oni pride (genshin impact)

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is it possible to have genshin brainrot if its already been ur main fixation for like a year? because i feel like ive been thinking nonstop about it lately for some reason..... anyways work Saturday was crazy for me bc i kept coming up w genshin plot ideas i could not stop. it rlly doesn't help that i do the same thing for 8hrs so I'm bound to Think. anyways here's a snippet from the itto plot that definitely is not inspired by shrek at all i swear. and it definitely is not itto being horny i swear

in which an inuzuman princess wakes up every week with more and more oni features and its a race against time to find out why.

"Look at me!" Shinobu could only sigh as the high-pitched wail of the Gang's princess sounded from across the camp. This was the third time the screams had woken her, and it was getting annoying. "I'm hideous!"

Itto tried to peek at Saisei from where she cradled herself under her woolen blanket, but he pulled away when she slapped at his hand and pulled the cloth tighter around her head. The crimson oni put his hands to his hips and smiled smugly.

"I think you get more gorgeous every day, Princess!"

"Of course you would say that," Saisei sniffled and he watched as she shifted mournfully under her covers, "you're an oni."

He quirked an eyebrow. "Y'know what, I'm gonna pretend that's a compliment."

"But it's not!" Her wails started up again. They seemed more desperate this time, and Itto couldn't help but let his smile fall into a deep frown as he watched the bump that was her body shake. It was like a natural urge to protect her came over him. "I'm an ugly, terrifying oni!"

Aaaaand it was ruined.

"Seriously, we talked about this. It hurts my feelings when you talk about me like that," Itto pouted.

"B-But I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about stupid onis."

"I'm a stupid oni," he refuted. "Wait-- I mean-- I'm not stupid, but I am an oni! And I'm very proud to be an oni and you should be too!"

"I'm not an oni, you stupid stupid man!"

"I just said I'm not stupid!" Itto knew that if he continued entertaining her usual bratty behavior then his face would get redder than the markings painted on his body, so he took a deep breath and sat at the edge of her bed. "C'mon, Princess, you can't just stay in bed all day, the boys'll get worried."

"But I'm ugly..." Itto's heart cracked from the genuine fear laced within Saisei's words. He placed a large hand atop her head (er... the blanket that covered it) and petted her gently. The warmth seemed to settle the royalty a bit, and soon enough she didn't even bother putting up a fight as Itto slowly pulled her blanket down.

In the light of the new day, Itto couldn't see anything different about Saisei despite her cries saying otherwise. She still had those blooming blue markings that framed her face so perfectly, and her baby horns still peeked out from atop her black locks. In Itto's eyes, she was...

"Gorgeous," he mumbled. "You look gorgeous, Princess. I don't get it, what's the problem?" She sniffled once more as he lightly flicked at her nose. "For real, you can show me! I swear I won't laugh."

Saisei looked up at Itto, and from the way her eyes trembled he could tell she was ready to burst into tears at a moment's notice. He sighed.

"Really, Saisei. Oni's promise."

She nodded, and after a few apprehensive moments she hooked a slender finger under her top lip and pulled it up just enough so that he could see the unnaturally sharp fangs that protruded from her irritated gums, clearly having grown in overnight.

"Dang, Princess! Those look sharp enough to break my skin!"

Wrong move. Itto could hear grumbles from outside as Saisei let out a sob louder than any before, but he only focused on keeping the blanket high in the air and away from her prying hands despite her pleas.

"Saisei, c'mon, that was a compliment! Really, they look great!"

"No, they're hideous and too oversized for my face!" She cried loudly. Itto couldn't help but admire how cutely her new fangs poked at her lips as she spoke. "I want my old teeth back!"

"Aww, but I like these ones! They bring the whole look together."

She could only bury her hands in her face with a raw groan. Her muffled words made Itto laugh. "You're such a braindead oni! My family commissioned you to help me and all you do is encourage these blemishes to grow faster!"

Itto chuckled. It seemed as if their back and forth was over, and so he carefully wrapped her precious blanket back around her shoulders and tucked it under her chin. It caused her to look at him curiously, and she definitely couldn't help feeling irritated by the blush that arose on her cheeks as he lets his large fingers trace over the blue lines that continued to spread over her face.

"It hurts my oni pride when you call these blemishes," he mumbled. For once, Saisei let his words sink in. "They suit you more than any of that fancy-schmancy jewelry you have."

With a racking sigh, she settled her red face into his hand.

"Stupid oni."

this is silly but i think that when saisei's family first takes her to itto for help and they go "look shes an oni!! this is outrageous!!" itto just fcking lifts her arm and sniffs her armpit and goes "uh she doesnt smell like an oni? smells human to me"😭😭 hes feral ur honor

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