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"𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈'𝐌 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌," Raya said.

The second those words came out, it was as if a dam had broke loose. Everything she'd been forced to hide from those she loved, she didn't have to hide it anymore. She told them everything.

"I was six years old when Gleeson Hedge — a satyr — came to grab me at three in the morning and take me to a Camp for demigod heroes," she began. "My parents knew there was something different about me. They can both see through the Mist — a magical veil that separates the mythical world from the rest — and they noticed the monsters and creatures that tried to come after me. They weren't happy, but they understood enough to let Hedge take me to Camp.

"The journey was terrifying," Raya continued, remembering the monsters they'd faced. "But somehow, we arrived at Camp and made it across the magical border. From then on, I'd spent my summers there, training to fight monsters and others who would try to harm me. The scar you guys saw, it's from one of those monsters. I was hurt last summer during a quest."

Her friends looked at her, wide-eyed and curious. But none of them seemed to doubt her words. That eased her nerves, just a little.

"But how?" Hermione asked, her voice small. "I — how are you even a child of — of—"

"A mythical Greek God," Raya finished wryly.

They all nodded, waiting for her response.

"First of all, they're not myths," she explained. "That's the first thing you have to understand. It's all real, everything happened. And the Gods and Goddesses were known for... y'know... seducing mortals nearby."

"I thought it was mainly Zeus," Ron blurted.

Everyone in the cabin turned to stare at him, and the poor boy turned as red as his hair.

"I know mythology," he said defensively.

"You're right," Raya said quickly. "At least, his demigods were the ones who were often spoken of, the ones who the stories were written after. But the other Gods and Goddesses weren't innocent either. Many had their affairs with mortals, and kids with them. As time went on, and they were deemed as 'myths', it didn't really stop them from their old ways. They still had many kids with mortals, and as the world's power shifted, coming to the West, so did they. I can't tell you everything for security reasons, but that's the truth of the Gods. That's my truth."

The cabin was silent.

"Well if you must be from mythology, I suppose you're not as bad as Medusa or one of the other uglies," Fred joked.

Raya smiled, the tension easing off of her immediately.

"It's nice to know we've got a hero here to protect us," Cedric grinned, pulling Raya into a side hug.

"Thanks for trusting us with this," George said. "I know it's tough for you to tell us—"

"—It's tough to believe," Fred finished. "But we do. We believe you, and we're here for you."

"We're all here for you," Harry added, motioning to himself, Ron and Hermione.

Raya's smile broke out even wider as her friends pulled her into a hug, talking and asking her questions that she was finally able to answer. She didn't realize how much she wanted to tell them until she finally let it all out.

She didn't regret the decision, not even after everything that would follow.


thanks for reading!!

so sorry for missing last week's update, but i
was out of the country and i didn't have wi-fi.

this is a quick filler on the reveal, but there is 
a double update coming today!!






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