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Sheltered in stone walls and floors, the wind whistled and howled through the cracks of your chilly den as the trees danced, bowing to its force. Heavy rainfall pelts the roof and corrupts the fragrance of nature with its brittle scent. Flashes of lightning flickered, lighting up dark spots where your fire didn't reach. Thunder ensued seconds after, and a clap boomed. Long dreaded days passed, and in those days, Bakugou developed a very bad fever. Surprisingly, you remain well after diving off the back of a dragon.

You grew heavily concerned for his wellbeing. Not once had he awoken due to his injury, which slowly began to heal thanks to his dragon side and the herbs you've had in your satchel. Dependant on your healing magic, you caressed his forehead with one hand and rested the other on his chest. The process gradually worked although you struggled to stay focused whilst carrying a heavy burden on your shoulders. A sense of doubt plagued your troubling mind and heart, so much that it haunts you in your sleep.

After the first night, you rose out of a ragged sleep, seeing Izuku prepared to leave the tent. He grew very concerned about his friends and his mother left behind in Musutafu. You rushed out of your little bed while Izuku moved the brushes covering the opening. "Izuku wait!"

A worried Izuku stops immediately, but you merely wanted to wrap your arms around him and bring him in close. Your arms tightened around him. The sudden embrace forces out a squeal from Izuku's mouth  as you whispered, "Be careful out there."

"Sorry, I-i didn't mean to wake you-" Izuku stutters, quietly. The young knight doesn't know where to place his hands so he keeps them inches away from your hips. You shook your head from side to side, refusing Izuku's uneasiness.

"Don't worry about me, you idiot." You growled and sighed seconds later. "Do what you have to do Izuku. We'll be okay."

"I want to be here with you too. I should've accompanied you or been a little faster and maybe Kaachan wouldn't be lying there," Izuku confessed, making you grab his hands.

"You shouldn't be blaming yourself for my actions, Izuku." You tell him, resting your forehead with his. "You're like a brother to me and it hurts to see you so blue. You look better when you're smiling,"

Izuku nods his head against yours, making sure to smile and parts as Kirishima stayed by your side, mostly Bakugou's. The halfling changed back into his human form and assured himself that all would be okay. Often you would hear him venture out into the storm and return. Weeks worth of meat sprawled over his shoulders to feed you and his rider if he were to awaken.

Stopping your magic, you drenched a rag in a bowl of water and draped it along Bakugou's forehead. The pad of your thumbs, flattened the wrinkles before you adjust his head. The frenetic pace of his breathing settled after your treatment, enough for him to sleep easily. After you threw a spare blanket over his body and tucked it beneath his arms, wrapping him up in more warmth, you joined Kiri by the fire.

"Thank you again for helping him, princess," Kirishima thanks you, patting the space beside him, where he poked at the fire.

"You don't have to thank me, Kirishima. I should be the one thanking him," You confessed, shuffling closer to Kirishima. Kirishima smiles at your response before he continued poking the fire. Bringing your knees up to your chest. Kirishima said nothing, ushering you to utter out your fears."It's been four days, and he still isn't waking up. I worry that the fever might affect my magic."

"I'm sure he'll be fine, princess-" Kirishima murmured, his lips dropped into a frown. "Bakugou's strong no doubt about it. He just needs time to get his strength back up,"

"Halflings are one of the most powerful beings in the world, yet gaining strength takes time?" You pondered, looking over at Kirishima.

"Everyone has their limits. No one in the world is invincible. You know-" Kirishima explained. Kirishima's eyes wondered; his crimson glare met the firepit. "In the past, halflings were raised to live more like our dragon selves. It made us forget about our human side. Many would think of themselves as gods. Bakugou was one of those few, and he stuck out like a sore thumb because he was our energetic prince."

Intrigued, you found yourself turning your body, and then you remembered the scar on Bakugou's back and his torn wing. Also, there was the little moment you shared behind a tree in the meadow outside of Musutafu, Bakugou and Inko talking about you at the tavern. Lastly, the time Bakugou spoke to you from the other side of the door.

Ever since the beginning, you were interested in getting to know the dark past Bakugou kept locked inside of his mind. Knowing him for some time, you've begun sensing the pain he's been hiding with his words. There's so much you want to know about him. "Bakugou said his reasons for leaving his home are far worse than what I'm doing, and he regrets everything. What did he do if you don't mind me asking?"

The halfling cocks a brow and frowns once his eyes fell on Bakugou. "Are you sure you want to hear that story, princess?"

You nod your head making Kirishima release a sigh and his hand scratching the back of his neck. "He's gonna be mad if I tell you this, but you saved his life anyway, so-"

Clearing his throat, Kirishima began explaining the long story of Bakugou's life. "When Bakugou was sixteen years old, his father, King Masaru, was killed during a meeting with a rivalling kingdom. The meeting was meant to bring peace between our two kingdoms. But it was a trap."

A heavy feeling in your stomach made you grab Kirishima's shoulder as he fought away his tears. The redhead sniffs, rubbing a finger under his running nose. "They killed the king last after everyone else and displayed their heads to their people as a message. After Bakugou became king upon Masaru's death, he wanted revenge. Bakugou went alone after his mother forbid him and burned down King Masaru's killers-"

"So that's what Bakugou meant when he said me and him were the same? He lost a parent just like me with my mother." You cut in. Kirishima hums, and you say. "Is that what he regretted all these years? Did he regret not saving his father?"

"It's not that. He regrets what he did next." Kirishima shook his head and continued. "By the time I got there as backup, Bakugou already scorched the kingdom to a pile of ashes. But what he didn't know was the villagers he burned in the middle of his rampage. Blinded by rage, he killed everyone, every man, woman...and child. No one was safe so long as he rained fire down from the sky."

A sudden dread hits you at the core. Disbelief is written across your face as you looked down at your lap. Kirishima then picks up one of the blades he kept on his belt and twirled it in his hand. "As punishment for what he did, Bakugou's mother scarred his back and tore through a piece of his wing so he would never turn into a dragon again."

That explains the scar on his back, you said internally, removing the hand on your mouth. Now knowing, you stayed silent and played with your necklace. Nevertheless, you didn't hate him but you imagined the struggle he faced. You would've done the same if the roles were reversed. Choosing not to pry into Bakugou's business any longer, you sat there beside his arm and continued watching over his condition.

The next night, he would open his eyes.

shit! what a week I'm having right? and I'm still alive...shocking

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