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𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗓𝖾𝗋𝗈  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━
prologue. ╱ act one, chapter zero.

MILEY ROWE has never truly felt this low in her life. The sunshine that washed over her room in waves felt dull. Miley couldn't revel in the warmth because it lacked its usual vibrance. Her body ached for sleep, but her alarm was due to start its piercing chime any minute. Her day would be hectic and she didn't know if she could take it. Her day started the moment she stepped out of the comfort of her bed. She was putting off every second, knowing that once she stepped on her pink shag carpet, a smile would have to be plastered on her face from then on.

She wanted to curse out her team, tell them to leave her alone until she was ready for any of this. But that wasn't an option. She had a day of chaos in the form of appearances, ending with the biggest and most tedious appearance she could think of. Miley wanted to hide in the depths of her walk-in closet, curl away from all her responsibilities. She couldn't do this today. This was too early. She wasn't ready.

It had been officially ten months since her life was drained of all its color. Everything felt faded and plain, her once beloved rosy pink life became a muted gray. Her life was once filled with warmth and cheer, but she ended up losing the person who was the cause of it all. Miley never thought she would have to live without her brother. Her best friend. But that all changed that dreaded night ten months ago.

Her twin brother was once her lifeline, he was the person who knew everything about her. He was her secret vault in the form of a person. Ben Rowe. A rambunctious twenty-three-year-old with a fascination for photography. His photography was something that always made Miley want to analyze every inch of it, trying to pick up on the littlest details, knowing it all meant something. From the moment they turned twelve, Ben had spent most of his days clicking away on a camera.

While Miley went off to begin her music career, Ben followed closely behind her, forever capturing her every achievement with one click. They were a duo. Where Miley went, Ben was always there behind her with an enthusiastic smile. Through every hardship they went through, they were in it together. Until they weren't. Miley couldn't believe that she just had to go on without him. The void he left remained gaping as she floated throughout her life like a ghost.

She can still feel his tight grip loosening the moment the heartbeat monitor flatlined. The sound blares in her ear to this day. It haunts her dreams, night after night. Like clockwork, she loses Ben over and over again.

His death left her empty, void of the bubbly person she once was. Coldness washed over her like a dreary blizzard, turning her into a suddenly frigid and pessimistic person. Miley wanted to continue her life with a frown, but being in the public eye made that impossible. With one frowning photo, Miley would be called ungrateful or miserable.

It was like there was supposed to be a time limit on grief to the public. Once she hit six months, it was like people forgot she had lost her other half. They moved on, wondering when the next song or tour was coming. Miley ignored their inquiries, pushing her career into the back of her mind, locking it away in a vault until she was ready.

But people didn't like her disappearance, attempting to worm themselves back into her mind. And eventually, her team broke. After ten months of radio silence, Miley was forced into the light once again, her first day back filled with multiple appearances about her album and upcoming tour. After her exhaustive interrogations, she was supposed to end it by spending four hours in a stuffy dress with a smile plastered on her face. Her recent album was up for a few awards at the VMAs. Her team thought it would be a good big appearance to bring her back into the public eye.

Miley dreaded it, thinking about the ways she could run away, find some small town, and hide out until she was ready to come back. But those were just pipe dreams, she could never do that without someone tracking her down. She was stuck, eternally forced to be someone she once was.

She could hear the slight shuffling of Veronica, Amelia, and Kayla. No doubt seconds away from barging into her room with a million updates they have to go over with her. She already could feel her body being drained of any effort to lift herself off her bed. The alarm went off a few minutes ago, but even with its piercing noise, Miley still laid there, staring intently at the ceiling. She was too enthralled with the sunlight flickering off the chandelier that hung above her bed, it danced in a way that made her feel slightly at peace in the chaos.

"Miley, are you awake?" A familiar voice rang out as a soft knocking followed. Miley simply twisted her head, watching the three women wandering through her bedroom door, optimistic—clearly fake—smiles pressed into their cheeks.

"Morning sweetheart, we brought you some tea to prep for today." Amelia offered, her bright smile making Miley want to shatter into a million pieces. Once the cup was out of the older woman's hand, she turned the annoying blare of the alarm off.

The blonde sat up in her bed, taking the warm mug into her hands. Her eyes trained on her steaming liquid, her heart thumping loudly in her chest and the thought of performing on stage today. "Why? I'm not performing, it's just interviews...right?"

The older woman shrugged, taking a seat on the end of her bed, "Yes, just interviews. I figured you could use it since you are going to be talking more than usual."

Miley nodded, taking a sip of her tea, and enjoying the warmness that washed over her. She could hear Veronica and Kayla talking in her closet, most definitely picking out what Miley was going to wear today. Before her brother, Miley would be in there with them, weighing in on the options, but now she didn't care. She wouldn't even find interest in if they gave her options. They did everything for her now, Miley didn't bother to give much of an opinion on anything anymore. When life lost color, Miley realized that she didn't care what happened, she just did whatever her team said.

They knew she was different, they noticed the moment she lost Ben. Any enthusiasm for life was gone and they stepped up their role to make it easier on Miley. Her life became one big calendar for a long time, especially during the drop of her album. She was on auto-pilot and did whatever they had requested of her. But the moment the album release faded, Miley disappeared into her large home. Rarely, picking up her business calls. It worried her team so much, that her social media manager and best friend, Veronica moved in with her. Miley didn't fight against the idea, knowing it would make her team less worried about her well-being. Plus, her house had gotten quite lonely without Ben to fill up the silence.

"Alright Miles, I'm thinking we go with this red skirt and it would match perfectly with this jacket and boots." Veronica's words caught Miley's attention. Turning up from her cup of tea, Miley examined the outfit, knowing she would be fine with the outfit regardless of what she wanted.

Miley sent her a fake smile, setting her mug on her bedside table. "It's perfect."

"Okay great, go get ready" Amelia chimed in, her eyes still glued to her phone. "You have twenty minutes to get ready before Marnie will be here to do your hair and makeup."

Miley nodded at the woman's words, snagging the clothes from Veronica's grip. But before she could head into her bathroom, Veronica stopped her. "Oh, by the way, we're also going to do a small photo op outside before we leave. We've got to post some photos to create some hype for tonight."

The blonde sighed lightly to herself, so quiet that no one quite caught her true feelings about it all. "Sounds good, I'll be out in fifteen."

She heard a chorus of acknowledgment from the women behind her as she closed the bathroom door. While she had the largest urge to drop everything in her arms and curl up into a ball, Miley knew she couldn't. Her day had already started, there was no stopping it now. It was already in full motion.


THE SHUTTERS OF CAMERAS in the distance made her stomach drop violently. Miley could feel her chest heave lightly the moment she stepped out of the car. Her dress was snug, hugging the right places, but her body felt foreign. Like her mind belonged somewhere else. She wished if she closed her eyes and clicked her heels, she would be transported back into the safety of her room. But that could never happen. She was stuck here until the night ended.

Miley could feel eyes on her, there was surprise and tension that lingered in the air as she walked past reporters and other people roaming the red carpet. Miley could barely hear her team around her, ranting on about how important tonight was and what her role was in it all. But the blonde was too focused on maintaining the smile that was dusting her pink lips. She didn't know if her mind could work through everything that Kayla and Amelia were telling her. They were coming at her with full force while Veronica was off to the side talking to some people at the edge of the carpet.

Miley wanted to get her attention, to save her from the overwhelming energy, but she knew she couldn't. So Miley just nodded along, picking up on as much of the information as she could. Up until she was thrust into the camera's eye, this didn't truly set in. But the moment she heard her name being called, everything sunk in. She sent a slightly panicked glance to Veronica, but the brunette just gave her an encouraging smile and a thumbs up. The gesture made Miley take a deep breath before a gentle smile twisted onto her lips with ease.

Subconsciously, the woman fell into a familiar rhythm, the one she had been doing for years. Miley could feel the encouragement wind around her like ivy vines as it made her almost forget about everything that was weighing her heart down.

There was a part of her that missed this. She missed the attention that she stole the moment she waltzed onto a red carpet. Miley never hesitated to draw anyone in, it was as if they were mere moths to her strong flame. She was someone the public gravitated to. With her recent disappearance, it made everyone even more aware of her presence tonight. Even a certain person that she hated with every fiber of her being was staring right at her.

The sudden realization that Eli Andrews was glowering at her, made any confidence she had dissipate into the chaotic night air. Just seeing him in person made her sick to her stomach. His dark and pointed eyes and perfectly styled jet-black hair made her want to run in the other direction. Miley hadn't seen the man since the Grammy's last year, a few days before her brother...

Eli Andrews was truly the devil incarnate. Miley believed that he was sent to Earth to make her life a living hell. The cocky asshole never failed to ruin her day. With his overconfident demeanor and habit of gravitating towards Miley with cruel words hanging from his lips. The thought of them being in the same vicinity made her skin itch. Eli Andrews couldn't be in the same room as Miley without reminding her of why she started hating him in the first place.

Sometimes there were moments, slight breaks in time, where the two could look at each other and see past their feud. That fleeting time never lasts, but for just mere seconds, Miley feels eighteen again. Eli stares at her with the same look in his eyes that he used to have. It feels like time doesn't exist, and they stay in their bubble before the seconds fade and they're shot back into reality. One blink can cut the feeling off and their hate seeps back in.

There was so much time that had passed since the two were remotely close. Eli betrayed her a long time ago and she would never forgive him for it. Regardless of how many fleeting moments of memories they share, he will always be the snake that shattered her already jagged heart. Miley always had a hard time making friends. Most were only around her to gain something. With the consistent crush of her heart, she rarely trusted anyone anymore. Her friend groups were close-knit, and she seldom let someone new in. But that changed when she ran into a young Eli Andrews in her favorite secluded coffee shop.

But that was a lifetime ago, they were now simply the bane of each other's existence. Miley wouldn't change a thing. Even if she could feel his occasional stare shooting to the side of her face as she smiled for the cameras. There was tension in the air, all of it emitting from the two people standing a few feet away from each other. And of course, they were the only ones who could feel it. Everyone was oblivious to the detested wafting off Eli as he stole glimpses in Miley's direction. But Miley didn't give him the satisfaction of meeting his gaze. Besides, her hammering heart wouldn't let her.

She was creeping into the overwhelmed territory and she knew one bad interaction with Eli Andrews would send her over the edge. So Miley stood confidently, her body never wavering from its position unless she brought her hand to her hip. She glances at her team occasionally, noticing how they conversed with only people Miley wanted them to ignore. Miley's stomach filled with dread when she noticed Amelia and Kayla talking to Melanie Conners and Ryder Barns. She could feel Veronica's gaze as she sent her slightly panicked glances knowing something was about to happen and Miley would most definitely not like it.

Of course, they were talking to Midnight Saturn's team. This was the icing on the cake. After pushing herself hard today, her accomplishments were celebrated by taking a photo with Eli's band. Miley took a deep breath noticing Amelia waving her in their direction. Miley didn't hesitate to plaster a fake smile on her lips as she waltzed over to them, desperately trying to ignore Eli's stone gaze.

"Miley, we're gonna have you take a picture with Delilah and the boys." Amelia directed, placing a soft hand on Miley's back and she directed her to the group of four.

Miley hoped to be squished between Delilah Jones, Hayes Miller, or Josh Carmine, knowing that they had always been civil to her. Miley honestly did really like the members of Midnight Saturn. All except Eli. She often wished they were friends, but them being Eli's best friends makes that really hard. Miley actively does anything in her power to avoid being around him, so she can't exactly be friends with people who have him by their side all the time.

There was an awkwardness that wafted off of the band as they stole small discreetly glances at Eli, curious to see what his reaction would be. They could easily feel Miley's hesitation as she began making her way towards them. They all didn't hesitate to send her greeting and kind smiles, knowing Eli most definitely would try to stir the pot. Miley instantly accepted the smiles, the actions making her anxiety lessen just a little. She did hesitate to give them a quick wave as she was led to them. "Hi guys,"

Everyone except Eli broke out into small greetings, their cheerful tones making her anxiety almost fade. But just as she was about to wedge herself between Delilah and Josh, she realized her wishes and prayers would never be granted as Amelia squished her in between Josh and Eli instead. Her stomach dropped violently the moment she felt Eli in her personal space. Her body quickly tenses, goosebumps rising on her arms, noticing his cologne had never changed, even after all these years.

She tried to shake off the uncomfortable feeling that twisted in her stomach as each second ticked by excruciatingly slowly. In these moments, she hated how connected she was to Eli. She hated all the things she did for him in the past that led him here. She hated that she was the reason they were signed to the same label and that they were the biggest acts there. This interaction was all because she believed in his music all those years ago. 

Amelia gave Miley an encouraging grin as she walked back to Veronica and Kayla. It wasn't long before the cameras began shuttering as the photographers went into a frenzy. Miley tried to block out her anxiety with a smile plastering brightly on her lips, but that quickly was found to be no use when she heard Eli's demonic voice wander into her left ear.

"Surprised to see you hear Darling,"

Miley's skin began to simmer in rage, hearing that dreadful nickname come off in such a condescending way. Miley sent him a quick glance, trying to not let her smile falter. But it immediately stuttered when she met his looming eyes. She quickly shook off the hesitation, and with an innocent flutter of her lashes, she sent him a taunting smile. "How else am I going to get more awards than you?"

The comment made his faux smile fade, competition glittering in his eyes. It was like Miley's reminder of their little annual competition had lit a fire under his ass. This back-and-forth revives every awards season. It started the year that Midnight Saturn was the highest-grossing artist/band for their record label a few years ago. They had broken the six-year-long streak that Miley had and it pissed her off so much that she fell into the dreaded ongoing bet with Eli to see who could win the most awards. The winner got bragging rights, and each year the winner savored those rights and used them as much as they could before the bet started all over again.

"That's shocking coming from the singer who disappeared for ten months." Eli quipped, sending her a fleeting glance in between posing for a few shots. "Doubt people still remember you released stuff your typical pop bullshit a few months ago."

Miley could feel her blood begin to boil, but she only scoffed. She didn't hesitate to immediately fire a hurtful blow, knowing it would impact Eli. "Please, says the guy who barely writes his own lyrics without the help of his band members."

She notices Eli tense roughly next to her, making the first genuine smile make its way to her lips as delight rushes through her blood. She knew that was one of his biggest insecurities regarding his career, and she had hoped it would hurt. It was so satisfying knowing she was right. But all of those emotions came crashing down when she felt Eli slide his arm around her waist nonchalantly, trying to mimic a friendly manor for the cameras. But Miley knew that was furthest from the truth as she tensed wildly, knowing there was an even worse blow coming. It was confirmed the moment, Eli's quiet but harsh voice ventured into her ears. "The only reason you're going to get awards tonight is out of sympathy because people still feel bad about your brother."

It was like someone had simultaneously stabbed her in the heart and kicked her in the stomach. Miley felt like she was going to throw up, his words reverberating through her brain like an echo again and again. She knew what he was going to say was hurtful, but this was a low blow. Using her brother's death as a way to get under her skin. She never thought Eli would say something like that. "What the hell did you just say to me?"

Eli stared down at her, his eyes subtly rolling in annoyance. "Your latest album was a bore, let's be honest. The only reason people tuned in was because they felt bad."

Miley's body was seconds from to bursting into flames, not only him critiquing her latest album and using her grief as an excuse for her album's success, but there was a small part that hated that he was right about her latest release. Miley didn't enjoy this one as much as the others, and she only stuck with her past sound because her team pushed her to. She especially hated that Eli clocked her music so easily. She never knew she could hate someone as much as him. She felt like all her pride in her work today came plummeting down the moment she saw Eli. She could not help but feel her smile fade as she turned to him with nothing but fury in her eyes.

People around them were quite aware of the sudden anger and tension emitting from Miley as she sent Eli a hateful glare. Miley felt like her body was on autopilot as her vision turned practically red and she could hear quiet and slightly panicked calls of her name from her team. But Miley didn't have time to register the voices before the knuckles of her right hand made rough contact with Eli's nose. Gasps of shock and horror echoed through the red carpet for merely a second before it broke out into absolute chaos. As Miley stood there with bloody knuckles, knew she had majorly fucked everything up.

There goes the hope of a good first day back.



Hello lovely people!

Thank you for reading the first chapter of the alchemy.

Sorry for Eli's stinky behavior, Miley just brings out the worst in him (for now). Plus, I think my girl ate him up with that punch (even thought it was a stupid decision).

Please check out my TikTok if you like this book, I've got some edits of them on my main and side accounts.
Main: @gardensongss
Side acc: @gardensongsswp

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