untitled (fnaf security breach)

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a bit of backstory, i keep coming up w ideas for fics for sb chracters adn ik i cant write any of them so my brain was like "just put them all in the same series" which is of course genuis but i still wont write it lol. SOOO HERES SOME BACKSTORY FOR THE SERIES: there is one book for each member of the band (so 4) and then a 5th book for the actual plot of the game. the first 4 books take place from the opening of the pizzaplex to right before the game. I have a lot of ideas i dont have time to explain, so for context this one shot takes place in what would be the 2nd or 3rd book when vanessa is hired

Luciana <3's Monty, Leon <3's Chica, Fleur <3's Roxy, (freddy's oc counterpart will not have been in the series at this point), Manager <3's Capitalism

** oc names may be fillers bc they arent that fleshed out rn. the onky oc name that is 100% is Manager. lol 

(side side note so this isnt TOO vague-- luciana is often triggered with sensory overload + has a stuttering disorder. both these things affected her badly growing up, but during her time working at the pizzaplex theyve tried to help her work on it)

a few nighttime security guards are told they aren't needed anymore.

Luciana couldn't decide if she wanted to barf, cry, or start yelling. Maybe if she did all three this bad news would go away but it would probably just make her look unattractive more than anything. She settled for standing there with her eyes cast downwards and her mouth unmoving, an old habit that Monty had tried so hard to knock out of her.

Luckily Fleur had never been about that life. "Oh, hell no. Can you even do that? We signed a contract to be night guards, y'know!"

Manager shrugged in some sort of half-assed apology and scratched at their chin. "Technically, Luciana signed up to be a dayside guard."

Luciana flinched as Fleur glared at her. That was definitely a detail she'd only brought up to Monty and Moon, but it's not like she thought it mattered or that this would ever be happening. 

"Okay, whatever. Doesn't change anything. Who would you even be replacing us with? And have you told Leon already?!"

"No, of course I haven't told Leon," Manager scoffed. "I barely caught you guys. I expect you to fill them in when they get here." Luciana watched nervously as Fleur's hand twitched, her nails digging into her palm. She probably would have actually snapped if it weren't for the last few guests that still trickled out the doors. "As for your replacement, this newbie is coming straight from the top of the chain. Top recommendation."

Huh. That never happened.

"She doesn't start for two more weeks. After that, you," Manager cocked a finger in Fleur's direction, "and Leon will be dayside effective immediately. Essentially the same job, just a lot more stressful. New kid will take on all night shifts."

Fleur's poor freckled face was getting redder and redder. Luciana knew she had to put on a brave face to support her friend (even if she would hit her for calling her that).

"Um... Manager, you can't just have a-a new employee guard th-the entire store, r-r-right?"

"That's where you come in!" Luciana blanched immediately. "Higher-ups insist we don't need more than one security guard after close! You have the most experience as a night guard so you'll be training her until she feels ready to go at it by herself. Besides that, you will be joining day shift."

Oh God, so this was actually happening? Luciana could already see the unnecessary amount of neon lights and the thunderous cheers of children and the overwhelming smell of different--

"Welp, gotta go!" Manager's farewell snapped her out of her state. He had been the last to leave, and the two girls stared at the main entrance (both were shaking but from different emotions) until Leon slid inside right before the metal casing locked them inside.

"Hey," Leon greeted, their usual lunchbox swinging in their grip. 

Whatever food was inside surely got scrambled from the way they dropped it as Fleur let out a rage-filled scream. 


Leon huffed sadly as Chica gobbled up the remains of their lunchbox. Even if they had wanted it they didn't even have the heart or willpower, with their cheek squished in their hand and their fingers twiddling mournfully with the hem of their pants.

"This is lame," they mumbled from their spot on the ground. 

Luciana nodded in agreement, hands still shaking. She ended up having to be the one to explain the situation to Leon because Fleur had stormed off to wherever as soon as the clock struck midnight. Luciana could only hope that Roxy was there to calm her down. 

"I would not fret," Freddy attempted a smile. "You will still be able to see us during the daytime."

Bonnie raised an eyebrow and thumped his foot a bit. "Eh, Fred? We got like-- shows and parties and signings during the day. We're booked besides free roam, dude."

Freddy paused. "... Oh."

Leon whimpered and threw their hands over their face. The despair of it all caused Chica to pause in her munching, and she patted at their back once... twice... before deciding to pull them into her arms with a face rub.

"Yeah, so... I-I-I'm just gonna--"

"He's in his room, girlie," Bonnie noted before Luciana could make her exit. She managed to send a smile his way and nodded her head.


Monty had heard the news when she had told Leon and had almost immediately left, which meant he was taking it just as bad as everyone else. She would have followed after him right away (she was often like a lost puppy when it came to him) but it would have felt wrong to ditch Leon when his upsetness was so fresh.

It was 1:32AM now, so that meant it had been nearly an hour since she last saw him. The thought caused her to quicken her pace across the atrium and towards Rockstar Row. 

She didn't like the piercing silence she was greeted with once she exited the matinenance tunnel. A sound she usually welcomed now caused her to hesitantly peek inside her boyfriend's room as the automatic door made way for her badge.

Sure enough, there he was sulking on the couch, sitting grumpily against one armrest of his couch while he stared at the wall. He only acknowledged her presence by flicking his tail, and it stayed that way for several moments.

"M-Monty," Luciana sighed. The gator finally glanced at her and his expression softened the slightest bits.

"Ya know I don' like when ya stutter my name, sweetheart," he grumbled. "Makes me think yer scared-a me."

"Ay, and you know I can-can't help it," she countered. 

Another beat of silence as the animatronic before her thought over the situation once more. "... Ain't right."

"I know, but... my gu-guess is that I stil have a m-m-month at least..."

Monty rolled his eyes harsher than she would have liked as he stood to his feet and dragged his feet over to his vanity, a low growl in his throat as he rummaged through the drawers. He wasn't looking for anything... she knew this was just his way of keeping his hands busy.

"A month?" He closed one drawer and continued on to the next. "Wha' then, Luci? We wave ta each other from 'cross the pizzaplex?"

Luciana couldn't help but to pout, crossing her arms over her button-up uniform shirt. "Y-You should feel lucky, you're not in the band. You'll see me tons more than Chica will see Leon. That, and you got a co-cool girlfriend whose great at coming up with excuses!"

"Cher, yer terrible at lyin'."

"Dayside employees don't gotta know that."

Luciana watched proudly as Monty closed the last drawer and finally turned to her. She would never admit it out loud, but she reveled in the way his eyes gazed at her from over his sunglasses. It always caused her stomach to flip, no matter the situation. 

The alligator trailed his claws along her arm before hastily pressing his snout onto the corner of her lips, allowing her to giggle under his shadow as he continued to rub at her face.

"And I thought Freddy was supposed t-t-to be the big teddy bear!"

"How many times ya gonna use that joke, Luci?"

"We-welllll, considering I'm right every t-time--"

Montgomery shut the security guard up by pushing at her back with his tail, causing Luciana to go stumbling into her chest. Her whines of embarassment were muffled against the metal plating of his chest as he locked her in with his arms. She finally went silent when he rubbed his cheek against the top of her head.

"Yer gonna be alright."

Lucianna tried to hold back the tears that immediately sprang forth. "H-Hey now, I came here to comfort you."

"I ain't comfortin' you, I'm tryin' to make myself feel better."

"Is it working?"


"That's o-okay."

pov: luciana doesn't handle the atrium well during open hours so manager caves and sets her up in monty gator golf where she and monty just goof off for 10 hrs a day

also all the animatronics def got a thing for rubbing their cheeks against whoever's head. they got it from chica

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