𝓗𝓾𝓶𝓪𝓷? - Caius

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Paralyzing fear seemed to overcome me as we entered the domain of the Volturi, something I had been warned about for quite some time since having been involved with vampires. Specifically, the Cullen's. They would eventually learn that I was apart of their circle, leading to more than curious actions to follow on the Volturi's part. Why you ask? Because I was a mere human who longed to be a vampire. Since the Cullen's had been in Forks, I had grown rather close to Alice and Jasper. So naturally, I grew to know them for what they truly are. And I wasn't afraid the moment I did learn said facts. I was more..... intrigued by them and their lifestyle. They didn't hunt humans. Only animals. They were different.

"Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N), it would seem you've sparked quiet an argument within the walls of this very building. But today, you'll be seeing only one Volturi." I didn't know whether that was a relief, or far worse. But the man leading me into my ultimate doom had sensed just how terrified I truly was in that moment. He knew I was weak to their power. But deep down, I knew I shouldn't be scared. Alice had seen what would happen to me in this place once I entered alone. I didn't die. Nothing happened to me. She couldn't see who I was facing, just that they didn't kill me. And thankfully, she was just right outside the building, along with Edward, Bella, and Jasper.

"Ah. The human. You smell..... magnificent." A shoulder length, blonde haired man with striking red eyes had turned to face me once I was drug into a room just on the right, a very lavishly decorated room with what could only be old time vampire attire and furniture. I knew this one to be Caius. I had done my own research before having been forced here before him.

"You've been brought before me because ..... well you know why. I'm the one who will be handling your situation. Seeing as how I've been watching over you. You want to be a vampire. Yet, they haven't turned you. Odd." Caius slowly crept towards me in such a preying manner, knowing I was stricken with fear at the moment. I'd always heard he could be brutal when needed.

"They plan to....." Was all I could muster to say to him, feeling incredibly uncomfortable in the whole situation. But couldn't exactly look away from him either. He's rather attractive to be honest.

"Ah. They plan to? That's not good enough for me though. I may just have to turn you myself..... considering how beautiful you are for a mere mortal." My eyes widened a tad from his casual smirk in play on his lips, his perfect skin practically glowing within the lighting of the room. I could tell he meant it. Every single word.

"Just know that I will continue watching your situation. They have a week to turn you. Otherwise, I shall do it myself without hesitation. And let's face it, you can't fight me." He humorously said with such a serious tone to follow, his hands finding their way to my arms in such a quick motion. His tightened grip drug me closer to him, smelling my neck before I could even protest, his eyes closing in pure bliss from the smell.

"Who knew the usual serious Vulturi could have a sense of humor...." I muttered to him, feeling bold all of a sudden. But it did me no favors in that moment when he shoved me away from him, his eyes glowing with pure anger.

"Don't confuse my threats with humor. Nothing is stopping me from turning you now. So unless you want that, I suggest you leave at once!" And that I did, running from the room before he could change his mind. I nearly stumbled on my way to the entrance with my racing thoughts. He'd been rather pleasant for such a serious topic. But I knew I would be seeing him again.

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