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Moonlight - Chase Atlantic

A double update for my babies

I love you (say it back or i eat your family)

Worried washed over you while on the phone. You stepped out on your balcony chatting with the person on the other line so Kazuko and Bakugou could sleep. Time passed, and the investigation into Kouichi's disappearance had been pulling your strings. In a world where finding people is easy, the police made it sound like the job was hard. The updates you receive on the weekends would lead from one dead-end to another, an endless loop.

You gripped the rail, rubbing your face as the officer explained their next move. If any more news is brought up about Kouichi, you'd be the first to know. You agree with it, but in truth, you were disappointed and pissed. Hanging up the phone, you raked your fingers through your hair. The next caller was Hisa, calling in about your well-being. After explaining, you asked her the same. She answered them, sparking small talk. It wouldn't last long, and the conversation would switch on the investigation that had been dragged out for weeks.

"I just don't get it. With all the blood, sweat, and tears I put into the case, I feel like the police aren't taking this seriously. It almost makes me want to drop everything and go out there to find him myself," You confessed, dramatically and quietly.

"Don't say that Y/n. The police are doing all that they can, they'll find him. Just worry about yourself for now instead of stressing out over the case," Hisa assures you. You doubt it, as it's taking them so long to find one guy.

"I'm not stressed, I'm upset. This has been going on for weeks and not a single lea-" You paused, groaning into the phone whilst your finger tapping on the railing stops. Taking a deep breath, through your nose and out your mouth, you lowered your tone. "You're right, Hisa. I shouldn't worry about the case,"

"Everything is gonna be okay, Y/n. You'll have justice soon enough but in the meantime, let the police handle the rest, Okay?" Hisa spoke in a soft voice. You mumbled a small reply and ended the call after saying your goodbyes.

After replying to numerous emails and messages, you let out a noise of relief. Taking your eyes off your phone, you poked your head into your slide door, watching Bakugou napping on your bed with Kazuko sleeping on his chest under his tiny blanket. The sight had your heart flutter

Quietly, you snapped a couple of pictures for safekeeping, whispering. "Cute,"

With that, you resumed your task prior to all the phone calls and cleaned up your room. Sorting out Kazuko's clothes and toys into their designated space is what took you hours. Half of what you tidy needed to be washed, including your clothes. You stuffed your laundry into your basket, your clothes at the bottom and Kazuko's on the top.

After you threw another blanket on top of Bakugou and Kazuko, you moved your baby up Bakugou's chest a bit. This caused the blonde to unconsciously move his arm around Kazuko, protecting him from falling. Then Bakugou turned on his side, taking Kazuko with him. If Bakugou didn't cradle Kazuko in that arm, you would've leaned over to catch Kazuko before his head hit the wall.

"Phew-" you sighed.

Taking out your clothes, you greeted whoever passed by. Since the birthday party, life in the dorms has gotten a little light on your part and you're slowly getting used to class A's crazy antics. They check up on you and build trust each time the more you stuck around. Everyone wants you to be safe and comfortable, just to make you smile.

As you made it to the washroom, a familiar pink-haired girl approached you. You were surprised by Mina, beaming like there was no tomorrow, especially after your date. Excitement is what felt Mina at the moment, and you were prepared for the interrogation.

"Soooooo...how was your date?" Asked Mina, earning a gleaming simper. Turning a shirt inside in, you threw it in the washing machine before grabbing another from your basket. You deliberately left her wondering, snickering. "Oh come on, Y/n! I need to know the details!"

You smiled at the girl, then proceeded to tell her everything, beginning to end without missing a single detail. Mina listened well, squealing at the little things. Dumping your last load in the machine, you alleviated her nosiness by ending your story by mentioning Bakugou kissing your forehead.

"Aww, that's so cute! I never knew Bakugou was such a romantic," Mina beamed, holding her cheeks between her hands.

"Me neither. But he wants our relationship to go slow at first so we're taking turns at picking a place we want to go," You explained. Turning a couple of dials, you start up the machine. "Oh, we're planning on going out again in a couple of days,"

"What! Already! It's only been a few days since the first one. Are you sure Bakugou wants to take it slow?" Mina shouts then grabs you by your shoulders. "We need to go shopping sometime!"

You laughed for a while, enjoying the moment until someone interrupts the two of you from continuing any longer.

"Hey, y/n-san!" Yelled Kirishima, running over to you and saying goodbye to the girls. "Have you seen Bakugou anywhere? He should've finished training a while ago but I can't find him."

"He went for a nap after his bath," You answered quickly, picking up the basket.

"Oh right! I'll wait until he wakes up. Thanks!" Kirishima thanks you, running in the opposite direction of where you were heading. Mina, on the other hand, reminds you to tell her everything or she'll hunt you till you do. You simply comply and went your way, taking your basket with you.

Sighing, you walked back into the room, dropping the basket in the corner of your room. In your bathroom, you mentally slapped yourself on the forehead seeing the mess of your skincare and toothpaste on the counter holding your sink. You used a pack of disinfectant wipes sitting in a drawer below your sink and rubbed at the dirty surface, harbouring dirt.

"Ow! Hey, you little-"

Walking out, you see Bakugou lifting his head to growl at Kazuko, clawing at his cheeks and hair whilst he screeched. You raised a brow, dropping the things in your hands. Once you washed your hands, you watched Bakugou pull your baby off his face. He lifts his arms, keeping Kazuko out of reach of his hair.

"You stop it, you little runt-" Bakugou growled, placing Kazuko back on his chest. However, Kazuko continues crawling back up to his face making the blonde groan. "Didn't you hear me,"

Bakugou yawns, covering Kazuko's face with his hand. He playfully squished his chubby cheeks and pinched his nose between his fingers. Kazuko would move his head, trying to catch Bakugou's fingers in his mouth and nibble.

"If you like, I can put him back to sleep if you're still tired," you interrupted the little moment.

Bakugou shook his head, sitting up on his elbows. "I shouldn't have been here if I was tired,"

You picked Kazuko up in your arms, holding him against your hip. "I don't mind lending you my bed if you're tired, Katsuki. I think Kazuko likes having you around and that little trick you do with your quirk,"

Standing up, Bakugou stretched his arms over his head. "I'm fine in my own bed, and I'm not a heater."

"Aww, Kazuko wouldn't like to hear you say that, Katsuki," You teased the blonde with pouting lips. Kazuko grinned as he chewed on his own finger. Bakugou flickers your forehead making you whine. You rubbed at the spot in pain, smacking his arm that seemed to have less effect on him than it did you.

"Damn, you and your musc-." Bakugou shuts you by kissing you. It's been awhile since the last one and you leaned into despite Kazuko reaching for Bakugou's face once again. You chuckled against Bakugou's lips, parting to look down at you Kazuko. "Kazuko stop it,"

You grabbed his little hand, right as Bakugou shakes his head. Then he remembers something "Oh shit,"

"What is it, Katsuki?" You asked, tilting your head to the side.

"I know it's all of a sudden but-tch," He click his, rubbing the back of his neck. "My parents want to meet you tomorrow,"

His parents?

Mommy Mitsuki next chapter?

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