Closing Time [Part 2]

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Inside, Store, Cosmetic Department, Day...

"Trust me, dearie, this will do wonders for your combination-skin." Craig heard a familiar and distinct Scottish voice say as he walked through the shop on his way to the children's department, pushing Alfie's stroller as he went.

He looked to his left and saw Lexi standing behind the counter as she applied toner to a young woman's face.

"Now, be sure to apply this before you put on the exfoliant and you'll be good to go." Lexi said to the woman as she put the toner in a small bag for her.

"Thank you so much." The woman said as she took the bag from Lexi.

"No problem. Have a good rest of your shopping trip." She told her before the woman walked away.

"Oh, this can't be good." Craig thought to himself as he walked over to the counter. "What are you doing here?"

Lexi looked up and smiled at Craig. "And hello to you, too."

"Something's going on, isn't it?" He asked. "Why else would you be here?"

"Whatever do you mean?" She asked as she walked out from behind the counter before beginning walking through the rest of the store.

"Come on!" Craig called after her as he rushed to catch up while pushing Alfie's stroller. "Seriously, what is going on?"

"Nothing whatsoever." She answered as they entered the toy department.

"Come on, like I haven't heard that before." Craig rolled his eyes, pulling his phone out of his pocket as he felt it vibrating before answering it when he saw it was Sophie.

Craig's conversation with Sophie faded out as Lexi watched a certain bow tie wearing alien demonstrate a toy helicopter to a small group of children a short distance away.

"Yeah, Soph... Just enjoy your holiday!" Craig said to Sophie over the phone, bringing Lexi back to reality. "Yeah, coping."

"Nobody panic, but I appear to be losing control." The Doctor said as he flew the helicopter, trying to regain. control over the toy but not really succeeding.

"Yeah, love you." Craig said before hanging up.

The toy helicopter then came down behind Craig and Lexi, surprising Craig since he hadn't noticed it and just making Lexi shake her head at the whole thing.

"Oops." The Doctor muttered before getting up from the display table and kneeling on the floor and gathering the children around him. "Guys, guys, ladies and gentlemen, while I deal with this awkward moment you go and find your parents/guardians. Try in lamps!" He exclaimed, giving one girl a high five before they all left. "Craig! Lex!"

"What the hell are you doing here?" Craig asked, pushing the stroller as he and Lexi walked over to him.

"I'm the Doctor, I work in a shop now. Here to help. They gave me a badge" He pointed to it. "with my name on in case I forget who I am, very thoughtful, as that does happen."

"And he's not kidding." Lexi chimed in, pointing to the name tag that was pinned to her grey sweater. "See? I've got one, too."

"You both were leaving... the alignment of Exeter, what about that?" Craig asked, looking back and forth between them. "One chance to see it, you said."

"Well, we were on our way, saw a shop, got jobs, you got to live in the moment, Craig." The Doctor said, turning away. "Mind Yappy."

"What?" He asked, confused.

"Yappy. The robot dog." The Doctor answered. "Not so much fun as I remember." He commented, stroking Yappy.

Lexi rolled her eyes playfully before glancing at Craig and taking in his appearance. "Craig, you look awful."

"I haven't slept, have I?" He told her. "I still can't stop him crying. I even tried singing to him last night."

"Yeah, he did mention that...he thought you were crying, too." The Doctor informed him. "He didn't get a wink. Yappy, say goodbye to Craig and Stormageddon." He said as he began to pretend to be the toy dog. "'Goodbye, Craig, goodbye, Stormageddon.'"

As the Doctor sat Yappy down, something whizzed across the floor at the other end of the department.

"Doctor, what was that?" Lexi asked quickly, glancing in the direction of where she thought she heard the noise. She followed him as he headed down the aisle, also curious as to what that could've been.

"You both are here for a reason, aren't you?" Craig asked as he followed the duo. "Come on. You two have noticed something, and you're investigating it." He said as the Doctor got down on his hands and knees, Lexi glancing around him as he looked everywhere down on the floor. Craig then spoke up again. "And because it's you, it's going to be dangerous and alien."

"It might not be." The Doctor responded as he stood back up.

"And need I remind you, Craig, I'm human. Not alien." Lexi told him. "So I'm in your boat."

"But you hang around with him!" Craig shot back. "Come on, Doctor, Lexi, I live here, I need to know!"

"No, you really don't." Lexi replied lowly so no one else could them if they walked by.

"My baby lives here, my son." Craig insisted, looking back and forth between them.

The Doctor sighed. "...Sheila Clark, went missing Tuesday. Atif Ghosh, last seen Friday. Tom Luker, last seen Sunday."

Craig quickly picked up a newspaper and frantically began looking over it. "Why's none of this on the front page?"

"Oh, page one has an exclusive on Nina, a local girl who got kicked off Britain's Got Talent." The Doctor informed him. "These people are on pages seven, nineteen and twenty-two." He said as he began pushing Alfie in the stroller, Craig and Lexi following after him. "No-one's noticed yet, they're far too excited about Nina's emotional journey, which in fairness, is quite inspiring."

"And what else?" Craig asked as they headed for the main part of the children's department.

Inside, Store, Children's...

"These funny old power fluctuations... which just happen to coincide with the disappearances." The Doctor answered.

"That's just the council, putting in new cables." Craig before thinking over that statement again. "Isn't it?"

The Doctor then stopped in front of the lift that was blocked by construction tape.

"Definitely." Lexi nodded, taking the sonic from the Doctor.

"Yep, exactly, that's it, mystery solved, oh, wasting our time." The Doctor agreed, nodding. "Now you can go home." He said nodding at Lexi to use the sonic.

She smirked, pointing the sonic and using it on the lift. "And we can go to Exedor."

"Goodbye." The Doctor waved before gesturing to the lift. "And here's a lift."

"It says out of order." Criag pointed out.

"Not any more." Lexi said, tossing the sonic back to the Doctor before pulling down the tape. "See?"

"We're here to help." The Doctor smiled as he put the sonic back inside his jacket.

The lift doors then opened before the Doctors started to push the stroller inside, Craig then taking over.

"It says, 'danger'." He said, pointing to the sign.

"Oh, rubbish, lifts aren't dangerous." The Doctor waved him off.

"Do I look like I'm stupid?" Craig raised an eyebrow.

Alfie gurgled, laughing a little.

Inside, Store, Lift...

"Quiet, Stormy!" The Doctor smiled at Alfie, before sighing. "Oh, all right, there's more. Come on, Lexi." He said before both of them entered the lift, the Doctor using sonic on the panel. "Just between you, me, Lexi and Stormy, don't want to frighten my punters. Someone's been using a teleport relay, right here in this shop. Missing people last seen in this area."

Lexi put a finger on Craig lips. "And Craig, dearie, before you ask, CCTV's been wiped."

"A teleport?" He asked, stammering "A teleport? Like a beam me up teleport?" He asked again, using hand motions. "Like you see in Star Trek?"

"Exactly." The Doctor nodded. "Someone's been using a beam me up Star Trek teleport. Could be disguised as anything."

"But a teleport? In a shop?" Craig asked, still in disbelief. "That's ridiculous!"

The lights then flickered again and they all were no longer in the lift and Craig, bless him, hadn't noticed.

Inside, Cybership...

"What was that? Was that the lights again?" Craig asked.

"Yes, that's it. That's all, it's the lights." The Doctor answered all squeaky as he looked around.

"It's absolutely the lights." Lexi answered, glancing around quickly before putting a protective hand on Alfie's stroller.

"Why did you say that like that?" Craig asked, looking at the Doctor.

"Like what?" The Doctor asked all high-pitched before returning his voice back to normal. "Like, like what?"

"Like that, in that high-pitched voice." He answered.

"Just keep looking at me, Craig." He told Craig, looking him straight in the eye. "Right at me, just keep looking."

"Why?" He tilted his head.

"Well, because, because, because..." The Doctor began, trying to form an answer as Craig started to turn around before the Doctor grabbed his arms. "Because I love you."

Lexi put a hand over her mouth, stifling a laugh as she crouched down by Alfie stroller. She looked to Alfie and whispered. "He can't be serious. Oh, Alfie, this is hilarious."

"You love me?" Craig asked, surprised and a bit confused.

"Yes, Craig." The Doctor answered. "It's you. It's always been you."


The Doctor put his arms around Craig's shoulders, trying to hide the fact he had now taken out the sonic.

"Is that so surprising?" He questioned Craig as he messed with the sonic.

"Doctor, are you going to kiss me?" Craig questioned.

"Yes, Craig. Yes, I am. Would you like that? Bit out of practice, but I've had some wonderful feedback." He said, puckering up.

"Doctor, no, I can't, I'm taken..." Craig tried to say, turning around before seeing the ship. "Oh, my God!"

"Or we could just hold hands if it make you'd feel more comfortable?" The Doctor amended as he furiously tried to find the right setting on the sonic.

"What is happening?!" Craig exclaimed.

A Cyberman suddenly appeared in the distance and saw all of them.

"Well, first of all, I don't really love you, except as a friend." The Doctor told him. "Otherwise, Lexi and I would have some serious problems."

The Cyberman then began walking towards them.

"And what is that?!" Craig asked, looking to the Cyberman.

With a scream, the Doctor used the sonic on the machinery, sending them back to the lift just as the Cyberman was about to reach them.

Inside, Store, Lift...

"Quick reverse!" The Doctor exclaimed, smiling.

"What the hell just happened?!" Craig shouted.

"Shh!" Lexi shushed him, standing up from crouching down by Alfie's stroller. "If you want your son to stay nice and calm, then I'd be quiet."

Inside, Store, Children's...

The lift opened, the Doctor striding out followed by Craig who was then followed by Lexi as she pushed the stroller.

"They must have linked the teleport relay to the lift, but I've fused it!" The Doctor explained. "They can't use that again. Stuck up there on their spaceship."

"What were those things?" Craig questioned.

"Cybermen." Lexi answered, pushing ahead of him with the stroller as she followed the Doctor.

"Ship? Space ship?" Craig asked, clearly shocked as he rushed after them. "We were in space?!"

Outside, City street, Night...

The Doctor, Lexi and Craig looked up at the sky as the Doctor scanned with the sonic.

"It's got to be up there somewhere." Lexi commented, staring up at the night sky.

"Yeah, but I an't get a fix on it." The Doctor responded. "it must be shielded."

"You fused the teleport, though." Craig reminded him. "You sorted it. They can't come back."

"I've just bought Lexi and myself a little time." The Doctor told him. "We've still got to work out what they're doing before we can stop it."

"But if they've got the teleport and they're that evil, why haven't they invaded already?" Craig questioned.

"Craig..." The Doctor sighed. "Take Alfie and go."

"No!" He immediate objected.

"No?" Lexi tilted her head, looking to him.

"No, I remember from last time, people got killed, people that didn't know you." He reminded them. "I know where it's safest, for me and Alfie. And that's right next to you."

"Is that so?" The Doctor asked, staring Craig down.

"Yeah, you always win, you always survive!" Craig exclaimed, trying to be optimistic.

"Those were the days..." The Doctor sighed, smiling sadly.

Lexi also smiled sadly, taking his hand and rubbing across the top of it with her thumb.

"I can help you, I'm staying!" Craig insisted.

"Craig..." The Doctor shook his head before sighing. "Craig, all right, all right... maybe those days aren't quite over yet. Let's go and investigate... I mean, there's no immediate danger now."

"That's the spirit!" Lexi smiled, leading him back inside as Craig grabbed Alfie's stroller and pushed it as he followed them.

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