that can remember?" Lucas questioned. "That's silly."

Lexi turned around to look at him. "What's wrong with silly?"

"Nothing." He smirked. "We're still talking to you, ain't we?"

"Witty. I like that." The Doctor smiled, taking off the glasses as he came to stand next to Lexi as they faced Lucas and Clara. "What are your names?"

"Clara." Clara replied.

"Lucas." Lucas stated. He then noticed the look Lexi was giving him. "What?"

"Sorry." Lexi shook her head slightly, snapping back to reality. "I feel like I know you from somewhere. Anyway, nice names, you two should definitely keep them." She gave a slight smile before grabbing the Doctor's hand, both of them walking off. "Goodbye!"

After a pause and a shared look, Lucas and Clara chased after them.

"Oi!" Clara called out to the couple, putting her hands on her hips. "Where are you going?"

"Yeah, we thought we were just getting acquainted with you both." Lucas agreed, crossing his arms.

The Couple of Time turned around.

"Those were the days." The Doctor smiled sadly before gripping Lexi's hand and leading the two of them away.

Clara huffed as she and Lucas turned back for the pub, both of them pausing when they heard a carriage driver call to the horses.

The two friends then looked down the way the Doctor and Lexi walked.

Lucas glanced at Clara. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Clara grinned, throwing down her shawl before she and Lucas began running after the Doctor and Lexi. They then spotted the carriage before turning in that direction and running after it.

Inside, Carriage...

The Doctor and Lexi sat in the carriage, an old-fashioned speaker hanging from the roof.

"How refreshing to see you two taking an interest again." Vastra's voice came over the speaker. "Were they nice?"

"We just spoke to them." Lexi sighed.

"And made your usual impact, no doubt." Vastra responded, a smirk clearly evident in her tone.

"There was no impact at all." The Doctor told her. "Those days have been over for a long time."

"Oh, please." Vastra scoffed. "You just can't help yourselves."

Inside, Vastra's conservatory...

"It is always the same story, every time." Vastra said as she sat while speaking into a disguised communication device. "And, Alexis dear, I know you haven't been at this as long as your dear Doctor, but I'm sure you know, with the titles you two are both using, people will always ask two very important questions. And those two questions will always contain the same two words."

Inside, Carriage...

"They'll never be able to find us again, they don't even have the names." The Doctor told her.

"He's right, Vastra." Lexi agreed. "We never said Doctor and Glorious. And by the way, what are you even talking about? What two questions? What two words?"

All of a sudden, Clara dropped her head right in front of the Doctor through the flap at the top of the carriage as Lucas dropped his head down in front of Lexi.

"Doctor?" Clara tilted her head. "Doctor who?"

Lucas smirked.

"Glorious who?"

Outside, London alley...

A man walked along the alley but was blocked by a woman in figure-hugging black leather.

"Well, Dr. Simeon." Jenny smirked. "You're out very late tonight."

A second figure then walked up behind Simeon dressed in a black gown with her face hidden behind a veil.

"Almost makes you wonder what you've been up to." Vastra commented as she stepped forward. "But then, I have often wondered about the activities of Dr. Simeon and his exceptionally secretive institute."

"Well, I am honored this evening." Simeon smiled darkly. "The veiled detective and her fatuous accomplice."

"At your service." Jenny curtsied mockingly.

"You realize Dr. Doyle is almost certainly basing his fantastical tales on your own exploits? With a few choice alterations, of course. I doubt the readers of The Strand magazine would accept that the great detective is, in reality..." Simeon stepped up to Vastra and lifted her veil. "a woman. And her suspiciously intimate companion."

"I resent your implications of impropriety." Vastra scowled. "We are married."

"Which is more than can be said for you. Isn't that right, Dr. Simeon?" A female voice said from above, making everyone look up to Jupiter and Sky crouched down on a low roof of a building, Jupiter wearing an outfit much like Jenny's and Sky wearing an outfit that was sorta like that except more suited and fitted for his male figure.

"Who the hell are you two?" Simeon frowned.

"Well, I'm Greg Lestrade." Sky introduced himself as he and Jupiter jumped off the roof and onto the ground. "And this is my associate, Miss Irene Adler."

"Please, call me The Woman." Jupiter smirked.

"So lovely you two could join us." Vastra welcomed them.

"Yes, well, we snuck out of the house." Sky told her as he and Jupiter took their places on either side of Simeon. Simeon himself now being surrounded on all sides.

"And by 'house', you mean..." Jenny trailed off.

"TARDIS? Yeah." Jupiter nodded before looking back to Simeon.

"Great. Now that everyone's here, let's begin." Vastra stated. "This snow - it's interesting, don't you think?" She then picked up some snow from the top of a barrel. "The ice can detect and respond to the thoughts and memories of the people around it. Memory snow. Snow that learns."

"How fascinating." Simeon commented dryly.

"I do hope it's listening to the right people, though." Sky chimed in, picking up some snow from a barrel besides him and balling it up into an actual snowball. He then looked to Simeon as tossed the snowball up and down. "It could be a terrible weapon in the wrong hands, don't you think?"

"I think winter is coming." Simeon replied. "Such a winter as this world has never known. The last winter of humankind. Do you know why I'm telling all of you this?"

"We are intrigued, yes." Jupiter crossed her arms.

"Because there is not a single thing you can do to stop it." He informed them before walking away.

"Perhaps we can't." Vastra said, making Simeon pause. "But we know a man and woman who can."

"I look forward to meeting them." He replied before continuing on his way.

"Do you mean, the Doctor and the Glorious?" Jenny enquired as she, Vastra and the twins all gathered together in the middle of the alley. "They won't help us. They never help anymore, you know that."

"They're our parents, of course we know." Sky sighed, dropping snowball he had in his hand to the ground. "We know why they don't help anymore. We've grown up our whole lives knowing."

"Why do you think I suggested that we come here?" Jupiter questioned, looking to Vastra and Jenny. "We've been here in this time for over a year and there's still no sign of them letting up. I mean, I get why they're sad. And someday, Sky and I are going to have to deal with that ourselves. But for now, what's brewing here this winter, might just be our chance to get them back in the game. Because they can't stay here the rest of their lives. They just can't."

"Well then, let's pray for a miracle." Vastra stated. "Because I think we're going to need it."

Outside, Street...

"Come on, let us out!" Lucas's voice came from inside the carriage as he banged against the door. "What have you locked this thing with?"

"Just a dead-lock seal, don't worry!" Lexi told him, patting the side of the carriage before she walked off towards where the Doctor and Strax were.

"They've taken samples from snowmen all over London." Strax stated as he lowered a pair of advanced binoculars away from his face. "What do you suppose they're doing in there?"

"This snow is new. Possibly alien." The Doctor stated as Lexi walked up behind where he was squatting, running the snow through his fingers. "When you find something brand new in the world, something you've never seen before, what's the next thing you look for?"

Strax thought for a moment before raising a finger. "A grenade!"

"No, Strax. Not a grenade." Lexi rolled her eyes. "A profit."

"That's Victorian values for you." The Doctor commented as he stood up before facing Strax and Lexi.

"I suggest a full frontal assault with automated laser monkeys, scalpel mines and acid." Strax told them.

"Why?" Lexi questioned, squinting at him.

"Couldn't we at least investigate?"

"It's none of our business." The Doctor told him.

"Sir," Strax began as he stepped forward. "permission to express my opposition to your current apathy?"

"Permission granted." The Doctor motioned for him to continue.

"Sir, I am opposed to your current apathy."

"Let us out of here!" Clara's voice shouted, muffled from where she and Lucas were trapped inside the carriage.

"Well, we thank you, Strax." Lexi told him. "If we're ever in need of advice from a psychotic potato-dwarf," She took Strax's face in her hands. "you'll certainly be the first to know."

"But if the snow is new and alien," Strax started as Lexi released his head. "shouldn't we be making some attempt to destroy it? Be reasonable!"

The Doctor put a finger to Strax's lips, glancing over his shoulder to see that the carriage was rocking back and forth.

"Let us out!" Lucas and Clara shouted.

The Doctor looked back to Strax. "It's not our problem. Over a thousand years of saving the universe, Strax, you know the one thing I learned?... The universe doesn't care."

"Oi, Glorious!" Lucas shouted from inside the carriage. "You and the Doctor, let us out!"

Lexi sighed, looking to the Doctor and Strax.

"We can stand here all night talking over why the universe doesn't care about us, but right now we have a problem of our own to worry about..." She grabbed the Doctor's hand before walking over to the carriage.

"Let us out! Oi!" Clara shouted.

The Doctor used the sonic to open the carriage door, Clara and Lucas moving as far away as they could from him and Lexi.

"Don't worry." Lexi told them as she and the Doctor got inside the carriage, sitting across from them. "No one is going to hurt either of you."

Clara looked to her right just as Strax appeared outside the carriage. "What is that thing?"

"Silence, boy!" Strax frowned.

"That's Strax and as you can see, he's easily confused." The Doctor said, shooting a look at Strax.

"Silence, girl." Strax corrected himself. "Sorry, lad."

"He's Sontaran." Lexi explained. "It's a Clone warrior race - factory produced, whole legions at a time. Two genders is a bit further than he can count."

"Ma'am, do not discuss my reproductive cycle in front of enemy girls!" Strax scowled. "It's embarrassing."

"Typical middle child of six million." The Doctor whispered.

"Who are you?" Lucas asked the couple, bewildered.

"Doesn't matter." Lexi told him seriously. "Because you and Clara are about to forget that you ever met the Doctor and I." She then looked to Strax. "We'll need the worm."

"Ma'am." He nodded before leaving.

"You'll need the what? The worm?" Clara asked quickly. "What worm?"

"Don't worry, it won't hurt." The Doctor assured her. "But one touch on your bare skin and you'll lose the last hour of your memory."

Strax then appeared empty-handed.

Lexi glanced at him. "Where is it?"

"Where's what, ma'am?"

"I sent you to get the memory worm."

"Did you? When?" He asked her, confused before looking to Lucas and Clara. "What are those? What are we doing here?" He then looked up. "Look, it's been snowing!"

Lexi sighed, closing her eyes in frustration. "You didn't use the gauntlets, did you?"

"Why would I need the gauntlets?" He asked her. "Do you want me to get the memory worm?"

Soon after...

Strax was under the carriage, looking for the memory worm as the Doctor, Lexi, Clara and Lucas stood by and watched.

"Can you see it?" The Doctor asked him, him and Lexi bending down a bit to look underneath the carriage.

"I think I can hear it." Strax informed.

Lexi glanced over her shoulder to look at Lucas and Clara, seeing both of them trying to hide smiles.

"Don't try to run away." Lexi pointed a finger at them in warning. "Stay right where you are."

"Why would we run?" Lucas chuckled. "We know what's going to happen next - and it is funny."

"What's funny?" The Doctor called back to them, not looking away from the carriage as Lexi turned back to check on Strax's progress.

"Your little pal, for a start," Clara stated in agreement with her friend. "Ugly little fella, isn't he?"

"Maybe." The Doctor agreed, turning around to look at them. "He gave his life for a friend of me and my wife's once."

"Then why is he alive?" Lucas questioned, crossing his arms.

"Another friend of ours brought him back." Lexi chimed in, glancing back at Lucas once before looking back to where Strax was still under the carriage. "I'm not quite sure all his brains made the return trip!"

"Neither am I." Clara giggled.

"I can see it!" Strax announced.

"Ooh!" The Doctor smiled slightly as he turned back to the carriage. "Can you reach it? Have you got it?"

"Got what, sir?" Strax asked.

Lucas walked past where the Couple of Time was looking at Strax underneath carriage and picked up a pair of large gloves he saw laying on the back of the carriage.

Lucas lifted the pair of large gloves and raised an eyebrow at Lexi. "These are the gauntlets, aren't they?"

"Sir! Ma'am! Emergency!" Strax exclaimed from underneath carriage. "I think I've been run over by a cab!"

Soon after...

"There you go." The Doctor said as he stood up with the squirming worm in the grasp of the gauntlets. "One touch and you lose about an hour of your memory. Let it bite you and you could lose decades." He explained as he shoved the worm into a jar Lexi was holding. "And you two are still not trying to run."

"Well, we're a couple of curious individuals." Lucas told him. "We don't like to leave mysteries unsolved. For instance: the mystery of how the snowman built itself."

"Exactly." Clara smiled. "We'll run once you've explained that."

Lexi smirked as she and the Doctor circled the two.

"Clara who?" The Doctor asked as he passed around behind her.

"Doctor who?" She questioned right back.

"Who are you Lucas?" Lexi whispered as she passed around behind him. "Lucas who?"

"Glorious who?"

"Ooh, that could be a dangerous question." Lexi informed him as she and the Doctor came back to standing right in front of him in Clara.

"But what's wrong with dangerous?" Clara tilted her head.

The Doctor smiled slightly. "The snow emits a low level telepathic field..."

As the Doctor began to explain, Clara and Lucas turned their heads just as two snowmen appeared.

"Do we each get our own snowman now?" Lucas asked nervously, his voice a whisper.

"...And what I've learned," Lexi continued on from the Doctor, neither of them taking notice of the snowmen. "is that it seems to reflect people's thoughts and memories. And because it's unusual, somehow it's able to carry a previous shape and..."

"Will you both shut up?!" Clara explained as she and Lucas grabbed the couple by the arms and pointed at the snowmen. "Our snowmen! There's two now!"

"Interesting." Lexi nodded as they all approached the snowmen. "Were you two thinking about snowmen?"

"Yes." Lucas stated.

Another snowman then appeared next to the first two.

"Well, stop." The Doctor told them.

The four of them then turned to run in the other direction and found a fourth snowman.

"Lucas, Clara, you both need to stop thinking about the snowmen!" Lexi exclaimed.

Even more snowmen then appeared and opened their mouths, the Doctor kneeling down and gripping Clara's head in his hands as Lexi did the same with Lucas.

"Lucas, you need to stop." Lexi told him, looking him straight in the eyes.

"The snow is feeding off your thoughts." The Doctor told Clara.

"I don't understand." Lucas shook his head slightly.

"You and Clara are caught in their telepathic field." Lexi told him. "They're mirroring the two of you."

"The more you think about them, the more they appear." The Doctor said, gripping Clara's head and not allowing her to look away from him so she could concentrate like Lexi was trying to do with Lucas. "Imagine them melting, picture it, picture them melted!"

Clara and Lucas closed their eyes just before they, the Doctor and Lexi were soon splashed by melted snowmen.

"Well," Lexi said, wiping some water from her face as she stood back up. "that was very good."

"Very good indeed." The Doctor laughed as he got to his feet.

"Is that going happen again?" Clara asked as she and Lucas sat back against a building, trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Well, if it does..." Lexi began as she straightened out the skirt of her Victorian gown. "you'll know what do about it."

"Unless we forget." Lucas pointed out as he and Clara got to their feet.

The Doctor and Lexi looked at the duo before looking to each other. They both sighed before grabbing Lucas and Clara by the arms and leading them back to the carriage.

"Don't come looking for us." The Doctor told them as he and Lexi watched Clara and Lucas get into the carriage.

"And please, forget about us." Lexi said in agreement. "Do you understand?"

"What about the snow?" Clara asked. "Shouldn't we be warning people?"

"Not our problem." The Doctor said, closing the carriage door. "Merry Christmas!"

"Take them back where we found them!" Lexi called to Strax who was waiting in the front of the carriage.

"Ma'am!" Strax nodded.

The Doctor grabbed Lexi's hand before the two of them walked away, Strax driving off.

As the carriage pulled away, Clara and Lucas were revealed to have gotten out before silently following the Couple of Time.

Outside, Park...

The Doctor opened the wrought-iron fence's gate, letting Lexi step through before stepping through himself. He then closed the gate before turning back to Lexi, both of them looking around cautiously.

Lexi looped her arm through his as they began walking, the Doctor whistling 'Silent Night' as they went.

Lexi then let go of the Doctor arm before the Doctor looked around again. He then jumped up, catching on and invisible ladder.

Lexi giggled slightly before she began ascending the ladder, her husband following behind her, neither of them noticing Clara and Lucas peering out from behind a nearby tree.

The two curious friends watched as the ladder retracted, becoming invisible again. They then walked over to the spot where the ladder appeared and looked up at the empty sky.

Clara jumped in an attempt to reach the ladder but fell to the ground, making Lucas snigger.

"Nice one, Clara." Lucas chuckled, extending a hand out to her.

"Well, excuse me." She rolled her eyes, taking his outstretched hand and getting to her feet again. "I'm not the one who's six foot tall here."

"Oh, and who would that be? Oh wait." He grinned, reaching up, taking hold of the bottom of the ladder without any difficulty. "It's me."

"Come on." Clara huffed.

Lucas chuckled, pulling the ladder down before climbing it, Clara following behind him.

They soon reached a small landing and looked down at the street and the passers-by.

"Hello." Clara waved, no one taking any notice.

"Invisible." Lucas whispered, waving his hand slightly before looking at the spiral staircase behind him and Clara.

"An invisible staircase." Clara said softly before she and Lucas began climbing it.

Outside, Night sky...

Lucas followed behind Clara as they climbed the staircase, both of them taking notice of how high it reached above London. They also heard the sound of the ladder as it finally retracted down below.

The duo continued to climb until they reached the top, the staircase ending in the cloud.

"Wow." Lucas whispered as he and Clara looked around at the stars before noticing the TARDIS.

The two friends shared a look before tentatively stepping forwards, finding themselves on solid footing.

They cautiously walked over to the TARDIS, touching it,  quickly pulling their hands away.

Clara looked to Lucas, raising an eyebrow in question.

Lucas shrugged, motioning for her to go ahead.

Clara looked back to the blue box before knocking on the door, her and Lucas hearing a noise from within.

The two friends quickly separated and hid on either side of the TARDIS as the Doctor and Lexi opened the doors and peered out.

"Hello?" The Doctor called.

Lucas and Clara both moved to the back of the TARDIS as the Doctor and Lexi stepped out and walked forward.

"Hello?" Lexi called out as she and the Doctor looked around.

The couple looked at each other before going around the TARDIS together, Clara and Lucas moving to different sides so the Doctor and Lexi couldn't see them.

But as the Couple of Time was behind the TARDIS, Clara and Lucas reached the front and ran before quickly descending the stairs.

"Hello?" The couple called again as they made their way to the front and over to the staircase where they spotted Clara's shawl.

The Doctor and Lexi shared a look before peering down the staircase, just being able to see Clara and Lucas making their way down towards the ground.

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