054. Not ready

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real life.


Today was the day that Paige leaves. I've been in a bad mood ever since I woke up. I'm not ready for her to leave but I don't really have a choice. Paige and I are going to work out this long distance relationship even though we love being under each other's skin.

We've been in bed, just cuddling for like the whole day. Some random movie was on but I wasn't focused on it, my attention was all on Paige. It was 5PM and Paige had to leave at midnight. "Baby?" I heard Paige say, tapping my chest. I hummed and looked down at her.

Paige was already looking at me with a smile on her face. "I'm going to miss you so much." She smiled ear to ear. I smiled back at her and leaned down to place a peck on her lips. "I'm going to miss you too." After we said that we continued to watch movies until 11PM came. I'm assuming I fell asleep cause I woke up to Paige rubbing my hip and kissing my face.

"I gotta start packing baby." Paige whispered as she placed more kisses on my face. I loved the feeling of her lips on me. Gosh that's one thing i'm going to miss a lot. I rolled away from her and crossed my arms. Paige laughs and smacks the hell out of my ass. "Ow! Fricking punk." I say, not thinking about the words I said.

Paige wrapped her arms around me and started to cuddle me. "You coming with me to the airport or you staying here?" She asked, all up in my ear. I pretended to think about my answer, already knowing what I was going to do. "Uhhh I guess i'll go."

"Okay then get up." She said and got off the bed. I watched her from the side of my eye before getting up. I sat on Paige's suitcase and watched her. She was putting all the stuff I got her into one of my suitcases that I said she could have. I continued to watch her with a sad look on my face. Paige looked up from the suitcase and laughed at my face.

"Girl get that look of your face. Acting like we're never gon see each other again." She continued to laugh, thinking this was funny. Paige doesn't get this. Like she's actually leaving and she thinks this is funny. I'm not going to be able to be under my girlfriend's skin no more. "Shut up br — Watch your mouth, Nailea."

I let out a cough and laughed. "Sorry baby." Paige nodded her head and continued to pack. Before she could put the last of it in there, she looked over at me. I had on one of her hoodies plus her sweatpants. "I don't know if you know this but like I need that." Paige points towards my clothes.

I laughed again and shook my head side to side. Paige bit her lip and moved towards me. She stood in front of me and held her hand out. Once again I shook my head back and forth. Paige started to tickle me and all I could do was laugh and scream. "Okay okay! I'll take it off." I say through my laughs.

Paige moved away and waited for me to take the hoodie off. I slowly started to take it off before I stopped and let it fall back down. "Wait actually let me keep this one." I twine my hair around my fingers.
It was easy to get my way with Paige since she always folded easily.

"Baby. That's one of my favorites." She whines, hearing her do that made me want to pounce on her. "That's exactly why you should let me keep it! So that I can be reminded of you all the time." I said. Paige let out a sigh and went back to her suitcase. She continued to pack and I decided to livestream it from the account Paige made.

paigesgf this is a late live

kamoreaarnold Paige finally deciding to come home

debbiecakes11 Looking sexy 😍😍😍😍😍🛁🛁

"Uhh yeah guys Paige is leaving me. Finally, like i'm so tired of her." I look over at Paige and she was already looking at me. Paige rolls her eyes and walks towards us. "She's lying. Been crying about me having to leave since we woke up."

I gasped and move the phone away. "What the fuck, don't lie." I knew she wasn't lying but I wasn't about to let people know that. "Ya know what, get out. Cmon let's get you home." I continued on, not realizing that Paige's face saddened. I finally look over at her and see a tear falling down her cheek, making me drop the phone and quickly get up.

"Baby? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked a bunch of questions, not used to seeing her cry. Paige wiped her face. "I'm not ready to leave and you seem so ready to put me out now." Paige sniffles. I pull her into a hug and give her kisses. "Baby you don't have to go, you can stay for as long as you want. There's still a few days left before we go back to school."

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