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As you answered all of Bakugou's questions truthfully, you've concluded that the man was well aware of King Enji's tyrant behaviour towards others. In Bakugou's mind, you were right to shun Enji for his actions. He met the old king and Prince Shouto during occasions he didn't fancy attending. Being a king, Bakugou didn't acknowledge the other kingdoms like he was taught to do. He detested the Todoroki kingdom with all his being. Still, Bakugou loved to gloat about how his kingdom came out on top in terms of strength and his people's devotion. You listened to his every word, interjecting when you needed to share your thoughts.

"So you've fought prince Shouto in the ring of fire and won?" You asked, amazed by Bakugou's palms lighting up then cracking a couple of explosions. 

"I wouldn't call it a win. That half and half bastard held back, underestimated me by not using his fire." Bakugou explained, face twisting in anger. "Bastard was going through his issues in the middle of the ring. In the end, his face met the dirt,"

Bakugou confirmed your superstitions about the Todoroki family. The rumours were all true, and you were glad you ditched the wedding. Your whole interrogation or conversation lasted the entire day; neither you nor Bakugou noticed how dark it's gotten. Even the storm outside had calmed down so much you couldn't hear the rain hitting the ground.

At the same time, you got hungry, as did the halfling in front of you. Did you enjoy talking to Bakugou? Yes. Although his responses often came out as insults to your friend Izuku, vowing a painful death upon his name.

"We should eat," Bakugou relit the fire and tamed the flames cracking the wood.

You hummed, standing up and groaned as you stretched your arms over your head. However, you were in a dire need to relieve yourself. Tampering with your cloak, you turned to Bakugou. "I'll be back nature is calling,"

"Whatever," Was Bakugou's reply.

You left the cave for the first time in two days and caught a glimpse of the moon between the trees. You were surprised that you didn't catch the sun going down, seeing as the cave faced west. You tread away to give yourself a little privacy without a crimson glare.

It took you five minutes to find a tree and a couple of bushes near the lake. You proceeded with your business and sighed. As you were about to head back, the lake caught your eye. Looking over the water, you kicked something sitting by your feet and watched water ripples form from the impact. An image of your mother flashed in your mind, kneeling on your knees; you smiled at the recollection. Your hand touched the water, distorting your reflection.

"Y/n, do you see the little fishies?"

You're a wee sprout, joining your mother's side for your first ever magic lesson. It ended badly, causing you both to fall into a fountain and scare most of the living creatures swimming around. M/n hoisted you up on your feet, following the fish's movements with her finger. Laughing at the sight, you smacked the water earning a gasp from your mother.

"Ah! No, no, y/n the fishies are our friends. Don't hurt our little friends, dear!"Your mother scolded you, catching your hands in her own. Then moving your hands under the water, m/n waved your hands smoothly.

"Little friends, huh?" You uttered, rolling your eyes. Waving your hands in the water, replicating your mother's motion, you shook your hands, unable to see the fishes. If there were any.

A few rustles of the bushes frightened you. Your body shook and turned around, following the sounds. Taking this as a sign, you walked the way you came, brushing off the feeling of prying eyes watching you. Each time you took a step, you would look back until the rustling couldn't be heard in your ears. You lit a finger for safety precautions and used the light as a torch.

Making it to the cave, you saw Bakugou without his cape again. He had placed it on the floor beside him and ate the stew he had made. Also, by his side is a bowl almost filled to the brim just for you. Swiftly, you picked the bowl and took your place not far from him. Bakugou saw that your eyes stayed on the entrance once your bottom hit the ground. He even looked outside with you but saw no one there.

"What is it?" He questioned, which you switched your focus on Bakugou. Remembering where you were occupied, you quickly came up with an answer.

"It's nothing, probably just a rabbit." You replied, devouring your dinner.

"Tch, that could've been useful," Bakugou gave a small grunt at the loss of valuable resources. You lied about the rabbit. Now you were horrified after imagining the creature on the end of Bakugou's sword.

A sharp intake of air escapes your lips. "I'm lucky I missed it because I would never kill an innocent bunny or any animal, in fact,"

Bakugou's glance turned into him, blinking his eyes in confusion. He looked you up and down, expecting you would get it right away. You didn't, as you covered yourself unintentionally. He clicked his tongue. "You're wearing something that was made out of a dead animal, and you're babbling as if you've never hurt a fly,"

"I'm a princess, not a hunter and flies don't count. You can't hunt or eat flies like rabbits." You spoke with your mouth full and dropped your finished bowl in your lap. 

"Oh right, says the princess stuffing her mouth full of rabbit meat," Bakugou derided you.

You scoffed as well, switching to your native tongue. "Stupid king,"

"Stupid princess," He said back in your language perfectly, catching you off guard. Tilting your head, you were about to question before he spoke up instead. "I'm older than you, princess, and you learn things as you age in case you didn't know,"

"Oh, you're older than me by what? Three or four years? Or do halflings have a weird way of ageing?" You asked, tilting your head earning a glare. Bakugou threw one of his floor pillows aimed for your face. You squealed, blasting air from your hands, sending the pillow flying someplace else. The pillow lands on the floor, distracting you from Bakugou throwing another pillow. You yelped upon impact and felt it slip down your face. Face contorting out of annoyance, your palm conjured a snowball and pulled your arm back.

"Throw that snowball, and you're sleeping outside with the rabbits," Bakugou threatened. Your arm comes to an alarming halt, and you crush the snowball, letting snow rain down your arm.

Rolling your eyes, you let out a yawn and moved your bowl off your lap. You accepted defeat, laying back after sliding your cloak off your shoulders. It served as your blanket now that it was dry. Once again, you were sleeping on the mats you've made earlier—only five days remaining until you'd be leaving Bakugou for good. You clutch onto your necklace for comfort, drifting off using your other arm as a pillow.

Bakugou watched you turn your back towards him and draped his cape over you using the end of his tail. The extra warmth almost startled you. Leaning up, you found a dragon tail shortening itself back into Bakugou's lower back and morphed into his skin. That surprised you; however, your heart began to ache for the man sacrificing the warmest piece of fabric on his body for you. You swore you saw him shiver for a second.

You know he's a halfling, half-human and half-dragon. In your head, that didn't mean you should be selfish with something you don't own. Crawling up beside him, you carefully wrapped his body in his cape without alerting him.

"Goodnight, bakugou," You whispered, expecting a long-ass sigh.

"Night," Were the words he said next.

Your lips stretched into a small smile, easing back into your spot and allowing sleep to take over you.

Can you tell that this is my favourite book? No...

I swear on my dead grandfather's grave (pls don't haunt me love you) once I buy an I pad I'm turning this story into a comic or illustrations

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