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Your kingdom still stands, unharmed by an upcoming threat. Your father and Shouto had built quite the relationship in your absences, unlike the young prince and his father. Shouto understood your father's pain and loss over the years while raising you without a mother. You were the greatest gift his wife left for him on this earth, and now that you're gone—the man was all alone. He doesn't hold any ailment towards you since your letter to Shouto stated your true intentions. He hopes that you are happy wherever you are, carrying the necklace he gifted you and using the power it carried. Until then, he patiently waits for your return.

Unaware of his father's schemes, Shouto has received a couple of letters from his mother. She missed him terribly and hated the distance Enji placed between the two. The same could be said for his siblings. It's Momo handing him the letters and not the messengers—his instructions not Enji's. With the request he made at the wedding, he realized his mistake. The demands he made felt flawed and not thought out properly. While Momo sticks by his side and listens, she's forbidden from providing him comfort as it's her job to protect him, nothing more. If it were up to her, she would fight for Shoutos rights in finding love for himself. 

"I hate to ask, prince shoto but—" Momo spoke, catching Shouto's attention. "At the wedding, you spoke for the princess and yet you didn't place the terms you set on yourself—if the princess can follow her heart, why can't you?" 

"It's not so simple, Yaoyorozu," Shoto spoke softly, writing his letter to his mother. "My father is very controlling, whatever I say doesn't always go my way if he's around. I was speaking my mind for y/n's sake," 

"And that was very kind of you. However, you deserve a little freedom yourself." Momo explained. "After all, you have been training under your father's wing ever since you were a child. You should have a little fun while you're here," 

"I see. Thank you Yaoyorozu," Shouto said, dropping his hands by his sides. As the young general listened, a carriage would move into your kingdom discreetly under Enji's request, carrying a dangerous item ahead of their plan. Hawks grinned before he eventually flew off the edge and carried on following orders.

A month has passed, staying in Bakugou's kingdom. The whole kingdom enjoyed your presence more than the last visitor—mainly the children impressed by your magic. Ochaco offered to teach you more about magic than your own mother. The brunette is exceptionally knowledgeable in gravity magic, attack and enhanced healing spells despite being a sorceress in training. Of course, you accepted the offer without a second thought, excited to further your skills as an elemantalist. 

"Wahh!" Izuku yelps as his body was blown away after he got caught in your magic. Your poor knight lands in the bushes reminding you of the day you first met. 

You covered your mouth in shock before you run over to him and pull him out of Mitsuki's rose bushes. "I'm so sorry Izuku. I did it again." 

Meanwhile, you bounced a red dragon stone in your hand. Ochaco had just taught you how to use the magic power within the stone to enhance your healing spells before she left with Izuku. To your knowledge, the stone's power only worked on dragons and halflings. Using the stone on humans would not work; therefore, it's useless when you try healing a prick on your finger. Studying the stone also left you with an idea. Once you had a clear understanding of how the dragon stone worked, you spotted your new test subject walking out into the garden where you were. You dragged Bakugou away from whatever he was doing for your sole purpose of repairing what he once had. 

In between lessons, you've grown closer to the man who kept you safe ever since he welcomed you into his home. The first night there opened a path to something beautiful—a feeling that somehow made you forget about the world outside of the wall of clouds. Training under him was a different story, he didn't hold back during your little sparring matches. It's tough practice, handling the sword as well as he did but you made sure not to get swept off your feet. 

"What is it now?" He would ask you and you showed him the dragon stone in your hand. He is confused while you're grinning like a big idiot, cradling the stone in your hands as if it's precious. 

"Can you show me your wing, please? I wanna try something," You asked in a soft tone of voice. Raising a brow, Bakugou shrugs off his mantle and lets it pile on the grass. His wings appeared from beneath his shoulder blades, stretching them to their full length. Primarily focused on the right-wing, you frowned at the sight of the tear. When Bakugou took the hit for you, you barely noticed the rip getting bigger after his fall. In your heart, you hoped that Ochacos teachings were worth it. 

Please let this work

Taking a deep breath, you stretched out a hand, glowing a bright green. Gliding the hand along the cut, you muttered a healing spell mending the tear together. Powered by the stone, your healing is enhanced dramatically. Bakugou's eyes widen at his wing as you continue your way downward, settling down on your knees. The words that escaped his lips were more like stutters, and by the time you were done, he was in shock. Stretching the wing out, Bakugou is bewildered, seeing the cut no longer there, and all it took was a simple healing spell with the help of a little red stone. 

"I did it...it worked," You smiled brightly, rising from your crouching position. "It really worked," 

"How the fuck-how did you?!" He muttered, playing around with the healed wing. 

"Dragon stone works like a charm," You explained, feeling the overused stone crumble in your hands. "Now go try out the new wing," 

"You don't have to tell me twice, princess," The blonde huffed, making his way towards the edge. You followed him until you reached a railing. Bakugou climbed on top of it while flexing his wings, giving the full extent joined by his tail. Turning on his heel, you see a grin growing on his face, but you didn't expect him to fall backwards. Looming over the rail you see him zoom past your face. He's fast, soaring through the air in a flash, performing tricks and loops. You watch in amazement, imagining how happy he is or how much he's missed the feeling without sitting on Kirishima's back.  For the moment, you sat down, letting your eyes follow, basking in the joys of your accomplishment until he was hovering right in front of you 

Landing on the rail, you sneered at him. "Having fun, my lord?"

"Heh! Get up here, you damn princess," He scoffed, holding a hand out for you. Rolling your eyes, you climbed up, taking his hand as support. He pulls you in to meet face to face, his tail wrapping around your waist and dips down to crash his lips onto yours. The action made you freeze, eyes widening and heart quickening. You slowly melt into the kiss with equal need, forgetting it was your first—the real thing this time. All at once, the longing is let loose for a fleeting moment, and your eyes fluttered shut. Parting, your noses grazed against each other, lips almost touching and hearts pounding. 

"W-what was that for?" You asked, whispering and opening your eyes to gaze into his. You're still holding onto his hand.

"It was me thanking you, idiot," He whispered back, making you smile out of amusement.

"Is kissing people your way of saying thank you," You mocked him.

"If you're the stuck up princess I like then yeah," He retorted, causing your lips to part at the confession. A few seconds later, he sits your hand on his shoulder. "Hang onto me," 

"Hang onto yo-" Without warning, he takes off, making you gasp. Immediately, your arms went around his neck while his tail slithers behind your knees; that way, he's carrying you bridal style. Taking you up into the sky, you were presented with the beautiful view in his arms again. It's currently nighttime, and all the fires are lit down below. A wonder that resembled a thousand stars lighting up the sky. At such heights, you see the dragons retreating back to their nests on the floating islands. Those that passed you, you bid them goodnight.  

Beaming, you pointed out areas you could recognize, even your room in the palace. Bakugou flew around his home, showing you the vast majority he missed when you first arrived. Including the lava flowing down the mountains, you squealed, holding onto him harder when lava splashed on a rock and almost hits your leg. 

 "Scaredy cat-" He teased you with a chuckle.

"Shut up!" You shout, looking away. 

Please accept this unfinished illustration (that I refuse to put in my artbook) for taking too long on this chapter. I also have another bakugou sketch in the making and now I'm planning on doing hybrid Kirishima as well.

(I used my oc Hine because I hate leaving female characters bald lmao)

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