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Idontwannabeyouanymore - Billie Eilish

[Disclaimer: blood (a little), quirk awakenings, and a character returns to the story]

Today is the day, your little Kazuko is officially a year old. You woke up early to finish the last-minute preparations like moving his presents into another room before you woke him up. You sang him a happy birthday as you poured all your love into your morning kisses and cuddles.

After a bubble bath, you made sure to dress him up in the cutest outfit you could find. It's warm out so you didn't want him to get hot during the day. Settling for blue overalls, a short white tee, and a pair of white socks, you stepped it up a notch. You decided to match seeing as you loved matching your outfits with Kazuko whenever you had the motivation. Plus you found it really cute.

It's Saturday today meaning everyone was free to do whatever they please. Class A had dropped everything to help you set up your son's birthday party in the dorms. They loved Kazuko so much and would almost do anything for him when an idea didn't stick out to them while you planned (you felt the same as well). The common floor had already been decorated the night before. All the coloured balloons have been blown up with helium and are now stuck to the ceiling. Confetti was lined on the walls and taped down. As for the food, everyone did their part in contributing...well mostly Sato and Bakugou.

"Happy birthday Kazuko!" All of the girls fawned over Yours and Kazuko's outfits, taking pictures as you requested so long as they send them to you later. Momo had made the banner that spanned long enough for the big bold letters coloured in red spelling 'Happy birthday Kazuko-Oboro!' could be seen clearly.

"There, perfect! You can hang it there you two!" Momo instructed Ochaco and Izuku, who pinned the banner to the wall while floating above the ground. The two hover back down and overlooked their work as your eyes spotted the pennant.

"Wow, Momo! The banner looks amazing and you even got his middle name right!" You exclaimed, holding Kazuko against your hip. You would turn so he could see with your finger pointing at the banner. "Look Kazuko, it's so pretty,"

Momo clapped her hands together. "I'm glad you like it Y/n! I had to ask Mr Aizawa if I got the name right. He said Oboro is Kazuko's middle name so I decided to add it to the banner."

"It's perfect. Thank you so much Momo," You thanked her, looking down at Kazuko when he spots Bakugou from afar.

"Kazuko-Oboro?" Izuku reads the banner after he overheard you. Cleaning up Kazuko's face, you lowered him onto the ground. You let him walk around on his own and the second he was down, he ran straight for Bakugou's leg screaming 'Papa'. Bakugou couched down, tapping his finger on Kazuko's forehead.

"I'm not your dad, kid," Bakugou corrected the child, expecting Kazuko to understand what he was saying. Kazuko continues to blurt out the word, therefore, starting an ongoing loop. "No Kazuko stop saying that,"

Prior to the party, you and Bakugou talked over the use of Kazuko's new word. You suggested an alternative for the word papa that sounded a little childish for Bakugou to relay to Kazuko. Every time you hear Kazuko say papa, you'd make him say another word that rhymed mainly baba, a shorter version of Bakugou's name. However, none of the alternatives worked.

"Um, dad...I don't have Kazuko's present yet," You whispered in your dad's ear. Aizawa raises a brow, his mind recalling the numerous gift you've bought for him already. "The main one I'm talking about,"

"Why not? You commissioned this gift a while ago it should've been here already." He asked you, placing his own gift on the gift table on top of the pile already towering over everyone else in the room.

"I know! The place I ordered it from had a delay but they just informed me that it's okay for me to pick it up," You pulled your phone out of your back pocket and looked at the screen reading the messages about Kazuko's present.

Aizawa sighs as he gestured to the front door by pointing his thumb behind him. Luckily he had his car keys tucked in his pocket. "Fine. Let's make it there and back quickly,"

"Thanks, Dad," You thanked him, turning on your heel to face Momo. "Can you watch over Kazuko for me, I'll be back in a bit."

"Of course! We're also expecting another guest to arrive soon." The raven-haired girl explains which made you stop mid-step.

"Wait who is it? I wasn't aware of anyone else showing up for the party?" You asked her, confusion in your voice.

"It's a surprise some of us put together for you, Aizawa and Kazuko," Momo answers.

For the past few minutes, you struggled to carry the gift up the dormitory steps while Aizawa parked the car elsewhere. The box in your hands was around half your height and would probably take over an hour for whatever is inside to assemble. It's heavy to carry but regardless, you continued to move it up the steps. Huffing at the last steps, you put the box down, panting profusely. Your arms were sore especially when you pushed the box until it touched the door.

Resting your back against the door, you could hear voices coming from inside. Expecting it to be happy noise, you wished it wasn't your baby crying or a voice you haven't heard in a long time.

'No don't tell me,' You spoke internally. You hoped that you were as hopped onto your feet. Grabbing hold of the door handle, you swing the door open and hopes are shattered on the spot. Your ears heard right and your eyes landed on the middle age woman, carrying your baby in her arms.

The nerve of this woman to have a smile on her face after everything. All the pain she caused. Your face twisted in disgust and nausea spurred in your stomach. Yet, despite your uneasy feeling others seemed a little too happy. You could see Bakugou and Shinsou standing by, confused much like yourself.

"Surprise Y/n! You wouldn't believe who decided to visi-" Ochaco began all excited and happy for you. You purposely ignored her as your stridden past her and confronted your mother.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up here," You cut the brunette off closing the door behind you. Memories of the past replayed in your head and you've noticed a missing figure who is always by your mother's side.

"Y/n..." Your mother met your eyes, you were shaking, fists clenching tight. "It's good to see you, my daughter. How have you been?"

"Save it! You can stop pretending like you care because we both know that you can't fool me anymore," You snarled, folding your arms over your chest. Looking over your mother, she looked the same as before, only her attire made her appear more than she is not. A loving mother.

"Y/n, please. I don't understand why you're acting like this in front of your friends and your son," Your mother protests, attempting to gaslight you in order for you to doubt yourself.

You chose to ignore her when Kazuko brought your attention to him. His screams tore your heart apart as he reached for your shirt. Your mother refused the baby's needs and kept him close.

"Give me my son," You ordered, softly. A tightness in your chest roused by your frustration urged you to control your breathing. Even when your mother refused your command, you took a few deep breaths.

"I'm warning you m/n," Your mother's name rolled off your tongue. "You're not my mother nor the grandmother of my child. Now give him to me!"

"Bakugou. Do you know what's going on?" Todoroki asked the tempered blonde whilst the confrontation grew heavy. Seeing sparks in his palms, Todoroki realises the gravity of the situation. It took Todoroki a second, looking back and forth until he finally figured it out on his own. Judging by the way your mother acted towards you was nothing more than toxic and abusive. Todoroki shared his suspicions with Izuku standing beside him.

"Oh, we thought inviting her here would make y/n happy," Izuku mumbled, causing to Bakugou to snap his head towards his childhood friend.

"We?! Who's we?" Bakugou yells, grabbing Izuku by the collar of his shirt.

"It was Me, Deku, Momo and Mina," Ochaco answered for Izuku, bowing her head in shame. "-And Todoroki too,"

"You did what?" Shinsou buts in.

"Are you guys fucking stupid!" Bakugou cursed and those who participate accepted the insult. 

"No! I deserve to be in my grandson's life!" Your mother argued, turning her body and making Kazuko cry and thrash a lot harder.

"You don't deserve to be around children after what you did. After all the shit you've put me through what makes you think I'm gonna let Kazuko near you-" Eyes burning, you feel your blood boil. As you were about to say another word, Shinsou stepped in front of you, holding his arm out. 

"That's enough, Y/n. Calm down," He tells you. Then Shinsou glares at your mother and asks. "Who the hell are you?"

Everyone fell silent as your mother answered his question sounding rather offended by his tone before she froze. Shinsou smirked, feeling your grip on his arm. Your eyes started to itch, causing your vision to blur.

"Give Kazuko back to Y/n-" Shinous orders the woman.

"No!" You shout, rubbing at your eyes then blinking until the blur had cleared up. Looking at Shinsou, he gasps out of shock upon seeing your eyes but you looked over at your mother in a trance. "Give Kazuko to Bakugou and make my mother wait outside for me,"

Bakugou grabs your arm, whispering. "I don't trust you being alone with her,"

"I know you don't but I'll be fine," You assured him.

"Not right now. Listen your eyes-"

"Bakugou, look. You have to trust me for a second. I know what I have to do," You explained, yet your eyes didn't sit well with him and you haven't noticed the change.

"Y/n your eyes are red!" Bakugou tells you, holding your chin in his hand. He could see the strains in your eyes, reminding him of Aizawa when his quirk is active. Looking down at your hands, the normal green glow of your healing quirk was suddenly red. Your eyes widen upon realisation, thus you mentally deactivated your quirk by blinking your eyes repeatedly and shaking your hands. Once you were sure it stopped, you asked Bakugou to check and he nods his head.

"Please Bakugou...please do this one thing for me?" You plead softly, resting your hand on top of his.

"And let you get hurt again. No fucking way," Bakugou protests.

"You told me never to take the blame for other people's actions, right?" You finished, moving his hand from your chin and holding it for a while, squeezing it then smiling. "I'll spark the flames first,"

"Stealing my lines, huh?" Bakugou snickers.

"It's because you always know what to say at the right moment," You admitted, releasing his hand and glancing over to Shinsou. "Hitoshi can you-"

Shinsou nods his head commanding your mother. The woman hands the weeping child into Bakugou's wanting arms and Shinsou follows her out of the room after he gives her another command. You combed Kazuko's hair behind his ear, leaning in to kiss his head. After you wiped his tears, you walked towards the front door. As you followed after Shinsou you felt something wet on your cheeks and wiping it away you saw that it was blood.

Man I didn't expect this chapter to be this long lmao-
I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll try to upload another chapter as soon as possible since it's like a continuation of this chapter

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