𝐢. the isolation.

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𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇𝖾 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━
the isolation. ╱ season two, episode one.

COMING BACK TO Beacon Hills was something Ginny wanted to avoid with every fiber of her being. Going back to a place where her life was destroyed and altered forever was the last thing she needed. But it had to happen, it was simply a consequence of her reckless emotions. She ached for things to be different, everything was meant to leave her with a happy ending. But with each step she took, the universe ruined every chance of her being happy.

For most of her life, Ginny had felt out of control. There was always something itching at the back of her brain that caused things to happen without her consent. Some people called it Ginny's self-destruct mode. It pained her to watch her powers fly off the handle when she didn't want them to. Every moment of her life was spent wishing that she could get a grip on her powers, but that wish never seems to come true.

There were so many aspects of her life that got muddled because her powers left her no choice. Her heart throbbed with a want for her powers to be non-existent. Ginny's life would be much more vibrant and positive if she wasn't a witch. The curse of witchcraft in her family plagued many women before her, but this time it's slowly sucking the life force out of Ginny. Her powers have left her with nothing but loss. Bodies lay at her feet where ever she goes. Death grips her like a shadow. Ginny is incapable of running from death, it would follow her to the ends of the earth if it could. One way or another, her powers are connected to loss after loss.

Her powers should've left her to be shy and hidden from the world's eye, but that wasn't who Ginny was. From a young age, Ginny had always been an exuberant soul. She never knows where her enthusiasm comes from, but she's gotten used to not asking any questions. Even without the element of magic, people have gravitated toward her, no matter the circumstance. With every place she's been, it takes nothing for her to grab their attention. Ginny didn't want to admit it, but she liked that people found her amusing. People liked her for her, they thought she was an enigma. And that made her feel special.

Ginny never showed them everything, and she liked that. The girl enjoyed having a secret side of herself not known by anyone. She liked having secrets. And sometimes witchcraft was her secret. Aspects of witchcraft weren't the most ideal, she hated the consequences of what she does. There's always a moment when her powers cause destruction, and she is always left to desperately grasp at the rubble in the aftermath.

There was a large part of her that liked being a witch, that it gave her such a deep connection to her mother. Magic would always leave an invisible tether between them, forever connecting them even if one was stuck in the afterlife. It made the girl ache even more to have control of her powers, to have a positive memory of her magic. But every time she looks down at her hands, blood paints her skin. And no matter how many times she scrubbed and scrubbed, it would always remain.

Coming back to Beacon Hills left Ginny to relive her trauma all over again. Images of blood trailing down her mother's limp hand play in her head over and over again. Ginny wants relief, she wants a moment of peace. The only place she should be able to get it from is sleep. But every time she closes her eyes, she sees her dead loved ones screaming out for her.

Her dreams are often so vivid that they feel real. Ginny could reach out and feel her childhood bed. The fuzzy material is gripped tightly in her hands. The screams echo in a loop, leaving Ginny to grip the sides of her head, hoping to cut off the piercing bursts of pain. Ginny's guilt loves to add all the people she's hurt into one space. Memories get reenacted and she's left to live with her mistakes over and over again. Ginny is always left to wake up with sweat and tears dripping down her cheeks.

Ginny's life feels like a never-ending loop of tears and pain. And there's no doubt in her mind that it will be transferred to her life in Beacon Hills. She's already counting down the days until the next disaster strikes.


THE OLD VICTORIAN house lay heavy on the large hill, creating a looming presence over the town. The home had laid vacant for many years. It was passed down from one generation to the next. But eventually, the family tree died out and the house was left to wilt for a decade. Ginny remembers the stories kids told about the house, but the home never scared her, it seemed quiet, peaceful even. Every ghost story always seemed like a load of shit and never made Ginny weary of the house.

She always remembers this annoying boy in her class that never shut up about the stories. He always made sure to tell them when she was in the room, hoping to scare her. But Ginny was never fearful of the old mansion, and it always left satisfaction bubbling in her stomach after seeing the frustration on the boy's dimpled features.

And here Ginny was almost a decade later, feeling the silent sway of the mansion in front of her. The moving truck was quickly fluttered open, and load after load was piled out of the vehicle and into the house. Ginny thought it was a bit silly for her aunts to be now emptying the truck that she and her cousin were about to be heading to school.

Last night was a bit of a blur for Ginny, they arrived quite late at night. Ginny can barely remember stumbling out of her car at two in the morning. Her aunts were quick to tell the teens to grab a few of their designated boxes and find a room. Ginny remembered the sudden jump of energy that she had when she grabbed two of her boxes. There was a quick-lived race to get the better room between her and Marcus, and once the rooms were occupied the momentum she felt faded away.

Ginny dug for a blanket and pillow in one of her boxes, and once the fluffy materials were pulled out Ginny was instantly passed out on her bare bed. The young girl planned to fully unpack when she got home from school the following day. And she planned on keeping that promise.

The morning air nipped at Ginny's skin the moment she waltzed out of the front door. Her keys jingled in her grip as she wrestled to pull them out of her backpack. Following behind her was her cousin Marcus. The boy huffed in annoyance waiting for her to fully walk out the door and not just waver in the doorway. Ginny finally fought to free the keys and it lead to a triumphant smile to lift on her lips. But the smile immediately faltered when the morning chill ran across her skin.

The sun was shining brightly, but the wind still whipped nonstop. Ginny mildly regretted the short skirt that fitted her like a second skin. The girl was impressed by her outfit up until she went outside. While she was wearing an oversized jacket, the black skirt resting on her hips did absolutely nothing to protect her from the morning breeze. She knew that this outfit was a bit much, she could feel it in the gaze of her family as they ate breakfast.

The weather seemed bright and sunny, but something was washing through the air that she couldn't place. The feeling made the hairs stick up on the back of her neck and she could tell that this wasn't some simple feeling of first-day jitters this was something otherworldly. Ginny's powers have given her a sense, when the air changes she can feel it in her bones. When something is off she can tell, her powers give her a hint of what's to come.

Ginny gripped her backpack tighter to herself as she looked around. Nothing had changed, the sun still shined brightly against the fall trees, and her cousin still had a sour annoyance on his features. The brunette took a deep breath, wanting to shake off the feeling, hoping that it was just her powers acting up within her new surroundings.

Ginny couldn't take the thought of something already happening on the first day of being back in Beacon Hills. Terror crept into her mind, that maybe the impending disaster she fears is happening sooner than expected. She couldn't bear to leave now, she couldn't let down her family, they just wanted to feel safe, but Ginny had the habit of wrecking any type of safety they had. She could tell her family resented her for that, Ginny knew they loved her but there wasn't a day that went by that they didn't blame her for the constant unease they all have.

She wanted to be good for them, she wanted them to live a prosperous life, but with her, in the picture, they would never be able to have that. She felt selfish for being in their life at times, she knows she should leave, and let them have the life they've always wanted, but there's always something that makes her stay. Her fear of the unknown, for her fate, is what makes her stay put. She aches for someone to understand her, to help her not be so reckless. But no one sees it, when they hear the constant sarcasm and see how she never takes things seriously, they just write her off, just assuming she's just another reckless teen. But there's a darkness, a dangerous history behind everything.

She's a murderer, she's taken a person's life with a snap of her fingers. And there's no way to stop that, she can't undo what she's done. Ginny took away a family's child, a life that meant the world to her, all because she let her emotions run her powers, she let herself lose control, and she lost the person that she wanted to grow old with.

"You gonna keep driving like a geriatric grandma?"

The sudden burst from Marcus caused Ginny to flashback to the present, her eyes waving between him and the road, "Isn't that ageist?"

Marcus glanced at her in annoyance, "You're sixteen,"

"In case you didn't know Marcus, I'm driving the speed limit," Ginny clipped back, rolling her eyes.

The boy huffed at her words, "Well, hurry the hell up, I want to get there before the school day ends,"

Ginny glanced down at the speedometer, scoffing at him, "I'm going thirty-five,"

"Drive faster, speed, you've done it a million times before,"

The girl sighed, gripping the steering wheel tighter, slowly getting frustrated with Marcus' snippy tone, "Listen, I'm not getting a ticket for speeding, I don't need to make an impression with the police already,"

"It's better sooner than later, better a speeding ticket than a murder,"

Ginny's heart sunk in her chest, and her stomach flipped, not bothering to reply, seeing there was no point in this back and forth. She and Marcus haven't been in the greatest place since everything happened. He resented her and she knew that, cause he didn't hide it. The boy was apt to throw digs at her, reminding her of her crimes. She knew he was hurting, he hated uprooting everything he's known, but he had no choice. Marcus blamed her and he bothered no remorse.

They used to be so close, they were once close as siblings, but that all changed when she destroyed everything he's ever known. Ginny ached knowing he saw her differently. She was no longer his sister Ginny, she was now a stranger, a monster that pulled him away from a place he once belonged to.

He hated her powers, and he hated that his opinion of her changed, but he would never tell her that. Marcus felt better hiding his feelings from her, he knew she was in pain from the distance between them and he thought that was enough hurt.

Ginny wished he would talk to her, but all of their conversations lately were meaningless. They were nothing, they were surface level, and she ached for them to be something different. She knew once they arrived at the school they would separate and not see each other until the end of the day. Marcus would leave her to the wolves, he wouldn't be by her side to ease her anxiety, he would rather watch her suffer.

The eyes were almost immediate, all curious as to who the new students were. Ginny flaunted the moment she stepped outside of her car, she figured it would be better to start with a bang than to let the students start starting rumors.

Her long wavy hair was thrown over her shoulders, with a few strands of hair framing her face nicely. Eyes didn't hesitate as they wandered up and down her body, trying to examine every aspect of her person. Ginny felt a sudden rush of satisfaction run through her veins at the constant stares, quickly eating up all of the attention she was getting. She expected this to happen, and it was nice to feel this way. For so long she was viewed as a stranger, a monster, by her family, and now she soaked up the glances of curiosity.

A sudden rush of power surged throughout her fingertips, her reaction was instant to make a fist, avoiding the feeling of power. Her go-go boot's heels smacked against the marble tiles as she strutted through the entrance of the school. People's eyes didn't hesitate to wander over to the new strangers, the two looking like they just came from a different state. From Ginny's baby tee and skirt, with her typical oversized jacket adorning her body to the dramatic flare mixed with annoyance that oozed off of Marcus. They looked nothing like the others that adorned the hall.

But instead of cowering away from the stares, she powered on, strutting passed the glances, trying to make people assume that she knew where she was going. Some people rolled their eyes, thinking that the confidence the girl held was similar to the infamous Lydia Martin, while others envied the confidence that naturally flowed from her.

She was nervous, that was for sure, but she couldn't let them see it, she couldn't back down, not right now. But that beloved confidence was instantly squandered when a shoulder roughly slammed into hers, knocking the bag off of her shoulder, and making a loud clammer to the ground below her.

Anger didn't hesitate to bubble in her veins, hearing the loud, energized voice cease in an instant. Flashing her eyes up, not recognizing the intensity of her anger until she glared straight at the culprit. "Do you mind watching where you're going?"

The boy with a buzzcut stopped for a second, eyes glued on the mystery girl in front of him. His heart hammered in his chest as he refused to look away, entranced by the girl in front of him. He quickly came back to earth as he noticed her glare and blurted a rushed apology, watching the girl bend down in front of him, and scoop up the contents of her purse, shoving it back in where it belonged. "I-I-I'm sorry..."

Ginny stared at him with nothing but annoyance filling her hazel eyes, not finding his loss for words amusing, "Yeah, whatever, just don't do it again,"

Her curt words were the last thing the boy heard before the girl slipped past him, making her way to the office. But as she passed the boy, she noticed someone standing next to him and instantly the hairs on her arms jumped as a chill rushed down her spine. Her eyes jumped to the other boy, his eyes already directly on hers, his eyes filled with an examination that made her stomach churn.

Ginny quickly averted her eyes, soon continuing on her path with her cousin right by her side. But as she made her way down the hall, she couldn't help but focus on the feeling that the strange boy gave her. It was good, she knew instantly that boy wasn't human, and she didn't know if that was gonna make things more complicated. But she had a feeling it would.


GINNY'S DAY FLEW by faster than she expected, it relieved her to only have a few classes left for the day. For most of it, she was wandering around with a lost look on her features, searching for her next class. Ginny felt isolated from the school's entire population as she remained alone for the entire day. She had seen Marcus multiple times throughout the day, but the boy never even bothered to look in her direction. There was an ache in her chest watching him already be surrounded by a couple of people. The fact that he had already made friends made her a bit envious that he did it so effortlessly.

She had felt quite low as she ate lunch alone, fidgeting with her fork as she occasionally took a bit of the lukewarm food. Times like these made her reminisce about the past and what could've been. Ginny used to be happy, she used to always be surrounded by people she cared about, they never would've left her alone. Marcus wouldn't have. But it's different now, the blood she spilled was innocent, and she was suffering from it every day. She lost her best friend and it was all her fault.

When she moved in with her aunts when she was young, there was a bubbly blonde that lived right next door. Ginny was still reeling from the death of her parents, but it wasn't long after that when she ran into Dylan Carmine. The sweet blonde didn't hesitate to befriend the girl with sad eyes, in an attempt to make her dreary days a little brighter. All it took was a question about whether Ginny liked cats or not and their friendship was born. Ginny had never met someone so caring and bright as Dylan, the brunette ached to be just as kind as the girl. But the fact that they were so different is what made the bond between them so close.

They loved each other and their faults unconditionally, Ginny had never loved and cared about someone as much as Dylan. They always described themselves as platonic soulmates, that they were just meant to be in each other's lives. Ginny trusted Dylan with everything in her. Dylan knew every little aspect about Ginny, her parents' death, her powers, her secrets. Everything. There was nothing that the other didn't know about. Or so Ginny thought.

Being alone made her miss the times when Dylan was always by her side, always waiting for her outside of the classroom door, always making sure Ginny was okay after something bad happened with her powers. Losing that lifeline altered Ginny's perspective on her life and how she wanted to live. She couldn't do that to another person, she couldn't hurt anyone again. She hated holding this much power, she hated that she couldn't control it. The pain of not being able to be who she wanted to be made her skin burn. She just didn't want to have any more casualties on her heavy heart, she wanted her hands to be clean.

While she hated being alone, maybe it was for the best, maybe it was what she deserved. She took someone's life, her best friend's life. She didn't deserve happiness whether it was an accident or not. She killed someone, she took someone's daughter away from them. No amount of change would make her ever forgive herself for the mess she has made. She deserves to have Marcus hate her, she deserves the looks of apprehension and fear her aunts give her. She made this bed, it's times she lays in it.

Ginny hadn't gotten the chance to take a breath since she walked through the doors of Beacon Hills High School. She wanted to have a moment to herself, where prying eyes weren't there. And she was determined to get it once the final bell rang at the end of school. Since she knew she was coming back to Beacon Hills, there was one thing she had in mind. Ginny had never done since her parents died. She had never visited their graves. There was never a funeral, there was nothing to remember them. And Ginny wanted to change that. She wanted to have a small moment to remember them, a protection spell, a session with a spirit board, she just wanted to do something to make her pain lessen.

But for now, she had to sit through a chemistry class, which was not off to a great start. Ginny's anxiety bubbled in her stomach as she stared down at a pop quiz she was nowhere near ready for. After reading through the entire thing, there was nothing that she would be able to confidentially answer. All the school days she missed were finally catching up to her. Ginny took a nervous breath as she hopped off her stool, taking her quiz with her to the desk at the front of the classroom. Mr. Harris looked increasingly bothered as he glanced down at the tests he was currently grading.

"Hi, I have a question," Ginny hesitantly said as she gripped the quiz tightly in her hands, the man paused his movement midstroke of his pen as soon as he heard her slightly timid voice.

Mr. Harris looked up from the papers on his desk with a look of irritation on his face. "Yes, Ms. Huxley?"

"I was wondering if I can be exempt from this quiz because it's my first day and I'm not familiar with the material you have been teaching,"

The older man blinked at her words, a condescending smile twitching at his lips, "Ms. Huxley do you know what a pop quiz is?"

Ginny had to stop herself from rolling her eyes at the question, "Yes, I do."

"Then you would know that I gave no one the time to prepare for this quiz either," Mr. Harris concluded, his voice clear enough for everyone in the classroom to hear him. Ginny felt the tips of her ear begin to turn red. "You're not special, so go take the quiz,"

The girl took a deep breath, trying to hold in the rage that was beginning to run through her veins. "I understand that, but I'm not familiar with the material you have been teaching in your class, they have,"

"Do you know anything about chemistry?" Mr. Harris asked, condescendingly tilting his head.

Ginny swallowed the hateful words screaming to rise up her throat, as she gritted, "Yes, I do,"

"Then what don't you understand?"

Ginny felt her fists clench, fighting the anger bubbling in her throat. The man's face remaining blank made her fury only grow. "As I said before, I'm not familiar with-"

"I'm gonna stop you there," Mr. Harris interrupted boredly, placing his pen on his desk as he reached out his hands. "Let me save you the embarrassment of my grading your quiz. You will need to eventually make it up."

The short brunette could feel many pairs of eyes glued to the back of her head. Redness crept up her neck at the thought of this whole interaction being broadcasted to the silent classroom. There were words on the tip of her tongue as she glared at Mr. Harris. It would take absolutely nothing to knock him down a peg, but the thought of going to the principal's office on her first day made her stomach queasy.

Ginny just took a deep breath, sending the man a tight smile as she handed him her quiz. "I figured."

The girl didn't wait for a reply before she found a seat back at her desk, desperately trying to ignore the prying eyes that stuck to her like a shadow. As she sat there, eyes glued to the black slab of her table. She waited for the eyes to dwindle and they eventually did, going back to their respective quizzes. Once she thought she was in the clear, her eyes lifted up from the table. But she should've known all the prying eyes wouldn't be completely gone. She recognized the curious glance as the boy who bumped into her in the hall this morning. She wanted to give him a glare, to send his attention elsewhere. But something made her stop, and just direct her gaze to the clock. Counting down the minutes until the school day was over.

authors note.

Hey POOKIES I'm back with the first chapter 😍🙏 my bestie sweetvinyls gave me inspo so everyone say thank you.

We got introduction to older ginny and how her loss and guilt really drives her right now. I'm really excited to write her when she gets to know stiles and his group. Very chaotic I can assure you.

We also got Marcus being stinky (he gets much better I'm promise 🙏) he's just grieving his life rn and he'll come around.

Next chapter we possibly get a stiles and ginny interaction??? She keeps popping up so it's kinda hard for stiles to not be suspicious of her and he'll want to investigate her. 😍😍

Also PLZ check out my TIKTOK: gardensongss
I have some slay ginny and stiles
edits on there!

Hope you enjoyed it!

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