0. the origin

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𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗓𝖾𝗋𝗈 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━
the origin. ╱ season null, episode null.

THE NIGHT WAS CALM, the moon was bright as it washed over the calm town of beacon hills. All seemed dormant in the world, but it was a lie. Death wafted over the air as it tainted the calm to the ones who experienced it. The Huxley household was plagued by two deaths that no one would ever truly recover from. Blood trickled onto the master bedroom floor, forever staining the soft blue-toned room. A hand hung off the edge of the bed, crimson trickled off the dangling finger tips with each second that passed. Horror permanently stung at the glued-open eyes of a young woman, her mouth opened in a silent scream. She was unmovable, clothes slowly getting drenched in her own blood. The soft silk pink night gown quickly engulfed in a dark red.

The man adjacent to her was no different, most details of the bodies were the same, even as he put up a bigger fight, they both ended in the same result. The deep gash in their throats was the end of them both. The house remained hushed, only the sharp breaths of a young Ginny Huxley was heard, the little girl gripped her forearm with a force, confused as to how a large bit mark ended up on her thin arm.

Ginny sat huddled in the corner of her parent's bedroom as she couldn't remove her eyes from the scene before her. Her heart ached seeing the horror and fear etched permanently on their faces. She wanted to run up, beg her mother and father to wake up, but even with how young she was, she knew they would never respond. Ginny couldn't register what was happening before her eyes as she frantically picked up the landline and called the number she knew by heart. That was the last thing Ginny had consciously done before the searing pain started to erupt in her veins. Her aunts were there in a matter of twenty minutes. The scene of the Huxley household will haunt them for life, blood was smeared everywhere, their little niece was huddled in the corner convulsing, her harmless doe eyes were rolled into the back of her skull. They didn't know what to do, but they knew someone who might.

Ginny Huxley's heart practically pounded out of her chest. Her body pulsed with pain, as she could feel her body slowly stop functioning. She couldn't feel anything except burning from her fingers to her toes. Screams of agony escaped her, she begged the two standing next to help her. To do something, anything. They stood there dumbfounded, watching the young girl weep in pain. The two aunts held each other, watching the life slowly fade from their niece's eyes innocent chestnut eyes.

They didn't know what to do, they didn't have had a single idea of what to do. Now here they were, standing in the middle of a vet clinic watching the thought to be normal veterinarian bustle around the room. He frantically swiped different bottles from a small box, pouring them into a beaker. As soon as he began mixing the ingredients together, the young girl on the examining table howled in pain. He started moving more quickly.

Sweat built upon the little six-year-old's neck, her breath wavered as she clutched the metal table under her with all of her strength. Her eyes clenched together, hoping if she tensed her muscles, the pain would subside, but it didn't do a thing.

Black veins trailed up her arms all the way to her neck, the dark matter underneath the skin throbbed as it traveled around her body. The girl was on fire, every part of her body was thrumming with oceans, upon oceans of pain. The bite mark was the cause of this. It was killing her. Her aunts next to her could barely watch the scene in front of them. The little girl looked hopelessly at the two women, wishing they could make all the pain fade away.

"Where's the bite?" A gravelly voice questioned the women next to Ginny.

The two women opened their mouths to reply, but the little girl on the metal slab hissed through clenched teeth, "My arm,"

The man nodded and then gave Ginny a comforting smile, "Okay Ginny, I'm gonna spread this on your arm, it's gonna sting quite a bit but it'll help,"

"What's going on with her?" Josephine Huxley quivered out, tears swelling at her eyes watching her niece twist and turn in pain.

"The bite is igniting powers that someone Ginny's age shouldn't have, and her body is attempting to reject it," The man answered the same moment he spread a greyish mud across the large bite.

A harsh scream ripped from the small girl's throat. Her tears dripped down her red cheeks like a waterfall. Her eyes snapped open, her doe eyes were no longer there, instead, a harsh purple glowed in her irises. It felt as if a thousand knives delved into her skin at once, Her grip tightened on the table with each passing moment.

"Is she gonna be okay?"

The man nodded, relief flooding his face seeing as the girl began to relax. "Yes, I've used a binding spell that should bind most of her serious powers, but it won't be for long, you should start teaching her how to control her powers in the meantime so when they do come, it won't completely be a disaster,"

Annabelle Huxley nodded instantly, raising her hand to her chest, "I can do that, it's usually a mother's job but-"

"I'm sure you'll do just fine," Deaton met her eyes grimly, "But I'm afraid, Ginny's no ordinary witch,"

The two women looked at each other in confusion, "How do you know?"

"The purple eyes are only common for Trueblood witches. I know your family tree. You haven't had any Trueblood witches in a few generations, and Ginny seems to be the witch that ended up being the Trueblood," Deaton concluded, eyes glued to the little girl who was now calmly breathing on the metal slab under her.

Annabelle gave him a concerned glance, "I've never interacted with a Trueblood witch before, how am I supposed to teach her to control her powers?"

"Trueblood's should learn the same as normal witches, but they do need extra supervision," Deaton replied, starting to clean up the mess he created when he was in such a hurry. "But it's vital to start as soon as you can, Ginny's powers would've grown with her age but because of the werewolf bite, it will happen immediately, she needs to learn to control her powers, or else things will most definitely get out of hand,"

Josephine scrunched her eyebrows, "Out of hand? What do you mean?"

Deaton glanced at her with hesitance, "She might hurt somebody," The two women looked at each other with fear swirling in their eyes, not knowing what to do. But Deaton seemed to have another thing to say, "I would recommend leaving town, when the news of her parents, the town will be on her instantly, it'll be a scary pressure on her that might make her powers act up,"

Annabelle nodded, immediately glancing at her wife, "We'll leave in the morning,"

"Good," Deaton clipped, shutting the top of his wooden box, "Because the life of that little girl depends on it,"

authors note.

It's short but I wanted to have
a preface of what happened to
Ginny and her parents.

i hope you guys like it the next
chapter will go into who Ginny
is now and how she's doing.

I would like to clarify that her
aunt Annabelle is a witch and
her aunt Josephine is a human.
Annabelle is her mother's sister
and witches are in their bloodline.

Also just a disclaimer I'm not really
looking that much into the lore
of witches I'm kinda taking a creative
twist and like creating my version of
witches. I hope you guys like my
idea of them!

Hope you enjoyed it!

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