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Falling - Harry Styles

WARNING: This chapter mentions rape, child abuse and descriptions of injuries. Also, coochie tomato gets decked in the face really REALLY hard and loses a tooth.

"Hey! what do you think you're doing with y/n!"

Glaring daggers into Kouichi's very soul was Katsuki Bakugou himself, who went out looking for you after lying to his friends. Between the fingers of his fists are small pops of his explosion quirk. Your frightened expression quickly softens and you were glad that someone showed up to stop what was about to happen to you a second time. You would've smiled in relief if it weren't for Kouichi's hand squishing your cheeks together in a bruising grip.

"Who's this idiot?" Kouichi growled, turning your gaze onto him.

"An idiot who can kill you in two seconds if you don't let the girl go," The blonde threatens. The man huffs, looking down at you before he harshly shoves you to the ground. You yelped, scraping your knees on impact. They stung almost instantly. The same could be said for your palm and knuckles, your skin all scratched and filthy. Scanning the state of your skin, you would feel Kouichi's hand graze your cheek, forcing out a whimper.

"Till next time y/n," Kouichi promised, chuckling lowly. It took less than a second to process his words. But instead of being smug about his threat, Bakugou would punch Kouichi in the face so hard it sent him butt first onto the floor. Flying out of Kouichi's mouth is his tooth, bouncing along the ground. The black haired boy whimpers grabbing hold of his now aching cheek whilst Bakugou stands above him, menacingly.

Snatching Kouichi up by the ruff of his shirt, the blonde's crimson eyes darken. "I don't know who you are shithead! but if you ever come around y/n again you'll have me to deal with, got it?"

Kouichi let out a squeak when Bakugou showed off his quirk beside his face. Then your attacker would raise his hands in defence—like a coward. Bakugou thrashed him around bringing Kouichi's face inches away from his. "Now get the fuck out of here before you lose some teeth!" 

Slowly sitting on the side of your legs, you rubbed around the uninjured skin on your knees and hissed when you accidentally graze your wounds. For that moment, you couldn't stop the tears running down your face and reached to wipe them away. Mind flooding and boggling, you whimpered, followed by a hiccup. Kouichi was long gone and only Bakugou stayed behind. 

"Oi! You good?"

Choking on your sobs, you looked up seeing a hand extended out for you. The sudden action made you flinch, yet Bakugou waits till you accept it. Carefully pulling you onto your feet, Bakugou's hand turn yours over so he could inspect the scrapes. He clicks his tongue turning your other hand over, seeing the same. "Come on,"

When he starts letting go of your hand, you pulled it back. "wait don't!...don't leave me," 

The blonde spins back, seeing your hand clinging to the sleeve of his jacket. You attaching yourself to him is what all victims go through when facing a struggle. It's better if it's with someone they trust. He's seen it out in the streets after a pro saves the day but has never had it happen to him till now. Seeing Bakugou lash out made you forget why you were upset at the blonde in the first place.

He starts pulling you down the street, making sure to be sure gentle and slow so you wouldn't stumble on your footing. You pulled the collar of your shirt over your face while the tears continued to rain down. For a brief second, Bakugou could hear you quietly say sorry over and over again. Why? he didn't even know. 

"It's my fault," You sobbed in your shirt.

After walking for some time, Bakugou stops in front of a house. Hauling you through the main gate, he slid a key into the front door making you hum. He pushed the door open, leading you inside and helped you slip off your shoes and his own. Replacing the shoe with blue slippers, Bakugou steers you when you refused to look up. The back of your knees hit his couch, making your body slump down on the sofa.

"Stay there. I'll be back in a second," He assures you, leaving you to walk off into the kitchen, another room standing beside you. You could hear the sound of water and true to his word, Bakugou would return with a bowl of water, a first aid kit and a towel in his hands. 

He parked it down on top of the coffee table sitting in front of you, setting his things by his side. You'd watch him take your hands turning them to reveal your knuckles littered with scratches and blood. He soaks an end of the cloth before he dabs the dry blood and does the same with your knees. An ointment came last, lathering your skin in its healing remedy.

Bakugou sighed glancing up at you weeping into your now bandaged hands. He quickly made work on your knees that way he could ask. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Your movement was still and you slowly uncovered your eyes. You sniffed blinking away the remains of your tears filling the brim of your eyes. The blonde hands you the towel after wetting the other end for you to wipe your face.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you—" You spoke up. In your head, you felt disgusting after Kouichi's hands touched you back in the alleyway. Seeing him again had your mind spiralling uncontrollably and questions flooding the vast depths of your brain. 

"And what makes you think that?" Asked Bakugou, rolling the bandage around your left knee. 

"Not that many people believed me when I told them—only my dad, Recovery girl and Shinsou," You confessed. It was true. There was your mother, her boyfriend and other friends who stopped hanging around, accusing you of lying—hearing this piqued Bakugou's interest. 

"Can I trust you, bakugou?" You asked, desperate. 

"If it helps you then yeah I guess you can. I'm not a snitch so you have my word," Bakugou nods his head taking the empty spot beside you. Bakugou didn't say anything the moment muttered a word. Honing a solemn expression on his face, Bakugou waited for you to tell your story. He even knitted his hands together, and leaned his elbows on his thighs, giving you his utmost attention. You licked your lip and sucked in a breath through your teeth.

"That boy back in the alleyway. His name is Kouichi Tomoe," You began. "He's....he's Kazuko's father,"

Bakugou's eyes widen. "He's the father!" 

"Yeah, he is. But I wish he wasn't," You stated. Bakugou ushers you to continue, which you did.

"Kouichi...was my childhood best friend. We've known each other since we were kids, he was seven and I was five. I hung out with him every day after school and on the weekends just to get away from my abusive mother. Over the years, I started to fall for Kouichi so much that I never realized how manipulative he was." As you shared your story, you took a pregnant pause to calm your breathing.

"One afternoon...Kouichi invited me to a house party with his friends which I declined numerous times saying that I didn't know anyone there. Somehow he knew how to convince my mother into permitting him to take me out for the night and the next thing I knew I was in a car."

Now comes the hard part. "Almost everyone at that party was intoxicated except Kouichi and me. I stuck by his side following him where he went and staying close. It was like I tied myself to him and soon he and his friends would walk into one of the bedrooms. Kouichi sits me down on the bed and his friends would start to surround us. We were talking when things turned weird and I started to get uncomfortable. I wanted to leave then-" 

Crumbling into your hands, you accidentally let out an uncontrollable whimper. You were falling into anguish, hiccuped breaths.

"Then they forced me down onto the bed and Kouichi....he...he," you stop mid sentence before you cried it out. "he raped me,"

The blonde sitting next to you gasped in disbelief and a sudden onset of anger stiffened his posture.

"I tried to stop him.....but I couldn't! And I got pregnant because of him!" You wailed combing your fingers through your hair tugging at it. "I was kicked out of my house! My own mother threw me out into the streets! I had to give up being a kid just so I could raise another!"

After that last scream, Bakugou couldn't hold back. He enveloped you into an embrace, a comforting one. Your hands brushed up his chest grabbing onto his shirt.

Your cries came out as screams but against his shoulder muffles. Bakugou pats your hair trying his absolute best to calm you down. In all honesty, he was glad he punched Kouichi if only he knew at the beginning so he could give him more. 

Thank you for hyping me up so I could update this book. I'm surprised by how popular it's getting on here and Archive it makes me happy so thank you.

Also, I love reading the comments they really make my day <3

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