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quickly I just wanna say sorry for not updating and thank you for 110k reads <3

"Stupid King," You cursed in your native tongue watching Bakugou disappear, alongside him is Kirishima, who flew into the courtyards minutes after Bakugou. Turning to Izuku, you raise a finger before you instruct him. "Not a word out of you, Izuku,"

"B-but princess he just...he just-" The green-haired stammered, cheeks blushing.

"Nope! I'll talk to you later but for now, zip it!" You cut him off, making a zipping motion moving along your lips. As for Ochaco, she didn't move an inch instead her face was completely red.

The sudden interaction left your friends situated behind you in shock. You'd imagined them being a little overdramatic but not all up in your face. Mainly Izuku, who went through the trouble just to be considered a 'friend' to Bakugou ever since they were children. You managed to do it in less than a year which is an excellent feat after all the marriages Bakugou refused over the years. Just hearing this made you depart in a heartbeat to attend to royal matters you made up in your head. 

For the remainder of your time hiding up in your room, you'd look over yourself in the mirror when your shoulder started to itch. Stripping off your shirt, you were left standing with a binder to hide your chest. You moved your body in an attempt to see the mark on your skin properly but you'd only catch a glimpse when you turned around and gazed over your shoulder. Sighing, you turn your front to the mirror and pick at your necklace. Uncliping the latch connecting the chain, you held it in your palm, shaking it a couple of times.

"I miss you father," You muttered to yourself, chaining the necklace around your neck once more. In your reflection, you see the curtains to the balcony flying in the direction of the wind. Immediately, reaching for your shirt, you turned on your heel just as Bakugou walked through the patio doors. 

"I thought we agreed to wait before we announce our relationship," You claimed, tugging your shirt back on. A sound of annoyance is all he could muster as a reply. Looking away from the mirror, you made brief eye contact. 

"I didn't agree to shit, you assumed that I did," Bakugou retorts, slumping down your neat and tidy bed. You adjusted your clothes and necklace, clicking your tongue as you approached one of the bed poles. 

"You know, I don't understand your way of thinking sometimes and besides, your grumbling counts as a yes," You explained, lips forming a grin. Bakugou huffs, moving his hand beneath his head. 

"Oh yeah? And who gave you that idea, huh? I bet it was Kirishima or Raccoon eyes with lovey-dovey crap," Bakugou guessed, closing his eyes. 

"Myself actually but then again, I just assume everything, right?" You asked in a taunting tone of voice. 

"You're not wrong about that, princess," 

"And what about your people, Bakugou? What will they think about us?" You asked, leaning against the pole. "I can hear them now. 'Oh no our poor belligerent king had his heart stolen by a runaway princess,'  or 'Finally, he's not running away from another princess this time,"

"Okay, you can shut up now," The blonde tells you, snatching by the wrist with his tail. You yelped falling right next to him and into his arm. Rubbing your nose, you land a playful punch on his side. Bakugou rests his chin on top of your head when his nose twitches. "You smell different?"

"How?" You asked, taking a whiff of your shirt. You didn't smell anything out of the ordinary, only the fragrance of a wild emerald flower. Mina used the aroma in your bath to make your skin smell 'heavenly'. You assumed that his strong nose picked up the scent-

"You stink," Nevermind. 

"Asshole," You pout, punching bakugou again, harder than before. You shuffled away out of annoyance, crossing your arms over your chest. Shifting your body onto its side you turned your back on Bakugou. 

"Learn to take a joke, dumbass," You hear in your ear before you find yourself wrapped in Bakugou's arm. Your face flared up when your cheek was smooshed against the side of his chest. Feeling a thumb grazing your right shoulder, you winced when your mark began to itch. "It's here isn't it?" 

"Oh yeah, my shoulder," You mumbled, sitting up and turning around so Bakugou could your shirt over your shoulder to see the mark. "Apparently, every member of my family is gifted with a mark when their magic is at its peak or something like that I think-" 

"Convenient. Maybe you'll stay off your ass the next time we spar," Bakugou assumed, fingers tracing the mark. 

You snorted, looking behind you. "You'll be the only one who's sitting on their ass after I beat you," 

"I doubt it, princess but you can try," The blonde snicker, and pinches your right cheek making you whine. Rolling your eyes, you formed a snowball in your hand and quickly smooshed in his face. Instantly, you crawled near the edge of your bed when his hand wrapped around your ankle. Wiping the snow off his face with his other hand, you did your best to hide your giggles. "Now you die-" 

"No!" You shrieked, making another snowball in your hand. Instead of throwing it at Bakugou's face, the blonde snatched the ball and gave you a taste of your own medicine. You yelped, brushing the snow from your face. To torture you, Bakugou shoved whatever was left in his hands down the back of your shirt. "Bakugou!" 

"Not nice is it, huh?" He laughed at your suffering, fighting against the cold running down your back. "I come back from hunting poachers for weeks and this how you treat me?"

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!" You squealed, turning onto your back. Panting, you clutched onto Bakugou's wrist as his body leans over you. He continues laughing at your face, giving you a moment for the snow to melt. You didn't care if your shirt was wet and used your collar to wipe your face until you were sure the snow was gone. 

"And to answer your question about my people-" Bakugou started, you lay there and ushered him to continue. "Who cares about what they think? They'll be happy with whoever I chose so if Deku and Round face tell other people I won't give a shit." 

You smiled. "If you say so, your majesty," 

"Yeah yeah, keep being a smartass and see where that gets you, princess," Bakugou warns you, jabbing a finger against your forehead. You simply laughed although it earned you another jab on the forehead. "By the way, you're coming with me tomorrow," 

"Where?" You asked.

"An abandoned village outside of Takoba territory. Had several reports about a poacher camp set up in that village." Bakugou explained. "Free opportunity to kick some ass," 

Ta-dah! A cliffhanger!

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