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Hola lovelies

Hope you all are doing great

So i am here with the first chapter ... hope you all eill like it  .

Don't forget to shower your love through your valuable  votes and comments

So let's  begin⬇️




Author's Pov

Water wasn't stopping either  in the form of tears from someone's eyes or in the form  of rain , lightening and raining wasn't  stopping , the sound of thunders were scaring  everyone  except one person cause that person was already scared . He was afraid of loosing his life which lies in someone else . Which lies in the one who was laying on the hospital bad in ICU  , fighting foe life. Not only that person was fighting  but the one who was sitting outside the ICU was fighting too carrying a small angel in his arms , tears flowing through his eyes uncontrollably  , was fighting too . The thing which took place  some hours ago was the thing he can't  even think , but life is unpredictable  . Events takes place in life and left thier  effects , sometimes positive and sometimes negative  . The positive gives happiness to us and negative ones give us grief , sorrow for lifetime . We try our best to over come that sorrow but ths reality  is we can't  .
Pov ends

Sm1's pov
Few drops of my tears fell on  her and she looked at me with  pain visible in her eyes . She saw my tears and started crying . She moved her tiny small hands to my cheeks and started wiping my tears . I looked at her with helpless eyes as she was too small  to understand what is going on . I was about to kiss her forehead  when doctor came out from the ICU looking helpless . I rushed towards him wjth hope in my eyes just to get a positive nod . Soon i reached him .

" We are sorry , we tried out best but we couldn't  save her " were the words released from his mouth in sorrow .  My Earth shattered after hearing  this line I took a few step  back and soon i was on ground on my knees , angel still in  my arms .

"this can't  be true , no this can't be true" was the only thing which released from my mouth and that was all ... i broke down in tears ... i lost my life ... i lost everything ... i lost my love ... i lost the reason i beleived in love .

"Da......da.....dadaa" my thoughts were interrupted by this voice ... the voice came from my arms and there was none other then angel ... wait she spoke ... it is the first time she spoke something ....she  called me ... what ...she called me ... dadaa is the first word she said ... i looked at her ... her big eyes  were  having  tears in it ... i gave her a weak smile amd kissed her  forhead still crying . I hugged  her tightly .

"Dadaaa"she again said and chuckled in my embrace ... i cried hugging her ... i so wish that i can go in past amd fix everything ... i don't  know how u and me will bear this loss ... our  biggest  lost .

Pov ends



Sm1's pov

"Today also he is late , i am getting late too cause of this Idiot . Ok It is enough  now i am not gonna spare a single second  more waiting for him " by saying this to myself i made my way to my class , i was passing through  the corridor  when someone came blocked my way . I looked at that person while  controlling my anger  as i was already mad at that idiot and i am getting  late for my class  too .

"So miss can i get a kiss" that unknown person uttered

"Yeah sure" i said with a fake sarcastic smile and he started coming closer to me ... i am not amongst  the girls who will step backwards in fear ... i get closer to him ... he closed his eyes expecting a kiss and the next thing he got was a kick on his d*** ... he groaned  and screamed in pain ... the only voice could be heard was his screams ... but soon i heard a laughing voice and it was none other then that idiot ... he came towards me while laughing and i started moving towards my class .

"Okay fine ... i know i am late but u can forgive today ... it's  my birthday ... please  ... forgive me " he was screaming while running after me and i stopped and turned around ... soon that idiot reached me and hugged me tightly ... i hugged him back and smiled .

"Happiest birthday madoo" i said and he  tighten  his grip on me .

"Thank you" he replied and snuggled his nose in my shoulder and sniffed .

"Are you still mad at me Ms ....

Pov ends



Words - 921

So  that's  all for the chapter guys

How was the chapter ?

Who was in the hospital ?

Who lost whom ?

Who was the girl in the  college  ?

Who was the boy for whom  the girl was waiting ?

Did you all missed my cliffhangers  ?

Was the chapter  emotional in the begining ?

Fav scene ?

Worst scene ?

Are you all liking my writing style  ?

Any flaws ?

Any query  other then suspense ?

So hope you like the chapter
If so
Do vote ,comment, share and folow

See you all in the next part

Till then take care 

Thank you
-Afreen ♡

Stay tuned...

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