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Third person!

AAMARA CHANDRAN WALKED DOWN AN ALL too familiar path, one that was engraved in her mind since she could remember.

A path that she hasn't walked on in four years, due to the memories it held. Memories that once brought a smile to her face, but now only bring tears to her eyes.

Her grandma would hold her hand as she guided the young girl down the path. The one that leads them to their second home, the weeping willow.

But instead the comforting hand was replaced by the chilling wind.

Aamara reached halfway down the trail when she stopped, it took everything in her to not turn around and run home.

But the girl knew she had to continue the journey, if not for her; then for her grandma.

Aamara closed her eyes and took a breath in, hoping it would help slow down her erratic heartbeat. But it had little to no effect on the shaking girl.

A gust of wind pushed her out of her trance, guiding her down the trail.

The weeping willow was hidden deep inside the grove that connected to the end of the trail.

Aamara knew this was her last chance to turn around and run back to the safety of her room. To get away from the pain that was about to follow if she continued her tread through the grove.

"I got this," she whispered to herself, hoping it would help get rid of the anxious feeling in her chest.

As she walked through the grove, the pressure on her heart increased along with the need to cry. But underneath all of the sadness and pain, the girl couldn't help but feel comfort. She felt comforted by the familiarity of the space, by the chirping of the birds, but most of all... she felt comforted knowing that deep down she wasn't alone.

She knew that Ria Chandran would always be sitting underneath the willow. Her spirit lived on, in the trees, the air, the leaves, but most importantly in the memories. No matter how painful they were.

Aamara didn' t notice the tear cascading down her cheek until she felt it drop onto her collarbone. The single tear was followed by countless more as she pushed the cascading leaves apart, showcasing her home. Her grandma's heart-the weeping willow.

The irony of the name made the sad girl laugh.

Here she was, weeping underneath the willow.

Wiping the stray tears away, the girl sat against the trunk of the tree and pulled open her bag. She pulled out her copy of The Lightning Thief, placing it beside her.

"Umm, I honestly don't know how this works... or if you can even hear me," Aamara leaned her head against the tree, staring above at the sky that peaked through the leaves. "I'm finally here again, only took me four years,"

The girl laughed, picturing her grandma's reaction. How she would scold the girl for taking her sweet time.

"I thought it would be fun to read to you," Picking up the book, Aamara opened it up to the first page. "I'm reading this book since it was the first one you ever got me."

"And I know what you're thinking, but no, I am not too old to re-read this. It's a classic!"

Aamara probably looked crazy if anyone saw her. Sitting underneath a tree, talking to "herself". But at this moment, she didn't care. This was the closest she felt to her grandma, in a long time.

Plus, she knew there was a rare chance of her getting caught since no one knew of this spot.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" she grabbed her phone, unlocked it, and opened up the spotify app. "Can't read without music,".

As the familiar tune of willow by Taylor Swift flowed out of her phone speaker, Aamara started her reading. But instead of reading in her head, she read out loud.

An hour and a third of the book later, Aamara stopped reading.

She stood up and started to stretch, trying to ease the aching in her limbs.

She stretched her arms above her head, keeping a firm grip on the book in her hand.

Once she started feeling some relief, she placed her arms back down.

As she was about to sit back down, the sound of footsteps startled her, causing her to stand against the tree. Holding tightly onto her book, as it was the only protection she had.

She could hear the footsteps getting close.

This scared her, because from what she remembered no one else came here.

Aamara prayed it was simply someone strolling through the grove, and not headed towards her. She was not ready to reunite with her grandma yet.

The sound of footsteps suddenly stopped, causing the girl to release the breath she was holding.

But a sudden hand peeking through the "entrance" of the willow caused Aamara to jump back in horror. Causing her back to collide with the tree.

The stranger pushed back the leaves and walked forward, only to stop dead in their tracks when they noticed her.

TRENT HAD JUST FINISHED HIS RUN and was headed to his favorite place.

Due to his busy lifestyle, he never really had a place that he could call his home. But the weeping willow was the closest thing he had. It was the only place that brought him a sense of tranquility. Don't get him wrong, the pitch was his home, but it never gave him the opportunity to be completely alone with his thoughts.

The willow was a breath of fresh air for him.

It held countless memories of his childhood. From chasing countless "monsters", searching for hidden treasure, to playing football with his grandad, and learning new tricks.

But as his grandad got older, the less time they spent together under the willow.

Trent reached the end of the trail and continued walking ahead.

He walked through the grove, following the mental map he had engraved in his mind.

As he got closer to the spot, he swore he could hear music playing from behind the leaves.

Shaking his head, he dismissed the idea. He knew that was impossible since no one but him ever came to the spot.

Or so he thought.

Trent pushed his hand through the barricade of cascading leaves, and walked through the entrance.

He stopped in his tracks, when he noticed the complete stranger standing against the tree.

He couldn't lie... she was mesmerizing. Her long hair cascaded down her back and her chocolate eyes stared back into his own.

Trent didn't realize he was staring for too long until something flew straight towards him.

Before he could even register it, a book hit him directly in the face.

"What the-," Trent mumbled as his body staggered back due to the shock.

"Did you just throw a book at me?" He asked, in complete shock as he held his throbbing nose.

#** π’‚π’“π’Ž π’šπ’‚π’‘π’”...

ooooo a little cliffhanger 🀭

hope you all enjoyed the first chapter <333

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